Escape Self-Sabotage

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Stop Making The Same Mistakes

It’s easy to think that a self-destructive cycle is easy to avoid if you have no special will to self-destruction. However, the cycle is sneaky.

It’s sneaky because it can be passive, and/or omissions rather than actions, procrastinations rather than obvious acts of impulse, and so forth.

So, they’re often things that specifically aren’t there to see.

How to catch them

How often do you think “I wish I had [done xyz]” or “I wish I had [done yxz] sooner”?

Now, how often have you thought that about the same thing more than once? For example, “I should have kept up my exercise”.

For things like this, habit-trackers are a great way to, well, keep track of habits. If for example you planned to do a 10-minute exercise session daily but you’ve been postponing it since you got distracted on January the 2nd, then it’ll highlight that. See also:

How To Really Pick Up (And Keep!) Those Habits

Speaking of habits, this goes for other forms of procrastination, too. For example, if you are always slow to get medical check-ups, or renew your prescriptions, or get ready for some regularly-occurring thing in your schedule, then set a reminder in your preferred way (phone app, calendar on the wall, whatever) and when the appointed time arrives (to book the check-up, renew the prescription, do your taxes, whatever), do it on the day you set your reminder for, as a personal rule for you that you keep to, barring extreme calamity.

By “extreme calamity” we mean less “running late today” and more “house burned down”.

Digital traps

Bad habits can be insidious in other ways too, like getting sucked into social media scrolling (it is literally designed to do that to you; you are not immune modern programming hijacking evolutionary dopamine responses).

Setting a screentime limit (you can specify “just these apps” if you like) will help with this. On most devices, this feature includes a sticky notification in the notification bar, that’ll remind you “27 out of 30 minutes remaining” or whatever you set it for. That’ll remind you to do what you went there to do, instead of getting caught in the endless scroll (and if you went there to just browse, to do so briefly).

Here’s how to set that:

Instructions for iOS devices | Instructions for Android devices

Oh, and on the topic of social media? If you find yourself getting caught up in unproductive arguments on the Internet, try the three-response rule:

  1. You reply; they reply (no progress made)
  2. You reply; they reply (still no progress made)
  3. You reply; they reply (still yet no progress made)

You reply just one more time: “I have a personal rule that if I’m arguing on the Internet and no progress has been made after three replies, I don’t reply further—I find this is helpful to avoid a lot of time lost to pointless arguing that isn’t going anywhere. Best wishes.”

(and then stick to it, no matter how they try to provoke you; best is to just not look until at least the next day)

When “swept up in love” gets to one of those little whirlpools…

The same works in personal relationships, by the way. If for example you are arguing with a loved one and not making progress, it can be good if you both have a pre-arranged agreement that either of you can, up to once on any given day, invoke a “time-out” (e.g. 30 minutes, but you agree the time between you when you first make this standing policy) during which you will both keep out of the other’s way, and come back with a more productive head on (remembering that things go best when it’s you both vs the problem, rather than vs each other).

See also:

Seriously Useful Communication Skills: Conflict Resolution

What if the self-sabotaging cycle is active and apparent?

Well, that is less sneaky, but certainly no less serious, and sometimes moreso. An obvious example is drinking too much; this is often cyclical in nature. We wrote about this one previously:

How To Reduce Or Quit Alcohol

That article’s alcohol-specific, but the same advices go for other harmful activities, including other substance abuse (which in turn includes binge-eating), as well psychological addictions (such as gambling, for example).


If your destructive cycle is more of a rut you’ve got stuck in, a common advice is to change something, anything, to get out of the rut.

That can be very bad advice! Because sometimes the change you go for is absolutely not the change that was needed, and is rather just cracking under pressure and doing something impulsive.

Here’s one way to actively get out of a slump:

Behavioral Activation Against Depression & Anxiety

Note: you do not have to be depressed or anxious to do this. But the point is, it’s a tool you can use even if you are depressed and/or anxious, so it’s a good thing to try for getting out of most kinds of slumps.

And really finally, here’s a resource for, well, the title speaks for itself:

When You Know What You “Should” Do (But Knowing Isn’t The Problem)

Take care!

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  • When You Know What You “Should” Do (But Knowing Isn’t The Problem)
  • Dating apps could have negative effects on body image and mental health, our research shows
    Dating apps may harm body image and mental health, with evidence linking them to body dissatisfaction, depression, and anxiety.

