Next-Level Metabolism – by Dr. Jade Teta

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This book starts with the preface that “this is not a diet book”, but all the diet books nowadays say that, even when the title is “The Such-And-Such Diet”. So, is this one a diet book?

No, it isn’t. It’s rather an informational explanation of how metabolism works, and the very many things that can affect it, ranging from genes and epigenetics to diet and exercise to stress and sleep, and more.

Where this book most excels is in the personalization aspect; it describes how to assess your own system inputs and outputs (which are a lot more things than just calories in, calories out), and read your own body’s cues in terms of what’s going on with you metabolically.

Because the truth is, we’re all a bit different (aside from, perhaps, identical twins etc living identical lifestyles in all respects, down to having the same meals and the same schedule), and while there definitely are some universal truths of metabolism (e.g. whole fruit is always going to be better than high-fructose corn syrup), when it comes to the finer details on the other hand, what goes for one person genuinely may not go for another, and there can be a multitude of reasons why. This book helps identify those, and go with what actually works for you.

The style is half pop-science, half pep-talk. The book could have been a lot shorter without all the pep talk, but for those who like that sort of thing, that is the sort of thing they like.

Bottom line: if you’d like to understand your metabolism (as opposed to some clinically standardized average of metabolism), then this book can help you do that.

Click here to check out Next-Level Metabolism, and level-up your understanding of it!

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  • 5 Exercises That Fix 95% Of Your Problems
    Strengthen and soothe your body with a 20-minute workout, featuring dead hangs, glute bridges, farmer’s walks, and more – three times a week for optimal health.

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  • Too Much Or Too Little Testosterone?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    One Man’s Saw Palmetto Is Another Woman’s Serenoa Repens…

    Today we’re going to look at saw palmetto. So, first:

    What is it?

    Saw palmetto is a type of palm native to the southeastern United States. Its scientific name is “Serenoa repens”, so if that name appears in studies we cite, it’s the same thing. By whichever name, it’s widely enjoyed as a herbal supplement.

    Why do people take it?

    Here’s where it gets interesting, because people take it for some completely opposite reasons…

    Indeed, searching for it on the Internet will cause Google to suggest “…for men” and “…for women” as the top suggestions.

    That’s because it works on testosterone, and testosterone can be a bit of a double-edged sword, so some people want to increase or decrease certain testosterone-related effects on their body.

    And it works for both! Here be science:

    • Testosterone (henceforth, “T”) is produced in the human body.
      • Yes, all human bodies, to some extent.
    • An enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase converts T in to DHT (dihydrogen testosterone)
    • DHT is a much more potent androgen (masculinizing agent) than T alone, such that its effects are often unwanted, including:
      • Enlarged prostate (if you have one)
      • Hair loss (especially in men)
      • New facial hair growth (usually unwanted by women)
        • Women are more likely to get this due to PCOS and/or the menopause

    To avoid those effects, you really want less of your T to be converted into DHT.

    Saw palmetto is a 5α-reductase inhibitor, so if you take it, you’ll have less DHT, and you’ll consequently lose less hair, have fewer prostate problems, etc.

    Read: Determination of the potency of a novel saw palmetto supercritical CO2 extract (SPSE) for 5α-reductase isoform II inhibition using a cell-free in vitro test system

    ^The above study showed that saw palmetto extract performed comparably to finasteride. Finasteride is the world’s main go-to prescription drug for treating enlarged prostate and/or hair loss.

    See also: Natural Hair Supplement: Friend or Foe? Saw Palmetto, a Systematic Review in Alopecia

    Hair today… Growing tomorrow!

    So, what was that about increasing T levels?

    Men usually suffer declining T levels as they get older, with a marked drop around the age of 45. With lower T comes lower energy, lower mood, lower libido, erectile dysfunction, etc.

    Guess what… It’s T that’s needed for those things, not DHT. So if you block the conversion of T to DHT, you’ll have higher blood serum T levels, higher energy, higher mood, higher libido, and all that.

    Read: Standardized Saw Palmetto Extract Directly and Indirectly Affects Testosterone Biosynthesis and Spermatogenesis

    (the above assumes you have testicles, without which, your T levels will certainly not increase)

    Saw Palmetto Against Enlarged Prostate?

    With higher DHT levels in mid-late life, prostate enlargement (benign prostatic hyperlasia) can become a problem for many men. The size of that problem ranges from urinary inconvenience (common, when the prostate presses against the bladder) to prostate cancer (less common, much more serious). Saw palmetto, like other 5α-reductase inhibitors such as finasteride, may be used to prevent or treat this.

