To Nap Or Not To Nap; That Is The Question

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It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

So, no question/request too big or small

❝Is it good to nap in the afternoon, or better to get the famous 7 to 9 hours at night and leave it at that? I’m worried that daytime napping to make up for a shorter night’s sleep will just perpetuate and worsen it in the long run, is there a categorical answer here?❞

Generally considered best is indeed the 7–9 hours at night (yes, including at older ages):

Why You Probably Need More Sleep

…and sleep efficiency does matter too:

Why 7 Hours Sleep Is Not Enough

…which in turn, is influenced by factors other than just length and depth:

The 6 Dimensions Of Sleep (And Why They Matter)

However! Knowing what is best in theory does not help at all if it’s unattainable in practice. So, if you’re not getting a good night’s sleep (and we’ll assume you’re already practising good sleep hygiene; fresh bedding, lights-off by a certain time, no alcohol or caffeine before bed, that kind of thing), then a first port-of-call may be sleep remedies:

Safe Effective Sleep Aids For Seniors

If even those don’t work, then napping is now likely your best back-up option. But, napping done incorrectly can indeed cause as many problems as it solves. There’s a difference between:

  • “I napped and now I have energy again” and you continue with your day
  • Darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead, and every day was as long as the life age of the earth—but it was not the end.” and now you’re not sure whether it’s day or night, whose house you’re in, or whether you’ve been drugged.

These two very common napping experiences are influenced by factors that we can control:

How To Nap Like A Pro (No More “Sleep Hangovers”!)

If you still prefer to not risk napping but do need at least some kind of refreshment that’s actually a refreshment and not just taking stimulants, then you might consider this practice (from yoga nidra) that gives some of the same benefits of sleep, without actually sleeping:

Non-Sleep Deep Rest: A Neurobiologist’s Insights

Take care!

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  • This salt alternative could help reduce blood pressure. So why are so few people using it?
    Potassium-enriched salt is a simple solution to reduce high blood pressure. Clinical guidelines should recommend its use to improve cardiovascular health.

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  • Why do I need to get up during the night to wee? Is this normal?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It can be normal to wake up once or even twice during the night to wee, especially as we get older.

    One in three adults over 30 makes at least two trips to the bathroom every night.

    Waking up from sleep to urinate on a regular basis is called nocturia. It’s one of the most commonly reported bothersome urinary symptoms (others include urgency and poor stream).

    So what causes nocturia, and how can it affect wellbeing?

    A range of causes

    Nocturia can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, such as heart or kidney problems, poorly controlled diabetes, bladder infections, an overactive bladder, or gastrointestinal issues. Other causes include pregnancy, medications and consumption of alcohol or caffeine before bed.

    While nocturia causes disrupted sleep, the reverse is true as well. Having broken sleep, or insomnia, can also cause nocturia.

    When we sleep, an antidiuretic hormone is released that slows down the rate at which our kidneys produce urine. If we lie awake at night, less of this hormone is released, meaning we continue to produce normal rates of urine. This can accelerate the rate at which we fill our bladder and need to get up during the night.

    Stress, anxiety and watching television late into the night are common causes of insomnia.

    A person with their hands in front of their pelvic area in a bathroom.
    Sometimes we need to get up late at night to pee.
    Christian Moro

    Effects of nocturia on daily functioning

    The recommended amount of sleep for adults is between seven and nine hours per night. The more times you have to get up in the night to go to the bathroom, the more this impacts sleep quantity and quality.

    Decreased sleep can result in increased tiredness during the day, poor concentration, forgetfulness, changes in mood and impaired work performance.

    If you’re missing out on quality sleep due to nighttime trips to the bathroom, this can affect your quality of life.

    In more severe cases, nocturia has been compared to having a similar impact on quality of life as diabetes, high blood pressure, chest pain, and some forms of arthritis. Also, frequent disruptions to quality and quantity of sleep can have longer-term health impacts.

    Nocturia not only upsets sleep, but also increases the risk of falls from moving around in the dark to go to the bathroom.

    Further, it can affect sleep partners or others in the household who may be disturbed when you get out of bed.

    Can you have a ‘small bladder’?

    It’s a common misconception that your trips to the bathroom are correlated with the size of your bladder. It’s also unlikely your bladder is smaller relative to your other organs.

    If you find you are having to wee more than your friends, this could be due to body size. A smaller person drinking the same amount of fluids as someone larger will simply need to go the bathroom more often.

    If you find you are going to the bathroom quite a lot during the day and evening (more than eight times in 24 hours), this could be a symptom of an overactive bladder. This often presents as frequent and sudden urges to urinate.

    If you are concerned about any lower urinary tract symptoms, it’s worth having a chat with your family GP.

    There are some medications that can assist in the management of nocturia, and your doctor will also be able to help identify any underlying causes of needing to go to the toilet during the night.

    A happy and healthy bladder

    Here are some tips to maintain a happy and healthy bladder, and reduce the risk you’ll be up at night:

    Christian Moro, Associate Professor of Science & Medicine, Bond University and Charlotte Phelps, Senior Teaching Fellow, Medical Program, Bond University

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • Hardwiring Happiness – by Dr. Rick Hanson

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Publishers are very excitable about “the new science of…”, and it’s almost never actually a new science of. But what about in this case?

