Asparagus vs Eggplant – Which is Healthier?

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Our Verdict

When comparing asparagus to eggplant, we picked the asparagus.


In terms of macros, they’re very similar. Technically asparagus has twice the protein, but it’s at 2.2g/100g compared to eggplant’s 0.98g/100g, so it’s not too meaningful. They’re both mostly water, low in carbs, with a little fiber, and negligible fat (though eggplant technically has more fat, but again, these numbers are miniscule). For practical purposes, the two vegetables are even in this category, or if you really want decisive answers, a tiny margin of a win for asparagus.

In the category of vitamins, asparagus is much higher in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E, & K, as well as choline. Eggplant is not higher in any vitamins. A clear win for asparagus.

When it comes to minerals, asparagus is much higher in calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc, while eggplant is a little higher in manganese. Another easy win for asparagus.

Lastly, asparagus wins on polyphenols too, with its high quercetin content. Eggplant does contain some polyphenols, but in such tiny amounts that even added up they’re less than 7% of what asparagus has to offer in quercetin alone.

Obviously, enjoy both, though! Diversity is healthy.

Want to learn more?

You might like to read:

Fight Inflammation & Protect Your Brain, With Quercetin

Take care!

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  • Egg Noodles vs Rice Noodles – Which is Healthier?
  • White Potato vs Sweet Potato – Which is Healthier?
    Sweet potatoes edge out white with fewer carbs, lower glycemic index, plus valuable vitamin A and beta-carotene. Enjoy baked for maximum nutrition!

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  • Skin Care Down There (Incl. Butt Acne, Hyperpigmentation, & More)

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Dr. Sam Ellis, dermatologist, gives us the low-down:

    Where the sun don’t shine

    Common complaints and remedies that Dr. Ellis covers in this video include:

    • Butt acne/folliculitis: most butt breakouts are actually folliculitis, not traditional acne. Folliculitis is caused by friction, sitting for long periods, or wearing tight clothes. Solutions include antimicrobial washes like benzoyl peroxide and changing sitting habits (i.e. to sit less)
    • Keratosis pilaris: rough bumps around hair follicles can appear on the butt, often confused with acne.
    • Boils and abscesses: painful, large lumps; these need medical attention for drainage.
    • Hidradenitis suppurativa: recurrent painful cysts and boils in skin creases, often in the groin and buttocks. These require medical intervention and treatment.
    • Ingrown hairs: are common in people who shave or wax. Treat with warm compresses and gentle exfoliants.
    • Hyperpigmentation: is often caused by hormonal changes, friction, or other irritation. Laser hair removal and gentle chemical exfoliants can help.

    In the event that the sun does, in fact, shine on your genitals (for example you sunbathe nude and have little or no pubic hair), then sun protection is essential to prevent further darkening (and also, incidentally, reduce the risk of cancer).

    For more on all of this, plus a general introduction to skincare in the bikini zone (i.e. if everything’s fine there right now and you’d like to keep it that way), enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    The Evidence-Based Skincare That Beats Product-Specific Hype

    Take care!

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  • Eat To Beat Hyperthyroidism!

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small

    ❝Would love to see more on eating vegan. I am allergic to soy in any form which seems to be in everything❞

    There is a lot of it about, isn’t there? Happily, these days, a lot of meat and dairy alternatives are also made from other sources, for example pea protein is getting used a lot more nowadays in meat substitutes, and there are many kinds of alternatives to dairy (e.g. nut milks, oat milk, hemp milk, and—which is a branding nightmare but very healthy—pea milk).

    You might like these previous main features of ours:

    Also, if doing a whole foods plant-based diet, lentils (especially brown lentils) can be used as a great substitute for minced beef/lamb in recipes that call for such.

    Boil the lentils (a liter of water to a cup of lentils is great; use a rice cooker if you have one!) along with the seasonings you will use (herbs appropriate to your dish, and then: black pepper is always good; you shouldn’t need to add salt; a teaspoon of low-sodium yeast extract is great though, or to really get the best nutritional benefits, nooch).