    Wondering how safe/reliable it is? We found a very high-quality fifteen-year longitudinal observational study of the use of saw palmetto, and it found:

    ❝The 15 years’ study results suggest that taking S. repens plant extract continuously at a daily dose of 320 mg is an effective and safe way to prevent the progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia.❞

    Read: 15 years’ survey of safety and efficacy of Serenoa repens extract in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients with risk of progression

    Want a second opinion? We also found a 10-year study (by different researchers with different people taking it), which reached the same conclusion:

    ❝The results of study showed the absence of progression, both on subjective criteria (IPSS, and QoL scores), and objective criteria (prostate volume, the rate of urination, residual urine volume). Furthermore, patients had no undesirable effects directly related to the use of this drug.❞

    • IPSS = International Prostate Symptom Score
    • QoL = Quality of Life

    Read: The results of the 10-year study of efficacy and safety of Serenoa repens extract in patients at risk of progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia

    But wait a minute; I, a man over the age of 45 with potentially declining T levels but a fabulous beard, remember that you said just a minute ago that saw palmetto is used by women to avoid having facial hair; I don’t want to lose mine!

    You won’t. Once your facial hair follicles were fully developed and activated during puberty, they’ll carry on doing what they do for life. That’s no longer regulated by hormones once they’re up and running.

    The use of saw palmetto can only be used to limit facial hair if caught early—so it’s more useful at the onset of menopause, for those who have (or will have) such, or else upon the arrival of PCOS symptoms or hirsuitism from some other cause.

    Take The Test!

    Do you have a prostate, and would like to know your IPSS score, and what that means for your prostate health?

    Take The Test Here!

    (takes 1 minute, no need to pee or go probing for anything)

    Bottom Line on Saw Palmetto

    • It blocks the conversion of T into DHT
    • It will increase blood serum T levels, thus boosting mood, energy, libido, etc in men (who typically have more T, but whose T levels decline with age)
    • It will decrease DHT levels, thus limiting hair loss (especially in men) and later-life new facial hair growth (especially in women).
    • It can be used to prevent or treat prostate enlargement
    • Bonus: it’s a potent antioxidant and thus reduces general inflammation (in everyone)

    Want To Try Saw Palmetto?

    We don’t sell it (or anything else), but for your convenience…

    Click here to check out saw palmetto on Amazon!

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  • 9 Little Habits To Have A Better Day

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Practically gift-wrapped, here are 9 key things to improve any day!

    Mindfully does it

    These are all things that seem obvious when you read them, but take a moment to consider: how many do you actually do on a daily basis, really? And could you implement the others?

    1. Remember to be thankful: train your brain to focus on the good in life, either in the morning to start the day positively or at night to unload stress. Or both!
    2. Change your scenery: visiting new places, even just a walk in the park, can refresh your mind and improve your mood.
    3. Do one thing at a time: multitasking leads to unfinished, low-quality work. Focusing on one task at a time all but ensures better results.
    4. Laugh: laughter releases feel-good hormones of various kinds, spreads joy, and relieves tension, making the day more enjoyable. It has longevity-boosting effects too!
    5. Help someone: helping others boosts happiness, enhances self-worth, and might even provide insights into your own problems. As a bonus, it actually helps the other person, too—so “pay it forward” and all that 🙂
    6. Prepare the night before: prepping ahead prevents morning stress, making for a smoother and more confident start to the day—which sets the tone of the rest of the day.
    7. Hype yourself up: even temporary self-belief can boost confidence and its effects are incrementally cumulative over time.
    8. Relaxation: establish an evening routine (like reading or listening to calming music) to de-stress and improve sleep quality.
    9. Take your time: being present in the moment enhances enjoyment, improves focus, and cultivates gratitude—which takes us back to #1!

    For more on each of these, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

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    Are You Flourishing? (There’s a Scale)

    Take care!

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  • Lost Connections – by Johann Hari

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Johann Hari had a long journey through (and out of!) depression, and shares his personal findings, including his disappointment with medical options, and a focus on the external factors that lead to depression.

    And that’s key to this book—while he acknowledges later in the book that there are physiological factors involved in depression, he wants to look past things we can’t change (like genes accounting for 37% of depression) or things that there may be unwanted side-effects to changing (as in the case of antidepressants, for many people), to things we genuinely can choose.

    And no, it’s not a “think yourself happy” book either; rather, it looks at nine key external factorsthat a) influence depression b) can mostly be changed.

