Vibration Plate, Review After 6 Months: Is It Worth It?

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Is it push-button exercise, or an expensive fad, or something else entirely? Robin, from “The Science of Self-Care”, has insights:

Science & Experience

According to the science (studies cited in the video and linked-to in the video description, underneath it on YouTube), vibration therapy does have some clear benefits, namely:

  • Bone health (helps with bone density, particularly beneficial for postmenopausal women)
  • Muscle recovery (reduces lactate levels, aiding faster recovery)
  • Joint health (reduces pain and improves function in osteoarthritis patients)
  • Muscle stimulation (helps older adults maintain muscle mass)
  • Cognitive function (due to increased blood flow to the brain)

And from her personal experience, the benefits included:

  • Improved recovery after exercise, reducing muscle soreness and stiffness
  • Reduced back pain and improved posture (not surprising, given the need for stabilizing muscles when using one of these)
  • Better circulation and (likely resulting from same) skin clarity

She did not, however, notice:

  • Any reduction in cellulite
  • Any change in body composition (fat loss or muscle gain)

For a deeper look into these things and more, plus a demonstration of how the machine actually operates, enjoy:

Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

Want to learn more?

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  • Detox: What’s Real, What’s Not, What’s Useful, What’s Dangerous?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Detox: What’s Real, What’s Not, What’s Useful, What’s Dangerous?

    Out of the subscribers who engaged in the poll, it looks like we have a lot of confidence in at least some detox approaches being useful!

    Celery juice is most people’s go-to, and indeed it was the only one to get mentioned in the comments added. So let’s take a look at that first…

    Celery juice

    Celery juice is enjoyed by many people, with many health benefits in mind, including to:

    • reduce inflammation
    • lower blood pressure
    • heal the liver
    • fight cancer
    • reduce bloating
    • support the digestive system
    • increase energy
    • support weight loss
    • promote good mental health

    An impressive list! With such an impressive list, we would hope for an impressive weight of evidence, so regular readers might be wondering why those bullet-pointed items aren’t all shiny hyperlinks to studies backing those claims. The reason is…

    There aren’t any high-quality studies that back any of those claims.

    We found one case study (so, a study with a sample size of one; not amazing) that observed a blood pressure change in an elderly man after drinking celery juice.

    Rather than trawl up half of PubMed to show the lacklustre results in a way more befitting of Research Review Monday, though, here’s a nice compact article detailing the litany of disappointment that is science’s observations regards celery juice:

    Why Are People Juicing Their Celery? – by Allison Webster, PhD, RD

    A key take-away is: juicing destroys the fiber that is celery’s biggest benefit, and its phytochemicals are largely unproven to be of use.

    If you enjoy celery, great! It (when not juiced) is a great source of fiber and water. If you juice it, it’s a great source of water.

    Activated Charcoal

    Unlike a lot of greenery—whose “cleansing” benefits mostly come from fiber and disappear when juiced—activated charcoal has a very different way of operating.

    Activated charcoal is negatively charged on a molecular level*, and that—along with its porous nature—traps toxins. It really is a superpowered detox that actually works very well indeed.


    It works very well indeed. It will draw out toxins so well, that it’s commonly used to treat poisonings. “Wait”, we hear you say, “why was that a but”?

    It doesn’t know what a toxin is. It just draws out all of the things. You took medicine recently? Not any more you didn’t. You didn’t even take that medication orally, you took it some other way? Activated charcoal does not care:

    Does this mean that activated charcoal can be used to “undo” a night of heavy drinking?

    Sadly not. That’s one of the few things it just doesn’t work for. It won’t work for alcohol, salts, or metals:

    The Use of Activated Charcoal to Treat Intoxications

    *Fun chemistry mnemonic about ions:

    Cations are pussitive

    Anions (by process of elimination) are negative

    Onions taste good in salad (remember also: Cole’s Law)

    Bottom line on detox foods/drinks:

    • Fiber is great; juicing removes fiber. Eat your greens (don’t drink them)!
    • Activated charcoal is the heavy artillery of detoxing
    • Sometimes it will remove things you didn’t want removed, though
    • It also won’t help against alcohol, sadly

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  • Herbs for Evidence-Based Health & Healing 

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Herbs for Evidence-Based Health & Healing

    Herbs have been used since prehistoric times to treat injuries and illnesses, but which ones actually work, as opposed to being “old wives’ tales”?

