The Coffee-Cortisol Connection, And Two Ways To Tweak It For Health

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Health opinions on coffee vary from “it’s an invigorating, healthful drink” to “it will leave you a shaking frazzled wreck”. So, what’s the truth and can we enjoy it healthily? Dr. Alan Mandell weighs in:

Enjoy it, but watch out!

Dr. Mandell is speaking only for caffeinated coffee in this video, and to this end, he’s conflating the health effects of coffee and caffeine. A statistically reasonable imprecision, since most people drink coffee with its natural caffeine in, but we’ll make some adjustment to his comments below, to disambiguate which statements are true for coffee generally, and which are true for caffeine:

  • Drinking coffee caffeine first thing in the morning may not be ideal due to dehydration from overnight water loss.
  • Coffee caffeine is a diuretic, which means an increase in urination, thus further dehydrating the body.
  • Coffee contains great antioxidants, which are of course beneficial for the health in general.
  • Cortisol, the body’s stress hormone, is generally at its peak in the morning. This is, in and of itself, good and correct—it’s how we wake up.
  • Coffee caffeine consumption raises cortisol levels even more, leading to increased alertness and physical readiness, but it is possible to have too much of a good thing, and in this case, problems can arise because…
  • Elevated cortisol from early coffee caffeine drinking can build tolerance, leading to the need for more coffee caffeine over time.
  • It’s better, therefore, to defer drinking coffee caffeine until later in the morning when cortisol levels naturally drop.
  • All of this means that drinking coffee caffeine first thing can disrupt the neuroendocrine system, leading to fatigue, depression, and general woe.
  • Hydrate first thing in the morning before consuming coffee caffeine to keep the body balanced and healthy.

What you can see from this is that coffee and caffeine are not, in fact, interchangeable words, but the basic message is clear and correct: while a little spike of cortisol in the morning is good, natural, and even necessary, a big spike is none of those things, and caffeine can cause a big spike, and since for most people caffeine is easy to build tolerance to, there will indeed consistently be a need for more, worsening the problem.

In terms of hydration, it’s good to have water (or better yet, herbal tea) on one’s nightstand to drink when one wakes up.

If coffee is an important morning ritual for you, consider finding a good decaffeinated version for at least your first cup (this writer is partial to Lavazza’s “Dek Intenso”—which is not the same as their main decaf line, by the way, so do hold out for the “Dek Intenso” if you want to try my recommendation).

Decaffeinated coffee is hydrating and will not cause a cortisol spike (unless for some reason you find coffee as a concept very stressful in which case, yes, the stressor will cause a stress response).

Anyway, for more on all of this, enjoy:

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    Dr. Shepherd’s guide to menopause: understand perimenopause, hormones, weight, libido, brain changes, and enjoy postmenopausal life with solid science and practical advice.

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  • Citicoline: Better Than Dietary Choline?

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    Citicoline: Better Than Dietary Choline?

    Citicoline, also known as cytidine diphosphate-choline (or CDP-Choline, to its friends, or cytidine 5′-diphosphocholine if it wants to get fancy) is a dietary supplement that the stomach can metabolize easily for all the brain’s choline needs. What are those needs?

    Choline is an essential nutrient. We technically can synthesize it, but only in minute amounts, far less than we need. Choline is a key part of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, as well as having other functions in other parts of the body.

    As for citicoline specifically… it appears to do the job better than dietary sources of choline:

    ❝Intriguing data, showing that on a molar mass basis citicoline is significantly less toxic than choline, are also analyzed.

    It is hypothesized that, compared to choline moiety in other dietary sources such as phosphatidylcholine, choline in citicoline is less prone to conversion to trimethylamine (TMA) and its putative atherogenic N-oxide (TMAO).

    Epidemiological studies have suggested that choline supplementation may improve cognitive performance, and for this application citicoline may be safer and more efficacious.❞

    ~ Synoradzki & Grieb

    Source: Citicoline: A Superior Form of Choline?

    Great! What does it do?

    What doesn’t it do? When it comes to cognitive function, anyway, citicoline covers a lot of bases.

    Short version: it improves just about every way a brain’s healthy functions can be clinically measured. From cognitive improvements in all manner of tests (far beyond just “improves memory” etc; also focus, alertness, verbal fluency, logic, computation, and more), to purely neurological things like curing tinnitus (!), alleviating mobility disorders, and undoing alcohol-related damage.

    One of the reasons it’s so wide in its applications, is that it has a knock-on effect to other systems in the brain, including the dopaminergic system.

    Long version: Citicoline: pharmacological and clinical review, 2022 update

    (if you don’t want to sit down for a long read, we recommend skimming to the charts and figures, which are very elucidating even alone)

    Spotlight study in memory

    For a quick-reading example of how it helps memory specifically:

    Citicoline and Memory Function in Healthy Older Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial

    Keeping dementia at bay

    For many older people looking to improve memory, it’s less a matter of wanting to perform impressive feats of memory, and more a matter of wanting to keep a sharp memory throughout our later years.