    If the book has a downside, it’s that the author does tend to extrapolate his own experience a lot more than might be ideal. If SSRIs didn’t help him, they are useless, and also the only kind of antidepressant. If getting into a green space helped him, a Londoner, someone who lives in the countryside will not be depressed in the first place. And so forth. It can also be argued that he cherry-picked data to arrive at some of his pre-decided conclusions. He also misinterprets data sometimes; which is understandable; he is after all a journalist, not a scientist.

    Nevertheless, he offers a fresh perspective with a lot of ideas, and whether or not we agree with them all, new ideas tend to be worth reading. And if even one of his nine ideas helps you, that’s a win.

    Bottom line: if you’d like to explore the treatment of depression from a direction other than medicalization or psychotherapy, then this is will be a good book for you.

    Click here to check out Lost Connections, and reforge yours!

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  • Make Your Saliva Better For Your Teeth

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    A new study has highlighted the importance of lifestyle factors in shaping the oral microbiome—that is to say, how the things we do affect the bacteria that live in our mouths:

    Nepali oral microbiomes reflect a gradient of lifestyles from traditional to industrialized

    Neither the study title nor the abstract elucidate how, exactly, one impacts the other, but the study itself does (of course) contain that information; we read it, and the short version is:

    In terms of the extremes of “most traditional” to “most industrialized”, foragers have the most diverse oral microbiomes (that’s good), and people with an American industrialized lifestyle had the least diverse oral microbiomes (that’s bad). Between the two extremes, we see the gradient promised by the title.

    If you do feel like checking it out, Figure 3 in the paper illustrates this nicely.

    Also illustrated in the above-linked Figure 3 is oral microbiome composition. In other words (and to oversimplify it rather), how good or bad our mouth bacteria are for us, independent of diversity (so for example, are there more of this or that kind of bacteria).

    Once again, there is a gradient, only this time, the ends of it are even more polarized: foragers have a diverse oral microbiome rich with healthy-for-humans bacteria, while people with an American industrialized lifestyle might not have the diversity, but do have a large number of bad-for-humans bacteria.

    While many lifestyle factors are dietary or quasi-dietary, e.g. what kinds of foods people eat, whether they drink alcohol, whether they smoke or use gum, etc, many lifestyle factors were examined, including everything from medications and exercise, to things like kitchen location and what fuel is predominantly used, to education and sexual activity and many other things that we don’t have room for here.

    You can see how each lifestyle factor stacked up, in Figure 5.

    Why it matters

    Our oral microbiome affects many aspects of health, including:

    • Locally: caries, periodontal diseases, mucosal diseases, oral cancer, and more
    • Systemically: gastrointestinal diseases in general, IBS in particular, nervous system diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, endocrine diseases, all manner of immune/autoimmune diseases, and more

    Nor are the effects it has mild; oral microbiome health can be a huge factor, statistically, for many of the above. You can see information and data pertaining to all of the above and more, here:

    Oral microbiomes: more and more importance in oral cavity and whole body

    What to do about it

    Take care of your oral microbiome, to help it to take care of you. As well as the above-mentioned lifestyle factors, it’s worth noting that when it comes to oral hygiene, not all oral hygiene products are created equal:

    Toothpastes & Mouthwashes: Which Kinds Help, And Which Kinds Harm?

    Additionally, you might want to consider gentler options, but if you do, take care to opt for things that science actually backs., rather than things that merely trended on social media.

    This writer (hi, it’s me) is particularly excited about the science and use of the miswak stick, which comes from the Saladora persica tree, and has phytochemical properties that (amongst many other health-giving effects) improve the quality of saliva (i.e., improve its pH and microbiome composition). In essence, your own saliva gets biochemically nudged into being the safest, most effective mouthwash.

    There’s a lot of science for the use of S. persica, and we’ve discussed it before in more detail than we have room to rehash today, here:

    Less Common Oral Hygiene Options

    If you’d like to enjoy these benefits (and also have the equivalent of a toothbrush that you can carry with you at all times and does not require water*), then here’s an example product on Amazon 😎

    *don’t worry, it won’t feel like dry-brushing your teeth. Remember what we said about what it does to your saliva. Basically, you chomp it once, and your saliva a) increases and b) becomes biological tooth-cleaning fluid. The stick itself is fibrous, so the end of it frays in a way that makes a natural little brush. Each stick is about 5”×¼” and you can carry it in a little carrying case (you’ll get a couple with each pack of miswak sticks), so you can easily use it in, say, the restroom of a restaurant or before your appointment somewhere, just as easily as you could use a toothpick, but with much better results. You may be wondering how long a stick lasts; well, that depends on how much you use it, but in this writer’s experience, each stick lasts about a month maybe, using it at least 2–3 times per day, probably rather more since I use it after each meal/snack and upon awakening.

