Boost Your Digestive Enzymes

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We’ll Try To Make This Easy To Digest

Do you have a digestion-related problem?

If so, you’re far from alone; around 40% of Americans have digestive problems serious enough to disrupt everyday life:

New survey finds forty percent of Americans’ daily lives are disrupted by digestive troubles

…which puts Americans just a little over the global average of 35%:

Global Burden of Digestive Diseases: A Systematic Analysis of the Global Burden of Diseases Study, 1990 to 2019

Mostly likely on account of the Standard American Diet, or “SAD” as it often gets abbreviated in scientific literature.

There’s plenty we can do to improve gut health, for example:

Today we’re going to be examining digestive enzyme supplements!

What are digestive enzymes?

Digestive enzymes are enzymes that break down food into stuff we can use. Important amongst them are:

  • Protease: breaks down proteins (into amino acids)
  • Amylase: breaks down starches (into sugars)
  • Lipase: breaks down fats (into fatty acids)

All three are available as popular supplements to aid digestion. How does the science stack up for them?


For this, we only found animal studies like this one, but the results have been promising:

Exogenous protease supplementation to the diet enhances growth performance, improves nitrogen utilization, and reduces stress


Again, the studies for this alone (not combined with other enzymes) have been solely from animal agriculture; here’s an example:

The Effect of Exogenous Amylase Supplementation on the Nutritional Value of Peas


Unlike for protease and amylase, now we have human studies as well, and here’s what they had to say:

❝Lipase supplementation significantly reduced stomach fullness without change of EGG.

Furthermore, lipase supplementation may be helpful in control of FD symptom such as postprandial symptoms❞

~ Dr. Seon-Young Park & Dr. Jong-Sun Rew

Read more: Is Lipase Supplementation before a High Fat Meal Helpful to Patients with Functional Dyspepsia?

(short answer: yes, it is)

More studies found the same, such as:

Lipase Supplementation before a High-Fat Meal Reduces Perceptions of Fullness in Healthy Subjects

All together now!

When we look at studies for combination supplementation of digestive enzymes, more has been done, and/but it’s (as you might expect) less specific.

The following paper gives a good rundown:

Pancrelipase Therapy: A Combination Of Protease, Amylase, & Lipase

Is it safe?

For most people it is quite safe, but if taking high doses for a long time it can cause problems, and also there may be complications if you have diabetes, are otherwise immunocompromised, or have some other conditions (listed towards the end of the above-linked paper, along with further information that we can’t fit in here).

As ever, check with your doctor/pharmacist if you’re not completely sure!

Want some?

We don’t sell them, but for your convenience, here’s an example product on Amazon that contains all three


We’ll Try To Make This Easy To Digest

Do you have a digestion-related problem?

If so, you’re far from alone; around 40% of Americans have digestive problems serious enough to disrupt everyday life:

New survey finds forty percent of Americans’ daily lives are disrupted by digestive troubles

…which puts Americans just a little over the global average of 35%:

Global Burden of Digestive Diseases: A Systematic Analysis of the Global Burden of Diseases Study, 1990 to 2019

Mostly likely on account of the Standard American Diet, or “SAD” as it often gets abbreviated in scientific literature.

There’s plenty we can do to improve gut health, for example:

Today we’re going to be examining digestive enzyme supplements!

What are digestive enzymes?

Digestive enzymes are enzymes that break down food into stuff we can use. Important amongst them are:

  • Protease: breaks down proteins (into amino acids)
  • Amylase: breaks down starches (into sugars)
  • Lipase: breaks down fats (into fatty acids)

All three are available as popular supplements to aid digestion. How does the science stack up for them?


For this, we only found animal studies like this one, but the results have been promising:

Exogenous protease supplementation to the diet enhances growth performance, improves nitrogen utilization, and reduces stress


Again, the studies for this alone (not combined with other enzymes) have been solely from animal agriculture; here’s an example:

The Effect of Exogenous Amylase Supplementation on the Nutritional Value of Peas


Unlike for protease and amylase, now we have human studies as well, and here’s what they had to say:

❝Lipase supplementation significantly reduced stomach fullness without change of EGG.

Furthermore, lipase supplementation may be helpful in control of FD symptom such as postprandial symptoms❞

~ Dr. Seon-Young Park & Dr. Jong-Sun Rew

Read more: Is Lipase Supplementation before a High Fat Meal Helpful to Patients with Functional Dyspepsia?

(short answer: yes, it is)

More studies found the same, such as:

Lipase Supplementation before a High-Fat Meal Reduces Perceptions of Fullness in Healthy Subjects

All together now!

When we look at studies for combination supplementation of digestive enzymes, more has been done, and/but it’s (as you might expect) less specific.

The following paper gives a good rundown:

Pancrelipase Therapy: A Combination Of Protease, Amylase, & Lipase

Is it safe?

For most people it is quite safe, but if taking high doses for a long time it can cause problems, and also there may be complications if you have diabetes, are otherwise immunocompromised, or have some other conditions (listed towards the end of the above-linked paper, along with further information that we can’t fit in here).

