Age gracefully

Join the 98k+ American women taking control of their health & aging with our 100% free (and fun!) daily emails:

  • Sunflower Seeds vs Sesame Seeds – Which is Healthier?

  • 11 Things That Can Change Your Eye Color

  • Gut-Positive Pot Noodles

  • Sunflower Seeds vs Sesame Seeds – Which is Healthier?

  • 11 Things That Can Change Your Eye Color

  • Gut-Positive Pot Noodles

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  • Sunflower Seeds vs Sesame Seeds – Which is Healthier?

    Sunflower seeds edge out sesame with a better fat profile, more protein, lower glycemic index, and an impressive vitamin tally. Moderation makes both a win!
  • 11 Things That Can Change Your Eye Color

    Eye color changes: from baby blues to aging hues, disease effects, and medication side effects, learn what can trigger a shift in your iris tone.
  • Gut-Positive Pot Noodles

    Revamp your meal game with a pot noodle that’s delicious, healthy, and satiating! A perfect blend of fiber, protein, and irresistible flavors awaits you.
  • NADᐩ Against Aging

    Dive into the crucial role of NAD+ in delaying aging, enhancing health, and boosting lifespan through diet, exercise, and innovative scientific interventions.
  • “You Just Need to Lose Weight” And 19 Other Myths About Fat People – by Aubrey Gordon

    Busting weight myths with clarity and detail, this book offers validation for some and eye-opening insights for others—a must-read on health and weight misconceptions.
  • Get Past Executive Dysfunction

    Struggling with decision-making paralysis? The solution might be simpler than solving the “travelling salesman problem” of your daily tasks.
  • Almond Butter vs Cashew Butter – Which is Healthier?

    Almond butter triumphs with higher protein, fiber, and essential vitamins over cashew butter—a nutritional win unless you have specific dietary needs. Enjoy responsibly!
  • The Reason You’re Alone

    Feeling lonely? Learn why it happens, how to forge lasting friendships, and overcome the fear of rejection for a happier life.
  • Black Bean Burgers With Guacamole

    Say hello to a healthier burger! Packed with protein, fiber, and heat, this recipe transforms the guilty pleasure into a nourishing feast.
  • When Bad Joints Stop You From Exercising (5 Things To Change)

    Bad joints don’t have to halt your fitness goals—embrace low-impact exercises like swimming, strengthen with supported movements, stop before it hurts, prioritize recovery, and seek professional help.
  • Leek vs Scallions – Which is Healthier?

    Leeks triumph over scallions with more vitamins and minerals, despite similar glycemic indices—choosing leeks means more nutritional bang for your bite.
  • 6 Lifestyle Factors To Measurably Reduce Biological Age

    Julie Gibson Clark’s anti-aging regimen trumps billionaire Bryan Johnson’s, with a mix of exercise, diet, brain health, hormesis, supplements, and rigorous testing.
  • South Indian-Style Chickpea & Mango Salad

    Spice up your mealtime with a heart-healthy, cholesterol-fighting chickpea dish packed with flavorful spices and fresh mango zing. Enjoy a bonus boost for your diet!
  • Ketogenic Diet: Burning Fat Or Burning Out?

    45% think keto risks outweigh benefits, while science critiques its long-term health impact, suggesting healthier diet alternatives.
  • Watermelon vs Cucumber – Which is Healthier?

    Cucumber edges out watermelon with a lower glycemic index and a more diverse vitamin and mineral profile—our pick in the health face-off.
  • 10 Lessons For A Healthy Mind & Body

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  • Chipotle Chili Wild Rice

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  • Is still water better for you than sparkling water?

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  • When should you get the updated COVID-19 vaccine?

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  • The Princess of Wales wants to stay cancer-free. What does this mean?

    Princess Catherine completes chemotherapy: a look at what being “cancer-free” really means, the nuances of remission, and the ongoing battle against cancer recurrence.
  • With Only Gloves To Protect Them, Farmworkers Say They Tend Sick Cows Amid Bird Flu

    Farmworkers face bird flu risk with scant protection, as Colorado farms cull poultry and dairy cows spread the virus.

Age Gracefully

Using Science to Help You Age Gracefully

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