    (the above may read like an ad, but we promise you it’s not sponsored and this writer’s just enthusiastic, and when you read the science, you will be too)


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  • The Keys to Good Mental Wellbeing

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The Nine Keys To Good Mental Wellbeing

    Today’s main feature is a bit “pop psychology”, but it has its underpinnings in actual psychology, and is especially useful if approached from that angle.

    What it’s most popularly enjoyed as:

    • A personality-typing system.
    • People love little quizzes and identifiers and such.

    What it’s actually really useful as:

    • A tool for understanding why people (including ourselves) are the way we are
    • A foundational knowledge for living better ourselves, and helping others too

    This stems from the fairly simple principle, uncontroversial in psychology:

    • We have needs, desires, and aversions
    • We act in a way that tries to get our needs met and avoid suffering
    • Thus: Need/Fear → Motivation → Action

    The Enneagram

    The Enneagram (ἐννέα = “nine” in Ancient Greek) system posits that we each have one fundamental need/fear (from a list of nine) that’s strongest for us. A deep-seated insecurity/longing, that we’ll go to almost any lengths to try to meet. Sometimes, in good ways, sometimes, bad.

    The Nine Basic Fears/Insecurities, And Their Corresponding Needs/Desires:

    1. Fear of being a fundamentally bad, wrong person / Need to be good and correct
    2. Fear of being fundamentally unloveable / Need to be loved
    3. Fear of being fundamentally worthless / Need to be valued
    4. Fear of being like everyone else / Need to be different
    5. Fear of being useless / Need to be useful
    6. Fear of being outcast / Need to have a set place in the group
    7. Fear of missing out / Need to experience things
    8. Fear of being hurt or controlled / Need to be in control
    9. Fear of conflict / Need to be at peace

    Of course, most of us have most of these fears/needs to some extent, though usually one will stand out—especially if we aren’t managing it well. The less healthy our coping mechanisms, the more obvious it is how we’re trying to overcompensate in some fashion. For example:

    1. A person who fears being wrong and so becomes a perfectionist rules-abider to a fault
    2. A person who fears being unloveable, and so exaggerates problems to get pity, as the next best thing
    3. A person who fears being worthless, and so exaggerates their accomplishments in order to be admired and valued
    4. A person who fears being like everyone else, and so descends into a “nobody could ever possibly understand me” black hole of pathos.
    5. A person who fears being useless, so burns themself out trying to be an omnicompetent Leonardo da Vinci without ever actually taking the time to stop and smell the flowers as Leonardo did.
    6. A person who fears being outcast, so becomes clingy, passive-aggressive, and suspicious
    7. A person who fears missing out, so tries to experience all the things all the time, ruining their health with dizzying highs and crushing lows.
    8. A person who fears being hurt or controlled, so becomes aggressive and domineering
    9. A person who fears conflict, so shuts down at the slightest hint of it

    If we have healthier coping mechanisms, these same nine people can look a lot different, but in much more subtle ways because we’re not trying to overcompensate so badly:

    1. A person who lives their life rationally by principles that can be adapted as they learn
    2. A person who loves and is loved, as perhaps the most notable part of their character
    3. A person who sets reasonable goals and accomplishes them, and seeks to uplift others
    4. A person who creates and innovates, enriching their own life and the lives of others
    5. A person who is simply very competent and knowledgeable, without overstretching
    6. A person who is dependable and loyal, and a reliable part of something bigger than themself
    7. A person who is fun to be around and loves trying new things, while also knowing how to relax
    8. A person who develops their leadership skills and is a tower of strength for others
    9. A person who knows how to make peace and does so—by themself, and with others

    By being aware of our own fears/insecurities that may drive our motivations and thus underpin our behaviors, we can usually manage them in a much more mindful fashion. Same goes when it comes to managing interactions with other people, too:

    • Letting the Type 3 know you value them, not their accomplishments or what they can do for you.
    • Appreciating the Type 5’s (varied or specialist) skills and knowledge.
    • Giving love to a Type 2 unprompted, but on your own terms, with your own boundaries.
    • And so on for other types

    Or for yourself…

    • As a Type 8, remembering that you can let go sometimes and let someone else be in charge.
    • As a Type 1, catching yourself holding yourself (or others) to impossible standards, and then easing up on that a little.
    • As a Type 9, remembering to stand up for yourself and others, however gently, but firmly.
    • And so on for other types

    If you’re unsure what to focus on, ask yourself: what’s your worst nightmare or greatest daydream? Then work out what it is about that, that makes it feel so bad or good.