As ever, check with your doctor/pharmacist if you’re not completely sure!

Want some?

We don’t sell them, but for your convenience, here’s an example product on Amazon that contains all three


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  • GABA Against Stress/Anxiety
  • Want to sleep longer? Adding mini-bursts of exercise to your evening routine can help – new study
    Short bursts of evening exercise extend sleep by 30 minutes, challenging guidelines advising against pre-bedtime workouts.

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  • Reasons to Stay Alive – by Matt Haig

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We’ve previously reviewed Matt Haig’s (excellent) The Comfort Book, and now it’s time for his more famous book: Reasons To Stay Alive. So, what’s this one, beyond the obvious?

    It narrates the experience of anxiety, depression, and suicidality, and discovering how to find beauty and joy in the world despite it all. It’s not that the author found a magical cure—he still experiences depression and anxiety (cannot speak for suicidality) but he knows now how to manage it, and live his life.

    You may be wondering: is this book instructional; is it reproducible, or is it just an autobiography? It’s centered around his own experience and learnings, but it gives a huge sense of not feeling alone, of having hope, and it gives a template for making sense of one’s own experience, even if every person will of course have some points of differences, the commonalities are nonetheless of immense value.

    The writing style is similar to The Comfort Book; it’s lots of small chapters, and all very easy-reading. Well, the subject matter is sometimes rather heavy, but the language is easy-reading! In other words, just the thing for when one is feeling easily overwhelmed, or not feeling up to reading a lot.

    Bottom line: whether or not you suffer with anxiety and/or depression, whether or not you sometimes feel suicidal, the contents of this book are important, valuable insights for everyone.

    Click here to check out Reasons To Stay Alive, and see through the highs and lows of life.

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  • PlantYou: Scrappy Cooking – by Carleigh Bodrug

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    This is a book that took “whole foods plant-based diet” and ran with it.

    “Whole foods”, you say? Carleigh Bodrug has you covered in this guide to using pretty much everything.

    One of the greatest strengths of the book is its “Got this? Make that” section, for using up those odds and ends that you’d normally toss.

    You may be thinking: “ok, but if to use this unusual ingredient I have to buy four other ingredients to make this recipe, generating waste from those other ingredients, then this was a bad idea”, but fear not.

    Bodrug covers that too, and in many cases leftover “would get wasted” ingredients can get turned into stuff that can go into longer-term storage one way or another, to use at leisure.

    Which also means that on the day “there’s nothing in the house to eat” and you don’t want to go grocery-shopping, or if some global disaster causes the supply lines to fail and the stores become empty (that could never happen though, right?), you will have the mystical ability to conjure a good meal out of assorted odds and ends that you stored because of this book.

    Bottom line: if you love food and hate food waste, this is a great book for you.

    Click here to check out Scrappy Cooking, and do domestic magic!

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  • Why Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Is More Likely Than You Think

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): More Likely Than You Think

    COPD is not so much one disease, as rather a collection of similar (and often overlapping) diseases. The main defining characteristic is that they are progressive lung diseases. Historically the most common have been chronic bronchitis and emphysema, though Long COVID and related Post-COVID conditions appear to have been making inroads.

    Lung cancer is generally considered separately, despite being a progressive lung disease, but there is crossover too:

    COPD prevalence is increased in lung cancer, independent of age, sex and smoking history

    COPD can be quite serious:

    Life expectancy and years of life lost in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Findings from the NHANES III Follow-up Study

    “But I don’t smoke”

    Great! In fact we imagine our readership probably has disproportionately few smokers compared to the general population, being as we all our interested in our health.

    But, it’s estimated that 30,000,000 Americans have COPD, and approximately half don’t know it. Bear in mind, the population of the US is a little over 340,000,000, so that’s a little under 9% of the population.

    Click here to see a state-by-state breakdown (how does your state measure up?)

    How would I know if I have it?

    It typically starts like any mild respiratory illness. Likely shortness of breath, especially after exercise, a mild cough, and a frequent need to clear your throat.

    Then it will get worse, as the lungs become more damaged; each of those symptoms might become stronger, as well as chest tightness and a general lack of energy.

    Later stages, you guessed it, the same but worse, and—tellingly—weight loss.

    The reason for the weight loss is because you are getting less oxygen per breath, making carrying your body around harder work, meaning you burn more calories.

    What causes it?

    Lots of things, with smoking being up at the top, or being exposed to a lot of second-hand smoke. Working in an environment with a lot of air pollution (for example, working around chemical fumes) can cause it, as can inhaling dust. New Yorkers: yes, that dust too. It can also develop from other respiratory illnesses, and some people even have a genetic predisposition to it:

    Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency: a commonly overlooked cause of lung disease

    Is it treatable?