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  • Wakefulness, Cognitive Enhancement, AND Improved Mood?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Old Drug, New Tricks?

    Modafinil (also known by brand names including Modalert and Provigil) is a dopamine uptake inhibitor.

    What does that mean? It means it won’t put any extra dopamine in your brain, but it will slow down the rate at which your brain removes naturally-occuring dopamine.

    The result is that your brain will get to make more use of the dopamine it does have.

    (dopamine is a neutrotransmitter that allows you to feel wakeful and happy, and perform complex cognitive tasks)

    Modafinil is prescribed for treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness. Often that’s caused by shift work sleep disorder, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or narcolepsy.

    Read: Overview of the Clinical Uses, Pharmacology, and Safety of Modafinil

    Many studies done on humans (rather than rats) have been military experiments to reduce the effects of sleep deprivation:

    Click Here To See A Military Study On Modafinil!

    They’ve found modafinil to be helpful, and more effective and more long-lasting than caffeine, without the same “crash” later. This is for two reasons:

    1) while caffeine works by blocking adenosine (so you don’t feel how tired you are) and by constricting blood vessels (so you feel more ready-for-action), modafinil works by allowing your brain to accumulate more dopamine (so you’re genuinely more wakeful, and you get to keep the dopamine)

    2) the biological half-life of modafinil is 12–15 hours, as opposed to 4–8 hours* for caffeine.

    *Note: a lot of sources quote 5–6 hours for caffeine, but this average is misleading. In reality, we are each genetically predetermined to be either a fast caffeine metabolizer (nearer 4 hours) or a slow caffeine metabolizer (nearer 8 hours).

    What’s a biological half-life (also called: elimination half-life)?

    A substance’s biological half-life is the time it takes for the amount in the body to be reduced by exactly half.

    For example: Let’s say you’re a fast caffeine metabolizer and you have a double-espresso (containing 100mg caffeine) at 8am.

    By midday, you’ll have 50mg of caffeine left in your body. So far, so simple.

    By 4pm you might expect it to be gone, but instead you have 25mg remaining (because the amount halves every four hours).

    By 8pm, you have 12.5mg remaining.

    When midnight comes and you’re tucking yourself into bed, you still have 6.25mg of caffeine remaining from your morning coffee!

    Use as a nootropic

    Many healthy people who are not sleep-deprived use modafinil “off-label” as a nootropic (i.e., a cognitive enhancer).

    Read: Modafinil for cognitive neuroenhancement in healthy non-sleep-deprived subjects: A systematic review

    Important Note: modafinil is prescription-controlled, and only FDA-approved for sleep disorders.

    To get around this, a lot of perfectly healthy biohackers describe the symptoms of sleep pattern disorder to their doctor, to get a prescription.

    We do not recommend lying to your healthcare provider, and nor do we recommend turning to the online “grey market”.

    Such websites often use anonymized private doctors to prescribe on an “informed consent” basis, rather than making a full examination. Those websites then dispense the prescribed medicines directly to the patient with no further questions asked (i.e. very questionable practices).

    Caveat emptor!

    A new mood-brightener?

    Modafinil was recently tested head-to-head against Citalapram for the treatment of depression, and scored well:

    See its head-to-head scores here!

    How does it work? Modafinil does for dopamine what a lot of anti-depressants do for serotonin. Both dopamine and serotonin promote happiness and wakefulness.

    This is very promising, especially as modafinil (in most people, at least) has fewer unwanted side-effects than a lot of common anti-depressant medications.

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  • Ginger Does A Lot More Than You Think

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Ginger’s benefits go deep!

    You are doubtlessly already familiar with what ginger is, so let’s skip right into the science.

    The most relevant active compound in the ginger root is called gingerol, and people enjoy it not just for its taste, but also a stack of health reasons, such as:

    • For weight loss
    • Against nausea
    • Against inflammation
    • For cardiovascular health
    • Against neurodegeneration

    Quite a collection! So, what does the science say?

    For weight loss

    This one’s quite straightforward. It not only helps overall weight loss, but also specifically improves waist-hip ratio, which is a much more important indicator of health than BMI.

    Read: The effects of ginger intake on weight loss and metabolic profiles among overweight and obese subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

    Against nausea & pain

    Ginger has proven its effectiveness in many high quality clinical trials, against general nausea, post-surgery nausea, chemotherapy-induced nausea, and pregnancy-related nausea.