    No, it isn’t. It’s the very well established science of! And that’s a good thing, because it means this book is able to draw on quite a lot of research and established understanding of how neuroplasticity works, to leverage that and provide useful guidance.

    A particular strength of this book is that while it polarizes the idea that some people have “happy amygdalae” and some people have “sad amygdalae”, it acknowledges that it’s not just a fated disposition and is rather the result of the lives people have led… And then provides advice on upgrading from sad to happy, based on the assumption that the reader is quite possibly coming from a non-ideal starting point.

    The bookdoes an excellent job of straddling neuroscience and psychology, which sounds like not much of a straddle (the two are surely very connected, after all, right?) but this does mean that we’re hearing about the chemical structure of DNA inside the nuclei of the neurons of the insula, not long after reading an extended gardening metaphor about growth, choices, and vulnerabilities.

    Bottom line: if you’d like a guide to changing your brain for the better (happier) that’s not just “ask yourself: what if it goes well?” and similar CBTisms, then this is a fine book for you.

    Click here to check out Hardwiring Happiness, and indeed hardwire happiness!

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  • Marrakesh Sorghum Salad

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    As the name suggests, it’s a Maghreb dish today! Using sorghum, a naturally gluten-free whole grain with a stack of vitamins and minerals. This salad also comes with fruit and nuts (apricots and almonds; a heavenly combination for both taste and nutrients) as well as greens, herbs, and spices.

    Note: to keep things simple today, we’ve listed ras el-hanout as one ingredient. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a spice blend; you can probably buy a version locally, but you might as well know how to make it yourself—so here’s our recipe for that!

    You will need

    • 1½ cups sorghum, soaked overnight in water (if you can’t find it locally, you can order it online (here’s an example product on Amazon), or substitute quinoa) and if you have time, soaked overnight and then kept in a jar with just a little moisture for a few days until they begin to sprout—this will be best of all. But if you don’t have time, don’t worry about it; overnight soaking is sufficient already.
    • 1 carrot, grated
    • ½ cup chopped parsley
    • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
    • ½ tbsp chopped chives
    • 2 tbsp ras el-hanout
    • 3 cloves garlic, crushed
    • 2 tbsp almond butter
    • 1 tbsp lemon juice
    • 1 tsp white miso paste
    • ½ cup sliced almonds
    • 4 fresh apricots, pitted and cut into wedges
    • 1 cup mint leaves, chopped
    • To serve: your choice of salad greens; we suggest chopped romaine lettuce and rocket


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Cook the sorghum, which means boiling it for about 45 minutes, or 30 in a pressure cooker. If unsure, err on the side of cooking longer—even up to an hour will be totally fine. You have a lot of wiggle room, and will soon get used to how long it takes with your device/setup. Drain the cooked sorghum, and set it aside to cool. If you’re entertaining, we recommend doing this part the day before and keeping it in the fridge.

    2) When it’s cool, add the carrot, the parsley, the chives, the vinegar, and 1 tbsp of the ras el-hanout. Toss gently but thoroughly to combine.

    3) Make the dressing, which means putting ¼ cup water into a blender with the other 1 tbsp of the ras el-hanout, the garlic, the almond butter, the lemon juice, and the miso paste. Blend until smooth.

    4) Assemble the salad, which means adding the dressing to sorghum-and-ingredients bowl, along with the almonds, apricots, and mint leaves. Toss gently, but sufficiently that everything is coated.

    5) Serve on a bed of salad greens.


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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  • How To Actually Start A Healthy Lifestyle In The New Year

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Dr. Faye Bate cuts through the trends to give advice that’ll last past January the 2nd:

    What actually works

    …and is actually easy to implement:

    Avoid an All-or-Nothing Mindset

    • Strict, perfectionist approaches often lead to failure and guilt.
    • Small, balanced efforts can be imperfect without being failures!
    • Sustainable habits should integrate seamlessly into daily life..

    Focus on Unprocessed vs. Processed Foods

    • Don’t worry overly about calorie counts unless you have a very specific medical reason to do so.
    • Prioritize minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods over highly processed, empty-calorie-dense options.
    • Moderation is key—processed foods don’t need to be eliminated entirely; taking things down by just one tier of processing is already an improvement.

    Choose Enjoyable Exercise

    • The best exercise is one you enjoy and can maintain long-term. If something’s not enjoyable, you’ll soon give it up.
    • Trends in fitness shouldn’t dictate your routine—do what works for you.
    • Same goes for “body goals”—fashions come and go, while you’re still going to have more or less the same basic body, so work with it rather than against it.

    Prioritize Convenience

    • Convenience plays a critical role in maintaining healthy habits, for similar reasons to the enjoyment (very few people enjoy inconvenience)
    • Example from Dr. Bate: switching to a closer gym led to consistent workouts despite a busy schedule.
    • Apply the same principle to food: plan ahead and stock convenient, healthy options (e.g. frozen vegetables etc).

