Rushing Woman’s Syndrome – by Dr. Libby Weaver

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It’s well-known that very many women suffer from “the triple burden” of professional work, housework, and childcare. And it’s not even necessarily that we resent any of those things or feel like they’re a burden; we (hopefully) love our professions, homes, children. But, here’s the thing: no amount of love will add extra hours to the day!

On the psychological level, a lot is about making more conscious decisions and fewer automatic reactions. For example, everyone wants everything from us right now, if not by yesterday, but when do they need it? And, is it even our responsibility? Not everything is, and many of us take on more than we should in our effort to be “enough”.

On the physical level, she covers hormones, including the menstrual/menopausal and the metabolic, as well as liver health, digestive issues, and sleep.

The style is direct and friendly, making frequent references to science but not getting deep into it.

It’s worth noting that while she acknowledges other demographics exist, she’s writing mainly for an audience of otherwise healthy straight white women with children and at least moderate financial resources, so if you fall outside of those things, there may be things that society will penalize you for and expect more from you in return for less, so that is a limitation of the book.

Bottom line: if the above describes you, you will probably get value out of this book.

Click here to check out Rushing Woman’s Syndrome, and take care of yourself too!

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  • The Daily Stoic – by Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman
  • Nonverbal Epiphany – by Dr. Stephen Furlich
    Get ready to dive into a treasure trove of scientific data on nonverbal communication. This book separates fact from fiction and is a must-read for anyone interested in the psychology behind it.

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  • Want the health benefits of strength training but not keen on the gym? Try ‘exercise snacking’

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The science is clear: resistance training is crucial to ageing well. Lifting weights (or doing bodyweight exercises like lunges, squats or push-ups) can help you live independently for longer, make your bones stronger, reduce your risk of diseases such as diabetes, and may even improve your sleep and mental health.

    But not everyone loves the gym. Perhaps you feel you’re not a “gym person” and never will be, or you’re too old to start. Being a gym-goer can be expensive and time-consuming, and some people report feeling unwelcome or awkward at the gym.

    The good news is you don’t need the gym, or lots of free time, to get the health benefits resistance training can offer.

    You can try “exercise snacking” instead.


    What is exercise snacking?

    Exercise snacking involves doing multiple shorter bouts (as little as 20 seconds) of exercise throughout the day – often with minimal or no equipment. It’s OK to have several hours of rest between.

    You could do simple bodyweight exercises such as:

    • chair sit-to-stand (squats)
    • lunges
    • box step-ups
    • calf raises
    • push-ups.

    Exercise snacking like this can help improve muscle mass, strength and physical function.

    It’s OK to hold onto a nearby object for balance, if you need. And doing these exercises regularly will also improve your balance. That, in turn, reduces your risk of falls and fractures.

    OK I have done all those, now what?

    Great! You can also try using resistance bands or dumbbells to do the previously mentioned five exercises as well as some of the following exercises:

    When using resistance bands, make sure you hold them tightly and that they’re securely attached to an immovable object.

    Exercise snacking works well when you pair it with an activity you do often throughout the day. Perhaps you could:

    • do a few extra squats every time you get up from a bed or chair
    • do some lunges during a TV ad break
    • chuck in a few half squats while you’re waiting for your kettle to boil
    • do a couple of elevated push-ups (where you support your body with your hands on a chair or a bench while doing the push-up) before tucking into lunch
    • sneak in a couple of calf raises while you’re brushing your teeth.
    A man does weighted lunges in his lounge room.
    Exercise snacking involves doing multiple shorter bouts (as little as 20 seconds) of exercise throughout the day. Cavan-Images/Shutterstock

    What does the evidence say about exercise snacking?

    One study had older adults without a history of resistance training do exercise snacks at home twice per day for four weeks.

    Each session involved five simple bodyweight exercises (chair sit-to-stand, seated knee extension, standing knee bends, marching on the spot, and standing calf raises). The participants did each exercise continuously for one minute, with a one-minute break between exercises.

    These short and simple exercise sessions, which lasted just nine minutes, were enough to improve a person’s ability to stand up from a chair by 31% after four weeks (compared to a control group who didn’t exercise). Leg power and thigh muscle size improved, too.

    Research involving one of us (Jackson Fyfe) has also shown older adults found “exercise snacking” feasible and enjoyable when done at home either once, twice, or three times per day for four weeks.

    Exercise snacking may be a more sustainable approach to improve muscle health in those who don’t want to – or can’t – lift heavier weights in a gym.