    Source: Ginger on Human Health: A Comprehensive Systematic Review of 109 Randomized Controlled Trials

    However! While it very clearly has been shown to be beneficial in the majority of cases, there are some small studies that suggest it may not be safe to take close to the time of giving birth, or in people with a history of pregnancy loss, or unusual vaginal bleeding, or clotting disorders.

    See specifically: Ginger for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy

    As a side note on the topic of “trouble down there”, ginger has also been found to be as effective as Novafen (a combination drug of acetaminophen (Tylenol), caffeine, and ibuprofen), in the task of relieving menstrual pain:

    See: Effect of Ginger and Novafen on menstrual pain: A cross-over trial

    Against inflammation & pain

    Ginger has well-established anti-inflammatory (and, incidentally, which affects many of the same systems, antioxidant) effects. Let’s take a look at that first:

    Read: Effect of Ginger on Inflammatory Diseases

    Attentive readers will note that this means that ginger is not merely some nebulous anti-inflammatory agent. Rather, it also specifically helps alleviate delineable inflammatory diseases, ranging from colitis to Crohn’s, arthritis to lupus.

    We’ll be honest (we always are!), the benefits in this case are not necessarily life-changing, but they are a statistically significant improvement, and if you are living with one of those conditions, chances are you’ll be glad of even things described in scientific literature as “modestly efficacious”.

    What does “modestly efficacious” look like? Here are the numbers from a review of 593 patients’ results in clinical trials (against placebo):

    ❝Following ginger intake, a statistically significant pain reduction SMD = −0.30 ([95% CI: [(−0.50, −0.09)], P = 0.005]) with a low degree of inconsistency among trials (I2 = 27%), and a statistically significant reduction in disability SMD = −0.22 ([95% CI: ([−0.39, −0.04)]; P = 0.01; I2 = 0%]) were seen, both in favor of ginger.❞

    ~ Bartels et al.

    To de-mathify that:

    • Ginger reduced pain by 30%
    • Ginger reduced disability by 22%

    Read the source: Efficacy and safety of ginger in osteoarthritis patients: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials

    Because (in part) of the same signalling pathways, it also has benefits against cancer (and you’ll remember, it also reduces the symptoms of chemotherapy).

    See for example: Ginger’s Role in Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Cancer

    For cardiovascular health

    In this case, its benefits are mostly twofold:

    Against neurodegeneration

    This is in large part because it reduces inflammation, which we discussed earlier.

    But, not everything passes the blood-brain barrier, so it’s worth noting when something (like gingerol) does also have an effect on brain health as well as the rest of the body.

    You do not want inflammation in your brain; that is Bad™ and strongly associated with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

    As well as reducing neuroinflammation, ginger has other relevant mechanisms too:

    ❝Its bioactive compounds may improve neurological symptoms and pathological conditions by modulating cell death or cell survival signaling molecules.

    The cognitive enhancing effects of ginger might be partly explained via alteration of both the monoamine and the cholinergic systems in various brain areas.

    Moreover, ginger decreases the production of inflammatory related factors❞

    ~ Arcusa et al.

    Check it out in full, as this is quite interesting:

    Role of Ginger in the Prevention of Neurodegenerative Diseases

    How much to take?

    In most studies, doses of 1–3 grams/day were used.

    Where to get it?

    Your local supermarket, as a first port-of-call. Especially given the dose you want, it may be nicer for you to have a touch of sliced ginger root in your cooking, rather than taking 2–6 capsules per day to get the same dose.

    Obviously, this depends on your culinary preferences, and ginger certainly doesn’t go with everything!

    If you do want it as a supplement, here is an example product on Amazon, for your convenience.


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  • Flax Seeds vs Pumpkin Seeds – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing flax seeds to pumpkin seeds, we picked the flax.


    Looking at the macros first, they are equal on protein, and flax seeds have a lot more fiber while pumpkin seeds have a lot more carbs. We’re going to prioritise fiber over carbs and call this a win for flax.

    In terms of vitamins, flax seeds have a lot more of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, C, E, K, and choline, while pumpkin seeds have a tiny bit more vitamin A. An easy win for flax here.

    When it comes to minerals, flax has multiples more calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and selenium, while pumpkin seeds have more zinc. Another win for flax.

    Adding up the sections makes for a clear overall win for flax, but by all means enjoy either or both; diversity is good!

    Want to learn more?

    You might like to read:

    What’s Your Plant Diversity Score? ← seeds count as plants!


