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A pink brain with a question mark on it, symbolizing cognitive health and prompting the viewer to consider their check-up.

When Did You Last Have a Cognitive Health Check-Up?

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When Did You Last Have a Cognitive Health Check-Up?

Regular health check-ups are an important part of a good health regime, especially as we get older. But after you’ve been prodded, probed, sampled and so forth… When did you last have a cognitive health check-up?

Keeping on top of things

In our recent Monday Research Review main feature about citicoline, we noted that it has beneficial effects for a lot of measures of cognitive health.

And that brought us to realize: just how on top of this are we?

Your writer here today could tell you what her sleep was like on any night in the past year, what her heart rate was like, her weight, and all that. Moods too! There’s an app for that. But cognitive health? My last IQ test was in 2001, and I forget when my last memory test was.

It’s important to know how we’re doing, or else how to we know if there has been some decline? We’ve talked previously about the benefits of brain-training of various kinds to improve cognition, so in some parts we’ll draw on the same resources today, but this time the focus is on getting quick measurements that we can retest regularly (mark the calendar!)

Some quick-fire tests

These tests are all free, quick, and accessible. Some of them will try to upsell you on other (i.e. paid) services; we leave that to your own discretion, but the things we’ll be using today are free.

Test your verbal memory

This one’s a random word list generator. It defaults to 12 words, but you can change that if you like. Memorize the words, and then test yourself by seeing how many you can write down from memory. If it gets too easy, crank up the numbers.

Click here to try it now

Test your visual memory

This one’s a series of images; the test is to click to say whether you’ve seen this exact image previously in the series or not.

Click here to try it now

Test your IQ

This one’s intended to be general purpose intelligence; in reality, IQ tests have their flaws too, but it’s not a bad metric to keep track of. Just don’t get too hung up on the outcome, and remember, your only competition is yourself!

Click here to try it now

Test your attention / focus

This writer opened this and this three other attention tests (to get you the best one) before getting distracted, noting the irony, and finally taking the test. Hopefully you can do better!

Click here to try it now

Test your creativity

This one’s a random object generator. Give yourself a set period of time (per your preference, but make a note of the time you allow yourself, so that you can use the same time period when you retest yourself at a later date) in which to list as many different possible uses for the item.

Click here to try it now

Test your musical sense

This one’s a pitch recognition test. So, with the caveat that it is partially testing your hearing as well as your cognition, it’s a good one to take and regularly retest in any case.

Click here to try it now

How often should you retest?

There’s not really any “should” here, but to offer some advice:

  • If you take them too often, you might find you get bored of doing so and stop, essentially burning out.
  • If you don’t take them regularly, you may forget, lose this list of tests, etc.
  • Likely a good “sweet spot” is quarterly or six-monthly, but there’s nothing wrong with testing annually either.

It’s all about the big picture, after all.

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