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The key to effective antidepressant treatment is personalization.

Antidepressants: Personalization Is Key!

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Antidepressants: Personalization Is Key!

Yesterday, we asked you for your opinions on antidepressants, and got the above-depicted, below-described, set of responses:

  • Just over half of respondents said “They clearly help people, but should not be undertaken lightly”
  • Just over a fifth of respondents said “They may help some people, but the side effects are alarming”
  • Just under a sixth of respondents said “They’re a great way to correct an imbalance of neurochemicals”
  • Four respondents said “They are no better than placebo, and are more likely to harm”
  • Two respondents said “They merely mask the problem, and thus don’t really help”

So what does the science say?

❝They are no better than placebo, and are more likely to harm? True or False?❞

True or False depending on who you are and what you’re taking. Different antidepressants can work on many different systems with different mechanisms of action. This means if and only if you’re not taking the “right” antidepressant for you, then yes, you will get only placebo benefits:

Rather than dismissing antidepressants as worthless, therefore, it is a good idea to find out (by examination or trial and error) what kind of antidepressant you need, if you indeed do need such.

Otherwise it is like getting a flu shot and being surprised when you still catch a cold!

❝They merely mask the problem, and thus don’t really help: True or False?❞

False, categorically.

The problem in depressed people is the depressed mood. This may be influenced by other factors, and antidepressants indeed won’t help directly with those, but they can enable the person to better tackle them (more on this later).

❝They may help some people, but the side-effects are alarming: True or False?❞

True or False depending on more factors than we can cover here.

Side-effects vary from drug to drug and person to person, of course. As does tolerability and acceptability, since to some extent these things are subjective.

One person’s dealbreaker may be another person’s shrugworthy minor inconvenience at most.

❝They’re a great way to correct an imbalance of neurochemicals: True or False?❞

True! Contingently.

That is to say: they’re a great way to correct an imbalance of neurochemicals if and only if your problem is (at least partly) an imbalance of neurochemicals. If it’s not, then your brain can have all the neurotransmitters it needs, and you will still be depressed, because (for example) the other factors* influencing your depression have not changed.

*common examples include low self-esteem, poor physical health, socioeconomic adversity, and ostensibly bleak prospects for the future.

For those for whom the problem is/was partly a neurochemical imbalance and partly other factors, the greatest help the antidepressants give is getting the brain into sufficient working order to be able to tackle those other factors.

Want to know more about the different kinds?

Here’s a helpful side-by-side comparison of common antidepressants, what type they are, and other considerations:

Mind | Comparing Antidepressants

Want a drug-free approach?

You might like our previous main feature:

The Mental Health First-Aid That You’ll Hopefully Never Need

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