Top 8 Fruits That Prevent & Kill Cancer

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Dr. Amy Dee, pharmacist and cancer survivor herself, lays out the best options for anticancer fruits:

The fruits

Without further ado, they are:

  • Kiwi: promotes cancer cell death while sparing healthy cells
  • Plums & peaches: an interesting choice to list these similar fruits together as one item, but they both also induce cell death in cancer cells while sparing healthy ones
  • Dragon fruit: this does the same, while also inhibiting cancer cell growth
  • Figs: these have antitumor effects specifically, while removing carcinogens too, and additionally sensitizing cancer cells to light therapy
  • cranberries: disrupt cancer cell adhesion, breaking down tumors, while protecting non-cancerous cells against DNA damage
  • citrus fruits: inhibit tumor growth and kill cancer cells; regular consumption is also associated with a lower cancer risk (be warned though, grapefruit interacts with some medications)
  • cherries: induce cancer cell death; protect healthy cells against DNA damage
  • tomatoes: don’t often make it into lists of fruits, but lycopene reduces cancer risk, and slows the growth of cancer cells (10almonds note: watermelon has more lycopene than tomatoes, and is more traditionally considered a fruit in all respects, so could have taken the spot here).

We would also argue that apricots could have had a spot on the list, both for their lycopene content (comparable to tomatoes) and their botanical (and this phytochemical) similarities to peaches and plums.

For more information on each of these (she also talks about the different polyphenols and other nutrients that constitute the active compounds delivering these anticancer effects), enjoy:

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    Elevate your snack game with our fail-proof, quinoa-based falafel recipe – crispy, flavorful, and perfectly moist!

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  • Pelvic Floor Exercises (Not Kegels!) To Prevent Urinary Incontinence

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    It’s a common threat, and if you think it couldn’t happen to you, then well, just wait. Happily, Dr. Christine Pieton, PT, DPT, a sport & women’s health physical therapist, has advice:

    On the ball!

    Or rather, we’re going to be doing ball-squeezing here, if you’ll pardon the expression. You will need a soccer-ball sized ball to squeeze.

    Ball-squeeze breathing: lie on your back, ball between your knees, and inhale deeply, expanding your torso. Exhale, pressing your knees into the ball, engaging your abdominal muscles from lower to upper. Try to keep your spine long and avoid your pelvis tucking under during the exhalation.

    Ball-squeeze bridge: lie on your back, ball between your knees, inhale to prepare, and then exhale, pressing up into a bridge, maintaining a firm pressure on the ball. Inhale as you lower yourself back down.

    Ball-squeeze side plank: lie on your side this time, ball between your knees, supporting forearm under your shoulder, as in the video thumbnail. Inhale to prepare, and then exhale, lifting your hip a few inches off the mat. Inhale as you lower yourself back down.

    Ball-squeeze bear plank: get on your hands and knees, ball between your thighs. Lengthen your spine, inhale to prepare, and exhale as you bring your knees just a little off the floor. Inhale as you lower yourself back down.

    For more details and tips on each of these, plus a visual demonstration, plus an optional part 2 video with more exercises that aren’t ball-squeezes this time, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

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    Psst… A Word To The Wise About UTIs

    Take care!

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  • The Sprout Book – by Doug Evans

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Sprouting seeds are more nutritious than most people think, and “seeds” is also a much broader category than people think. Beyond even chia and sunflower and such, this book bids us remember that onions do not just appear on supermarket shelves fully formed (to give just one example of many); most plants come from seeds and of those, most can be usefully sprouted.

    The author, most well-known for his tech companies, here is selling us a very low-tech health kick with very little profit to be found except for our health. By sprouting seeds of many kinds at home, we can enjoy powerful superfoods that are not only better than, but also cheaper than, most supplements.

    Nor are the benefits of sprouting things marginal; we’re not talking about a 1–10% increase in bioavailable so much as what’s often a 100–1000% increase.

    After explaining the science and giving a primer on sprouting things for oneself, there is a wide selection of recipes, but the biggest benefit of the book is in just getting the reader up-and-running with at-home sprouting.

    Bottom line: if you like the idea of letting food be your medicine and even like the idea of essentially growing your own food with zero gardening skills, then this is an excellent book for you.