    A little can yield a lot

    We know from other research that the more you exercise, the more likely it is you will keep exercising in future.

    Very brief resistance training, albeit with heavier weights, may be more enjoyable than traditional approaches where people aim to do many, many sets.

    We also know brief-and-frequent exercise sessions can break up periods of sedentary behaviour (which usually means sitting too much). Too much sitting increases your risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, whereas exercise snacking can help keep your blood sugar levels steady.

    Of course, longer-term studies are needed. But the evidence we do have suggests exercise snacking really helps.

    An older Asian man lifts weights at home.
    Just a few short exercise sessions can do you a world of good. eggeegg/Shutterstock

    Why does any of this matter?

    As you age, you lose strength and mass in the muscles you use to walk, or stand up. Everyday tasks can become a struggle.

    All this contributes to disability, hospitalisation, chronic disease, and reliance on community and residential aged care support.

    By preserving your muscle mass and strength, you can:

    • reduce joint pain
    • get on with activities you enjoy
    • live independently in your own home
    • delay or even eliminate the need for expensive health care or residential aged care.

    What if I walk a lot – is that enough?

    Walking may maintain some level of lower body muscle mass, but it won’t preserve your upper body muscles.

    If you find it difficult to get out of a chair, or can only walk short distances without getting out of breath, resistance training is the best way to regain some of the independence and function you’ve lost.

    It’s even more important for women, as muscle mass and strength are typically lower in older women than men. And if you’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis, which is more common in older women than men, resistance exercise snacking at home can improve your balance, strength, and bone mineral density. All of this reduces the risk of falls and fractures.

    You don’t need heavy weights or fancy equipment to benefit from resistance training.

    So, will you start exercise snacking today?

    Justin Keogh, Associate Dean of Research, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University and Jackson Fyfe, Senior Lecturer, Strength and Conditioning Sciences, Deakin University

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • Healthy Tiramisu

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Tiramisu (literally “pick-me-up”, “tira-mi-su”) is a delightful dish that, in its traditional form, is also a trainwreck for the health, being loaded with inflammatory cream and sugar, not to mention the cholesterol content. Here we recreate the dish in healthy fashion, being loaded with protein, fiber, and healthy fats, not to mention that the optional sweetener is an essential amino acid. The coffee and cocoa, of course, are full of antioxidants too. All in all, what’s not celebrate?

    You will need

    • 2 cups silken tofu (no need to press it) (do not substitute with any firmer tofu or it will not work)
    • 1 cup oat cream (you can buy this ready-made, or make it yourself by blending oats in water until you get the desired consistency) (you can also just use dairy cream, but that will be less healthy)
    • 1 cup almond flour (also simply called “ground almonds”)
    • 1 cup espresso ristretto, or otherwise the strongest black coffee you have facility to make
    • ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder, plus more for dusting
    • 1 pack savoiardi biscuits, also called “ladyfinger” biscuits (this was the only part we couldn’t make healthy—if you figure out a way to make it healthy, let us know!) (if vegan, obviously use a vegan substitute biscuit; this writer uses Lotus/Biscoff biscuits, which work well)
    • 1 tsp vanilla essence
    • ½ tsp almond essence
    • Optional: glycine, per taste
    • Garnish: roasted coffee beans


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Add glycine to the coffee first if you want the overall dish to be sweeter. Glycine has approximately the same sweetness as sugar, and can be used as a 1:1 substitution. Use that information as you see fit.

    2) Blend the tofu and the oat cream together in a high-speed blender until smooth. It should have a consistency like cake-batter; if it is too liquidy, add small amounts of almond flour until it is thicker. If it’s too thick, add oat cream until it isn’t. If you want it to be sweeter than it is, add glycine to taste. When happy with its taste and consistency, divide it evenly into two bowls.

    3) Add the vanilla essence and almond essence to one bowl, and the cocoa powder to the other, mixing well (in a food processor, or just by using a whisk)

    4) Coat the base of a glass dish (such as a Pyrex oven dish, but any dish is fine, and any glass dish will allow for viewing the pretty layers we’ll be making) with a very thin layer of almond flour (if you want sweetness there, you can mix some glycine in with the almond flour first).

    4) One by one, soak the biscuits briefly in the coffee, and use them to line to base of the dish.

    5) Add a thin layer of chocolate cream, ensuring the surface is as flat as possible. Dust it with cocoa powder, to increase the surface tension.

