Water Bath + More Cookbook for Beginners – by Sarah Roslin

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Whether you want to be prepared for the next major crisis that shuts down food supply chains, or just learn a new skill, this book provides the tools!

Especially beneficial if you also grow your own vegetables, but even you just buy those… Home-canned food is healthy, contains fewer additives and preservatives, and costs less in the long run.

Roslin teaches an array of methods, including most importantly:

  1. fermentation and pickling
  2. water bath canning, and
  3. pressure canning.

As for what’s inside? She covers not just vegetables, but also fruit, seafood, meat… Basically, anything that can be canned.

The book explains the tools and equipment you will need as well as how to perform it safely—as well as common mistakes to avoid!

Lest we be intimidated by the task of acquiring appropriate equipment, she also walks us through what we’ll need in that regard too!

Last but not least, there’s also a (sizeable) collection of simple, step-by-step recipes, catering to a wide variety of tastes.

Bottom line: a highly valuable resource that we recommend heartily.

Get your copy of “Water Bath + Pressure Canning & Preserving Cookbook for Beginners” from Amazon today!

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  • The Philosophy Gym – by Dr. Stephen Law
    Get your brain in shape with The Philosophy Gym. Dr. Stephen Law presents philosophical questions and methods in a beginner-friendly yet challenging way.

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  • Nature Valley Protein Granola vs Kellog’s All-Bran – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing Nature Valley Protein Granola to Kellog’s All-Bran, we picked the All-Bran.


    While the Protein Granola indeed contains more protein (13g/cup, compared to 5g/cup), it also contains three times as much sugar (18g/cup, compared to 9g/cup) and only ⅓ as much fiber (4g/cup, compared to 12g/cup)

    Given that fiber is what helps our bodies to absorb sugar more gently (resulting in fewer spikes), this is extremely important, especially since 18g of sugar in one cup of Protein Granola is already most of the recommended daily allowance, all at once!

    For reference: the AHA recommends no more than 25g added sugar for women, or 32g for men

    Hence, we went for the option with 3x as much fiber and ⅓ of the sugar, the All-Bran.

    For more about keeping blood sugars stable, see:

    10 Ways To Balance Blood Sugars


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  • Peanuts vs Hazelnuts – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing peanuts to hazelnuts, we picked the hazelnuts.


    It was close!

    In terms of macros, peanuts have more protein while hazelnuts have more fiber and fat; the fat is healthy (mostly monounsaturated, some polyunsaturated, and very little saturated; less saturated fat than peanuts), so all in all, we’ll call this category a modest, subjective win for hazelnuts (since it depends on what we consider most important).

    In the category of vitamins, peanuts have more of vitamins B2, B3, B5, B9, and choline, while hazelnuts have more of vitamins A, B1, B6, C, E, and K, making this one a marginal win for hazelnuts.

    When it comes to minerals, peanuts have more magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc, while hazelnuts have more calcium, copper, iron, and manganese, so we’re calling it a tie on minerals.

    Adding up the sections makes for a very close win for hazelnuts, but by all means enjoy both (unless you are allergic, of course)!

    Want to learn more?

    You might like to read:

    Why You Should Diversify Your Nuts!


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  • How To Reduce The Harm Of Festive Drinking (Without Abstaining)

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    How To Reduce The Harm Of Festive Drinking

    Not drinking alcohol is—of course—the best way to avoid the harmful effects of alcohol. However, not everyone wants to abstain, especially at this time of year, so today we’re going to be focusing on harm reduction without abstinence.

    If you do want to quit (or even reduce) drinking, you might like our previous article about that:

    How To Reduce Or Quit Alcohol

    For everyone else, let’s press on with harm reduction:

    Before You Drink

    A common (reasonable, but often unhelpful) advice is “set yourself a limit”. The problem with this is that when we’re sober, “I will drink no more than n drinks” is easy. After the first drink, we start to feel differently about it.

    So: delay your first drink of the day for as long as possible

    That’s it, that’s the tip. The later you start drinking, not only will you likely drink less, but also, your liver will have had longer to finish processing whatever you drank last night, so it’s coming at the new drink(s) fresh.

