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Dr. Jaime Seeman: Hard To Kill?

This is Dr. Jaime Seeman. She’s a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist with a background in nutrition, exercise, and health science. She’s also a Fellow in Integrative Medicine, and a board-certified nutrition specialist.

However, her biggest focus is preventative medicine.

What does she want us to know?

The Five Pillars of being “Hard to Kill”!

As an athlete when she was younger, she got away with poor nutrition habits with good exercise, but pregnancy (thrice) brought her poor thyroid function, other hormonal imbalances, and pre-diabetes.

So, she set about getting better—not something the general medical establishment focuses on a lot! Doctors are pressured to manage symptoms, but are under no expectation to actually help people get better.

So, what are her five pillars?


Dr. Seeman unsurprisingly recommends a whole-foods diet with lots of plants, but unlike many plant-enjoyers, she is also an enjoyer of the ketogenic diet.

While keto-enthusiasts say “carbs are bad” and vegans say “meat is bad”, the reality is: both of those things can be bad, and in both cases, avoiding the most harmful varieties is a very good first step:


This is in two parts:

  • get your 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week
  • keep your body mobile!

See also:


This one’s quite straightforward, and Dr. Seeman uncontroversially recommends getting 7–9 hours per night; yes, even you:


This is key to Dr. Seeman’s approach, and it is about not settling for average, because the average is undernourished, overmedicated, sedentary, and suffering.

She encourages us all to keep working for better health, wherever we’re at. To not “go gentle into that good night”, to get stronger whatever our age, to showcase increasingly robust vitality as we go.

To believe we can, and then to do it.


That previous item usually won’t last beyond a 10-day health-kick without the correct environment.

As for how to make sure we have that? Check out:

Our “food environments” affect what we eat. Here’s how you can change yours to support healthier eating

Want more?

She does offer coaching:

Hard To Kill Academy: Master The Mindset To Maximize Your Years

Take care!

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