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1 minute Sugar Blues review: Discover the eye-opening insights of William Dufty in this concise review of his groundbreaking book, Sugar Blues. Uncover how sugar impacts our well-being and gain practical tips to

Sugar Blues – by William Dufty

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This is a “read it cover to cover” book. It charts the rise of sugar’s place in world diets in general and the American diet in particular, and draws many conclusions about the effect this has had on us.

This book will challenge you. Sometimes, it will change your mind. Sometimes, you’ll go “no, I’m sure that’s not right”, and you’ll go Googling. Either way, you’ll learn something.

And that, for us, is the most important measure of any informational book: did we gain something from it? In Sugar Blues, perhaps the single biggest “gain” for the reader is that it’s an eye-opener and a call-to-arms—the extent to which you heed that is up to you, but it sure is good to at least be familiar with the battlefield.

Check Out Sugar Blues on Amazon Today!

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