    Even today, in pharmacies herbals products may come with a disclaimer “based on traditional use only”, which, in scientific terms, means it likely performs no better than placebo.

    This is a “Saturday Life Hacks” edition, not a “Research Review Monday”, so we won’t be doing any deep-dives today, and will instead keep things short and snappy. We’ll also spotlight one main benefit, rather than trying to cover all bases, as we often have room to do on a Monday!


    Helps boost immunity:

    Double-blinded randomized controlled trial for immunomodulatory effects of Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum Linn.) leaf extract on healthy volunteers


    Significantly reduces symptoms of osteoarthritis:

    Efficacy and safety of topical Matricaria chamomilla L. (chamomile) oil for knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled clinical trial

    (This one challenged your writer’s resolve as it does so many things, it was hard to pick just one. So, she went with one that’s less known that “settling the stomach” and “relieving PMS” and “relaxation” and so forth)


    Significantly reduces the risk of catching a cold (but won’t help once you’ve caught it):

    Echinacea for preventing and treating the common cold


    Significantly hastens recovery from upper respiratory viral infections:

    Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) supplementation effectively treats upper respiratory symptoms: A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled clinical trials

    Evening Primrose

    Fights neuropathy, along with many other benefits:

    An updated review on pharmacological activities and phytochemical constituents of evening primrose


    Antinflammatory, along with many other benefits:

    Foeniculum vulgare Mill: A Review of Its Botany, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Contemporary Application, and Toxicology

    Ginkgo biloba

    Antioxidant effects provide anti-aging benefits:

    Advances in the Studies of Ginkgo Biloba Leaves Extract on Aging-Related Diseases


    Combats fatigue:

    Ginseng as a Treatment for Fatigue: A Systematic Review


    Enjoyed for its sedative effects, which is really does have:

    Evidence for Sedative Effects of the Essential Oil of Lavender after Inhalation


    Helps fight HIV type 1 and Herpes simplex type 2 (and probably other viruses, but that’s what we have the science for right now):

    Aqueous extracts from peppermint, sage and lemon balm leaves display potent anti-HIV-1 activity


    Inconclusive data; “traditional use only” for restful sleep.

    Can’t have everything!

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  • Purpose – by Gina Bianchini

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    To address the elephant in the room, this is not a rehash of Rick Warren’s best-selling “The Purpose-Driven Life”. Instead, this book is (in this reviewer’s opinion) a lot better. It’s a lot more comprehensive, and it doesn’t assume that what’s most important to the author will be what’s most important to you.

    What’s it about, then? It’s about giving your passion (whatever it may be) the tools to have an enduring impact on the world. It recommends doing this by leveraging a technology that would once have been considered magic: social media.

    Far from “grow your brand” business books, this one looks at what really matters the most to you. Nobody will look back on your life and say “what a profitable second quarter that was in such-a-year”. But if you do your thing well, people will look back and say:

    • “he was a pillar of the community”
    • “she raised that community around her”
    • “they did so much for us”
    • “finding my place in that community changed my life”
    • …and so forth. Isn’t that something worth doing?

    Bianchini takes the position of both “idealistic dreamer” and “realistic worker”.

    Further, she blends the two beautifully, to give practical step-by-step instructions on how to give life to the community that you build.

    Check Out This Amazing Book On Amazon Today!

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  • Wasting Your Vitamins?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Are you flushing away your vitamins?

    Most likely…but you don’t have to.

    We all know what a wasteful expense supplements can sometimes be, but you can optimise your intake to get more bang for your buck!