    Dr. Maria Bonvicini et al. looked into this:

    ❝We selected seven studies including patients with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease or post-stroke dementia

    All the studies showed a positive effect of citicoline on cognitive functions. Six studies could be included in the meta-analysis.

    Overall, citicoline improved cognitive status, with pooled standardized mean differences ranging from 0.56 (95% CI: 0.37-0.75) to 1.57 (95% CI: 0.77-2.37) in different sensitivity analyses❞

    Source: Is Citicoline Effective in Preventing and Slowing Down Dementia?-A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis

    The researchers concluded “yes”, and yet, called for more studies, and of higher quality. In many such studies, the heterogeneity of the subjects (often, residents of nursing homes) can be as much a problem (unclear whether the results will be applicable to other people in different situations) as it is a strength (fewer confounding variables).

    Another team looked at 47 pre-existing reviews, and concluded:

    ❝The review found that citicoline has been proven to be a useful compound in preventing dementia progression.

    Citicoline has a wide range of effects and could be an essential substance in the treatment of many neurological diseases.

    Its positive impact on learning and cognitive functions among the healthy population is also worth noting.❞

    Source: Application of Citicoline in Neurological Disorders: A Systematic Review

    The dopamine bonus

    Remember how we said that citicoline has a knock-on effect on other systems, including the dopaminergic system? This means that it’s been studied (and found meritorious) for alleviating symptoms of Parkinson’s disease:

    ❝Patients with Parkinson’s disease who were taking citicoline had significant improvement in rigidity, akinesia, tremor, handwriting, and speech.

    Citicoline allowed effective reduction of levodopa by up to 50%.

    Significant improvement in cognitive status evaluation was also noted with citicoline adjunctive therapy.❞

    Source: Citicoline as Adjuvant Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review

    Where to get it?

    We don’t sell it, but here’s an example product on Amazon, for your convenience


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  • Under Pressure: A Guide To Controlling High Blood Pressure – by Dr. Frita Fisher

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Hypertension kills a lot of people, and does so with little warning—it can be asymptomatic before it gets severe enough to cause harm, and once it causes harm, well, one heart attack or stroke is already one too many.

    Aimed more squarely at people in the 35–45 danger zone (young enough to not be getting regular blood pressure checks, old enough that it may have been building up for decades), this is a very good primer on blood pressure, factors affecting it, what goes wrong, what to do about it, and how to make a good strategy for managing it for life.

    The style is easy-reading, making this short (91 pages) book a very quick read, but an informative one.

    Bottom line: if you are already quite knowledgeable about blood pressure and blood pressure management, this one’s probably not for you. But if you’re in the category of “what do those numbers mean again?”, then this is a very handy book to have, to get you up to speed so that you can handle things as appropriate.

    Click here to check out Under Pressure, and get/keep yours under control!

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  • Can You Reverse Gray Hair? A Dermatologist Explains

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Betteridge’s Law of Headlines states “any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no“—it’s not really a universal truth, but it’s true surprisingly often, and, as board certified dermatologist “The Beauty MD” Dr. Sam Ellis explains, it’s true in this case.

    But, all is not lost.

    Physiological Factors

    Hair color is initially determined by genes and gene expression, instructing the body to color it with melanin (brown and black) and/or pheomelanin (blonde and red). If and when the body produces less of those pigments, our hair will go gray.

    Factors that affect if/when our hair will go gray include:

    • Genetics: primary determinant, essentially a programmed change
    • Age: related to the above, but critically, the probability of going gray in any given year increases with age
    • Ethnicity: the level of melanin in our skin is an indicator of how long we are likely to maintain melanin in our hair. Black people with the darkest skintones will thus generally go gray last, whereas white people with the lightest skintones will generally go gray first, and so on for a spectrum between the two.
    • Medical conditions: immune conditions such as vitiligo, thyroid disease, and pernicious anemia promote an earlier loss of pigmentation
    • Stress: oxidative stress, mainly, so factors like smoking will cause earlier graying. But yes, also chronic emotional stress does lead to oxidative stress too. Interestingly, this seems to be more about norepinephrine than cortisol, though.
    • Nutrient deficiencies: the body can make a lot of things, but it needs the raw ingredients. Not having the right amounts of important vitamins and minerals will result in a loss of pigmentation (amongst other more serious problems). Vitamins B6, B9, and B12 are talked about in the video, as are iron and zinc. Copper is also needed for some hair colors. Selenium is needed for good hair health in general (but not too much, as an excess of selenium paradoxically causes hair loss), and many related things will stop working properly without adequate magnesium. Hair health will also benefit a lot from plenty of vitamin B7.

