Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss – by Jennifer Powter, MSc

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This is not a dieting book, and it’s not a motivational pep talk.

The book starts with the assumption that you do want to lose weight (it also assumes you’re a woman, and probably over 40… that’s just the book’s target market, but the same advice is good even if that’s not you), and that you’ve probably been trying, on and off, for a while. Her position is simple:

❝I don’t believe that you have a weight loss problem. I believe that you have a self-sabotage problem❞

~ Jennifer Powter, MSc

As to how this sabotage may be occurring, Powter talks about fears that may be holding you back, including but not limited to:

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Fear of loss
  • Fear of embarrassment
  • Fear of your weight not being the reason your life sucks

Far from putting the reader down, though, Powter approaches everything with compassion. To this end, her prescription starts with encouraging self-love. Not when you’re down to a certain size, not when you’re conforming perfectly to a certain diet, but now. You don’t have to be perfect to be worthy of love.

On the topic of perfection: a recurring theme in the book is the danger of perfectionism. In her view, perfectionism is nothing more nor less than the most justifiable way to hold yourself back in life.

Lastly, she covers mental reframes, with useful questions to ask oneself on a daily basis, to ensure progressing step by step into your best life.

In short: if you’d like to lose weight and have been trying for a while, maybe on and off, this book could get you out of that cycle and into a much better state of being.

Get your copy of “Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss” from Amazon today!

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  • Health Simplified – by Daniel Cottmeyer
  • Figs vs Plums – Which is Healthier?
    In the battle of nutrition, figs defeat plums with higher protein, fiber, a bounty of vitamins, and a sweep in minerals!

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  • Signs That Are Present When Someone Is Dying

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    You’ve probably been there a few times, although given the emotional nature of the thing, it’s likely that you weren’t taking notes. Hospice workers, on the other hand, do take notes, so here are some things you might want to know, and if anything makes the next time even a little easier, that’ll be good:

    Last stages

    Here are the discussed signs of the “active dying” phase:

    • Increasing unconsciousness:
      • The person will be mostly unresponsive most of the time.
      • Eyes may be open or partially open but not making eye contact.
      • Mouth will likely remain open due to muscle relaxation.
    • Cessation of food and water intake
      • The person will likely not eat or drink for several days.
      • This is a natural process and does not cause suffering per se (e.g. thirst, hunger).
      • Dryness of mouth, however, can be treated with a little moistening, for comfort.
    • Changes in breathing
      • Breathing patterns will change and may be irregular.
      • This is a natural metabolic response, and is not a sign of distress.
      • Terminal secretions (“death rattle”) may occur:
        • A gurgling sound caused by saliva buildup due to loss of swallowing reflex.
        • Not painful or distressing for the person.
        • Can be managed by repositioning or using medication to dry secretions.
    • Skin color changes / mottling:
      • First appears on fingers and toes (purple or gray discoloration).
      • May spread to knees, nose, or other extremities.
    • Temperature fluctuations:
      • The body loses its ability to regulate temperature.
      • Person may feel hot but be cold (or vice versa).
      • Fevers are common—cooling measures and/or Tylenol can help.

    A person in discomfort may appear restless, have a furrowed brow, or show physical agitation. If on the other hand they appear peaceful and unresponsive, they are almost certainly not in distress. At such times, it’s best to focus on just keeping them clean and comfortable.

    For more on all of these, see:

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    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    Managing Mortality: When Planning Is a Matter of Life and Death

    Take care!

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  • Good (Or Bad) Health Starts With Your Blood

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Blood Should Be Only Slightly Thicker Than Water

    This is Dr. Casey Means, a physician, lecturer (mostly at Stanford), and CMO of a metabolic health company, Levels, as well as being Associate Editor of the International Journal of Diabetes Reversal and Prevention, where she serves alongside such names as Dr. Colin Campbell, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. William Li, Dr. Dean Ornish, and you get the idea: it’s a star-studded cast.

    What does she want us to know?

    The big blood problem:

    ❝We’re spending 3.8 trillion dollars a year on healthcare costs in the U.S., and the reality is that people are getting sicker, fatter, and more depressed.