    On that note…

    Watch your meds! Often, especially if we are taking medications that also tax our liver (acetaminophen / paracetamol / Tylenol is a fine example of this), we are at risk of having a bit of a build-up, like an office printer that still chewing on the last job while you’re trying to print the next.

    Additionally: do indeed eat before you drink.

    While You Drink

    Do your best to drink slowly. While this can hit the same kind of problem as the “set yourself a limit” idea, in that once you start drinking you forget to drink slowly, it’s something to try for.

    If your main reason for drinking is the social aspect, then merely having a drink in your hand is generally sufficient. You don’t need to be keeping pace with anyone.

    It is further good to alternate your drinks with water. As in, between each alcoholic drink, have a glass of water. This helps in several ways:

    • Hydrates you, which is good for your body’s recovery abilities
    • Halves the amount of time you spend drinking
    • Makes you less thirsty; it’s easy to think “I’m thirsty” and reach for an alcoholic drink that won’t actually help. So, it may slow down your drinking for that reason, too.

    At the dinner table especially, it’s very reasonable to have two glasses, one filled with water. Nobody will be paying attention to which glass you drink from more often.

    After You Drink

    Even if you are not drunk, assume that you are.

    Anything you wouldn’t let a drunk person in your care do, don’t do. Now is not the time to drive, have a shower, or do anything you wouldn’t let a child do in the kitchen.

    Hospital Emergency Rooms, every year around this time, get filled up with people who thought they were fine and then had some accident.

    The biggest risks from alcohol are:

    1. Accidents
    2. Heart attacks
    3. Things actually popularly associated with alcohol, e.g. alcohol poisoning etc

    So, avoiding accidents is as important as, if not more important than, avoiding damage to your liver.

    Drink some water, and eat something.

    Fruit is great, as it restocks you on vitamins, minerals, and water, while being very easy to digest.

    Go to bed.

    There is a limit to how much trouble you can get into there. Sleep it off.

    In the morning, do not do “hair of the dog”; drinking alcohol will temporarily alleviate a hangover, but only because it kicks your liver back into an earlier stage of processing the alcohol—it just prolongs the inevitable.

    Have a good breakfast, instead. Remember, fruit is your friend (as explained above).

    Want to know more?

    Here’s a great service with a lot of further links to a lot more resources:

    With You | How to safely detox from alcohol at home

    Take care!

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  • Dealing With Waking Up In The Night

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    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? You can always hit “reply” to any of our emails, or use the feedback widget at the bottom!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small

    ❝I’m now in my sixties and find that I invariably wake up at least once during the night. Is this normal? Even if it is, I would still like, once in a while, to sleep right through like a teenager. How might this be achieved, without pills?❞

    Most people wake up briefly between sleep cycles, and forget doing so. But waking up for more than a brief moment is indeed best avoided. In men of your age, if you’re waking to pee (especially if it’s then not actually that easy to pee), it can be a sign of an enlarged prostate. Which is again a) normal b) not optimal.

    By “without pills” we’ll assume you mean “without sleeping pills”. There are options to treat an enlarged prostate, including well-established supplements. We did a main feature on this:

    Prostate Health: What You Should Know

    If the cause of waking up is something else, then again this is common for everyone as we get older, and again it’s not optimal. But since there are so many possible causes (and thus solutions), it’s more than we can cover in less than a main feature, so we’ll have to revisit this later.

    Meanwhile, take care!

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  • Rutin For Your Circulation & More

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Rutin is a bioflavonoid so potent it’s also been called “vitamin P”, and it’s found most abundantly in buckwheat, as well appearing in citrus and some stone fruits (apricots, plums, etc) as well as figs and apples—it’s also found in asparagus, and green and black tea.

    So, what does it do?

    Quite a lot: The Pharmacological Potential of Rutin

    There’s much more there than we have room to cover here, but we’ll pick out a few salient properties to focus on.

    First, a word of warning

    A lot of the extant science for rutin is in non-human animals. Sometimes, what works for non-human animals doesn’t work for humans; we saw a clear example of this here:

    Conjugated Linoleic Acid For Weight Loss?

