Caramelized Caraway Cabbage

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Cabbage is an underrated vegetable for its many nutrients and its culinary potential—here’s a great way to make it a delectable starter or respectable side.

You will need

  • 1 medium white cabbage, sliced into 1″ thick slabs
  • 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp caraway seeds
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • ½ tsp turmeric
  • ¼ tsp MSG or ½ tsp low-sodium salt


(we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

1) Preheat the oven to 400℉ / 200℃.

2) Combine the non-cabbage ingredients in a small bowl, whisking to mix thoroughly—with a tiny whisk if you have one, but a fork will work if necessary.

3) Arrange the cabbage slices on a lined baking tray and brush the seasoning-and-oil mixture over both sides of each slice.

4) Roast for 20–25 minutes until the cabbage is tender and beginning to caramelize.

5) Serve warm.


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  • Superfood Kale & Dill Pâté
  • Fast-Pickled Cucumbers
    Homemade quick pickle recipe: Sliced cucumber, herbs, vinegar, and spices – revolutionize your gut health in just 2 days!

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  • Super-Nutritious Shchi

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Today we have a recipe we’ve mentioned before, but now we have standalone recipe pages for recipes, so here we go. The dish of the day is shchi—which is Russian cabbage soup, which sounds terrible, and looks as bad as it sounds. But it tastes delicious, is an incredible comfort food, and is famous (in Russia, at least) for being something one can eat for many days in a row without getting sick of it.

    It’s also got an amazing nutritional profile, with vitamins A, B, C, D, as well as lots of calcium, magnesium, and iron (amongst other minerals), and a healthy blend of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, plus an array of anti-inflammatory phytochemicals, and of course, water.

    You will need

    • 1 large white cabbage, shredded
    • 1 cup red lentils
    • ½ lb tomatoes, cut into eighths (as in: halve them, halve the halves, and halve the quarters)
    • ½ lb mushrooms sliced (or halved, if they are baby button mushrooms)
    • 1 large onion, chopped finely
    • 1 tbsp rosemary, chopped finely
    • 1 tbsp thyme, chopped finely
    • 1 tbsp black pepper, coarse ground
    • 1 tsp cumin, ground
    • 1 tsp yeast extract
    • 1 tsp MSG, or 2 tsp low-sodium salt
    • A little parsley for garnishing
    • A little fat for cooking; this one’s a tricky and personal decision. Butter is traditional, but would make this recipe impossible to cook without going over the recommended limit for saturated fat. Avocado oil is healthy, relatively neutral in taste, and has a high smoke point for caramelizing the onions. Extra virgin olive oil is also a healthy choice, but not as neutral in flavor and does have a lower smoke point. Coconut oil has far too strong a taste and a low smoke point. Seed oils are very heart-unhealthy. All in all, avocado oil is a respectable choice from all angles except tradition.

    Note: with regard to the seasonings, the above is a basic starting guide; feel free to add more per your preference—however, we do not recommend adding more cumin (it’ll overpower it) or more salt (there’s enough sodium in here already).


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Cook the lentils until soft (a rice cooker is great for this, but a saucepan is fine); be generous with the water; we are making a soup, after all. Set them aside without draining.

    2) Sauté the cabbage, and put it in a big stock pot or similar large pan (not yet on the heat)

    3) Fry the mushrooms, and add them to the big pot (still not yet on the heat)

    4) Use a stick blender to blend the lentils in the water you cooked them in, and then add to the big pot too.

    5) Turn the heat on low, and if necessary, add more water to make it into a rich soup

    6) Add the seasonings (rosemary, thyme, cumin, black pepper, yeast extract, MSG-or-salt) and stir well. Keep the temperature on low; you can just let it simmer now because the next step is going to take a while:

    7) Caramelize the onion (keep an eye on the big pot, stirring occasionally) and set it aside

    8) Fry the tomatoes quickly (we want them cooked, but just barely) and add them to the big pot

    9) Serve! The caramelized onion is a garnish, so put a little on top of each bowl of shchi. Add a little parsley too.


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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  • Glutathione: More Than An Antioxidant

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Glutathione’s Benefits: The Usual And The Unique

    Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that does all the things we might reasonably expect an antioxidant to do, plus some beneficial quirks of its own.