    6) Add a thin layer of vanilla-and-almond cream, ensuring the surface is as flat as possible. Dust it with cocoa powder, to increase the surface tension.

    7) Stop and assess: do you have enough ingredients left to repeat these layers? It will depend on the size and shape dish you used. If you do, repeat them, finishing with a vanilla-and-almond cream layer.

    8) Dust the final layer with cocoa powder if you haven’t already, and add the coffee bean garnish, if using.

    9) Refrigerate for at least 8 hours, and if you have time to prepare it the day before you will eat it, that is best of all.


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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  • Falling: Is It Due To Age Or Health Issues?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small 😎

    ❝What are the signs that a senior is falling due to health issues rather than just aging?❞

    Superficial answer: having an ear infection can result in a loss of balance, and is not particularly tied to age as a risk factor

    More useful answer: first, let’s consider these two true statements:

    • The risks of falling (both the probability and the severity of consequences) increase with age
    • Health issues (in general) tend to increase with age

    With this in mind, it’s difficult to disconnect the two, as neither exist in a vacuum, and each is strongly associated with the other.

    So the question is easier to answer by first flipping it, to ask:

    ❝What are the health issues that typically increase with age, that increase the chances of falling?❞

    A non-exhaustive list includes:

    • Loss of strength due to sarcopenia (reduced muscle mass)
    • Loss of mobility due to increased stiffness (many causes, most of which worsen with age)
    • Loss of risk-awareness due to diminished senses (for example, not seeing an obstacle until too late)
    • Loss of risk-awareness due to reduced mental focus (cognitive decline producing absent-mindedness)

    Note that in the last example there, and to a lesser extent the third one, reminds us that falls also often do not happen in a vacuum. There is (despite how it may sometimes feel!) no actual change in our physical relationship with gravity as we get older; most falls are about falling over things, even if it’s just one’s own feet:

    The 4 Bad Habits That Cause The Most Falls While Walking

    Disclaimer: sometimes a person may just fall down for no external reason. An example of why this may happen is if a person’s joint (for example an ankle or a knee) has a particular weakness that means it’ll occasionally just buckle and collapse under one’s own weight. This doesn’t even have to be a lot of weight! The weakness could be due to an old injury, or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (with its characteristic joint hypermobility symptoms), or something else entirely.

    Now, notice how:

    • all of these things can happen at any age
    • all of these things are more likely to happen the older we get
    • none of these things have to happen at any age

    That last one’s important to remember! Aging is often viewed as an implacable Behemoth, but the truth is that it is many-faceted and every single one of those facets can be countered, to a greater or lesser degree.

    Think of a room full of 80-year-olds, and now imagine that…

    • One has the hearing of a 20-year-old
    • One has the eyesight of a 20-year-old
    • One has the sharp quick mind of a 20-year-old
    • One has the cardiovascular fitness of a 20-year-old

    …etc. Now, none of those things in isolation is unthinkable, so remember, there is no magic law of the universe saying we can’t have each of them:

    Age & Aging: What Can (And Can’t) We Do About It?

    Which means: that goes for the things that increase the risk of falling, too. In other words, we can combat sarcopenia with protein and resistance training, maintain our mobility, look after our sensory organs as best we can, nourish our brain and keep it sharp, etc etc etc:

    Train For The Event Of Your Life! (Mobility As A Long-Term “Athletic” Goal For Personal Safety)

    Which doesn’t mean: that we will necessarily succeed in all areas. Your writer here, broadly in excellent health, and whose lower body is still a veritable powerhouse in athletic terms, has a right ankle and left knee that will sometimes just buckle (yay, the aforementioned hypermobility).

    So, it becomes a priority to pre-empt the consequences of that, for example:

    • being able to fall with minimal impact (this is a matter of knowing how, and can be learned from “soft” martial arts such as aikido), and
    • ensuring the skeleton can take a knock if necessary (keeping a good balance of vitamins, minerals, protein, etc; keeping an eye on bone density).

    See also:

    Fall Special ← appropriate for the coming season, but it’s about avoiding falling, and reducing the damage of falling if one does fall, including some exercises to try at home.

    Take care!

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  • 52 Small Changes – by Brett Blumenthal

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We see a lot of books that exhort us to get a six-pack in a month, change our life in 7 days, learn Japanese in 24 hours. The reality is, things take time!

    Brett Blumenthal is more realistic while being just as motivational:

    The idea is simple… Make one small change per week for 52 weeks, and at the end of the year, you’ll be healthier and happier.