    Over 50% of Americans have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes; it’s insane, that number should be close to zero.❞

    ~ Dr. Casey Means

    Indeed, pre-diabetes and especially type 2 diabetes should be very avoidable in any wealthy nation.

    Unfortunately, the kind of diet that avoids it tends to rely on having at least 2/3 of the following:

    • Money
    • Time
    • Knowledge

    For example:

    • if you have money and time, you can buy lots of fresh ingredients without undue worry, and take the time to carefully prep and cook them
    • if you have money and knowledge you can have someone else shop and cook for you, or at least get meal kits delivered
    • if you have time and knowledge, you can actually eat very healthily on a shoestring budget

    If you have all three, then the world’s your oyster mushroom steak sautéed in extra virgin olive oil with garlic and cracked black pepper served on a bed of Swiss chard and lashed with Balsamic vinegar.

    However, many Americans aren’t in the happy position of having at least 2/3, and a not-insignificant portion of the population don’t even have 1/3.

    As an aside: there is a food scientist and chef who’s made it her mission to educate people about food that’s cheap, easy, and healthy:

    Where Nutrition Meets Habits…

    …but today is about Dr. Means, so, what does she suggest?

    Know thyself thy blood sugars

    Dr. Means argues (reasonably; this is well-backed up by general scientific consensus) that much of human disease stems from the diabetes and pre-diabetes that she mentioned above, and so we should focus on that most of all.

    Our blood sugar levels being unhealthy will swiftly lead to other metabolic disorders:

    Heart disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are perhaps first in line, but waiting in the wings are inflammation-mediated autoimmune disorders, and even dementia, because neuroinflammation is at least as bad as inflammation anywhere else, arguably worse, and our brain can only be as healthy as the blood that feeds it and takes things that shouldn’t be there away.


    ❝Alzheimer’s dementia is now being called type 3 diabetes because it’s so related to blood sugar❞

    ~ Dr. Casey Means

    …which sounds like a bold claim, but it’s true, even if the name is not “official” yet, it’s well-established in professional circulation:

    ❝We conclude that the term “type 3 diabetes” accurately reflects the fact that AD represents a form of diabetes that selectively involves the brain and has molecular and biochemical features that overlap with both T1DM and T2DM❞

    ~ Dr. Suzanne M. de la Monte & Dr. Jack Wands

    Read in full: Alzheimer’s Disease Is Type 3 Diabetes–Evidence Reviewed ← this is from the very respectable Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology.

    What to do about it

    Dr. Means suggests we avoid the “glucose roller-coaster” that most Americans are on, meaning dramatic sugar spikes, or to put it in sciencese: high glycemic variability.

    This leads to inflammation, oxidative stress, glycation (where sugar sticks to proteins and DNA), and metabolic dysfunction. Then there’s the flipside: reactive hypoglycemia, a result of a rapid drop in blood sugar after a spike, can cause anxiety, fatigue, weakness/trembling, brain fog, and of course cravings. And so the cycle repeats.

    But it doesn’t have to!

    By taking it upon ourselves to learn about what causes our blood sugars to rise suddenly or gently, we can manage our diet and other lifestyle factors accordingly.

    And yes, it’s not just about diet, Dr. Means tells us. While added sugar and refined carbohydrates or indeed the main drivers of glycemic variability, our sleep, movement, stress management, and even toxin exposure play important parts too.

    One way to do this, that Dr. Means recommends, is with a continuous glucose monitor:

    Track Your Blood Sugars For Better Personalized Health

    Another way is to just apply principles that work for almost everyone:

    10 Ways To Balance Blood Sugars

    Want to know more from Dr. Means?

    You might like her book:

    Good Energy – by Dr. Casey Means

    …which goes into this in far more detail than we have room to today.


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  • How To Regrow Receding Gums

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    One of the problems with the human form is that our teeth evolved to last us for the whole of our life, with plenty of room to spare before our eventual death at the ripe old age of about 35 on average. Dr. Ellie Phillips advises those of us who might be a bit older than that, on how we can avoid becoming “too long in the tooth”—in other words, how to keep our gums, and thus our teeth, in place and healthy.

