Quercetin Quinoa Probiotic Salad

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This quercetin-rich salad is a bit like a tabbouleh in feel, with half of the ingredients switched out to maximize phenolic and gut-healthy benefits.

You will need

  • ½ cup quinoa
  • ½ cup kale, finely chopped
  • ½ cup flat leaf parsley, finely chopped
  • ½ cup green olives, thinly sliced
  • ½ cup sun-dried tomatoes, roughly chopped
  • 1 pomegranate, peel and pith removed
  • 1 preserved lemon, finely chopped
  • 1 oz feta cheese or plant-based equivalent, crumbled
  • 1 tsp black pepper, coarse ground
  • 1 tbsp capers
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Note: you shouldn’t need salt or similar here, because of the diverse gut-healthy fermented products bringing their own salt with them


(we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

1) Rinse the quinoa, add the tbsp of chia seeds, cook as normal for quinoa (i.e. add hot water, bring to boil, simmer for 15 minutes or so until pearly and tender), carefully (don’t lose the chia seeds; use a sieve) drain and rinse with cold water to cool. Shake off excess water and/or pat dry on kitchen paper if necessary.

2) Mix everything gently but thoroughly.

3) Serve:


Want to learn more?

For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

Take care!

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  • Slow-Cooker Moroccan Tagine
  • Hungry? How To Beat Cravings
    The Science of Hunger: Dr. Ludwig, a renowned expert on diet and obesity, explains why exercise doesn’t cause weight gain and how empty calories make us hungrier. Learn his solution to break the cycle.

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  • Bacopa Monnieri: A Well-Evidenced Cognitive Enhancer

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Bacopa monnieri: a powerful nootropic

    Bacopa monnieri is one of those “from traditional use” herbs that has made its way into science.

    It’s been used for at least 1,400 years in Ayurvedic medicine, for cognitive enhancement, against anxiety, and some disease-specific treatments.

    See: Pharmacological attributes of Bacopa monnieri extract: current updates and clinical manifestation

    What are its claimed health benefits?

    Bacopa monnieri is these days mostly sold and bought as a nootropic, and that’s what the science supports best.

    Nootropic benefits claimed:

    • Improves attention, learning, and memory
    • Reduces depression, anxiety, and stress
    • Reduces restlessness and impulsivity

    Other benefits claimed:

    • Antioxidant properties
    • Anti-inflammatory properties
    • Anticancer properties

    What does the science say?

    Those last three, the antioxidant / anti-inflammatory / anticancer properties, when something has one of those qualities it often has all three, because there are overlapping systems at hand when it comes to oxidative stress, inflammation, and cellular damage.

    Bacopa monnieri is no exception to this “rule of thumb”, and/but studies to support these benefits have mostly been animal studies and/or in vitro studies (i.e., cell cultures in a petri dish in lab conditions).

    For example:

    In the category of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the brain, sometimes results differ depending on the test population, for example:

    Anything more promising than that?

    Yes! The nootropic effects have been much better-studied in humans, and with much better results.

    For example, in this 12-week study in healthy adults, taking 300mg/day significantly improved visual information processing, learning, and memory (tested against placebo):

    The chronic effects of an extract of Bacopa monnieri on cognitive function in healthy human subjects

    Another 12-week study showed older adults enjoyed the same cognitive enhancement benefits as their younger peers:

    Effects of 12-week Bacopa monnieri consumption on attention, cognitive processing, working memory, and functions of both cholinergic and monoaminergic systems in healthy elderly volunteers

    Children taking 225mg/day, meanwhile, saw a significant reduction in ADHD symptoms, such as restlessness and impulsivity:

    The effects of standardized Bacopa monnieri extract in the management of symptoms of ADHD in children

    And as for the mood benefits, 300mg/day significantly reduced anxiety and depression in elderly adults:

    Effects of a standardized Bacopa monnieri extract on cognitive performance, anxiety, and depression in the elderly: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

    In summary

    Bacopa monnieri, taken at 300mg/day (studies ranged from 225mg/day to 600mg/day, but 300mg is most common) has well-evidenced cognitive benefits, including:

    • Improved attention, learning, and memory
    • Reduced depression, anxiety, and stress
    • Reduced restlessness and impulsivity

    It may also have other benefits, including against oxidative stress, inflammation, and cancer, but the research is thinner and/or not as conclusive for those.

