Breast Milk’s Benefits That Are (So Far) Not Replicable

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Simply The Breast 🎶

In Wednesday’s newsletter, we asked you for your opinion on breast vs formula milk (for babies!), and got the above-depicted, below-described, set of responses:

  • 80% said “Breast is best, as the slogan goes, and should be first choice”
  • 20% said “They both have their strengths and weaknesses; use whatever”
  • 0% said “Formula is formulated to be best, and should be first choice”

That’s the first time we’ve ever had a possible poll option come back with zero votes whatsoever! It seems this topic is relatively uncontentious amongst our readership, so we’ll keep things brief today, but there is still a little mythbusting to be done.

So, what does the science say?

[Breast milk should be the first choice] at least for the few few weeks and months for the benefit of baby’s health as breast milk has protective factors formula does not: True or False?

True! The wording here was taken from one of our readers’ responses, by the way (thank you, Robin). There are a good number of those protective factors, the most well-known of which is passing on immune cells and cell-like things; in other words, immune-related information being passed from parent* to child.

*usually the mother, though in principle it could be someone else and in practice sometimes it is; the only real requirements are that the other person be healthy, lactating, and willing.

As for immune benefits, see for example:

Perspectives on Immunoglobulins in Colostrum and Milk

And for that matter, also:

Colostrum is required for the postnatal ontogeny of small intestine innate lymphoid type 2 cells and successful anti-helminth defences

(Colostrum is simply the milk that is produced for a short period after giving birth; the composition of milk will tend to change later)

In any case, immunoglobulin A is a very important component in breast milk (colostrum and later), as well as lactoferrin (has an important antimicrobial effect and is good for the newborn’s gut), and a plethora of cytokines:

Cytokines in Human Milk

As for that about the gut, lactoferrin isn’t the only breast milk component that benefits this, by far, and there’s a lot that can’t be replicated yet:

Human Breast Milk and the Gastrointestinal Innate Immune System

As long as your infant/child is nutritiously fed, it shouldn’t matter if it comes from breast or formula: True or False?

False! Formula milk will not convey those immune benefits.

This doesn’t mean that formula-feeding is neglectful; as several people who commented mentioned*, there are many reasons a person may not be able to breastfeed, and they certainly should not be shamed for that.

*(including the reader whose words we borrowed for this True/False item; the words we quoted above were prefaced with: “Not everyone is able to breastfeed for many different reasons”)

But, while formula milk is a very good second choice, and absolutely a respectable choice if breast milk isn’t an option (or an acceptable option) for whatever reason, it still does not convey all the health benefits of breast milk—yet! The day may come when they’ll find a way to replicate the immune benefits, but today is not that day.

They both have their strengths and weaknesses: True or False?

True! But formula’s strengths are only in the category of convenience and sometimes necessity—formula conveys no health benefits that breast milk could not do better, if available.

For many babies, formula means they get to eat, when without it they would starve due to non-availability of breast milk. That’s a pretty important role!

Note also: this is a health science publication, not a philosophical publication, but we’d be remiss not to mention one thing; let’s bring it in under the umbrella of sociology:

The right to bodily autonomy continues to be the right to bodily autonomy even if somebody else wants/needs something from your body.

Therefore, while there are indeed many good reasons for not being able to breastfeed, or even just not being safely* able to breastfeed, it is at the very least this writer’s opinion that nobody should be pressed to give their reason for not breastfeeding; “no” is already a sufficient answer.

*Writer’s example re safety: when I was born, my mother was on such drugs that it would have been a very bad idea for her to breastfeed me. There are plenty of other possible reasons why it might be unsafe for someone one way or another, but “on drugs that have a clear ‘do not take while pregnant or nursing’ warning” is a relatively common one.

All that said, for those who are willing and safely able, the science is clear: breast is best.

Want to read more?

The World Health Organization has a wealth of information (including explanations of its recommendations of, where possible, exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months, ideally continuing some breastfeeding for the first 2 years), here:

World Health Organization | Breastfeeding

Take care!