    Keep It Simple

    • Do follow basic health advice: drink water, eat fruits and vegetables, move your body, and see a doctor if needed.
    • Avoid being swayed by sensationalized health trends and headlines designed to sell products—if you want it for a good while first, then maybe you’ll actually use it more than twice.
    • Stick to evidence-based, straightforward habits for long-term health. And check the evidence for yourself! Do not just believe claims!

    In short: you will more likely tend to do things that are enjoyable and not too difficult. Start there and work up, keeping things simple along the way. It doesn’t matter if it’s not how everyone else does it; if it works for you, it works for you!

    For more on all of these, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    The Science Of New Year’s Pre-Resolutions

    Take care!

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  • Breathe; Don’t Vent (At Least In The Moment)

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Zen And The Art Of Breaking Things

    We’ve talked before about identifying emotions and the importance of being able to express them:

    Answering The Most Difficult Question: How Are You?

    However, there can be a difference between “expressing how we feel” and “being possessed by how we feel and bulldozing everything in our path”

    …which is, of course, primarily a problem in the case of anger—and by extension, emotions that are often contemporaneous with anger, such as jealousy, shame, fear, etc.

    How much feeling is too much?

    While this is in large part a subjective matter, clinically speaking the key question is generally: is it adversely affecting daily life to the point of being a problem?

    For example, if you have to spend half an hour every day actively managing a certain emotion, that’s probably indicative of something unusual, but “unusual” is not inherently bad. If you’re managing it safely and in a way that doesn’t negatively affect the rest of your life, then that is generally considered fine, unless you feel otherwise about it.

    A good example of this is complicated grief and/or prolonged grief.

    But what about when it comes to anger? How much is ok?

    When it comes to those around you, any amount of anger can seem like too much. Anger often makes us short-tempered even with people who are not the object of our anger, and it rarely brings out the best in us.

    We can express our feelings in non-aggressive ways, for example:

    When You “Can’t Complain”


    Seriously Useful Communication Skills!

    Sometimes, there’s another way though…

    Breathe; don’t vent

    That’s a great headline, but we can’t take the credit for it, because it came from:

    Breathe, don’t vent: turning down the heat is key to managing anger

    …in which it was found that, by all available metrics, the popular wisdom of “getting it off your chest” doesn’t necessarily stand up to scrutiny, at least in the short term:

    ❝The work was inspired in part by the rising popularity of rage rooms that promote smashing things (such as glass, plates and electronics) to work through angry feelings.

    I wanted to debunk the whole theory of expressing anger as a way of coping with it,” she said. “We wanted to show that reducing arousal, and actually the physiological aspect of it, is really important.❞

    ~ Dr. Brad Bushman

    And indeed, he and his team did find that various arousal-increasing activities (such as hitting a punchbag, breaking things, doing vigorous exercise) did not help as much as arousal-decreasing activities, such as mindfulness-based relaxation techniques.

    If you’d like to read the full paper, then so would we, but we couldn’t get full access to this one yet. However, the abstract includes representative statistics, so that’s worth a once-over:

    A meta-analytic review of anger management activities that increase or decrease arousal: What fuels or douses rage?


    Did you notice the small gap between their results and their conclusion?

    In a lab or similar short-term observational setting, their recommendation is clearly correct.

    However, if the source of your anger is something chronic and persistent, it could well be that calming down without addressing the actual cause is just “kicking the can down the road”, and will still have to actually be dealt with eventually.

    So, while “here be science”, it’s not a mandate for necessarily suffering in silence. It’s more about being mindful about how we go about tackling our anger.

    As for a primer on mindfulness, feel free to check out:

    No-Frills, Evidence-Based Mindfulness

    Take care!

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  • Dietary Changes for Artery Health

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? You can always hit “reply” to any of our emails, or use the feedback widget at the bottom!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small

    ❝How does your diet change clean out your arteries of the bad cholesterol?❞

    There’s good news and bad news here, and they can both be delivered with a one-word reply:


    Or rather: what’s being cleaned out is mostly not the LDL (bad) cholesterol, but rather, the result of that.

    When our diet is bad for cardiovascular health, our arteries get fatty deposits on their walls. Cholesterol gets stuck here too, but that’s not the main physical problem.

    Our body’s natural defenses come into action and try to clean it up, but they (for example macrophages, a kind of white blood cell that consumes invaders and then dies, before being recycled by the next part of the system) often get stuck and become part of the buildup (called atheroma), which can lead to atherosclerosis and (if calcium levels are high) hardening of the arteries, which is the worst end of this.

    This can then require medical attention, precisely because the body can’t remove it very well—especially if you are still maintaining a heart-unhealthy diet, thus continuing to add to the mess.

    However, if it is not too bad yet, yes, a dietary change alone will reverse this process. Without new material being added to the arterial walls, the body’s continual process of rejuvenation will eventually fix it, given time (free from things making it worse) and resources.

    In fact, your arteries can be one of the quickest places for your body to make something better or worse, because the blood is the means by which the body moves most things (good or bad) around the body.

    All the more reason to take extra care of it, since everything else depends on it!

    You might also like our previous main feature:

    All Things Heart Health

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