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Aging - what we can and can't do about it.

Age & Aging: What Can (And Can’t) We Do About It?

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How old do you want to be?

We asked you how old you are, and got an interesting spread of answers. This wasn’t too surprising; of course we have a general idea of who our readership is and we write accordingly.

What’s interesting is the gap for “40s”.

And, this wasn’t the case of a broken poll button, it’s something that crops up a lot in health-related sociological research. People who are most interested in taking extra care of their body are often:

  • Younger people full of optimism about maintaining this perfectly healthy body forever
  • Older people realizing “if I don’t want to suffer avoidable parts of age-related decline, now is the time to address these things”

In between, we often have a gap whereby people no longer have the optimism of youth, but do not yet feel the pressure of older age.

Which is not to say there aren’t 40-somethings who do care! Indeed, we know for a fact we have some subscribers in their 40s (and some in their 90s, too), just, they evidently didn’t vote in this poll.

Anyway, let’s bust some myths…

Aging is inevitable: True or False?

False, probably. That seems like a bold (and fortune-telling) claim, so let’s flip it to deconstruct it more logically:

Aging is, and always will be, unstoppable: True or False?

That has to be “False, probably”. To say “true” now sounds like an even bolder claim. Just like “the moon will always be out of reach”.

  • When CPR was first developed, first-aiders were arrested for “interfering with a corpse”.
  • Many diseases used to be death sentences that are now “take one of these in the morning”
    • If you think this is an appeal to distant history, HIV+ status was a death sentence in the 90s. Now it’s “take one of these in the morning”.

But, this is an appeal to the past, and that’s not always a guarantee of the future. Where does the science stand currently? How is the research and development doing on slowing, halting, reversing aging?

We can slow aging: True or False?

True! There’s a difference between chronological age (i.e., how much time has passed while we’ve been alive) and biological age (i.e., what our diverse markers of aging look like).

Biological age often gets talked about as a simplified number, but it’s more complex than that, as we can age in different ways at different rates, for example:

  • Visual markers of aging (e.g. wrinkles, graying hair)
  • Performative markers of aging (e.g. mobility tests)
  • Internal functional markers of aging (e.g. tests for cognitive decline, eyesight, hearing, etc)
  • Cellular markers or aging (e.g. telomere length)
  • …and more, but we only have so much room here

There are things we can do to slow most of those, including:

In the case of cognitive decline particularly, check out our previous article:

How To Reduce Your Alzheimer’s Risk

It’s too early to worry about… / It’s too late to do anything about… True or False?

False and False!

Many things that affect our health later in life are based on early-life choices and events. So it’s important for young people to take advantage of that. The earlier one adopts a healthy lifestyle, the better, because, and hold onto your hats for the shocker here: aging is cumulative.

However, that doesn’t mean that taking up healthy practices (or dropping unhealthy ones) is pointless later in life, even in one’s 70s and beyond!

Read about this and more from the National Institute of Aging:

What Do We Know About Healthy Aging?

We can halt aging: True or False?

False, for now at least. Our bodies are not statues; they are living organisms, constantly rebuilding themselves, constantly changing, every second of every day, for better or for worse. Every healthy or unhealthy choice you make, every beneficial or adverse experience you encounter, affects your body on a cellular level.

Your body never, ever, stops changing for as long as you live.


We can reverse aging: True or False?

True! Contingently and with limitations, for now at least.

Remember what we said about your body constantly rebuilding itself? That goes for making itself better as well as making itself worse.

But those aren’t really being younger, we’ll still die when our time is up: True or False?

False and True, respectively.

Those kinds of things are really being younger, biologically. What else do you think being biologically younger is?

We may indeed die when our time is up, but (unless we suffer fatal accident or incident first) “when our time is up” is something that is decided mostly by the above factors.

Genetics—the closest thing we have to biological “fate”—accounts for only about 25% of our longevity-related health*.

Genes predispose, but they don’t predetermine.

*Read more: Human longevity: Genetics or Lifestyle? It takes two to tango

(from the Journal of Immunity and Ageing)

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