    At 10almonds, we’re big fans of small changes that add up (or rather: compound!) to make big differences, so this one’s absolutely our style!

    Best of all, she offers us not just “do this” advice, but also “and here’s the information and resources you’ll need to make this change work the best it can for you”

    The advices range in topic from nutrition to exercise to sleep to mental wellness to interpersonal stuff and more. The biggest focus is on personal health, though, with small changes to exercise and nutrition making up the lion’s share of the changes.

    Bottom line: this is a book you’ll want to grab once a week. Consider setting a reminder on your phone to check in with it each Sunday, for example!

    Take the first step and order “52 Small Changes” from Amazon today!

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  • Keep Inflammation At Bay

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    How to Prevent (or Reduce) Inflammation

    You asked us to do a main feature on inflammation, so here we go!

    Before we start, it’s worth noting an important difference between acute and chronic inflammation:

    • Acute inflammation is generally when the body detects some invader, and goes to war against it. This (except in cases such as allergic responses) is usually helpful.
    • Chronic inflammation is generally when the body does a civil war. This is almost never helpful.

    We’ll be tackling the latter, which frees up your body’s resources to do better at the former.

    First, the obvious…

    These five things are as important for this as they are for most things:

    1. Get a good dietthe Mediterranean diet is once again a top-scorer
    2. Exercisemove and stretch your body; don’t overdo it, but do what you reasonably can, or the inflammation will get worse.
    3. Reduce (or ideally eliminate) alcohol consumption. When in pain, it’s easy to turn to the bottle, and say “isn’t this one of red wine’s benefits?” (it isn’t, functionally*). Alcohol will cause your inflammation to flare up like little else.
    4. Don’t smoke—it’s bad for everything, and that goes for inflammation too.
    5. Get good sleep. Obviously this can be difficult with chronic pain, but do take your sleep seriously. For example, invest in a good mattress, nice bedding, a good bedtime routine, etc.

    *Resveratrol (which is a polyphenol, by the way), famously found in red wine, does have anti-inflammatory properties. However, to get enough resveratrol to be of benefit would require drinking far more wine than will be good for your inflammation or, indeed, the rest of you. So if you’d like resveratrol benefits, consider taking it as a supplement. Superficially it doesn’t seem as much fun as drinking red wine, but we assure you that the results will be much more fun than the inflammation flare-up after drinking.

    About the Mediterranean Diet for this…

    There are many causes of chronic inflammation, but here are some studies done with some of the most common ones:

    *Type 1 diabetes is a congenital autoimmune disorder, as the pancreas goes to war with itself. Type 2 diabetes is different, being a) acquired and b) primarily about insulin resistance, and/but this is related to chronic inflammation regardless. It is also possible to have T1D and go on to develop insulin resistance, and that’s very bad, and/but beyond the scope of today’s newsletter, in which we are focusing on the inflammation aspects.

    Some specific foods to eat or avoid…

    Eat these:

    • Leafy greens
    • Cruciferous vegetables
    • Tomatoes
    • Fruits in general (berries in particular)
    • Healthy fats, e.g. olives and olive oil
    • Almonds and other nuts
    • Dark chocolate (choose high cocoa, low sugar)

    Avoid these:

    • Processed meats (absolute worst offenders are hot dogs, followed by sausages in general)
    • Red meats
    • Sugar (includes most fruit juices, but not most actual fruits—the difference with actual fruits is they still contain plenty of fiber, and in many cases, antioxidants/polyphenols that reduce inflammation)
    • Dairy products (unless fermented, in which case it seems to be at worst neutral, sometimes even a benefit, in moderation)
    • White flour (and white flour products, e.g. white bread, white pasta, etc)
    • Processed vegetable oils

    See also: 9 Best Drinks To Reduce Inflammation, Says Science


    Some supplements that have been found to reduce inflammation include:

    (links are to studies showing their efficacy)

    Consider Intermittent Fasting

    Remember when we talked about the difference between acute and chronic inflammation? It’s fair to wonder “if I reduce my inflammatory response, will I be weakening my immune system?”, and the answer is: generally, no.

    Often, as with the above supplements and dietary considerations, reducing inflammation actually results in a better immune response when it’s actually needed! This is because your immune system works better when it hasn’t been working in overdrive constantly.

    Here’s another good example: intermittent fasting reduces the number of circulating monocytes (a way of measuring inflammation) in healthy humans—but doesn‘t compromise antimicrobial (e.g. against bacteria and viruses) immune response.