    Click here to check out The Sprout Book, and get sprouting!

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  • SuperLife – by Darin Olien

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We mostly know more or less what we’re supposed to be doing, at least to a basic level, when it comes to diet and exercise. So why don’t we do it?

    Where Darin Olien excels in this one is making healthy living—mostly the dietary aspects thereof—not just simple, but also easy.

    He gives principles we can apply rather than having to memorize lots of information… And his “this will generally be better than that” format also means that the feeling is one of reducing harm, increasing benefits, without needing to get absolutist about anything. And that, too, makes healthy living easier.

    The book also covers some areas that a lot of books of this genre don’t—such as blood oxygenation, and maintenance of healthy pH levels—and aspects such as those are elements that help this book to stand out too.

    Don’t be put off and think this is a dry science textbook, though—it’s not. In fact, the tone is light and the style is easy-reading throughout.

    Bottom line: if you want to take an easy, casual, but scientifically robust approach to tweaking your health for the better, this book will enable you to do that.

    Click here to check out SuperLife and start upgrading your health!

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  • Ageless Aging – by Maddy Dychtwald

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Maddy Dychtwald, herself 73, has spent her career working in the field of aging. She’s not a gerontologist or even a doctor, but she’s nevertheless been up-to-the-ears in the industry for decades, mostly as an organizer, strategist, facilitator, and so forth. As such, she’s had her finger on the pulse of the healthy longevity movement for a long time.

    This book was written to address a problem, and the problem is: lifespan is increasing (especially for women), but healthspan has not been keeping up the pace.

    In other words: people (especially women) are living longer, but often with more health problems along the way than before.

    And mostly, it’s for lack of information (or sometimes: too much competing incorrect information).

    Fortunately, information is something that a woman in Dychtwald’s position has an abundance of, because she has researchers and academics in many fields on speed-dial and happy to answer her questions (we get a lot of input from such experts throughout the book—which is why this book is so science-based, despite the author not being a scientist).

    The book answers a lot of important questions beyond the obvious “what diet/exercise/sleep/supplements/etc are best for healthy aging” (spoiler: it’s quite consistent with the things we recommend here, because guess what, science is science), questions like how best to prepare for this that or the other, how to get a head start on preventative healthcare for some things, how to avoid being a burden to our families (one can argue that families are supposed to look after each other, but still, it’s a legitimate worry for many, and understandably so), and even how to balance the sometimes conflicting worlds of health and finances.

    Unlike many authors, she also talks about the different kinds of aging, and tackles each of them separately and together. We love to see it!

    Bottom line: this book is a very good one-stop-shop for all things healthy aging. It’s aimed squarely at women, but most advice goes for men the same too, aside from the section on hormones and such.

    Click here to check out Ageless Aging, and plan your future!

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  • Non-Sleep Deep Rest: A Neurobiologist’s Take

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    How to get many benefits of sleep, while awake!

    Today we’re talking about Dr. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist and professor in the department of neurobiology at Stanford School of Medicine.

    He’s also a popular podcaster, and as his Wikipedia page notes:

    ❝In episodes lasting several hours, Huberman talks about the state of research in a specific topic, both within and outside his specialty❞

    Today, we won’t be taking hours, and we will be taking notes from within his field of specialty (neurobiology). Specifically, in this case:

    Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)

    What is it? To quote from his own dedicated site on the topic:

    What is NSDR (Yoga Nidra)? Non-Sleep Deep Rest, also known as NSDR, is a method of deep relaxation developed by Dr. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist at Stanford University School of Medicine.

    It’s a process that combines controlled breathing and detailed body scanning to bring you into a state of heightened awareness and profound relaxation. The main purpose of NSDR is to reduce stress, enhance focus, and improve overall well-being.❞

    While it seems a bit bold of Dr. Huberman to claim that he developed yoga nidra, it is nevertheless reassuring to get a neurobiologist’s view on this:

    How it works, by science

    Dr. Huberman says that by monitoring EEG readings during NSDR, we can see how the brain slows down. Measurably!