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    Buckwheat trumps rice with higher fiber, more protein, and lower glycemic index – a smart switch for variety and health!

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  • Recognize The Early Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative condition with wide-reaching implications for health. While there is currently no known cure, there are treatments, so knowing about it sooner rather than later is important.

    Spot The Signs

    There are two main kinds of symptoms, motor and non-motor.

    Motor symptoms include:

    • trembling that occurs when muscles are relaxed; often especially visible in the fingers
    • handwriting changes—not just because of the above, but also often getting smaller
    • blank expression, on account of fewer instruction signals getting through to the face
    • frozen gait—especially difficulty starting walking, and a reduced arm swing

    Non-motor symptoms include:

    • loss of sense of smell—complete, or a persistent reduction of
    • sleepwalking, or sleep-talking, or generally acting out dreams while asleep
    • constipation—on an ongoing basis
    • depression/anxiety, especially if there was no prior history of these conditions

    For more detail on each of these, as well as what steps you might want to take, check out what Dr. Luis Zayas has to say:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    Citicoline vs Parkinson’s (And More)

    Take care!

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  • Nanotechnology vs Alcohol Damage!

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    One Thing That Does Pair Well With Alcohol…

    Alcohol is not a healthy thing to consume. That shouldn’t be a controversial statement, but there is a popular belief that it can be good for the heart:

    Red Wine & The Heart: Can We Drink To Good Health?

    The above is an interesting and well-balanced article that examines the arguments for health benefits (including indirectly, e.g. social aspects).

    Ultimately, though, as the World Health Organization puts it:

    WHO: No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health

    There is some good news:

    We can somewhat reduce the harm done by alcohol by altering our habits slightly:

    How To Make Drinking Less Harmful

    …and we can also, of course, reduce our alcohol consumption (ideally to zero, but any reduction is an improvement already):

    How To Reduce Or Quit Alcohol

    And, saving the best news (in this section, anyway) for last, it is almost always possible to undo the harm done specifically to one’s liver:

    How To Unfatty A Fatty Liver

    Nanotechnology to the rescue?

    Remember when we had a main feature about how colloidal gold basically does nothing by itself (and that that’s precisely why gold is used in medicine, when it is used)?

    Now it has an extra bit of nothing to do, for our benefit (if we drink alcohol, anyway), as part of a gel that detoxifies alcohol before it can get to our liver:

    Gold is one of the “ingredients” in a gel containing a nanotechnology lattice of protein fibrils coated with iron (and the gold is there as an inert catalyst, which is chemistry’s way of saying it doesn’t react in any way but it does cheer the actual reagents on). There’s more chemistry going on than we have room to discuss in our little newsletter, so if you like the full details, you can read about that here:

    Single-site iron-anchored amyloid hydrogels as catalytic platforms for alcohol detoxification

    The short and oversimplified explanation is that instead of alcohol being absorbed from the gut and transported via the bloodstream to the liver, where it is metabolized (poisoning the liver as it goes, and poisoning the rest of the body too, including the brain), the alcohol is degraded while it is still in the gastrointestinal tract, converted by the gel’s lattice into acetic acid (which is at worst harmless, and actually in moderation a good thing to have).

    Even shorter and even more oversimplified: the gel turns the alcohol into vinegar in the stomach and gut, before it can get absorbed into the blood.


    Of course there’s a “but”…

    There are some limitations:

    It doesn’t get it all (tests so far found it only gets about half of the alcohol), and so far it’s only been tested on mice, so it’s not on the market yet—while the researchers are sufficiently confident about it that a patent application has now been made, though, so it’ll probably show up on the market in the near future.

    You can read a pop-science article about it (with diagrams!) here:

    New gel breaks down alcohol in the body

    Want to read more…

    …about how to protect your organs (including your brain) from alcohol completely?

    We’ve reviewed quite a number of books about quitting alcohol, so it’s hard to narrow it down to a single favorite, but after some deliberation, we’ll finish today with recommending:

    Quit Drinking – by Rebecca Doltonyou can read our review here

    Take care!

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  • Melatonin: A Safe, Natural Sleep Aid?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Melatonin: A safe sleep supplement?