    See for yourself: Dietary Intake Regulates the Circulating Inflammatory Monocyte Pool ← the study is about the anti-inflammatory effects of fasting

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  • ADHD medication – can you take it long term? What are the risks and do benefits continue?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that can affect all stages of life. Medication is not the only treatment, but it is often the treatment that can make the most obvious difference to a person who has difficulties focusing attention, sitting still or not acting on impulse.

    But what happens once you’ve found the medication that works for you or your child? Do you just keep taking it forever? Here’s what to consider.

    What are ADHD medications?

    The mainstay of medication for ADHD is stimulants. These include methylphenidate (with brand names Ritalin, Concerta) and dexamfetamine. There is also lisdexamfetamine (branded Vyvanse), a “prodrug” of dexamfetamine (it has a protein molecule attached, which is removed in the body to release dexamfetamine).

    There are also non-stimulants, in particular atomoxetine and guanfacine, which are used less often but can also be highly effective. Non-stimulants can be prescribed by GPs but this may not always be covered by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and could cost more.

    How stimulants work

    Some stimulants prescribed for ADHD are “short acting”. This means the effect comes on after around 20 minutes and lasts around four hours.

    Longer-acting stimulants give a longer-lasting effect, usually by releasing medication more slowly. The choice between the two will be guided by whether the person wants to take medication once a day or prefers to target the medication effect to specific times or tasks.

    For the stimulants (with the possible exception of lisdexamfetamine) there is very little carry-over effect to the next day. This means the symptoms of ADHD may be very obvious until the first dose of the morning takes effect.

    One of the main aims of treatment is the person with ADHD should live their best life and achieve their goals. In young children it is the parents who have to consider the risks and benefits on behalf of the child. As children mature, their role in decision making increases.

    What about side effects?

    The most consistent side effects of the stimulants are they suppress appetite, resulting in weight loss. In children this is associated with temporary slowing of the growth rate and perhaps a slight delay in pubertal development. They can also increase the heart rate and may cause a rise in blood pressure. Stimulants often cause insomnia.

    These changes are largely reversible on stopping medication. However, there is concern the small rises in blood pressure could accelerate the rate of heart disease, so people who take medication over a number of years might have heart attacks or strokes slightly sooner than would have happened otherwise.

    This does not mean older adults should not have their ADHD treated. Rather, they should be aware of the potential risks so they can make an informed decision. They should also make sure high blood pressure and attacks of chest pain are taken seriously.

    Stimulants can be associated with stomach ache or headache. These effects may lessen over time or with a reduction in dose. While there have been reports about stimulants being misused by students, research on the risks of long-term prescription stimulant dependence is lacking.

    Will medication be needed long term?

    Although ADHD can affect a person’s functioning at all stages of their life, most people stop medication within the first two years.

    People may stop taking it because they don’t like the way it makes them feel, or don’t like taking medication at all. Their short period on medication may have helped them develop a better understanding of themselves and how best to manage their ADHD.

    In teenagers the medication may lose its effectiveness as they outgrow their dose and so they stop taking it. But this should be differentiated from tolerance, when the dose becomes less effective and there are only temporary improvements with dose increases.

    Tolerance may be managed by taking short breaks from medication, switching from one stimulant to another or using a non-stimulant.

    boy looks frustrated, sitting at table with adult
    Medication is usually prescribed by a specialist but rules differ around Australia.
    Ground Picture/Shutterstock

    Too many prescriptions?

    ADHD is becoming increasingly recognised, with more people – 2–5% of adults and 5–10% of children – being diagnosed. In Australia stimulants are highly regulated and mainly prescribed by specialists (paediatricians or psychiatrists), though this differs from state to state. As case loads grow for this lifelong diagnosis, there just aren’t enough specialists to fit everyone in.

    In November, a Senate inquiry report into ADHD assessment and support services highlighted the desperation experienced by people seeking treatment.

    There have already been changes to the legislation in New South Wales that may lead to more GPs being able to treat ADHD. Further training could help GPs feel more confident to manage ADHD. This could be in a shared-care arrangement or independent management of ADHD by GPs like a model being piloted at Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District, with GPs training within an ADHD clinic (where I am a specialist clinician).

    Not every person with ADHD will need or want to take medication. However, it should be more easily available for those who could find it helpful.The Conversation

    Alison Poulton, Senior Lecturer, Brain Mind Centre Nepean, University of Sydney

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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