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Younger Next Year is not just a book about staying fit and strong as you age; it offers a comprehensive roadmap to achieving a youthful vitality. Through the guidance provided in this book, readers can unlock

Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, Sexy, and Smart Until You’re 80 and Beyond – by Chris Crowley & Dr. Henry Lodge

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Is it diet and exercise? Well, of course that’s a component. Specific kinds of exercise, too. But, as usual when we feature a book, there’s more:

In this case, strong throughout is the notion of life being a marathon not a sprint—and training for it accordingly.

Doing the things now that you’ll really wish you’d started doing sooner, and finding ways to build them into daily life.

Not just that, though! The authors take a holistic approach to life and health, and thus also cover work life, social life, and so forth. Now, you may be thinking “I’m already in the 80 and beyond category; I don’t work” and well, the authors advise that you do indeed work. You don’t have to revamp your career, but science strongly suggests that people who work longer, live longer.

Of course that doesn’t have to mean going full-throttle like a 20-year-old determined to make their mark on the world (you can if you want, though). It could be volunteering for a charity, or otherwise just finding a socially-engaging “work-like” activity that gives you purpose.

About the blend of motivational pep talk and science—this book is heavily weighted towards the former. It has, however, enough science to keep it on the right track throughout. Hence the two authors! Crowley for motivational pep, and Dr. Lodge for the science (with extra input from brain surgeon Dr. Hamilton, too).

Bottom line: if you want to feel the most prepared possible for the coming years and decades, this is a great book that covers a lot of bases.

Click here to check out “Younger Next Year” and get de-aging!

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