    Melatonin is a hormone normally made in our pineal gland. It helps regulate our circadian rhythm, by making us sleepy.

    It has other roles too—it has a part to play in regulating immune function, something that also waxes and wanes as a typical day goes by.

    Additionally, since melatonin and cortisol are antagonistic to each other, a sudden increase in either will decrease the other. Our brain takes advantage of this, by giving us a cortisol spike in the morning to help us wake up.

    As a supplement, it’s generally enjoyed with the intention of inducing healthy, natural, restorative sleep.

    Does it really induce healthy, natural, restorative, sleep?

    Yes! Well, “natural” is a little subject and relative, if you’re taking it as a supplement, but it’s something your body produces naturally anyway.

    Contrast with, for example, benzodiazepines (that whole family of medications with names ending in -azopan or -alozam), or other tranquilizing drugs that do not so much induce healthy sleep, but rather reduce your brain function and hopefully knock you out, and/but often have unwanted side effects, and a tendency to create dependency.

    Melatonin, unlike most of those drugs, does not create dependency, and furthermore, we don’t develop tolerance to it. In other words, the same dose will continue working (we won’t need more and more).

    In terms of benefits, melatonin not only reduces the time to fall asleep and increases total sleep time, but also (quite a bonus) improves sleep quality, too:

    Meta-Analysis: Melatonin for the Treatment of Primary Sleep Disorders

    Because it is a natural hormone rather than a drug with many side effects and interactions, it’s also beneficial for those who need good sleep and/but don’t want tranquilizing:

    The Efficacy of Oral Melatonin in Improving Sleep in Cancer Patients with Insomnia: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study

    Any other benefits?

    Yes! It can also help guard against Seasonal Affective Disorder, also called seasonal depression. Because SAD is not just about “not enough light = not enough serotonin”, but also partly about circadian rhythm and (the body is not so sure what time of day it is when there are long hours of darkness, or even, in the other hemisphere / other time of year, long hours of daylight), melatonin can help, by giving your brain something to “anchor” onto, provided you take it at the same time each day. See:

    As a small bonus, melatonin also promotes HGH production (important for maintaining bone and muscle mass, especially in later life):

    Melatonin stimulates growth hormone secretion through pathways other than the growth hormone-releasing hormone

    Anything we should worry about?

    Assuming taking a recommended dose only (0.5mg–10mg per day), toxicity is highly unlikely, especially given that it has a half-life of only 40–60 minutes, so it’ll be eliminated quite quickly.

    However! It does indeed induce sleepiness, so for example, don’t take melatonin and then try to drive or operate heavy machinery—or, ideally, do anything other than go to bed.

    It can interfere with some medications. We mentioned that melatonin helps regulate immune function, so for example that’s something to bear in mind if you’re on immunosuppressants or otherwise have an autoimmune disorder. It can also interfere with blood pressure medications and blood thinners, and may make epilepsy meds less effective.

    As ever, if in doubt, please speak with your doctor and/or pharmacist.

    Where to get it?

    As ever, we don’t sell it (or anything else), but for your convenience, here is an example product on Amazon.


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    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

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    Click here to check out “In Praise of Walking” on Amazon, and start reaping the benefits!

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  • Limitless Expanded Edition – by Jim Kwik

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    This is a little flashier in presentation than we usually go for here, but the content is actually very good. Indeed, we’ve featured Jim Kwik before, with different, but also good content—in that case, physical exercises that strengthen the brain.

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  • Algorithms to Live By – by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    As humans, we subconsciously use heuristics a lot to make many complex decisions based on “fuzzy logic”. For example:

    Do we buy the cheap shoes that may last us a season, or the much more expensive ones that will last us for years? We’ll—without necessarily giving it much conscious thought—quickly weigh up:

    • How much do we like each prospective pair of shoes?
    • What else might we need to spend money on now/soon?
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    Bottom line: if you improve your ability to make the right decisions even marginally, this book will have been worth your while in the long run!

    Order your copy of “Algorithms To Live By” from Amazon today!

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