    We do make glutathione in our bodies, but we can also get it from our diet, and of course, we can also supplement it.

    What foods is it in?

    It’s in a lot of foods, but some top examples include:

    • turmeric
    • avocado
    • asparagus
    • almonds
    • cruciferous vegetables
    • watermelon
    • garlic

    For a fuller list and discussion, see:

    Glutathione for Food and Health Applications with Emphasis on Extraction, Identification, and Quantification Methods: A Review

    What does it do?

    Let’s start with the obvious; as with most things that are antioxidant, it is also anti-inflammatory. Increasing or decreasing glutathione levels is associated with decreased or increased inflammation, respectively. For example:

    Glutathione S-transferase theta 1 protects against colitis through goblet cell differentiation via interleukin-22

    It being anti-inflammatory also means it can be beneficial in calming autoimmune disorders:

    Glutathione: a key player in autoimmunity

    And to complete the triad of “those three things that generally go together”, yes, this means it also has anticancer potential, but watch out!

    ❝Although in healthy cells [glutathione] is crucial for the removal and detoxification of carcinogens, elevated [glutathione] levels in tumor cells are associated with tumor progression and increased resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs❞

    ~ Dr. Miroslava Cuperlovic-Culf et al.

    Read in full: Role of Glutathione in Cancer: From Mechanisms to Therapies

    So in other words, when it comes to cancer risk management, glutathione is a great preventative, but the opposite of a cure.

    What were those “beneficial quirks of its own”?

    They are mainly twofold, and the first is that it improves insulin sensitivity. There are many studies showing this, but here’s a recent one from earlier this year:

    The Role of Glutathione and Its Precursors in Type 2 Diabetes

    The other main “beneficial quirk of its own” is that it helps prevent and/or reverse non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, as in this study from last year:

    Glutathione: Pharmacological aspects and implications for clinical use in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

    Because of glutathione’s presence in nuts, fruits, and vegetables, this makes it a great thing to work in tandem with a dietary approach to preventing/reversing NAFLD, by the way:

    How To Unfatty A Fatty Liver

    Anything else?

    It’s being investigated as a potential treatment for Parkinson’s disease symptoms, but the science is young for this one, so there is no definitive recommendation yet in this case. If you’re interested in that, though, do check out the current state of the science at:

    Potential use of glutathione as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease

    Is it safe?

    While there is no 100% blanket statement of safety that can ever be made about anything (even water can kill people, and oxygen ultimately kills everyone that something else doesn’t get first), glutathione has one of the safest general safety profiles possible, with the exception we noted earlier (if you have cancer, it is probably better to skip this one unless an oncologist or similar advises you otherwise).

    As ever, do speak with your doctor/pharmacist to be sure in any case, though!

    Want to try some?

    We don’t sell it, but here for your convenience is an example product on Amazon 😎


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  • Move – by Caroline Williams

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    • Get 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, says the American Heart Association
    • There are over 10,000 minutes per week, says the pocket calculator

    Is 150/10,000 really the goal here? Really?

    For Caroline Williams, the answer is no.

    In this book that’s practically a manifesto, she outlines the case that:

    • Humans evolved to move
    • Industrialization and capitalism scuppered that
    • We now spend far too long each day without movement

    Furthermore, for Williams this isn’t just an anthropological observation, it’s a problem to be solved, because:

    • Our lack of movement is crippling us—literally
    • Our stagnation affects not just our bodies, but also our minds
      • (again literally—there’s a direct correlation with mental health)
    • We urgently need to fix this

    So, what now, do we need to move in to the gym and become full-time athletes to clock up enough hours of movement? No.

    Williams convincingly argues the case (using data from supercentenarian “blue zones” around the world) that even non-exertive movement is sufficient. In other words, you don’t have to be running; walking is great. You don’t have to be lifting weights; doing the housework or gardening will suffice.

    From that foundational axiom, she calls on us to find ways to build our life around movement… rather than production-efficiency and/or convenience. She gives plenty of tips for such too!

    Bottom line: some books are “I couldn’t put it down!” books. This one’s more of a “I got the urge to get up and get moving!” book.