    Where to get it

    As ever, we don’t sell it (or anything else), but for your convenience, here is an example product on Amazon.


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  • A Statin-Free Life – by Dr. Aseem Malhotra

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Here at 10almonds, we’ve written before about the complexities of statins, and their different levels of risk/benefit for men and women, respectively. It’s a fascinating topic, and merits more than an article of the size we write here!

    So, in the spirit of giving pointers of where to find a lot more information, this book is a fine choice.

    Dr. Malhotra, a consultant cardiologist and professor of evidence-based medicine, talks genes and lifestyle, drugs and blood. He takes us on a tour of the very many risk factors for heart disease, and how cholesterol levels may be at best an indicator, but less likely a cause, of heart disease, especially for women. Further and even better, he discusses various more reliable indicators and potential causes, too.

    Rather than be all doom and gloom, he does offer guidance on how to reduce each of one’s personal risk factors and—which is important—keep on top of the various relevant measures of heart health (including some less commonly tested ones, like the coronary calcium score).

    The style is light reading andyet with a lot of reference to hard science, so it’s really the best of both worlds in that regard.

    Bottom line: if you’re considering statins, or are on statins and are reconsidering that choice, then this book will (notwithstanding its own bias in its conclusion) help you make a more-informed decision.

    Click here to check out A Statin-Free Life, and make the best choice for you!

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  • Older, Faster, Stronger – by Margaret Webb

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The author, now in her 60s, made it her mission in her 50s to become the best runner she could. Before that, she’d been a keen runner previously, but let things slip rather in her 40s. But the book’s not about her 40s, it’s about her 50s and onwards, and other female runners in their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and even 90s.

    There’s a lot of this book that’s about people’s individual stories, and those should certainly be enough to prompt almost any reader that “if they can do it, I can”.

    A lot, meanwhile, is about health and exercise science, training methods, and what has worked for various later-life athletes, including the author. So, it’s also partway instruction manual, with plenty of reference to science and medical considerations too.

    Bottom line: sometimes, life throws us challenges. Sometimes, the best response is “Yeah? Bet” and surprise everyone.

    Click here to check out Older, Faster, Stronger, and become all those cool things!

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  • Laugh Often, To Laugh Longest!

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Putting The Abs Into Absurdity

    We’ve talked before about the health benefits of a broadly positive outlook on life:

    Optimism Seriously Increases Longevity!

    …and we’re very serious about it, but that’s about optimistic life views in general, and today we’re about not just keeping good humor in questionable circumstances, but actively finding good humor in the those moments—even when the moments in question might not be generally described as good!

    After all, laughter really can be the best medicine, for example:

    The effect of laughter yoga exercises on anxiety and sleep quality in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease

    From the roots

    First a quick recap on de-toothing the psychological aspect of threats, no matter how menacing they may be:

    Hello, Emotions: Time For Radical Acceptance!

    …which we can then take a step further:

    What’s The Worst That Could Happen?

    Choose your frame

    Do you remember when that hacker hacked and publicized the US Federal no-fly list, after already hacking a nationwide cloud-based security camera company, getting access to more than 150,000 companies’ and private individuals’ security cameras, amongst various other cyber crimes, mostly various kinds of fraud and data theft?

    Imagine how she (age 21) must have felt, when being indicted. What do you suppose this hacker had to say for itself under such circumstances?

    ❝congress is investigating now 🙂

    but i stay silly :3 ❞

    ~ maia arson crimew

    …the latter half of which, usually rendered “but I stay silly” or “but we stay silly” has since entered popular Gen-Z parlance, usually after expressing some negative thing, often in a state of powerlessness.

    Which is an important life skill if powerlessness is something that is often likely.

