How To Lower Your Blood Pressure (Cardiologists Explain)

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Today we enjoy the benefit of input from Dr. Zalzal, Dr. Weeing, and Dr. Hefferman!

If the thought of being in an operating room with three cardiologists in scrubs doesn’t raise your blood pressure too much, the doctors in question have a lot to offer for bringing those numbers down and keeping them down! They recommend…

150 mins of Exercise

This isn’t exactly controversial, but: move your body!

See also: Exercise Less; Move More

Reduce salt

Most people eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) are getting far too much—mostly because it’s in so many processed foods already.

See also: How Too Much Salt May Lead To Organ Failure

Eating habits

There’s a lot more to eating healthily for the heart than just reducing salt, and over all, the Mediterranean diet comes out scoring highest:

Reduce alcohol

According to the WHO, the only healthy amount of alcohol is zero. According to these cardiologists: at the very least cut down. However much or little you’re drinking right now, less is better.

See also: How To Reduce Or Quit Alcohol

Maintain healthy weight

While the doctors agree that BMI isn’t a great method of measuring metabolic health, it is clear that carrying excessive weight isn’t good for the heart.

See also: Lose Weight (Healthily!)

No smoking

This one’s pretty straight forward: just don’t.

See also: Addiction Myths That Are Hard To Quit

Reduce stress

Chronic stress has a big impact on chronic health in general and that includes its effect on blood pressure. So, improving one improves the other.

See also: Lower Your Cortisol! (Here’s Why & How)

Good sleep

Quality matters as much as quantity, and that goes for its effect on your blood pressure too, so take the time to invest in your good health!

See also: The 6 Dimensions Of Sleep (And Why They Matter)

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  • Creatine’s Brain Benefits Increase With Age

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Creatine is generally thought of as a body-building supplement, and for most young people, that’s all it is. But with extra years come extra advantages, and creatine starts to confer cognitive benefits. Dr. Brad Stanfield shares the science:

    What the science says

    Although 95% of creatine is stored in muscles, 5% is found in the brain, where it helps produce energy needed for brain processes (and that’s a lot of energy—about 20% of our body’s metabolic base rate is accounted for by our brain).

    In this video, Dr. Stanfield shares studies showing creatine improving memory, especially in older adults—and also in vegetarians/vegans, since creatine is found in meat (just like in our own bodies, which are also made of meat) and not in plants. On the meta-analysis level, a systematic review concluded that creatine supplementation indeed improves memory, with stronger effects observed in older adults.

    Dr. Stanfield also addresses the safety concerns about creatine, which, on balance, are not actually supported by the science (of course, always consult your own doctor to be sure, as your case could vary).

    As for dosage, 5g/day is recommended. For more on all of this plus links to the studies cited, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    Creatine: Very Different For Young & Old People

    Take care!

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  • The Best Menopause Advice You Don’t Want To Hear About

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    Nutritionist and perimenopause coach Claudia Canu, whom we’ve featured before in our Expert Insights segment, has advice:

    Here’s to good health

    When it comes to alcohol, the advice is: don’t.

    Or at least, cut back, and manage the effects by ensuring good hydration, having an “alcohol curfew” and so forth.

    What’s the relation to menopause? Well, alcohol’s not good for anyone at any time of life, but there are some special considerations when it comes to alcohol and estrogenic hormonal health:

    • The liver works hard to process the alcohol as a matter of urgency, delaying estrogen processing, which can increase the risk of breast and uterine cancer.
    • Alcohol has no positive health effects and is also linked to higher risks of breast and colorectal cancer.
    • Alcohol can also trigger some menopausal symptoms, such as night sweats and hot flashes. So, maybe reaching for that “cooling drink” isn’t the remedy it might seem.
    • During menopause, the body becomes more insulin-resistant, making it more susceptible to blood sugar spikes caused by alcohol. Also not good.

    Common reasons women turn to alcohol include stress, frustration, the need for reward, and social pressure, and all of these can be heightened when undergoing hormonal changes. Yet, alcohol will ultimately only worsen each of those things.

    For more on the science of some of the above, plus tips on how to make positive changes with minimum discomfort, enjoy:

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  • Alzheimer’s may have once spread from person to person, but the risk of that happening today is incredibly low

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    An article published this week in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine documents what is believed to be the first evidence that Alzheimer’s disease can be transmitted from person to person.

