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The Plant Power Doctor

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A Prescription For GLOVES

Dr. Genma Newman is a Doctor with expertise in Plant Power.

This is Dr. Gemma Newman. She’s a GP (General Practitioner, British equivalent to what is called a family doctor in America), and she realized that she was treating a lot of patients while nobody was actually getting better.

So, she set out to help people actually get better… But how?

The biggest thing

The single biggest thing she recommends is a whole foods plant-based diet, as that’s a starting point for a lot of other things.

Click here for an assortment of short videos by her and other health professionals on this topic!

Specifically, she advocates to “love foods that love you back”, and make critical choices when deciding between ingredients.

Click here to see her recipes and tips (this writer is going to try out some of these!)

What’s this about GLOVES?

We recently reviewed her book “Get Well, Stay Well: The Six Healing Health Habits You Need To Know”, and now we’re going to talk about those six things in more words than we had room for previously.

They are six things that she says we should all try to get every day. It’s a lot simpler than a lot of checklists, and very worthwhile:


May seem like a wishy-washy one to start with, but there’s a lot of evidence for this making a big difference to health, largely on account of how it lowers stress and anxiety. See also:

How To Get Your Brain On A More Positive Track (Without Toxic Positivity)


This is about social connections, mostly. We are evolved to be a social species, and while some of us want/need more or less social interaction than others, generally speaking we thrive best in a community, with all the social support that comes with that. See also:

How To Beat Loneliness & Isolation


This is about fresh air and it’s about moving and it’s about seeing some green plants (and if available, blue sky), marvelling at the wonder of nature and benefiting in many ways. See also:

Walking… Better.


We spoke earlier about the whole foods plant-based diet for which she advocates, so this is that. While reducing/skipping meat etc is absolutely a thing, the focus here is on diversity of vegetables; it is best to make a game of seeing how many different ones you can include in a week (not just the same three!). See also:

Three Critical Kitchen Prescriptions


At least 150 minutes moderate exercise per week, and some kind of resistance work. It can be calisthenics or something; it doesn’t have to be lifting weights if that’s not your thing! See also:

Resistance Is Useful! (Especially As We Get Older)


Quality and quantity. Yes, 7–9 hours, yes, regardless of age. Unless you’re a child or a bodybuilder, in which case make it nearer 12. But for most of us, 7–9. See also:

Why You Probably Need More Sleep

Want to know more?

As well as the book we mentioned earlier, you might also like:

The Plant Power Doctor – by Dr. Gemma Newman

While the other book we mentioned is available for pre-order for Americans (it’s already released for the rest of the world), this one is available to all right now, so that’s a bonus too.

If books aren’t your thing (or even if they are), you might like her award-winning podcast:

The Wellness Edit

Take care!

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