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Captivate: The Science Of Succeeding With People – by Vanessa van Edwards

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This book isn’t just for one area of human interactions. It covers everything from the boardroom to the bedroom (not necessarily a progression with the same person!), business associates, friends, partners, kids, and more.

She presents information in a layered manner, covering for example, chapter-by-chapter:

  • the first five minutes
  • the first five hours
  • the first five days

She also covers such things as:

  • starting conversations in a way that makes you memorable (without making it weird!)
  • the importance of really listening (and how to do that)
  • collecting like-minded people appropriately
  • introducing other people! Because a) it’s not all about you, but also b) you’re the person who knows everybody now
  • where to stand at parties / networking events!
  • dating and early-days dating messages
  • reading the room, reading the people

All in all, a great resource for anyone who wants to make (and maintain!) meaningful relationships with those around you.

Grab Your Copy of “Captivate” on Amazon Now!

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