    It’s important for many Gen-Zs with negligible life prospects economically; it’s equally important for 60-somethings getting cancer diagnoses (statistically the most likely decade to find out one has cancer, by the way), and many other kinds of people younger, older, and in between.

    Because at the end of the day, we all start powerless and we all end powerless.

    Learned helplessness (two kinds)

    In psychology, “learned helplessness” occurs when a person or creature gives up after learning that all and any attempts to resist a Bad Thing™ fail, perhaps even badly. A lab rat may just shut down and sit there getting electroshocked, for example. A person subjected to abuse may stop trying to improve their situation, and just go with the path of least resistance.

    But, there’s another kind, wherein someone in a position of absolute powerlessness not only makes their peace with that, but also, decides that the one thing the outside world can’t control, is how they take it. Like the hacker we mentioned earlier.

    Sometimes the gallows humor is even more literal, laughing at one’s own impending death. Not as a matter of bravado, but genuinely seeing the funny side.

    But how?

    Unfortunately, fortunately

    The trick here is to “find a silver lining” that is nowhere near enough to compensate for the bad thing—and it may even be worse! But that’s fine:

    Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to do the dishes before leaving for my vacation. Fortunately, I also forgot to turn the oven off, so the house burning down covered up my messy kitchen”

    Writer’s personal less drastic example: today I set my espresso machine to press me an espresso; it doesn’t have an auto-off and I got distracted and it overflowed everywhere; my immediate reaction was “Oh! I have been blessed with an abundance of coffee!”

    This kind of silly little thing, on a daily basis, builds a very solid habit for life that allows one to see the funny side in even the most absurd situations, even matters of life and death (can confirm: been there enough times personally—so far so good, still alive to find the remembered absurdity silly).

    The point is not to genuinely value the “silver lining”, because half the time it isn’t even one, really, and it is useless to pretend, in seriousness.

    But to pretend in silliness? Now we’re onto something, and the real benefit is in the laughs we had along the way.

    Because those worst moments? Are probably when we need it the most, so it’s good to get some practice in!

    Want more ways to find the funny and make it a life habit?

    We reviewed a good book recently:

    The Humor Habit: Rewire Your Brain To Stress Less, Laugh More, And Achieve More’er – by Paul Osincup

    Stay silly!

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  • Want the health benefits of strength training but not keen on the gym? Try ‘exercise snacking’

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The science is clear: resistance training is crucial to ageing well. Lifting weights (or doing bodyweight exercises like lunges, squats or push-ups) can help you live independently for longer, make your bones stronger, reduce your risk of diseases such as diabetes, and may even improve your sleep and mental health.

    But not everyone loves the gym. Perhaps you feel you’re not a “gym person” and never will be, or you’re too old to start. Being a gym-goer can be expensive and time-consuming, and some people report feeling unwelcome or awkward at the gym.

    The good news is you don’t need the gym, or lots of free time, to get the health benefits resistance training can offer.

    You can try “exercise snacking” instead.


    What is exercise snacking?

    Exercise snacking involves doing multiple shorter bouts (as little as 20 seconds) of exercise throughout the day – often with minimal or no equipment. It’s OK to have several hours of rest between.

    You could do simple bodyweight exercises such as:

    • chair sit-to-stand (squats)
    • lunges
    • box step-ups
    • calf raises
    • push-ups.

    Exercise snacking like this can help improve muscle mass, strength and physical function.

    It’s OK to hold onto a nearby object for balance, if you need. And doing these exercises regularly will also improve your balance. That, in turn, reduces your risk of falls and fractures.

    OK I have done all those, now what?

    Great! You can also try using resistance bands or dumbbells to do the previously mentioned five exercises as well as some of the following exercises:

    When using resistance bands, make sure you hold them tightly and that they’re securely attached to an immovable object.

