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Biohack your brain with this 1 minute book review that delves into the cognitive health and performance optimization techniques.

Biohack Your Brain: How to Boost Cognitive Health, Performance & Power – by Dr. Kristen Willeumier

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The title of this book is a little misleading, as it’s not really about biohacking; it’s more like a care and maintenance manual for the brain.

This distinction is relevant, because to hack a thing is to use it in a way it’s not supposed to be used, and/or get it to do something it’s not supposed to do.

Intead, what neurobiologist Dr. Kristen Willeumier offers us is much more important: how to keep our brain in good condition.

She takes us through the various things that our brain needs, and what will happen if it doesn’t get them. Some are dietary, some are behavioral, some are even cognitive.

A strength of this book is not just explaining what things are good for the brain, but also: why. Understanding the “why” can be the motivational factor that makes a difference between us doing the thing or not!

For example, if we know that exercise is good for the brain, we think “sounds reasonable” and carry on with what we were doing. If, however, we also understand how increased bloodflow helps with the timely removal of beta-amyloids that are associated with Alzheimer’s, we’re more likely to make time for getting that movement going.

Bottom line: there are key things we can do to keep our brain healthy, and you probably wouldn’t want to miss any. This book is a great care manual for such!

Click here to check out Biohack Your Brain and keep your brain young and fit!

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