    Get your get-up-and-go up and going with “Move”—order yours from Amazon today!

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  • Superfood Kale & Dill Pâté
  • I’ve been sick. When can I start exercising again?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    You’ve had a cold or the flu and your symptoms have begun to subside. Your nose has stopped dripping, your cough is clearing and your head and muscles no longer ache.

    You’re ready to get off the couch. But is it too early to go for a run? Here’s what to consider when getting back to exercising after illness.

    Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

    Exercise can boost your immune system – but not always

    Exercise reduces the chance of getting respiratory infections by increasing your immune function and the ability to fight off viruses.

    However, an acute bout of endurance exercise may temporarily increase your susceptibility to upper respiratory infections, such as colds and the flu, via the short-term suppression of your immune system. This is known as the “open window” theory.

    A study from 2010 examined changes in trained cyclists’ immune systems up to eight hours after two-hour high-intensity cycling. It found important immune functions were suppressed, resulting in an increased rate of upper respiratory infections after the intense endurance exercise.

    So, we have to be more careful after performing harder exercises than normal.

    Can you exercise when you’re sick?

    This depends on the severity of your symptoms and the intensity of exercise.

    Mild to moderate exercise (reducing the intensity and length of workout) may be OK if your symptoms are a runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and minor sore throat, without a fever.

    Exercise may help you feel better by opening your nasal passages and temporarily relieving nasal congestion.

    Man walks on a beach
    If you have a runny or blocked nose and no fever, low-intensity movement such as a walk might help. Laker/Pexels

    However, if you try to exercise at your normal intensity when you are sick, you risk injury or more serious illness. So it’s important to listen to your body.

    If your symptoms include chest congestion, a cough, upset stomach, fever, fatigue or widespread muscle aches, avoid exercising. Exercising when you have these symptoms may worsen the symptoms and prolong the recovery time.

    If you’ve had the flu or another respiratory illness that caused a high fever, make sure your temperature is back to normal before getting back to exercise. Exercising raises your body temperature, so if you already have a fever, your temperature will become high quicker, which makes you sicker.

    If you have COVID or other contagious illnesses, stay at home, rest and isolate yourself from others.

    When you’re sick and feel weak, don’t force yourself to exercise. Focus instead on getting plenty of rest. This may actually shorten the time it takes to recover and resume your normal workout routine.

    I’ve been sick for a few weeks. What has happened to my strength and fitness?

    You may think taking two weeks off from training is disastrous, and worry you’ll lose the gains you’ve made in your previous workouts. But it could be just what the body needs.

    It’s true that almost all training benefits are reversible to some degree. This means the physical fitness that you have built up over time can be lost without regular exercise.

    To study the effects of de-training on our body functions, researchers have undertaken “bed rest” studies, where healthy volunteers spend up to 70 days in bed. They found that V̇O₂max (the maximum amount of oxygen a person can use during maximal exercise, which is a measure of aerobic fitness) declines 0.3–0.4% a day. And the higher pre-bed-rest V̇O₂max levels, the larger the declines.

    In terms of skeletal muscles, upper thigh muscles become smaller by 2% after five days of bed rest, 5% at 14 days, and 12% at 35 days of bed rest.

    Muscle strength declines more than muscle mass: knee extensor muscle strength gets weaker by 8% at five days, 12% at 14 days and more than 20% after around 35 days of bed rest.

    This is why it feels harder to do the same exercises after resting for even five days.

    Man sits on the side of his bed
    In bed rest studies, participants don’t get up. But they do in real life. Olly/Pexels

    But in bed rest studies, physical activities are strictly limited, and even standing up from a bed is prohibited during the whole length of a study. When we’re sick in bed, we have some physical activities such as sitting on a bed, standing up and walking to the toilet. These activities could reduce the rate of decreases in our physical functions compared with study participants.

    How to ease back into exercise

    Start with a lower-intensity workout initially, such as going for a walk instead of a run. Your first workout back should be light so you don’t get out of breath. Go low (intensity) and go slow.

    Gradually increase the volume and intensity to the previous level. It may take the same number of days or weeks you rested to get back to where you were. If you were absent from an exercise routine for two weeks, for example, it may require two weeks for your fitness to return to the same level.