    …in which CLA worked for weight loss in mice, hamsters, chickens, and pigs, but stubbornly not humans.

    The state of affairs with the science for rutin isn’t nearly that bad and there are human studies showing efficacy, and indeed, rutin is given to (human) patients with capillary fragility, varicose veins, bruising, or hemorrhoids, for example:

    Rutin: An Overview

    So, we’ll try to give you humans-only sources so far as we can today!

    Improving blood flow

    Rutin does improve various blood metrics, including various kinds of blood pressure (diastolic, systolic, mean arterial, pulse) and heart rate. At least, it did in humans with type 2 diabetes, and we may reasonably assume these results may be extrapolated to humans without type 2 (or any other) diabetes:

    The effects of rutin supplement on blood pressure markers, some serum antioxidant enzymes, and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus compared with placebo

    As you may gather from the title, it did also significantly improve serum antioxidant levels, and quality of life (which latter was categorized as: emotional limitations, energy and freshness, mental health, social performance, and general health).

    We couldn’t find studies for cardioprotective effects in humans (and of course those couldn’t be RCTs, they’d have to be observational studies, because no ethics board allows inducing heart attacks in humans for the sake of science), but here’s a study using rats (with and without diabetes), showing proof of principle at least:

    Cardioprotective actions of two bioflavonoids, quercetin and rutin, in experimental myocardial infarction

    Anti-Alzheimer’s potential

    As ever, a good general rule of thumb is “what’s good for the blood is good for the brain”, and that’s true in this case too.

    The title says it all, here:

    Rutin inhibits β-amyloid aggregation and cytotoxicity, attenuates oxidative stress, and decreases the production of nitric oxide and proinflammatory cytokines

    In case that is not clear: everything in that title after the word “inhibits” is bad for the brain and is implicated in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis and progression; in other words, rutin is good against all those bad, Alzheimer’s-favoring things.

    Other neuroprotective activity

    You may remember from the above-linked research that it helps protect against damage caused by Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) (the golden-brown stuff that appears as a result of dry-cooking proteins and fats); it also helps against damage caused by acrylamide (the golden-brown stuff that appears as a result of dry-cooking starches).

    Note: in both cases “dry-cooking” includes cooking with oil; it simply means “without water”.

    See: Protective effect of rutin against brain injury induced by acrylamide or gamma radiation: role of PI3K/AKT/GSK-3β/NRF-2 signalling pathway

    Again, this was a rat study, because no ethics board would have let the researchers fry human brains for science.

    Want to try some?

    As well as simply enjoying the fruits and vegetables that contain it, it is possible to take a rutin supplement.

    We don’t sell it, but here for your convenience is an example product on Amazon 😎


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  • How Much Weight Gain Do Antidepressants Cause?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    There’s a lot of talk in the news lately about antidepressants and weight gain, so let’s look at some numbers.

    Here’s a study from July 2024 that compared the weight gain of eight popular antidepressants, and pop-science outlets have reported it with such snippets as:

    Bupropion users were approximately 15–20% less likely to gain a clinically significant amount of weight than those taking the most common medication, sertraline.

    The researchers considered weight gain of 5% or more as clinically significant.❞

    Read in full: Study compares weight gain across eight common antidepressants

    At this point, you might (especially if you or a loved one is on sertraline) be grabbing a calculator and seeing what 5% of your weight is, and might be concerned at the implications.

    However, this is a little like if, in our This or That section, we were to report that food A has 17x more potassium than food B, without mentioning that food A has 0.01mg/100g and food A has 0.17mg/100g, and thus that, while technically “17x more”, the difference is trivial.

    As a quick aside: we do, by the way, try to note when things like that might skew the stats and either wipe them out by not mentioning that they contain potassium at all (as they barely do), or if it’s a bit more, describing them as being “approximately equal in potassium” or else draw attention to the “but the amounts are trivial in both cases”.