    Exercise snacking works well when you pair it with an activity you do often throughout the day. Perhaps you could:

    • do a few extra squats every time you get up from a bed or chair
    • do some lunges during a TV ad break
    • chuck in a few half squats while you’re waiting for your kettle to boil
    • do a couple of elevated push-ups (where you support your body with your hands on a chair or a bench while doing the push-up) before tucking into lunch
    • sneak in a couple of calf raises while you’re brushing your teeth.
    A man does weighted lunges in his lounge room.
    Exercise snacking involves doing multiple shorter bouts (as little as 20 seconds) of exercise throughout the day. Cavan-Images/Shutterstock

    What does the evidence say about exercise snacking?

    One study had older adults without a history of resistance training do exercise snacks at home twice per day for four weeks.

    Each session involved five simple bodyweight exercises (chair sit-to-stand, seated knee extension, standing knee bends, marching on the spot, and standing calf raises). The participants did each exercise continuously for one minute, with a one-minute break between exercises.

    These short and simple exercise sessions, which lasted just nine minutes, were enough to improve a person’s ability to stand up from a chair by 31% after four weeks (compared to a control group who didn’t exercise). Leg power and thigh muscle size improved, too.

    Research involving one of us (Jackson Fyfe) has also shown older adults found “exercise snacking” feasible and enjoyable when done at home either once, twice, or three times per day for four weeks.

    Exercise snacking may be a more sustainable approach to improve muscle health in those who don’t want to – or can’t – lift heavier weights in a gym.

    A little can yield a lot

    We know from other research that the more you exercise, the more likely it is you will keep exercising in future.

    Very brief resistance training, albeit with heavier weights, may be more enjoyable than traditional approaches where people aim to do many, many sets.

    We also know brief-and-frequent exercise sessions can break up periods of sedentary behaviour (which usually means sitting too much). Too much sitting increases your risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, whereas exercise snacking can help keep your blood sugar levels steady.

    Of course, longer-term studies are needed. But the evidence we do have suggests exercise snacking really helps.

    An older Asian man lifts weights at home.
    Just a few short exercise sessions can do you a world of good. eggeegg/Shutterstock

    Why does any of this matter?

    As you age, you lose strength and mass in the muscles you use to walk, or stand up. Everyday tasks can become a struggle.

    All this contributes to disability, hospitalisation, chronic disease, and reliance on community and residential aged care support.

    By preserving your muscle mass and strength, you can:

    • reduce joint pain
    • get on with activities you enjoy
    • live independently in your own home
    • delay or even eliminate the need for expensive health care or residential aged care.

    What if I walk a lot – is that enough?

    Walking may maintain some level of lower body muscle mass, but it won’t preserve your upper body muscles.

    If you find it difficult to get out of a chair, or can only walk short distances without getting out of breath, resistance training is the best way to regain some of the independence and function you’ve lost.

    It’s even more important for women, as muscle mass and strength are typically lower in older women than men. And if you’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis, which is more common in older women than men, resistance exercise snacking at home can improve your balance, strength, and bone mineral density. All of this reduces the risk of falls and fractures.

    You don’t need heavy weights or fancy equipment to benefit from resistance training.

    So, will you start exercise snacking today?

    Justin Keogh, Associate Dean of Research, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University and Jackson Fyfe, Senior Lecturer, Strength and Conditioning Sciences, Deakin University

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • In Plain English…

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s Q&A Time!

    This is the bit whereby each week, we respond to subscriber questions/requests/etc

    Have something you’d like to ask us, or ask us to look into? Hit reply to any of our emails, or use the feedback widget at the bottom, and a Real Human™ will be glad to read it!

    Q: Love to have someone research all the additives in our medicines, (risk of birth control and breast cancer) and what goes in all of our food and beverages. So much info out there, but there are so many variations, you never know who to believe.