    Getting to the root of the problem

    The single biggest cause of gum recession is an acidic environment in the mouth, which harms teeth and gums alike. This acidic environment is produced not merely by consuming acid foods or drinks, but also (and much more often, and more problematically) by sugary foods and drinks, which are not necessarily themselves acidic, but they feed bacteria that release acids as a by-product of their metabolism. If we consume an acidic food or drink, it’s there for a moment, but if we then salivate and/or take a drink of water, it’s pretty much gone in a few seconds. But those bacteria when we feed them sugar? They are there to stay unless we do something more about them than just drink some water.

    Other contributing factors to gum recession include teeth grinding, and (ironically) certain oral care products, especially many artificial teeth whiteners.

    In case you were wondering: no, brushing will not* generally cause or even worsen gum recession, but flossing can exacerbate it if it’s already underway.

    *unless, of course, you are using one of the whiteners we mentioned above

    What to do about it: Dr. Phillips recommends:

    • use a moderately firm toothbrush to massage gums and promote blood flow
    • avoid acidic oral products and homemade remedies even if they’re not acidic but can be caustic, such as baking soda
    • rebuild your gums’ and teeth’s protective biofilm (yes, there are “good bacteria” that are supposed to be there) with proper brushing
    • avoid cleanings that are more intensive than brushing—skip flossing until your gums have recovered, too
    • adjust your diet to avoid acids and (especially) sugars

    10almonds note: she also recommends the use of xylitol to promote a healthy oral environment; we don’t recommend that, as while it may be great for the teeth, studies have found it to be bad for the heart.

    For more on all of her advices and a bit more of the science of it, enjoy:

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  • 6 Lifestyle Factors To Measurably Reduce Biological Age

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Julie Gibson Clark competes on a global leaderboard of people actively fighting aging (including billionaire Bryan Johnson, who is famously very focused on such). She’s currently ahead of him on that leaderboard, so what’s she doing?

    Top tips

    We’ll not keep the six factors a mystery; they are:

    • Exercise: her weekly exercise includes VO2 Max training, strength training, balance work, and low-intensity cardio. She exercises outdoors on Saturdays and takes rest days on Fridays and Sundays.
    • Diet: she follows a 16-hour intermittent fasting schedule (eating between 09:00–17:00), consumes a clean omnivore diet with an emphasis on vegetables and adequate protein, and avoids junk food.
    • Brain: she meditates for 20 minutes daily, prioritizes mental health, and ensures sufficient quality sleep, helped by morning sunlight exposure and time in nature.
    • Hormesis: she engages in 20-minute sauna sessions followed by cold showers four times per week to support recovery and longevity.
    • Supplements: she takes longevity supplements and bioidentical hormones to optimize her health and aging process.
    • Testing: she regularly monitors her biological age and health markers through various tests, including DEXA scans, VO2 Max tests, lipid panels, and epigenetic aging clocks, allowing her to adjust her routine accordingly.

    For more on all of these, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    Age & Aging: What Can (And Can’t) We Do About It?

    Take care!

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  • Real Self-Care – by Pooja Lakshmin MD

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    As the subtitle says, “crystals, cleanses, and bubble baths not included”. So, if it’s not about that sort of self-care, what is it about?

    Dr. Lakshmin starts by acknowledging something that many self-help books don’t:

    We can do everything correctly and still lose. Not only that, but for many of us, that is the probable outcome. Not because of any fault or weakness of ours, but simply because one way or another the game is rigged against us from the start.

    So, should we throw in the towel, throw our hands in the air, and throw the book out of the window?

    Nope! Dr. Lakshmin has actually helpful advice, that pertains to:

    • creating healthy boundaries and challenging guilt
    • treating oneself with compassion
    • identifying and aligning oneself with one’s personal values
    • asserting one’s personal power to fight for one’s own self-interest

    If you’re reading this and thinking “that seems very selfish”, then let’s remember the “challenging guilt” part of that. We’ve all-too-often been conditioned to neglect our own needs and self-sacrifice for others.