    The finding arose from long-term follow up of patients who received human growth hormone (hGH) that was taken from brain tissue of deceased donors.

    Preparations of donated hGH were used in medicine to treat a variety of conditions from 1959 onwards – including in Australia from the mid 60s.

    The practice stopped in 1985 when it was discovered around 200 patients worldwide who had received these donations went on to develop Creuztfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), which causes a rapidly progressive dementia. This is an otherwise extremely rare condition, affecting roughly one person in a million.

    What’s CJD got to do with Alzehimer’s?

    CJD is caused by prions: infective particles that are neither bacterial or viral, but consist of abnormally folded proteins that can be transmitted from cell to cell.

    Other prion diseases include kuru, a dementia seen in New Guinea tribespeople caused by eating human tissue, scrapie (a disease of sheep) and variant CJD or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, otherwise known as mad cow disease. This raised public health concerns over the eating of beef products in the United Kingdom in the 1980s.

    Human growth hormone used to come from donated organs

    Human growth hormone (hGH) is produced in the brain by the pituitary gland. Treatments were originally prepared from purified human pituitary tissue.

    But because the amount of hGH contained in a single gland is extremely small, any single dose given to any one patient could contain material from around 16,000 donated glands.

    An average course of hGH treatment lasts around four years, so the chances of receiving contaminated material – even for a very rare condition such as CJD – became quite high for such people.

    hGH is now manufactured synthetically in a laboratory, rather than from human tissue. So this particular mode of CJD transmission is no longer a risk.

    Scientist in a lab
    Human growth hormone is now produced in a lab.
    National Cancer Institute/Unsplash

    What are the latest findings about Alzheimer’s disease?

    The Nature Medicine paper provides the first evidence that transmission of Alzheimer’s disease can occur via human-to-human transmission.

    The authors examined the outcomes of people who received donated hGH until 1985. They found five such recipients had developed early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

    They considered other explanations for the findings but concluded donated hGH was the likely cause.

    Given Alzheimer’s disease is a much more common illness than CJD, the authors presume those who received donated hGH before 1985 may be at higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

    Alzheimer’s disease is caused by presence of two abnormally folded proteins: amyloid and tau. There is increasing evidence these proteins spread in the brain in a similar way to prion diseases. So the mode of transmission the authors propose is certainly plausible.

    However, given the amyloid protein deposits in the brain at least 20 years before clinical Alzheimer’s disease develops, there is likely to be a considerable time lag before cases that might arise from the receipt of donated hGH become evident.

    When was this process used in Australia?

    In Australia, donated pituitary material was used from 1967 to 1985 to treat people with short stature and infertility.

    More than 2,000 people received such treatment. Four developed CJD, the last case identified in 1991. All four cases were likely linked to a single contaminated batch.

    The risks of any other cases of CJD developing now in pituitary material recipients, so long after the occurrence of the last identified case in Australia, are considered to be incredibly small.

    Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (defined as occurring before the age of 65) is uncommon, accounting for around 5% of all cases. Below the age of 50 it’s rare and likely to have a genetic contribution.

    Older man places his hands on his head
    Early onset Alzheimer’s means it occurs before age 65.

    The risk is very low – and you can’t ‘catch’ it like a virus

    The Nature Medicine paper identified five cases which were diagnosed in people aged 38 to 55. This is more than could be expected by chance, but still very low in comparison to the total number of patients treated worldwide.

    Although the long “incubation period” of Alzheimer’s disease may mean more similar cases may be identified in the future, the absolute risk remains very low. The main scientific interest of the article lies in the fact it’s first to demonstrate that Alzheimer’s disease can be transmitted from person to person in a similar way to prion diseases, rather than in any public health risk.

    The authors were keen to emphasise, as I will, that Alzheimer’s cannot be contracted via contact with or providing care to people with Alzheimer’s disease.The Conversation

    Steve Macfarlane, Head of Clinical Services, Dementia Support Australia, & Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Monash University

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • Scarcity Brain – by Michael Easter

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    After a brief overview of theevolutionary psychology underpinnings of the scarcity brain, the author grounds the rest of this book firmly in the present. He explains how the scarcity loop hooks us and why we crave more, and what factors can increase or lessen its hold over us.

