Peaceful Kitchen – by Catherine Perez

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The author, a keen cook and Registered Dietician with a Master’s in same, covers the basics of the science of nutrition as relevant to her recipes, but first and foremost this is not a science textbook—it’s a cookbook, and its pages contain more love for the art than citations for the (perfectly respectable) science.

Mexican and Dominican cuisine are the main influences in this book, but there are dishes from around the world too.

The recipes themselves are… Comparable in difficulty to the things we often feature in our recipes section here at 10almonds. They’re probably not winning any restaurants Michelin stars, but they’re not exactly student survival recipes either. They’re made from mostly non-obscure whole foods, nutritionally-dense ingredients at that, with minimal processed foods involved.

That said, she does take a “add, don’t subtract” approach to nutrition, i.e. focussing more on adding in diversity of plants than on “don’t eat this; don’t eat that” mandates.

If there’s any criticism to be levelled at the book, it’s that in most cases we’d multiply the spices severalfold, but that’s not a big problem as readers can always judge that individually; she’s given the basic information of which spices in which proportions, which is the key knowledge.

Bottom line: if you’re looking to expand your plant-based cooking repertoire, this one is a fine choice.

Click here to check out Peaceful Kitchen, and try some new things!

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  • Brain Maker – by Dr. David Perlmutter
  • Water Water Everywhere, But Which Is Best To Drink?
    Filtered water reigns supreme according to our readers, while myths around fluoridated, bottled, and distilled waters are busted – get the full H2O lowdown here.

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  • 5 Ways To Avoid Hearing Loss

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    Hear Ye, Hear Ye

    Hearing loss is often associated with getting older—but it can strike at any age. In the US, for example…

    • Around 13% of adults have hearing difficulties
    • Nearly 27% of those over 65 have hearing difficulties

    Complete or near-complete hearing loss is less common. From the same source…

    • A little under 2% of adults in general had a total or near-total inability to hear
    • A little over 4% of those over 65 had a total or near-total inability to hear

    Source: CDC | Hearing Difficulties Among Adults: United States, 2019

    So, what to do if we want to keep our hearing as it is?

    Avoid loud environments

    An obvious one, but it bears stating for the sake of being methodical. Loud environments damage our ears, but how loud is too loud?

    You can check how loud an environment is by using a free smartphone app, such as:

    Decibel Pro: dB Sound Level Meter (iOS / Android)

    An 82 dB environment is considered safe for 16 hours. That’s the equivalent of, for example moderate traffic.

    Every 3 dB added to that halves the safe exposure time, for example:

    • An 85 dB environment is considered safe for 8 hours. That’s the equivalent of heavier traffic, or a vacuum cleaner.
    • A 94 dB environment is considered safe for 1 hour. That might be a chainsaw, a motorcycle, or a large sporting event.

    Many nightclubs or concert venues often have environments of 110 dB and more. So the safe exposure time would be under two minutes.

    Source: NIOSH | Noise and Hearing Loss

    With differences like that per 3 dB increase, then you may want to wear hearing protection if you’re going to be in a noisy environment.

    Discreet options include things like these -20 dB silicone ear plugs that live in a little case on one’s keyring.

    Stop sticking things in your ears

    It’s said “nothing smaller than your elbow should go in your ear canal”. We’ve written about this before:

    What’s Good (And What’s Not) Against Earwax

    Look after the rest of your health

    Our ears are not islands unaffected by the rest of our health, and indeed, they’re larger and more complex organs than we think about most of the time, since we only tend to think about the (least important!) external part.

    Common causes of hearing loss that aren’t the percussive injuries we discussed above include:

    • Diabetes
    • High blood pressure
    • Smoking
    • Infections
    • Medications

    Lest that last one sound a little vague, it’s because there are hundreds of medications that have hearing loss as a potential side-effect. Here’s a list so you can check if you’re taking any of them:

    List of Ototoxic Medications That May Cause Tinnitus or Hearing Loss

    Get your hearing tested regularly.

    There are online tests, but we recommend an in-person test at a local clinic, as it won’t be subject to the limitations and quirks of the device(s) you’re using. Pretty much anywhere that sells hearing aids will probably offer you a free test, so take advantage of it!

    And, more generally, if you suddenly notice you lost some or all of your hearing in one or more ears, then get thee to a doctor, and quickly.

    Treat it as an emergency, because there are many things that can be treated if and only if they are caught early, before the damage becomes permanent.

    Use it or lose it

    This one’s important. As we get older, it’s easy to become more reclusive, but the whole “neurons that fire together, wire together” neuroplasticity thing goes for our hearing too.

    Our brain is, effectively, our innermost hearing organ, insofar as it processes the information it receives about sounds that were heard.