    And, while selfless service really does have its place, needlessly self-destructive martyrdom does not!

    Bottom line: this book delivers a lot of “real talk” on a subject that otherwise often gets removed from reality rather. In short, it’s a great primer for finding the right place to draw the line between being a good-hearted person and being a doormat.

    Click here to check out Real Self-Care and “put your own oxygen mask on first”!

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  • An RSV vaccine has been approved for people over 60. But what about young children?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has approved a vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in Australia for the first time. The shot, called Arexvy and manufactured by GSK, will be available by prescription to adults over 60.

    RSV is a contagious respiratory virus which causes an illness similar to influenza, most notably in babies and older adults.

    So while it will be good to have an RSV vaccine available for older people, where is protection up to for the youngest children?

    A bit about RSV

    RSV was discovered in chimpanzees with respiratory illness in 1956, and was soon found to be a common cause of illness in humans.

    There are two key groups of people we would like to protect from RSV: babies (up to about one year old) and people older than 60.

    Babies tend to fill up hospitals during the RSV season in late spring and winter in large numbers, but severe infection requiring admission to intensive care is less common.

    In babies and younger children, RSV generally causes a wheezing asthma-like illness (bronchiolitis), but can also cause pneumonia and croup.

    Although there are far fewer hospital admissions among older people, they can develop severe disease and die from an infection.

    A baby sitting on a bed.
    Babies account for the majority of hospitalisations with RSV.

    RSV vaccines for older people

    For older adults, there are actually several RSV vaccines in the pipeline. The recent Australian TGA approval of Arexvy is likely to be the first of several, with other vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna currently in development.

    The GSK and Pfizer RSV vaccines are similar. They both contain a small component of the virus, called the pre-fusion protein, that the immune system can recognise.

    Both vaccines have been shown to reduce illness from RSV by more than 80% in the first season after vaccination.

    In older adults, side effects following Arexvy appear to be similar to other vaccines, with a sore arm and generalised aches and fatigue frequently reported.

    Unlike influenza vaccines which are given each year, it is anticipated the RSV vaccine would be a one-off dose, at least at this stage.

    Protecting young children from RSV

    Younger babies don’t tend to respond well to some vaccines due to their immature immune system. To prevent other diseases, this can be overcome by giving multiple vaccine doses over time. But the highest risk group for RSV are those in the first few months of life.

    To protect this youngest age group from the virus, there are two potential strategies available instead of vaccinating the child directly.

    The first is to give a vaccine to the mother and rely on the protective antibodies passing to the infant through the placenta. This is similar to how we protect babies by vaccinating pregnant women against influenza and pertussis (whooping cough).

    The second is to give antibodies directly to the baby as an injection. With both these strategies, the protection provided is only temporary as antibodies wane over time, but this is sufficient to protect infants through their highest risk period.

    A pregnant woman receives a vaccination.
    Women could be vaccinated during pregnancy to protect their baby in its first months of life.
    Image Point Fr/Shutterstock

    Abrysvo, the Pfizer RSV vaccine, has been trialled in pregnant women. In clinical trials, this vaccine has been shown to reduce illness in infants for up to six months. It has been approved in pregnant women in the United States, but is not yet approved in Australia.

    An antibody product called palivizumab has been available for many years, but is only partially effective and extremely expensive, so has only been given to a small number of children at very high risk.

    A newer antibody product, nirsevimab, has been shown to be effective in reducing infections and hospitalisations in infants. It was approved by the TGA in November, but it isn’t yet clear how this would be accessed in Australia.

    What now?

    RSV, like influenza, is a major cause of respiratory illness, and the development of effective vaccines represents a major advance.

    While the approval of the first vaccine for older people is an important step, many details are yet to be made available, including the cost and the timing of availability. GSK has indicated its vaccine should be available soon. While the vaccine will initially only be available on private prescription (with the costs paid by the consumer), GSK has applied for it to be made free under the National Immunisation Program.

    In the near future, we expect to hear further news about the other vaccines and antibodies to protect those at higher risk from RSV disease, including young children.The Conversation

    Allen Cheng, Professor of Infectious Diseases, Monash University

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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