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Vaping: A Lot Of Hot Air?

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Vaping: A Lot Of Hot Air?

Yesterday, we asked you for your (health-related) opinions on vaping, and got the above-depicted, below-described, set of responses:

  • A little over a third of respondents said it’s actually more dangerous than smoking
  • A little under a third of respondents said it’s no better nor worse, just different
  • A little over 10% of respondents said it’s marginally less harmful, but still very bad
  • A little over 10% of respondents said it’s a much healthier alternative to smoking

So what does the science say?

Vaping is basically just steam inhalation, plus the active ingredient of your choice (e.g. nicotine, CBD, THC, etc): True or False?

False! There really are a lot of other chemicals in there.

And “chemicals” per se does not necessarily mean evil green glowing substances that a comicbook villain would market, but there are some unpleasantries in there too:

So, the substrate itself can cause irritation, and flavorings (with cinnamaldehyde, the cinnamon flavoring, being one of the worst) can really mess with our body’s inflammatory and oxidative responses.

Vaping can cause “popcorn lung”: True or False?

True and False! Popcorn lung is so-called after it came to attention when workers at a popcorn factory came down with it, due to exposure to diacetyl, a chemical used there.

That chemical was at that time also found in most vapes, but has since been banned in many places, including the US, Canada, the EU and the UK.

Vaping is just as bad as smoking: True or False?

False, per se. In fact, it’s recommended as a means of quitting smoking, by the UK’s famously thrifty NHS, that absolutely does not want people to be sick because that costs money:

NHS | Vaping To Quit Smoking

Of course, the active ingredients (e.g. nicotine, in the assumed case above) will still be the same, mg for mg, as they are for smoking.

Vaping is causing a health crisis amongst “kids nowadays”: True or False?

True—it just happens to be less serious on a case-by-case basis to the risks of smoking.

However, it is worth noting that the perceived harmlessness of vapes is surely a contributing factor in their widespread use amongst young people—decades after actual smoking (thankfully) went out of fashion.

On the other hand, there’s a flipside to this:

Flavored vape restrictions lead to higher cigarette sales

So, it may indeed be the case of “the lesser of two evils”.

Want to know more?

For a more in-depth science-ful exploration than we have room for here…

BMJ | Impact of vaping on respiratory health

Take care!

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