    So, managing the above factors (where possible; obviously some of the above aren’t things we can influence) will result in maintaining one’s hair pigment for longer. As for texture, by the way, the reason gray hair tends to have a rougher texture is not for the lack of pigment itself, but is due to decreased sebum production. Judicious use of exogenous hair oils (e.g. argan oil, coconut oil, or whatever your preference may be) is a fine way to keep your grays conditioned.

    However, once your hair has gone gray, there is no definitive treatment with good evidence for reversing that, at present. Dye it if you want to, or don’t. Many people (including this writer, who has just a couple of streaks of gray herself) find gray hair gives a distinguished look, and such harmless signs of age are a privilege not everyone gets to reach, and thus may be reasonably considered a cause for celebration

    For more on all of the above, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    Gentler Hair Health Options

    Take care!

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  • Can I take antihistamines everyday? More than the recommended dose? What if I’m pregnant? Here’s what the research says

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Allergies happen when your immune system overreacts to a normally harmless substance like dust or pollen. Hay fever, hives and anaphylaxis are all types of allergic reactions.

    Many of those affected reach quickly for antihistamines to treat mild to moderate allergies (though adrenaline, not antihistamines, should always be used to treat anaphylaxis).

    If you’re using oral antihistamines very often, you might have wondered if it’s OK to keep relying on antihistamines to control symptoms of allergies. The good news is there’s no research evidence to suggest regular, long-term use of modern antihistamines is a problem.

    But while they’re good at targeting the early symptoms of a mild to moderate allergic reaction (sneezing, for example), oral antihistamines aren’t as effective as steroid nose sprays for managing hay fever. This is because nasal steroid sprays target the underlying inflammation of hay fever, not just the symptoms.

    Here are the top six antihistamines myths – busted.

    Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

    Myth 1. Oral antihistamines are the best way to control hay fever symptoms

    Wrong. In fact, the recommended first line medical treatment for most patients with moderate to severe hay fever is intranasal steroids. This might include steroid nose sprays (ask your doctor or pharmacist if you’d like to know more).

    Studies have shown intranasal steroids relieve hay fever symptoms better than antihistamine tablets or syrups.

    To be effective, nasal steroids need to be used regularly, and importantly, with the correct technique.

    In Australia, you can buy intranasal steroids without a doctor’s script at your pharmacy. They work well to relieve a blocked nose and itchy, watery eyes, as well as improve chronic nasal blockage (however, antihistamine tablets or syrups do not improve chronic nasal blockage).

    Some newer nose sprays contain both steroids and antihistamines. These can provide more rapid and comprehensive relief from hay fever symptoms than just oral antihistamines or intranasal steroids alone. But patients need to keep using them regularly for between two and four weeks to yield the maximum effect.

    For people with seasonal allergic rhinitis (hayfever), it may be best to start using intranasal steroids a few weeks before the pollen season in your regions hits. Taking an antihistamine tablet as well can help.

    Antihistamine eye drops work better than oral antihistamines to relieve acutely itchy eyes (allergic conjunctivitis).

    Myth 2. My body will ‘get used to’ antihistamines

    Some believe this myth so strongly they may switch antihistamines. But there’s no scientific reason to swap antihistamines if the one you’re using is working for you. Studies show antihistamines continue to work even after six months of sustained use.

    Myth 3. Long-term antihistamine use is dangerous

    There are two main types of antihistamines – first-generation and second-generation.

    First-generation antihistamines, such as chlorphenamine or promethazine, are short-acting. Side effects include drowsiness, dry mouth and blurred vision. You shouldn’t drive or operate machinery if you are taking them, or mix them with alcohol or other medications.

    Most doctors no longer recommend first-generation antihistamines. The risks outweigh the benefits.

    The newer second-generation antihistamines, such as cetirizine, fexofenadine, or loratadine, have been extensively studied in clinical trials. They are generally non-sedating and have very few side effects. Interactions with other medications appear to be uncommon and they don’t interact badly with alcohol. They are longer acting, so can be taken once a day.

    Although rare, some side effects (such as photosensitivity or stomach upset) can happen. At higher doses, cetirizine can make some people feel drowsy. However, research conducted over a period of six months showed taking second-generation antihistamines is safe and effective. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you’re concerned.

    A man sneezes into his elbow at work.
    Allergies can make it hard to focus. Pexels/Edward Jenner

    Myth 4. Antihistamines aren’t safe for children or pregnant people

    As long as it’s the second-generation antihistamine, it’s fine. You can buy child versions of second-generation antihistamines as syrups for kids under 12.

    Though still used, some studies have shown certain first-generation antihistamines can impair childrens’ ability to learn and retain information.