    That’s a great idea! There are a lot of medicines and food and beverages out there, so that’s quite a broad brief, but! We could well do a breakdown of very common additives, and demystify them, sorting them into good/bad/neutral, e.g:

    • Ascorbic acid—Good! This is Vitamin C
    • Acetic acid—Neutral! This is vinegar
    • Acetylsalicylic acid—Good or Bad! This is aspirin (a painkiller and blood-thinning agent, can be good for you or can cause more problems than it solves, depending on your personal medical situation. If in doubt, check with your doctor)
    • Acesulfame K—Generally Neutral! This is a sweetener that the body can’t metabolize, so it’s also not a source of potassium (despite containing potassium) and will generally do nothing. Unless you have an allergy to it, which is rare but is a thing.
    • Sucralose—Neutral! This is technically a sugar (as is anything ending in -ose), but the body can’t metabolize it and processes it as a dietary fiber instead. We’d list it as good for that reason, but honestly, we doubt you’re eating enough sucralose to make a noticeable difference to your daily fiber intake.
    • Sucrose—Bad! This is just plain sugar

    Sometimes words that sound the same can ring alarm bells when they need not, for example there’s a big difference between:

    • Potassium iodide (a good source of potassium and iodine)
    • Potassium cyanide (the famous poison; 300mg will kill you; half that dose will probably kill you)
    • Cyanocobalamine (Vitamin B12)

    Let us know if there are particular additives (or particular medications) you’d like us to look at!

    While for legal reasons we cannot give medical advice, talking about common contraindications (e.g., it’s generally advised to not take this with that, as one will stop the other from working, etc) is definitely something we could do.

    For example! St. John’s Wort, very popular as a herbal mood-brightener, is on the list of contraindications for so many medications, including:

    • Antidepressants
    • Birth control pills
    • Cyclosporine, which prevents the body from rejecting transplanted organs
    • Some heart medications, including digoxin and ivabradine
    • Some HIV drugs, including indinavir and nevirapine
    • Some cancer medications, including irinotecan and imatinib
    • Warfarin, an anticoagulant (blood thinner)
    • Certain statins, including simvastatin

    Q: As I am a retired nurse, I am always interested in new medical technology and new ways of diagnosing. I have recently heard of using the eyes to diagnose Alzheimer’s. When I did some research I didn’t find too much. I am thinking the information may be too new or I wasn’t on the right sites.

    (this is in response to last week’s piece on lutein, eyes, and brain health)

    We’d readily bet that the diagnostic criteria has to do with recording low levels of lutein in the eye (discernible by a visual examination of macular pigment optical density), and relying on the correlation between this and incidence of Alzheimer’s, but we’ve not seen it as a hard diagnostic tool as yet either—we’ll do some digging and let you know what we find! In the meantime, we note that the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (which may be of interest to you, if you’re not already subscribed) is onto this:

    Read: Cognitive Function and Its Relationship with Macular Pigment Optical Density and Serum Concentrations of its Constituent Carotenoids

    See also:

    Q: As to specific health topics, I would love to see someone address all these Instagram ads targeted to women that claim “You only need to ‘balance your hormones’ to lose weight, get ripped, etc.” What does this mean? Which hormones are they all talking about? They all seem to be selling a workout program and/or supplements or something similar, as they are ads, after all. Is there any science behind this stuff or is it mostly hot air, as I suspect?

    Thank you for asking this, as your question prompted yesterday’s main feature, What Does “Balancing Your Hormones” Even Mean?

    That’s a great suggestion also about addressing ads (and goes for health-related things in general, not just hormonal stuff) and examining their claims, what they mean, how they work (if they work!), and what’s “technically true but may be misleading* cause confusion”

    *We don’t want companies to sue us, of course.

    Only, we’re going to need your help for this one, subscribers!

    See, here at 10almonds we practice what we preach. We limit screen time, we focus on our work when working, and simply put, we don’t see as many ads as our thousands of subscribers do. Also, ads tend to be targeted to the individual, and often vary from country to country, so chances are good that we’re not seeing the same ads that you’re seeing.

    So, how about we pull together as a bit of a 10almonds community project?

    • Step 1: add our email address to your contacts list, if you haven’t already
    • Step 2: When you see an ad you’re curious about, select “share” (there is usually an option to share ads, but if not, feel free to screenshot or such)
    • Step 3: Send the ad to us by email

    We’ll do the rest! Whenever we have enough ads to review, we’ll do a special on the topic.

    We will categorically not be able to do this without you, so please do join in—Many thanks in advance!

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