    • It goes from an active beta range of 13–30 Hz (normal waking) to a conscious meditation state of an alpha range of 8–13 Hz.
    • However, with practice, it can drop further, into a theta range of 4–8 Hz.
    • Ultimately, sustained SSDR practice can get us to 0.5–3 Hz.

    This means that the brain is functioning in the delta range, something that typically only occurs during our deepest sleep.

    You may be wondering: why is delta lower than theta? That’s not how I remember the Greek alphabet being ordered!

    Indeed, while the Greek alphabet goes alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta (and so on), the brainwave frequency bands are:

    • Gamma = concentrated focus, >30 Hz
    • Beta = normal waking, 13–30 Hz
    • Alpha = relaxed state, 8–13 Hz
    • Theta = light sleep, 4–8 Hz
    • Delta = deep sleep, 1–4 Hz

    Source: Sleep Foundationwith a nice infographic there too

    NSDR uses somatic cues to engage our parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn enables us to reach those states. The steps are simple:

    1. Pick a time and place when you won’t be disturbed
    2. Lie on your back and make yourself comfortable
    3. Close your eyes as soon as you wish, and now that you’ve closed them, imagine closing them again. And again.
    4. Slowly bring your attention to each part of your body in turn, from head to toe. As your attention goes to each part, allow it to relax more.
    5. If you wish, you can repeat this process for another wave, or even a third.
    6. Find yourself well-rested!

    Note: this engagement of the parasympathetic nervous system and slowing down of brain activity accesses restorative states not normally available while waking, but 10 minutes of NSDR will not replace 7–9 hours of sleep; nor will it give you the vital benefits of REM sleep specifically.

    So: it’s an adjunct, not a replacement

    Want to try it, but not sure where/how to start?

    When you’re ready, let Dr. Huberman himself guide you through it in this shortish (10:49) soundtrack:


    Want to try it, but not right now? Bookmark it for later

    Take care!

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  • Meningitis Outbreak

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Don’t Let Your Guard Down

    In the US, meningitis is currently enjoying a 10-year high, with its highest levels of infection since 2014.

    This is a big deal, given the 10–15% fatality rate of meningitis, even with appropriate medical treatment.

    But of course, not everyone gets appropriate medical treatment, especially because symptoms can become life-threatening in a matter of hours.

    Most recent stats gave an 18% fatality rate for the cases with known outcomes in the last year:

    CDC Emergency | Increase in Invasive Serogroup Y Meningococcal Disease in the United States

    The quick facts:

    ❝Meningococcal disease most often presents as meningitis, with symptoms that may include fever, headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, or altered mental status.

    [It can also present] as meningococcal bloodstream infection, with symptoms that may include fever and chills, fatigue, vomiting, cold hands and feet, severe aches and pains, rapid breathing, diarrhea, or, in later stages, a dark purple rash.

    While initial symptoms of meningococcal disease can at first be non-specific, they worsen rapidly, and the disease can become life-threatening within hours. Immediate antibiotic treatment for meningococcal disease is critical.

    Survivors may experience long-term effects such as deafness or amputations of the extremities.❞

    ~ Ibid.

    The good news (but still don’t let your guard down)

    Meningococcal bacteria are, happily, not spread as easily as cold and flu viruses.

    The greatest risks come from:

    • Close and enduring proximity (e.g. living together)
    • Oral, or close-to-oral, contact (e.g. kissing, or coughing nearby)

    Read more:

    CDC | Meningococcal Disease: Causes & How It Spreads

    Is there a vaccine?

    There is, but it’s usually only offered to those most at risk, which is usually:

    • Children
    • Immunocompromised people, especially if HIV+
    • People taking certain medications (e.g. Solaris or Ultomiris)

    Read more:

    CDC | Meningococcal Vaccine Recommendations

    Will taking immune-boosting supplements help?

    Honestly, probably not, but they won’t harm either. The most important thing is: don’t rely on them—too many people pop a vitamin C supplement and then assume they are immune to everything, and it doesn’t work like that.

    On a tangential note, for more general immune health, you might also want to check out:

    Beyond Supplements: The Real Immune-Boosters!

    The short version:

    If you or someone you know experiences the above-mentioned symptoms, even if it does not seem too bad, get thee/them to a doctor, and quickly, because the (very short) clock may be ticking already.

    Better safe than sorry.

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