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An image shows two powdered products side by side. On the left is Navitas Organics Unsweetened Organic Cacao Powder with some cacao below it. On the right is Australian Carob Organic Carob Powder Raw, spilling into a small white bowl. The phrase "THIS OR THAT? Which is healthier?" is written above them.

Cacao vs Carob – Which is Healthier?

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Our Verdict

When comparing cacao to carob, we picked the cacao.


It’s close, and may depend a little on your priorities!

In terms of macros, the cacao has more protein and fat, while the carob has more carbohydrates, mostly sugar. Since people will not generally eat this by the spoonful, and will instead either make drinks or cook with it, we can’t speak for the glycemic index or general health impact of the sugars. As for the fats, on the one hand the cacao does contain saturated fat; on the other, this merely means that different saturated fat will usually be added to the carob if making something with it. Still, slight win for the carob on the fat front. Protein, of course, is entirely in cacao’s favor.

In the category of vitamins and minerals, they’re about equal on vitamins, while cacao wins easily on the mineral front, boasting more copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus.

While both have a generous antioxidant content, this one’s another win for cacao, with about 3x the active polyphenols and flavonoids.

In short: both are good, consumed in moderation and before adding unhealthy extra ingredients—but we say cacao comes out the winner.

If you’re looking specifically for the above-depicted products, by the way, here they are:

Cacao powder | Carob powder

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