    When it is done, you shouldn’t have excess water now, so just use as is, or if you want a slightly fatty kick, fry briefly in a little extra virgin olive oil, before using it however you were planning to use it.


    ❝What foods should I eat for hyperthyroidism? My doctor tells me what foods to avoid, but not what to eat❞

    Great question! We’ll have to do a main feature on hyperthyroidism one of these days, as so far we’ve only done features on hypothyroidism:

    As for hyperthyroidism…

    Depending on your medications, your doctor might recommend a low iodine diet. If so, then you might want to check out:

    American Thyroid Association | Low Iodine Diet Plan

    …for recommendations.

    But in a way, that’s still a manner of “what to avoid” (iodine) and then the foods to eat to avoid that.

    You may be wondering: is there any food that actively helps against hyperthyroidism, as opposed to merely does not cause problems?

    And the answer is: yes!

    Cruciferous vegetables (e.g. cabbage, sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, etc) contain goitrin, which in immoderate quantities can cause problems for people with hypothyroidism because it can reduce thyroid hormone synthesis. If you have hyperthyroidism, however, this can work in your favor.

    Read more: The role of micronutrients in thyroid dysfunction

    The above paper focuses on children, but it was the paper we found that explains it most clearly while showing good science. However, the same holds true for adults:

    Read more: Concentrations of thiocyanate and goitrin in human plasma, their precursor concentrations in brassica vegetables, and associated potential risk for hypothyroidism

    Notwithstanding that the title comes from the angle of examining hypothyroidism, the mechanism of action makes clear its beneficence in the case of hyperthyroidism.

    Selenium is also a great nutrient in the case of autoimmune hyperthyroidism, because it is needed to metabolize thyroid hormone (if you don’t metabolize it, it’ll just build up):

    Selenium and Thyroid Disease: From Pathophysiology to Treatment

    The absolute top best dietary source of selenium is Brazil nuts, to the point that people without hyperthyroidism have to take care to not eat more than a few per day (because too much selenium could then cause problems):

    NIH | Selenium Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

    (this contains information on the recommended amount, the upper limit amount, how much is in Brazil nuts and other foods, and what happens if you get too much or too little)

    Note: after Brazil nuts (which are about 5 times more rich in selenium than the next highest source), the other “good” sources of selenium—mostly various kinds of fish—are also “good” source of iodine, so you might want to skip those.

    Want more ideas?

    You might like this from LivHealth:

    Hyperthyroidism Diet: 9 Foods To Ease Symptoms


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  • Finding Peace at the End of Life – by Henry Fersko-Weiss

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    This is not the most cheery book we’ve reviewed, but it is an important one. From its first chapter, with “a tale of two deaths”, one that went as well as can be reasonably expected, and the other one not so much, it presents a lot of choices.

    The book is not prescriptive in its advice regarding how to deal with these choices, but rather, investigative. It’s thought-provoking, and asks questions—tacitly and overtly.

    While the subtitle says “for families and caregivers”, it’s as much worth when it comes to managing one’s own mortality, too, by the way.

    As for the scope of the book, it covers everything from terminal diagnosis, through the last part of life, to the death itself, to all that goes on shortly afterwards.

    Stylewise, it’s… We’d call it “easy-reading” for style, but obviously the content is very heavy, so you might want to read it a bit at a time anyway, depending on how sensitive to such topics you are.

    Bottom line: this book is not exactly a fun read, but it’s a very worthwhile one, and a good way to avoid regrets later.

    Click here to check out Finding Peace at the End of Life, and prepare for that thing you probably can’t put off forever

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  • The Problem With Sweeteners

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The WHO’s new view on sugar-free sweeteners

    The WHO has released a report offering guidance regards the use of sugar-free sweeteners as part of a weight-loss effort.

    In a nutshell, the guidance is: don’t

    They make for interesting reading, so if you don’t have time now, you might want to just quickly open and bookmark them for later!

    Some salient bits and pieces:

    Besides that some sweeteners can cause gastro-intestinal problems, a big problem is desensitization:

    Because many sugar substitutes are many times (in some cases, hundreds of times) sweeter than sugar, this leads to other sweet foods tasting more bland, causing people to crave sweeter and sweeter foods for the same satisfaction level.