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  • Ozempic vs Five Natural Supplements

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Semaglutide (GLP-1 agonist) drugs Ozempic and Wegovy really do work for losing weight, provided one then remains on these expensive drugs for life. Dr. Jin Sung recommends a supplements-based approach, instead.

    Natural Alternatives

    Dr. Sung recommends:

    • Berberine, which increases production and secretion of GLP-1.
    • Probiotics, which increase GLP-1 secretion. In particular he recommends Akkermansia municiphila which secretes P9, and this protein stimulates GLP-1 production and secretion.
    • Psyllium, a soluble dietary fiber which will increase short-chain fatty acids which then help with increasing GLP-1.
    • Curcumin, which enhances L-cell numbers, in turn promoting and increasing GLP-1 secretion. Also, curcumin may prolong gastric emptying, and increase insulin sensitivity.
    • Ginseng, of which the bioactive compound stimulates secretion of GLP-1, and also has anti-diabetic effects.

    Dr. Sung explains more about each of these in his video:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to know more?

    You might enjoy our previous main feature looking at some of the pros and cons:

    Semaglutide For Weight Loss?

    Take care!

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  • Healthy Brain, Happy Life – by Dr. Wendy Suzuki

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We talked about Dr. Wendy Suzuki’s research in the category of exercise and brain-benefits in our main feature the other day. But she has more to say than we can fit into an article!

    This book chronicles her discoveries, through her work in memory and neuroplasticity, to her discoveries about exercise, and her dive into broader neurology-based mental health. So what does neurology-based mental health look like?

    The answer is: mitigating brain-busters such as stress and anxiety, revitalizing a fatigued brain, boosting creativity, and other such benefits.

    Does she argue that exercise is a cure-all? No, not quite. Sometimes there are other things she’s recommending (such as in her chapter on challenging the neurobiology of the stress response, or her chapter on meditation and the brain).

    The writing style is mostly casual, interspersed with occasional mini-lectures (complete with diagrams and other illustrations), and is very readable and informative throughout.

    Bottom line: if you’d like the more in-depth details of Dr. Suzuki’s work, this book is a very accessible way to get 320 pages of that!

    Click here to check out Healthy Brain, Happy Life, and give yours the best!

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  • 10 Great Exercises to Improve Your Eyesight

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    If your eyesight has been declining a bit, all is not lost. Just like many other muscles in the body, the muscles of the eye—including those responsible for changing the focal length of your vision—can atrophy without exercise. So, without further ado, here are the exercises recommended:

    The eyes (still) have it

    1. Blink for a minute: blink rapidly for 30–60 seconds to regulate blood circulation, lubricate your eyes, and prevent dryness.
    2. Rotate your head while staring ahead: turn your head in a circular motion while keeping your gaze straight ahead. This improves blood circulation to your eyes.
    3. Look to your right and left: slowly move your gaze from right to left while breathing. This one relaxes and stretches the eye muscles.
    4. Close your eyes and relax: close your eyes for at least 30 seconds to relax and strengthen your photoreceptor cells.
    5. Move your gaze in different directions: shift your gaze right-left, up-down, in circular motions, and trace a figure 8 with your eyes. This improves visual perception for both near- and far-sightedness.
    6. Close and open your eyes: tighten your eyes shut for 3–5 seconds, then open them. Repeat seven times to improve blood circulation and relax your eye muscles. ← 10almonds note: the duration makes this different from #4, so do try both!
    7. Push against your temples with your fingers: gently press your temples with your fingers for two seconds, then release. Repeat 4–5 times to improve fluid circulation in your eyes.
    8. Draw geometric figures with your gaze: use your eyes to trace shapes such as triangles, squares, and circles to enhance your eye coordination and muscle strength.
    9. Move your eyeballs up and down: close your eyes and slowly move your eyeballs up and down five times to stretch and relax the muscles ← 10almonds note: this seems to be the same as part of #5 and has a considerable overlap with #8, but we’re listing it anyway, or else everyone will wonder where #9 went!
    10. Strengthen near and far focusing: focus on your thumb 10 inches away for 10–15 seconds, then switch focus to an object 10–20 feet away. Repeat five times to improve focus adjustment ability.

    By practicing these exercises daily, we are told that you can improve eye health and vision within a week.

    For more on all these, plus visual demonstrations, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    Vision for Life, Revised Edition – by Dr. Meir Schneider

    Take care!

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