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Three critical kitchen prescriptions.

Three Critical Kitchen Prescriptions

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Three Critical Kitchen Prescriptions

This is Dr. Saliha Mahmood-Ahmed. She’s a medical doctor—specifically, a gastroenterologist. She’s also a chef, and winner of the BBC’s MasterChef competition. So, from her gastroenterology day-job and her culinary calling, she has some expert insights to share on eating well!

❝Food and medicine are inextricably linked to one another, and it is an honour to be a doctor who specialises in digestive health and can both cook, and teach others to cook❞

~ Dr. Saliha Mahmood-Ahmed, after winning MasterChef and being asked if she’d quit medicine to be a full-time chef

Dr. Mahmood-Ahmed’s 3 “Kitchen Prescriptions”

They are:

  1. Cook, cook, cook
  2. Feed your gut bugs
  3. Do not diet

Let’s take a look at each of those…

Cook, cook, cook

We’re the only species on Earth that cooks food. An easy knee-jerk response might be to think maybe we shouldn’t, then, but… We’ve been doing it for at least 30,000 years, which is about 1,500 generations, while a mere 100 generations is generally sufficient for small evolutionary changes. So, we’ve evolved this way now.

More importantly in this context: we, ourselves, should cook our own food, at least per household.

Not ready meals; we haven’t evolved for those (yet! Give it another few hundred generations maybe)

Feed your gut bugs

The friendly ones. Enjoy prebiotics, probiotics, and plenty of fiber—and then be mindful of what else you do or don’t eat. Feeding the friendly bacteria while starving the unfriendly ones may seem like a tricky task, but it actually can be quite easily understood and implemented. We did a main feature about this a few weeks ago:

Making Friends With Your Gut (You Can Thank Us Later)

Do not diet

Dr. Mahmood-Ahmed is a strong critic of calorie-counting as a weight-loss strategy:

Rather than focusing on the number of calories consumed, try focusing on introducing enough variety of food into your daily diet, and on fostering good microbial diversity within your gut.

It’s a conceptual shift from restrictive weight loss, to prescriptive adding of things to one’s diet, with fostering diversity of microbiota as a top priority.

This, too, she recommends be undertaken gently, though—making small, piecemeal, but sustainable improvements. Nobody can reasonably incorporate, say, 30 new fruits and vegetables into one’s diet in a week; it’s unrealistic, and more importantly, it’s unsustainable.

Instead, consider just adding one new fruit or vegetable per shopping trip!

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