    You can imagine how that’s not a spiral that’s good for the health!

    The WHO recommendation applies to artificial and naturally-occurring non-sugar sweeteners, including:

    • Acesulfame K
    • Advantame
    • Aspartame
    • Cyclamates
    • Neotame
    • Saccharin
    • Stevia

    Sucralose and erythritol, by the way, technically are sugars, just not “that kind of sugar” so they didn’t make the list of non-sugar sweeteners.

    That said, a recent study did find that erythritol was linked to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and early death, so it may not be an amazing sweetener either:

    Read: The artificial sweetener erythritol and cardiovascular event risk

    Want to know a good way of staying healthy in the context of sweeteners?

    Just get used to using less. Your taste buds will adapt, and you’ll get just as much pleasure as before, from progressively less sweetening agent.

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    Learn to Age Gracefully

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  • Radical CBT

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Radical Acceptance!

    A common criticism of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is that much of it hinges on the following process:

    • You are having bad feelings
    • Which were caused by negative automatic thoughts
    • Which can be taken apart logically
    • Thus diffusing the feelings
    • And then feeling better

    For example:

    • I feel like I’m an unwanted burden to my friend
    • Because he canceled on me today
    • But a reasonable explanation is that he indeed accidentally double-booked himself and the other thing wasn’t re-arrangeable
    • My friend is trusting me to be an understanding friend myself, and greatly values my friendship
    • I feel better and look forward to our next time together

    But what if the negative automatic thoughts are, upon examination, reasonable?

    Does CBT argue that we should just “keep the faith” and go on looking at a cruel indifferent world through rose-tinted spectacles?

    Nope, there’s a back-up tool.

    This is more talked-about in Dialectic Behavior Therapy (DBT), and is called radical acceptance:


    Radical acceptance here means accepting the root of things as true, and taking the next step from there. It follows a bad conclusion with “alright, and now what?”

    “But all evidence points to the fact that my friend has been avoiding me for months; I really can’t ignore it or explain it away any longer”

    “Alright. Now what?”

    • Maybe there’s something troubling your friend that you don’t know about (have you asked?)
    • Maybe that something is nothing to do with you (or maybe it really is about you!)
    • Maybe there’s a way you and he can address it together (how important is it to you?)
    • Maybe it’s just time to draw a line under it and move on (with or without him)

    Whatever the circumstances, there’s always a way to move forwards.

    Feelings are messengers, and once you’ve received and processed the message, the only reason to keep feeling the same thing, is if you want to.

    Note that this is true even when you know with 100% certainty that the Bad Thing™ is real and exactly as-imagined. It’s still possible for you to accept, for example:

    “Alright, so this person really truly hates me. Damn, that sucks; I think I’ve been nothing but nice to them. Oh well. Shit happens.”

    Feel all the feelings you need to about it, and then decide for yourself where you want to go from there.

    Get: 25 CBT Worksheets To Help You Find Solutions To A Wide Variety of Problems

    Recognizing Emotions

    We talked in a previous edition of 10almonds’ Psychology Sunday about how an important part of dealing with difficult emotions is recognizing them as something that you experience, rather than something that’s intrinsically “you”.

    But… How?

    One trick is to just mentally (or out loud, if your current environment allows for such) greet them when you notice them:

    • Hello again, Depression
    • Oh, hi there Anxiety, it’s you
    • Nice of you to join us, Anger

    Not only does this help recognize and delineate the emotion, but also, it de-tooths it and recognizes it for what it is—something that doesn’t actually mean you any harm, but that does need handling.

    Don’t Forget…

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    Learn to Age Gracefully

    Join the 98k+ American women taking control of their health & aging with our 100% free (and fun!) daily emails:

  • Gut Health and Anxiety

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    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? You can always hit “reply” to any of our emails, or use the feedback widget at the bottom!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small

    ❝I’d like to read articles on gut health and anxiety❞

    We hope you caught yesterday’s edition of 10almonds, which touched on both of those! Other past editions you might like include:

    We’ll be sure to include more going forward, too!

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    Learn to Age Gracefully

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