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HBD: The Human Being Diet – by Petronella Ravenshear

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We don’t often review diet books, so why did this one catch our attention? The answer lies in its comprehensive nature without being excessively long and complex.

Ravenshear (a nutritionist) brings a focus on metabolic balance, and what will and won’t work for keeping it healthy.

The first part of the book is mostly informational; covering such things as blood sugar balance, gut health, hormones, and circadian rhythm considerations, amongst others.

The second, larger part of the book is mostly instructional; do this and that, don’t do the other, guidelines on quantities and timings, and what things may be different for some people, and what to do about those.

The style is conversational and light, but well-grounded in good science.

Bottom line: if you’d like a “one-stop shop” for giving your diet an overhaul, this book is a fine choice.

Click here to check out the Human Being Diet, and enjoy the best of health!

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