    There are neurological hearing problems that can show up without external physical hearing damage (auditory processing disorders being high on the list), but usually these things are comorbid with each other.

    So if we want to maintain our ability to process the sounds our ears detect, then we need to practice that ability.

    Important implication:

    That means that if you might benefit from a hearing aid, you should get it now, not later.

    It’s counterintuitive, we know, but because of the neurological consequences, hearing aids help people retain their hearing, whereas soldiering on without can hasten hearing loss.

    On the topic of hearing difficulty comorbidities…

    Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is, paradoxically, associated with both hearing loss, and with hyperacusis (hearing supersensitivity, which sounds like a superpower, but can be quite a problem too).

    Learn more about managing that, here:

    Tinnitus: Quieting The Unwanted Orchestra In Your Ears

    Take care!

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  • Move – by Caroline Williams

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    • Get 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, says the American Heart Association
    • There are over 10,000 minutes per week, says the pocket calculator

    Is 150/10,000 really the goal here? Really?

    For Caroline Williams, the answer is no.

    In this book that’s practically a manifesto, she outlines the case that:

    • Humans evolved to move
    • Industrialization and capitalism scuppered that
    • We now spend far too long each day without movement

    Furthermore, for Williams this isn’t just an anthropological observation, it’s a problem to be solved, because:

    • Our lack of movement is crippling us—literally
    • Our stagnation affects not just our bodies, but also our minds
      • (again literally—there’s a direct correlation with mental health)
    • We urgently need to fix this

    So, what now, do we need to move in to the gym and become full-time athletes to clock up enough hours of movement? No.

    Williams convincingly argues the case (using data from supercentenarian “blue zones” around the world) that even non-exertive movement is sufficient. In other words, you don’t have to be running; walking is great. You don’t have to be lifting weights; doing the housework or gardening will suffice.

    From that foundational axiom, she calls on us to find ways to build our life around movement… rather than production-efficiency and/or convenience. She gives plenty of tips for such too!

    Bottom line: some books are “I couldn’t put it down!” books. This one’s more of a “I got the urge to get up and get moving!” book.

    Get your get-up-and-go up and going with “Move”—order yours from Amazon today!

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  • Behavioral Activation Against Depression & Anxiety

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    Behavioral Activation Against Depression & Anxiety

    Psychologists do love making fancy new names for things.

    You thought you were merely “eating your breakfast”, but now it’s “Happiness-Oriented Basic Behavioral Intervention Therapy (HOBBIT)” or something.

    This one’s quite simple, so we’ll keep it short for today, but it is one more tool for your toolbox:

    What is Behavioral Activation?

    Behavioral Activation is about improving our mood (something we can’t directly choose) by changing our behavior (something we usually can directly choose).

    An oversimplified (and insufficient, as we will explain, but we’ll use this one to get us started) example would be “whistle a happy tune and you will be happy”.

    Behavioral Activation is not a silver bullet

    Or if it is, then it’s the kind you have to keep shooting, because one shot is not enough. However, this becomes easier than you might think, because Behavioral Activation works by…

    Creating a Positive Feedback Loop

    A lot of internal problems in depression and anxiety are created by the fact that necessary and otherwise desirable activities are being written off by the brain as:

    • Pointless (depression)
    • Dangerous (anxiety)

    The inaction that results from these aversions creates a negative feedback loop as one’s life gradually declines (as does one’s energy, and interest in life), or as the outside world seems more and more unwelcoming/scary.

    Instead, Behavioral Activation plans activities (usually with the help of a therapist, as depressed/anxious people are not the most inclined to plan activities) that will be:

    • attainable
    • rewarding

    The first part is important, because the maximum of what is “attainable” to a depressed/anxious person can often be quite a small thing. So, small goals are ideal at first.

    The second part is important, because there needs to be some way of jump-starting a healthier dopamine cycle. It also has to feel rewarding during/after doing it, not next year, so short term plans are ideal at first.

    So, what behavior should we do?

    That depends on you. Behavioral Activation calls for keeping track of our activities (bullet-journaling is fine, and there are apps* that can help you, too) and corresponding moods.

    *This writer uses the pragmatic Daylio for its nice statistical analyses of bullet-journaling data-points, and the very cute Finch for more keyword-oriented insights and suggestions. Whatever works for you, works for you, though! It could even be paper and pen.

    Sometimes the very thought of an activity fills us with dread, but the actual execution of it brings us relief. Bullet-journaling can track that sort of thing, and inform decisions about “what we should do” going forwards.

    Want a ready-made brainstorm to jump-start your creativity?

    Here’s list of activities suggested by TherapistAid (a resource hub for therapists)

    Want to know more?

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    Take care!