    Then, approach things mindfully. Catch yourself in your unhealthy coping mechanisms, and find healthy ones instead.

    What if I get my type wrong? Or I get someone else’s type wrong?

    Obviously it’s better to get them right for maximum effect, but you can never go too far wrong anyway… because we all have all nine of those qualities in us, it’s just a matter of how strong a factor each is for us. So in the worst case scenario, you’ll make someone feel more secure about something that was only a very minor insecurity for them, for example.

    Or in the case of your own type, you may mistakenly think you’re acing being the world’s healthiest Type 5, until you realize you’re actually a Type 3 who thought learning all those things would make you more worthy (spoiler: those things are great, but you’re worthy already). Again, not the end of the world! No matter what, you’re learning and growing, and that’s good.

    Want to delve further?

    Read: The Nine Enneagram Type Descriptions (Basic, but more detailed descriptions than the above)

    Read: How The Enneagram System Works (More complex. Now we’re getting into the more arcane stuff we didn’t have time for today—wings and lines, triads, health levels, directions of integration and disintegration, and more)

    Like learning from books? Here are our top two picks, depending on your learning style:

    We’d love to offer a quick free test here, but all the tests we could find either require paid registration or are wildly inaccurate, so we’ll not waste your time.

    However, we do also think that working it out for yourself is better, as it means you have a handle on what those ideas, fears, insecurities, desires, needs, really mean to you—that way you can actually use the information!

    We’ll close by repeating our previous advice: If you’re unsure what to focus on, ask yourself: what’s your worst nightmare or greatest daydream? Then work out what it is about those scenarios that make them so bad or good. That’ll help you find your real fears/needs, such that you can work on them.

    Good luck!

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  • Three-Bean Chili & Cashew Cream

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    A hearty classic with a twist! Delicious and filling and full of protein, fiber, and powerful phytonutrients (including heavy-hitters ergothioneine and lycopene), this recipe is also quite flexible, so you can always add in extra seasonal vegetables if you like (to get you started: cherry tomatoes in summer and sweet potato in fall are fine options)!

    You will need

    • 1 cup low-sodium vegetable stock (ideally you made it yourself from vegetable offcuts you kept in the freezer for this purpose, but if not, you should be able to find low-sodium stock cubes)
    • 1 can kidney beans, drained and rinsed
    • 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
    • 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
    • 2 cans chopped tomatoes
    • 1 onion, finely chopped
    • 1 carrot, diced
    • 2 celery sticks, chopped
    • 4 oz mushrooms, chopped
    • ½ bulb garlic, crushed
    • 2 tbsp tomato purée
    • 1 red chili pepper, finely chopped (multiply per your heat preferences)
    • 1 tbsp ground paprika
    • 1 tbsp black pepper, coarse ground
    • 2 tsp fresh rosemary (or 1 tbsp dried)
    • 2 tsp fresh thyme (or 1 tbsp dried)
    • 1 tsp ground cumin
    • ½ tsp MSG or 1 tsp low-sodium salt
    • Extra virgin olive oil

    For the cashew cream:

    • 6 oz cashews, soaked in kettle-hot water for at least 15 minutes
    • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
    • 1 tsp lemon juice

    To serve:


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Heat some olive oil in a skillet and fry the onion for about 5 minutes, stirring as necessary.

    2) Add the garlic and chili and cook for a further 1 minute.

    3) Add the celery, carrot, and mushrooms and continue cooking for 1–2 minutes.

    4) Add everything else from the main section, taking care to stir well to distribute the seasonings evenly. Reduce the heat and allow to simmer for around 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    5) While you are waiting, drain the cashews, and add them to a high-speed blender with ½ cup (fresh) cold water, as well as the nutritional yeast and lemon juice. Blend on full power until smooth; this may take about 3 minutes, so we recommend doing it in 30-second bursts to avoid overheating the motor. You’ll also probably need to scrape it down the sides at least once. You can add a little more water if you want the cream to be thinner than it is appearing, but go slowly if you do.

    6) Serve with rice, adding a dollop of the cream and garnishing with parsley, with bread on the side if you like.


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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