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    Bottom line: if you feel a gnawing sense of needing more “to be on the safe side”, this book can help you to be a little more strategic (and at the same time, less stressed!) about that.

    Click here to check out Scarcity Brain, and manage yours more mindfully!

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  • Getting Flexible, Starting As An Adult: How Long Does It Really Take?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Aleks Brzezinska didn’t start stretching until she was 21, and here’s what she found:

    We’ll not stretch the truth

    A lot of stretching programs will claim “do the splits in 30 days” or similar, and while this may occasionally be true, usually it’ll take longer.

    Brzezinska started stretching seriously when she was 21, and made significant flexibility gains between the ages of 21 and 23 with consistent practice. Since then, she’s just maintained her flexibility.

    There are facts that affect progress significantly, such as:

    • Anatomy: body structure, age, and joint flexibility do influence flexibility; starting younger and/or having hypermobile joints does make it easier.
    • Consistency: regular practice (2–3 times a week) is crucial, but avoid overdoing it, especially when sore.
    • Lifestyle: weightlifting, running, and similar activities can tighten muscles, making flexibility harder to achieve.
    • Hydration: staying hydrated is important for muscle flexibility.

    She also recommends incorporating a variety of different stretching types, rather than just one method, for example passive stretching, active stretching, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching, and mobility work.

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  • Heart Attack: His & Hers (Be Prepared!)

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The ECG Wearable That Could Cut Down Preventable Heart Attack Deaths

    Nearly half of people who have heart attacks don’t realize what’s happening until it’s too late. This device could greatly reduce those preventable deaths:

    New wearable ECG device could help prevent heart attacks

    At a glance:

    • Dry electrodes (no gel) are comfortable, durable, and unlikely to cause skin irritation
    • The electrodes, which are less than one tenth the width of a human hair, are highly sensitive to the cardiac signals of the user
    • The device can capture ECG signals even when it is fitted hidden out of the way behind a person’s neck
    • The electrodes are also hydrophobic, meaning they don’t get wet— even if worn in the shower, swimming pool, etc
    • It communicates with a smartphone app by Bluetooth (yes, it has a tiny Bluetooth chip in it)

    Read more about the study, the device, the various versions tested, and which version won out as optimal:

    Dry electrode geometry optimization for wearable ECG devices

    (you can also see pictures of it, if you’re curious!)

    In the meantime…

    That device isn’t available to the public yet (the study was published literally yesterday), so if you’d like to be ahead of the game with regard to recognizing heart attack signs, read on:

    Heart Attack: His & Hers (Be Prepared!)

    Heart attack symptoms vary by sex. This is governed by hormones, so if you are for example a postmenopausal woman and not on HRT, your symptoms might be nearer that of men.

    The following symptom list is intended as a rough “most likely” guide. You may not get all of the symptoms you “should”. You could get symptoms from the “wrong” category. So don’t sweat the minutiae, but do be aware of…

    Symptoms for everyone:

    • Jaw, neck, and/or back pain
    • Nausea and/or vomiting
    • Shortness of breath

    Additional symptoms (mostly) just for men:

    • Pressure and/or pain in the upper chest
    • Discomfort and/or tingling in the arms
    • Sudden cold sweat

    Additional symptoms (mostly) just for women:

    • Pressure and/or pain in the lower chest and/or abdomen
    • Feeling of fullness and/or indigestion
    • Fatigue, dizziness, possibly fainting

    In the event of experiencing symptoms…

    Call 911 or your local equivalent.This is not the time to wait to see if it goes away by itself. If unsure, call. Better safe than sorry/dead.

    If you are not alone, or if it is someone with you who is having the suspected heart attack, it may be quicker to go to the Emergency Room by car, than wait for an ambulance.

    Even if you choose to do that, you should still call 911 anyway, as the responder will be able to instruct you in real-time, not something we can do in a newsletter.

    Note that if available, this means three people in the car is ideal:

    Driver, patient, and third person on the phone giving information and following instructions.

    Emergency situations rarely go entirely by-the-book, but with a little foreknowledge and at least one person with a calm head, preventable deaths can be avoided.

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