    Top Tips for Getting Your Money’s Worth:

    1. Liquids are better than tablets—the body can’t absorb nutrients from tablets anywhere as easily as it can from liquids, with some saying as low as a 50% absorption rate for tablets, so if your supplement can come in drinkable form, take it that way!
    2. Capsules are better than tablets—capsules, depending on the kind, contain either a powder (true capsules) or a liquid (softgels). Once the capsule/softgel is broken down in the stomach, it releases its contents, which will now be absorbed as though you took it as a drink.
    3. Stay hydrated—on that note, your body can only make use of nutrients that it can easily transport, and if you’re dehydrated, the process is sluggish! Having a big glass of water with your supplements will go a long way to helping your body get them where they’re needed.
    4. Take with black pepper—studies disagree on exactly how much black pepper improves absorption of nutrients. Some say it improves it by 50%, others say as much as 7x better. The truth is probably that it varies from one nutrient to the next, but what is (almost) universally accepted is that black pepper helps you absorb many nutrients you take orally.
    5. Take with a meal—bonus if you seasoned it with black pepper! But also: many nutrients are best absorbed alongside food, and many are specifically fat-soluble (so you want to take a little fat around the same time for maximum absorption)
    6. Consider split doses—a lot of nutrients are best absorbed when spread out a bit. Why? Your body can often only absorb so much at once, and what it couldn’t absorb can, depending on the nutrient, pass right through you. So better to space out the doses—breakfast and dinner make for great times to take them.
    7. Consider cycling—no, not the two-wheeled kind, though feel free to do that too! What cycling means when it comes to supplements is to understand that your body can build a tolerance to some supplements, so you’ll get gradually less effect for the same dose. Combat this by scheduling a break—five days on, two days off is a common schedule—allowing your body to optimise itself in the process!
    8. Check Medications—and, as is always safe, make sure you check whether any medications you take can interrupt your supplement absorption!

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  • Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? – by Dr. Julie Smith

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Superficially, this can be called a “self-help” book, but that undersells it rather. It’s a professionally-written (as in, by a professional psychologist) handbook full of resources. Its goal? Optimizing your mental health to help you stay resilient no matter what life throws your way.

    While the marketing of this book is heavily centered around Dr. Smith’s Internet Celebrity™ status, a lot of her motivation for writing it seems to be precisely so that she can delve deeper into the ideas that her social media “bites” don’t allow room for.

    Many authors of this genre pad their chapters with examples; there are no lengthy story-telling asides here, and her style doesn’t need them. She knows her field well, and knows well how to communicate the ideas that may benefit the reader.

    The main “meat” of the book? Tips, tricks, guides, resources, systems, flowcharts, mental frameworks, and “if all else fails, do this” guidance. The style of the book is clear and simple, with very readable content that she keeps free from jargon without “dumbing down” or patronizing the reader.

    All in all, a fine set of tools for anyone’s “getting through life” toolbox.

    Get Your Personal Copy Of “Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?” on Amazon Now!

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  • Nonverbal Epiphany – by Dr. Stephen Furlich

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The subtitle of this book, “Steps To Improve Your Nonverbal Communication” suggests that this is principally an instructional book—it’s not. Rather, it’s mostly informational, and it is left to the reader to interpret what to do with that information.

    But, what a lot of information!

    And well-sourced, too: this book has scientific paper citations at a rate of one or two per page, with many diagrams and infographics too. It is, in effect, a treasure trove of physiological, psychological, and sociological data when it comes to nonverbal communication and the various factors that influence it.

    So, what can you hope to gain from this book? A lot of sorting out of science vs suppositions, mostly.

    From digit ratios to crossed arms, from eye-contact to attire, do things really mean what we’ve been told they mean?

    And if they don’t, will people perceive them that way anyway, or will textbook rules go out the window in a real conversation? How about in real nonverbal interactions?

    (What’s a nonverbal interaction? It’s the behavior exhibited between strangers in the street, it’s the impression given and received by your profile picture, things like that).

    Bottom line is that this book is data, data, and more data. If ever you wanted to sort the psychology from the pseudoscience, this is the book for you.

    Pick Up Nonverbal Epiphany on Amazon today!

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