    If you feel exhausted after exercising, take an extra day off before working out again. A day or two off from exercising shouldn’t affect your performance very much.

    Ken Nosaka, Professor of Exercise and Sports Science, Edith Cowan University

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • Protein-Stuffed Bell Peppers

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Hot, tasty, meaty, and vegan! You can have it all. And with this recipe, you’ll want to err on the side of overcatering, because everyone will want some. As for healthiness, we’ve got lycopene, lutein and a stack of other carotenoids, a plethora of other polyphenols, and a veritable garden party of miscellaneous phytochemicals otherwise categorized. It’s full of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, relatively low-fat but the fats present are healthy. It’s antidiabetic, anti-CVD, anticancer, antineurodegeneration, and basically does everything short of making you sing well too.

    You will need

    • 4 large bell peppers, tops sliced open and innards removed (keep the tops; we will put them back on later)
    • 1 cup quinoa, rinsed
    • 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
    • 1 small zucchini (diced)
    • 1 small eggplant (diced)
    • 1 small red onion (finely chopped)
    • ½ bulb garlic, minced*
    • 1 tbsp tomato paste
    • 1 tbsp chia seeds
    • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    • 2 tsp dried basil
    • 2 tsp dried thyme
    • 2 tsp black pepper, coarse ground
    • 2 tsp ground cumin
    • 1 tsp smoked paprika
    • ½ tsp MSG or 1 tsp low-sodium salt

    *we always try to give general guidelines with regard to garlic, but the reality is it depends on the size and strength of your local garlic, which we cannot account for, as well as your personal taste. Same situation with hot peppers of various kinds. This writer (it’s me, hi) would generally use about 2x the garlic and pepper advised in our recipes. All we can say is: follow your heart!


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Combine the quinoa with the chia seeds, and cook as per normal cooking of quinoa (i.e. bring to a boil and then simmer for about 15 minutes until cooked and fluffy). Drain and rinse (carefully, without losing the chia seeds; use a sieve).

    2) Heat your grill to a high heat. Combine the zucchini, eggplant, onion, garlic, and olive oil in a big bowl and mix well, ensuring an even distribution of the oil. Now also add the herbs and spices (including the MSG or salt) and mix well again. Put them all to grill for about 5 minutes, turning as necessary.

    3) Heat your oven to a high heat. Take the grilled vegetables and combine them in a bowl with the quinoa-and-chia, and the black beans, as well as the tomato paste. Mix everything well. Spoon the mixture generously into the bell peppers, replacing the tops (it can be loosely), and bake for about 5–10 minutes, keeping an eye on them; you want them to be lightly charred, but not a burnt offering.

    4) Serve! This dish works well as a light lunch or as part of a larger spread.

    (before going in the oven with lids replaced to keep moisture in)


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

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  • Regular Nail Polish vs Gel Nail Polish – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing regular nail polish to gel nail polish, we picked the regular.


    This one’s less about what’s in the bottle, and more about what gets done to your hands:

    • Regular nail polish application involves carefully brushing it on.
    • Regular nail polish removal involves wiping with acetone.


    • Gel nail polish application involves deliberately damaging (roughing up) the nail to allow the color coat to adhere, then when the top coat is applied, holding the nails (and thus, the attached fingers) under a UV light to set it. That UV lamp exposure is very bad for the skin.
    • Gel nail polish removal involves soaking in acetone, which is definitely worse than wiping with acetone. Failure to adequately soak it will result in further damage to the nail while trying to get the base coat off the nail that you already deliberately damaged when first applying it.

    All in all, regular nail polish isn’t amazing for nail health (healthiest is for nails to be free and naked), but for those of us who like a little bit of color there, regular is a lot better than gel.

    Gel nail polish damages the nail itself by necessity, and presents a cumulative skin cancer risk and accelerated aging of the skin, by way of the UV lamp use.

    For your interest, here are the specific products that we compared, but the above goes for any of this kind:

    Regular nail polish | Gel nail polish

    If you’d like to read more about nail health, you might enjoy reading:

    The Counterintuitive Dos and Don’ts of Nail Health

    Take care!

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