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  • Body Scrubs: Benefits, Risks, and Guidance

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    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small

    ❝I was wondering whether I should be using a body scrub in the shower, rather than just soap.  What should guide me in the choice of a body scrub, and are there any risks to be aware of?❞

    Body scrubs are great for giving skin a healthy glow, but are best used sparingly—over-exfoliation leads to the opposite effect (unhappy skin, premature skin aging, etc).

    As for contents:

    • microplastics are now banned in most places, but you might want to check any products (and their containers!) are BPA-free, pthalate free, etc.
    • fragrances in body scrubs are usually a bad idea, and many essential oils have been shown to be endocrine-disruptors, which you do not want:

    About the microplastics, harmful artificial chemicals in general, and what constitutes “etc”:

    Consumer behavior and exposure to parabens, bisphenols, triclosan, dichlorophenols, and benzophenone-3: Results from a crowdsourced biomonitoring study

    About the fragrances’ (including “natural” essential oils’) endocrine-disrupting shenanigans:

    Endocrine-disrupting chemicals: an Endocrine Society scientific statement

    So, what might you want to use instead?

    If you’re feeling adventurous, you might like to try treating yourself to a pineapple-based mask instead (a muslin cloth soaked in pineapple juice will work just fine; please don’t waterboard yourself though), as the bromelain enzymes (found very generously in pineapple juice) break down dead cells without the need for scrubbing.

    Another option is a homemade salt- or sugar-scrub. Put your salt or sugar into a jar, add enough warm water to cover it, leave it for about a day, adding more water if it seems in danger of drying out, until it recrystallizes with a high water content keeping it malleable to the touch; congratulations, you now have a very simple scrub. This should still not be used more than, say, once per week, though.

    Last but not least, you might consider investing in a konjac sponge; they gently remove dead skin without damaging living skin. Here’s an example product on Amazon, for your convenience

    For more on gentle-yet-effective skincare, you might like to read:

    Clean: The New Science of Skin and the Beauty of Doing Less


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  • 10,000 Steps, 30 Days, 4 Changes

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Ariel wasn’t the most active person, and took on a “30 day challenge” to do the commonly-prescribed 10,000 steps per day—without adjusting her diet or doing any other exercise. How much of a difference does it make, really?

    Stepping onwards

    The 4 main things that she found changed for her weren’t all what she expected:

    • Weight loss yes, but only marginally: she lost 3 lbs in a month, which did nevertheless make a visible difference. We might hypothesize that part of the reason for the small weight loss and yet visible difference is that she gained a little muscle, and the weight loss was specifically shifting away from a cortisol-based fat distribution, to a more healthy fat distribution.
    • Different eating habits: she felt less hungry and craved less sugar. This likely has less to do with calorie consumption, and more to do with better insulin signalling.
    • Increased energy and improved mood: these are going together in one item, because she said “4 things”, but really they are two related things. So, consider one of them a bonus item! In any case, she felt more energized and productive, and less reliant on caffeine.
    • Improved sleep: or rather, at first, disrupted sleep, and then slept better and stayed better. A good reminder that changes for the better don’t always feel better in the first instance!

    To hear about it in her own words, and see the before and after pictures, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

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  • Try This At Home: ABI Test For Clogged Arteries

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Arterial plaque is a big deal, and statistically it’s more of a risk as we get older, often coming to a head around age 72 for women and 65 for men—these are the median ages at which people who are going to get heart attacks, get them. Or get it, because sometimes one is all it takes.

    The Ankle-Brachial Index Test

    Dr. Brewer recommends a home test for detecting arterial plaque called the Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI), which uses a blood pressure monitor. The test involves measuring blood pressure in both the arms and ankles, then calculating the ratio of these measurements:

    • A healthy ABI score is between 1.0 and 1.4; anything outside this range may indicate arterial problems.
    • Low ABI scores (below 0.8) suggest plaque is likely obstructing blood flow
    • High ABI scores (above 1.4) may indicate artery hardening

    Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), associated with poor ABI results (be they high or low), can cause a whole lot of problems that are definitely better tackled sooner rather than later—remember that atherosclerosis is a self-worsening thing once it gets going, because narrower walls means it’s even easier for more stuff to get stuck in there (and thus, the new stuff that got stuck also becomes part of the walls, and the problem gets worse).

    If you need a blood pressure monitor, by the way, here’s an example product on Amazon.

    Do note also that yes, if you have plaque obstructing blood flow and hardened arteries, your scores may cancel out and give you a “healthy” score, despite your arteries being very much not healthy. For this reason, this test can be used to raise the alarm, but not to give the “all clear”.

    For more on all of the above, plus a demonstration and more in-depth explanation of the test, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

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