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The words in plain English are shown on a blue background.

In Plain English…

There’s a lot that goes into supplements and medicines, and sadly not all of it is great for us. In this article we break down all the common additives, good and bad!

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An illustration of a bowl filled with a bean or legume-based dish, garnished with green herbs. Surrounding the bowl are various vegetables and herbs. The text "WISE OLD FOOL" appears next to the image, along with a "10 almonds" icon in the bottom right corner, adding a quirky touch.

Wise Old Fool

Dive into culinary history with the age-old “fūl mudammas” recipe, a seasoned fava bean dish steeped in tradition and perfect for breakfast lovers.

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Cordyceps: Friend or Foe?

Cordyceps: Friend Or Foe?

Cordyceps: friend or foe? This parasitic fungus controls the nervous systems of its host, but fortunately, it doesn’t affect humans. It has potential health benefits, including anti-inflammation, anti-aging, and anti-cancer properties.

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