    Studies on second-generation antihistamines for children have found them to be safer and better than the first-generation drugs. They may even improve academic performance (perhaps by allowing kids who would otherwise be distracted by their allergy symptoms to focus). There’s no good evidence they stop working in children, even after long-term use.

    For all these reasons, doctors say it’s better for children to use second-generation than first-generation antihistimines.

    What about using antihistimines while you’re pregnant? One meta analysis of combined study data including over 200,000 women found no increase in fetal abnormalities.

    Many doctors recommend the second-generation antihistamines loratadine or cetirizine for pregnant people. They have not been associated with any adverse pregnancy outcomes. Both can be used during breastfeeding, too.

    Myth 5. It is unsafe to use higher than the recommended dose of antihistamines

    Higher than standard doses of antihistamines can be safely used over extended periods of time for adults, if required.

    But speak to your doctor first. These higher doses are generally recommended for a skin condition called chronic urticaria (a kind of chronic hives).

    Myth 6. You can use antihistamines instead of adrenaline for anaphylaxis

    No. Adrenaline (delivered via an epipen, for example) is always the first choice. Antihistamines don’t work fast enough, nor address all the problems caused by anaphylaxis.

    Antihistamines may be used later on to calm any hives and itching, once the very serious and acute phase of anaphylaxis has been resolved.

    In general, oral antihistamines are not the best treatment to control hay fever – you’re better off with steroid nose sprays. That said, second-generation oral antihistamines can be used to treat mild to moderate allergy symptoms safely on a regular basis over the long term.

    Janet Davies, Respiratory Allergy Stream Co-chair, National Allergy Centre of Excellence; Professor and Head, Allergy Research Group, Queensland University of Technology; Connie Katelaris, Professor of Immunology and Allergy, Western Sydney University, and Joy Lee, Respiratory Allergy Stream member, National Allergy Centre of Excellence; Associate Professor, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life – by Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr. Lilian Cheung

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    We’ve talked about mindful eating before at 10almonds, so here’s a book about it. You may wonder how much there is to say!

    As it happens, there’s quite a bit. The authors, a Buddhist monk (Hanh) and a Harvard nutritionist (Dr. Cheung) explore the role of mindful eating in our life.

    There is an expectation that we the reader want to lose weight. If we don’t, those parts of the book will be a “miss” for us, but still contain plenty of other value.

    Most of the same advices can be applied equally to other aspects of health, in any case. A lot of that comes from the book’s Buddhist principles, including the notion that:

    1. We are experiencing suffering
    2. Suffering has a cause
    3. What has a cause can have an end
    4. The way to this end is mindfulness

    As such, the process itself is also mindfulness all the way through:

    1. To be mindful of our suffering (and not let it become background noise to be ignored)
    2. To be mindful of the cause of our suffering (rather than dismissing it as just how things are)
    3. To be mindful of how to address that, and thus end the suffering (rather than despairing in inaction)
    4. To engage mindfully in the process of doing so (and thus not fall into the trap of thinking “job done”)

    And, as for Dr. Cheung? She also has input throughout, with practical advice about the more scientific side of rethinking one’s diet.

    Bottom line: this is an atypical book, and/but perhaps an important one. Certainly, at the very least it may be one to try if more conventional approaches have failed!

    Click here to check out “Savor” on Amazon today, and get mindful!

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  • Atomic Habits – by James Clear

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    James Clear’s Atomic Habits has become “the” go-to book about the power of habit-forming. And, there’s no shortage of competition out there, so that’s quite a statement. What makes this book stand out?

    A lot of books start by assuming you want to build habits. That can seem a fair assumption; after all, we picked up the book! But an introductory chapter really hammers home the idea in a way that makes it a lot more motivational:

    • Habits are the compound interest of productivity
    • This means that progress is not linear, but exponential
    • Habits can also be stacked, and thus become synergistic
    • The more positive habits you add incrementally, the easier they become because each thing is making your life easier/better

    For example:

    • It’s easier to save money if you’re in good health
    • It’s easier to sleep better if you do not have financial worries
    • It’s easier to build your relationship with your loved ones if you’re not tired

    …and so on.

    For many people this presents a Catch-22 problem! Clear instead presents it as an opportunity… Start wherever you like, but just start small, with some two-minute thing, and build from there.

    A lot of the book is given over to:

    • how to form effective habits (using his “Four Laws”)
    • how to build them into your life
    • how to handle mishaps
    • how to make sure your habits are working for you
    • how to see habits as part of your identity, and not just a goal to be checked off

    The last one is perhaps key—goals cease to be motivating once accomplished. Habits, on the other hand, keep spiralling upwards (if you guide them appropriately).

    There’s lots more we could say, but it’s a one-minute book review, so we’ll just close by saying:

    This book can help you to become the kind of person who genuinely gets a little better each day, and reaps the benefits over time.

    Get your copy of Atomic Habits from Amazon today!

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