    Back to the antidepressants: in fact, for those two antidepressants compared in that snippet, the truth is (when we go looking in the actual research paper and the data within):

    • sertraline was associated with an average weight change of +1.5kg (just over 3lb) over the course of 24 months
    • bupropion was associated with an average weight change of +0.5kg (just under 1lb) over the course of 24 months

    Sertraline being the most weight-gain-inducing of the 8 drugs compared, and bupropion being the least, this means (with them both having fairly even curves):

    • sertraline being associated with an average weight change of 0.06kg (about 2oz) per month
    • bupropion being associated with an average weight change of 0.02kg (less than 1oz) per month

    For all eight, see the chart here in the paper itself:

    Medication-Induced Weight Change Across Common Antidepressant Treatments ← we’ve made the link go straight to the chart, for your convenience, but you can also read the whole paper there

    While you’re there, you might also see that for some antidepressants, such as duloxetine, fluoxetine, and venlafaxine, there’s an initial weight gain, but then it clearly hits a plateau and weight ceases to change after a certain point, which is worth considering too, since “you’ll gain a little bit of weight and then stay at that weight” is a very different prognosis from “you’ll gain a bit of weight and keep gaining it forever until you die”.

    But then again, consider this:

    Most adults will gain half a kilo this year – and every year. Here’s how to stop “weight creep”

    That’s more weight gain than one gets on sertraline, the most weight-gain-inducing antidepressant tested!

    What about over longer-term use?

    Here’s a more recent study (December 2024) that looked at antidepressant use over 6 years, and found an average 2% weight gain over those 6 years, but it didn’t break it down by antidepressant type, sadly:

    Trajectories of antidepressant use and 6-year change in body weight: a prospective population-based cohort study

    …which seems like quite a wasted opportunity, since some of the medications considered are very different, working on completely different systems (for example, SSRIs vs NDRIs, working on serotonin or norepinephrine+dopamine, respectively—see our Neurotransmitter Cheatsheet for more about those) and having often quite different side effects. Nevertheless, the study (despite collecting this information) didn’t then tabulate the data, and instead considered them all to be the same factor, “antidepressants”.

    What this study did do that was useful was included a control group not on antidepressants so we know that on average:

    • never-users of antidepressants gained an average of 1% of their bodyweight over those 6 years
    • users-and-desisters of antidepressants gained an average of 1.8% of their bodyweight over those 6 years*
    • continuing users of antidepressants gained an average of 2% of their bodyweight over those 6 years

    *for this group, weight gain was a commonly cited reason for stopping taking the antidepressants in question

    Writer’s anecdote: I’ve been on mirtazapine (a presynaptic alpha2-adrenoreceptor antagonist which increases central noradrenergic and serotonergic neurotransmission) for some years and can only say that I wish I’d been on it decades previously. I requested mirtazapine specifically, because I’m me and I know my stuff and considered it would most likely be by far the best fit for me out of the options available. Starting at a low dose, the only meaningful side effect was mild sedation (expected, and associated only with low-dose use); increasing after a couple of weeks to a moderate dose, that side effect disappeared and now the only remaining side effect is a slight dryness of the mouth, which is fine, as it ensures I remember to stay hydrated 🙂 anyway, my weight hasn’t changed (beyond very small temporary fluctuations) in the time I’ve been on mirtazapine. Disclaimer: the plural of anecdote is not data, and I can only speak for my own experience, and am not making any particular recommendation here. Your personal physiology will be different from mine, and may respond well or badly to any given treatment according to your own physiology.

    Further considerations

    This is touched on in the “Discussion” section of the latter paper (so do check that out if you want all the details, more than we can reasonably put here), but there are other factors to consider, for example:

    • whether people were underweight/healthy weight/overweight at baseline (sometimes, a weight gain can be a good thing, recovering from an illness, and in the case of the illness that is depression, weight can swing either way)
    • antidepressants changing eating and exercise habits (generally speaking: more likely to eat more and exercise more)
    • body composition! How did they not cover this (neither paper did)?! Muscle weighs more than fat, and improvements in exercise can result in an increase in muscle and thus an increase in overall weight.

    As researchers like to say, “this highlights the need for more high-quality studies to look into…” (and then the various things that went unexamined).

    Want to know more?

    Check out our previous main feature:

    Antidepressants: Personalization Is Key!

    Take care!

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