    Treatment varies depending on what form of it you have, and most of the medical interventions are beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it to say, there are medications that can be taken (including bronchodilators taken via an inhaler device), corticosteroids, antibiotics and antivirals of various kinds if appropriate. This is definitely a “see your doctor” item though, because there are is far too much individual variation for us to usefully advise here.


    There are habits we can do to a) make COPD less likely and b) make COPD at least a little less bad if we get it.

    Avoiding COPD:

    • Don’t smoke. Just don’t.
      • Avoid second-hand smoke if you can
    • Avoid inhaling other chemicals/dust that may be harmful
    • Breathe through your nose, not your mouth; it filters the air in a whole bunch of ways
      • Seriously, we know it seems like nostril hairs surely can’t do much against tiny particles, but tiny particles are attracted to them and get stuck in mucous and dealt with by our immune system, so it really does make a big difference

    Managing COPD:

    • Continue the above things, of course
    • Exercise regularly, even just light walking helps; we realize it will be difficult
    • Maintain a healthy weight if you can
      • This means both ways; COPD causes weight loss and that needs to be held in check. But similarly, you don’t want to be carrying excessive weight either; that will tire you even more.
    • Look after the rest of your health; everything else will now hit you harder, so even small things need to be taken seriously
    • If you can, get someone to help / do your household cleaning for you, ideally while you are not in the room.

    Where can I get more help/advice?

    As ever, speak to your doctor if you are concerned this may be affecting you. You can also find a lot of resources via the COPD Foundation’s website.

    Take care of yourself!

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    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Notwithstanding the title, this book is not about being a woman or a warrior, but let us share what one reviewer on Amazon wrote:

    ❝I don’t want to become a plant based woman warrior. The sex change would be traumatic for me. However, as a man who proudly takes ballet classes and Pilates, I am old enough not to worry about stereotypes. When I see a good thing, I am going to use it❞

    The authors, a mother-and-daughter team in their 80s and 50s respectively, do give a focus on things that disproportionally affect women, and rectifying those things with diet, especially in one of the opening chapters.

    Most the book, however, is about preventing/reversing things that can affect everyone, such as heart disease, diabetes, inflammation and the autoimmune diseases associated with such, and cancer in general, hence the dietary advice being good for most people (unless you have an unusually restrictive diet).

    We get an overview of the pantry we should cultivate and curate, as well as some basic kitchen skills that will see us well for the rest of the book, such as how to make oat flour and other similar mini-recipes, before getting into the main recipes themselves.

    About the recipes: they are mostly quite simple, though often rely on having pre-prepared items from the mini-recipes we mentioned earlier. They’re all vegan, mostly but not all gluten-free, whole foods, no added sugar, and as for oil… Well, it seems to be not necessarily oil-free, but rather oil-taboo. You see, they just don’t mention it. For example, when they say to caramelize onions, they say to heat a skillet, and when it is hot, add the onions, and stir until browned. They don’t mention any oil in the ingredients or in the steps. It is a mystery. 10almonds note: we recommend olive oil, or avocado oil if you prefer a milder taste and/or need a higher smoke point.

    Bottom line: the odd oil taboo aside, this is a good book of simple recipes that teaches some good plant-based kitchen skills while working with a healthy, whole food pantry.

    Click here to check out Be A Plant-Based Woman Warrior, and be a plant-based woman warrior!

    Or at the very least: be a plant-based cook regardless of gender, hopefully without war, and enjoy the additions to your culinary repertoire

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    Learn to Age Gracefully

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  • The Pain Relief Secret – by Sarah Warren

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    This one’s a book to not judge by the cover—or the title. The title is actually accurate, but it sounds like a lot of woo, doesn’t it?

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    However, if you read it methodically cover-to-cover, you’ll find you need no prior knowledge to take full advantage of this book; the author is a very skilled educator.

    Bottom line: while it’s not an overnight magic pill, the methodology described in this book is a very sound way to address the causes of musculoskeletal pain.

    Click here to check out The Pain Relief Secret, and help your body undo damage done!

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    Learn to Age Gracefully

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  • Does Ginseng Increase Testosterone Levels?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    ❓ Q&A With 10almonds Subscribers!

    Q: You talked about spearmint as reducing testosterone levels, what about ginseng for increasing them?

    A: Hormones are complicated and often it’s not a simple matter of higher or lower levels! It can also be a matter of…

    • how your body converts one thing into another
    • how your body responds (or not) to something according to how the relevant hormone’s receptors are doing
    • …and whether there’s anything else blocking those receptors.

    All this to say: spearmint categorically is an anti-androgen, but the mechanism of action remains uncertain.

    Panax ginseng, meanwhile, is one of the most well-established mysteries in herbal medicine.

    Paradoxically, it seems to improve both male and female hormonal regulation, despite being more commonly associated with the former.

    But it also…

    Bottom line: Panax ginseng is popularly taken to improve natural hormone function, a task at which it appears to excel.

    Scientists are still working out exactly how it does the many things it appears to do.

    Progress has been made, and it clearly is science rather than witchcraft, but there are still far more unanswered questions than resolved ones!

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