The Healing of America – by Thomas Reid

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First let’s be clear: this is about the US healthcare system, and thus will be mostly relevant for US Americans. Still, many outside of the US may have an interest, and in fact the book does talk about the healthcare systems of many other countries (hence the subtitle mentioning “a global quest”), outlining how each works, and what the journey was that got them there.

The author, a veteran journalist with a 60+ year-long career, notes that affordable healthcare is a social problem so complex, that only 33 out of 32 of the world’s richest countries have managed to do it. That’s a little glib and can be quibbled in the minutiae, but when it comes down to it, insulin in the US still costs 50x what it does in most places, and in pretty much all aspects of healthcare, US Americans are being fleeced at every turn.

He examines why this happens, and what currently prevents the US from lowering healthcare costs. He finds the culprits to be the profitmongers along the way (insurance companies in cahoots with drug companies in cahoots with hospitals, etc), as well as a pervasive belief that since healthcare is so expensive, how could the richest country on Earth possibly pay for it? Many Americans will believe that the answer is that other countries have inferior care, but this tends to stem from a mistaken belief that medical treatment actually costs what Americans are billed for it. The fact is: the same quality of care can be provided for a lot less, as many countries demonstrate.

The book doesn’t argue for any one particular solution; it doesn’t have to be entirely state-funded like the UK, or consumer-funded but seriously low price caps like in Japan; there are many other models to choose from. The argument that is made is that if so many other countries can have medical bankruptcy being a thing unheard-of instead of the leading cause of bankruptcy, then so can the US, and here’s a wide menu of methods to choose from.

Bottom line: if you’re a US American and you’d like to think you could get the same quality of care without lining numerous corporate pockets along the way with your hard-earned cash, then this book will open your eyes to what is possible.

Click here to check out The Healing Of America, and learn how you could get the same, for less!

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  • The Two-Second Advantage – by Vivek Ranadive and Kevin Maney
  • Tiramisu Crunch Bites
    Experience stuffed dates like never before with a tiramisu twist—coffee-infused mascarpone, rich dark chocolate, and nutrient-rich almonds, all making for a decadent, healthful treat.

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  • Pistachios vs Cashews – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing pistachios to cashews, we picked the pistachios.


    In terms of macros, both are great sources of protein and healthy fats, and considered head-to-head:

    • pistachios have slightly more protein, but it’s close
    • pistachios have slightly more (health) fat, but it’s close
    • cashews have slightly more carbs, but it’s close
    • pistachios have a lot more fiber (more than 3x more!)

    All in all, both have a good macro balance, but pistachios win easily on account of the fiber, as well as the slight edge for protein and fats.

    When it comes to vitamins, pistachios have more of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, & E.

    Cashews do have more vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid, pantothenic literally meaning “from everywhere”. Guess what’s not a common deficiency to have!

    So pistachios win easily on vitamins, too.

    In the category of minerals, things are more balanced, though cashews have a slight edge. Pistachios have more notably more calcium and potassium, while cashews have notably more selenium, zinc, and magnesium.

    Both of these nuts have anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer benefits, often from different phytochemicals, but with similar levels of usefulness.

    Taking everything into account, however, one nut comes out in the clear lead, mostly due to its much higher fiber content and better vitamin profile, and that’s the pistachios.

    Want to learn more?

    Check out:

    Why You Should Diversify Your Nuts


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  • Yoga for Better Sleep – by Mark Stephens

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The book has, as you might expect:

    • postural exercises
    • breathing exercises
    • meditation exercises

    Instructions given in all of the above categories are clear and easy to follow, and there are photographic illustrations too where appropriate.

    What sets it apart from many books of this kind is that it also has chapters dedicated to various specific circumstances; the many actual reasons people seriously struggle to sleep; not just “screentime too late”, but for example deprepression, sleep apnea, hyperarousal, or even just aging.

    As well as the comprehensive exercises, there are also many tips, tricks, hacks, and workarounds—it’s a practical guidebook with practical advice.

    While the book is about yogic practices, the author also does tackle this holistically, acknowledging that there are many factors going on, and that yogic practices should be one more string to our sleep-improving bow—as we continue with other general good advice for good sleep too, have medical tests if it seems appropriate, that kind of thing. Basically, to have one’s assorted approaches work together with synergistic effect.

    Bottom line: this book will quite possibly put you to sleep! But only in the best possible way.

    Click here to check out Yoga for Better Sleep, and get those valuable Zs in, healthily!

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  • Gut-Healthy Tacos

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Full of prebiotics and probiotics, healthy fats, colorful salad boasting vitamins and minerals aplenty, and of course satisfying protein too, these tacos are also boasting generous flavors to keep you coming back for more…

    You will need

    • 24 sardines—canned is fine (if vegetarian/vegan, substitute tempeh and season generously; marinade if you have time)
    • 12 small wholewheat tortillas
    • 1 14oz/400g can black beans, drained
    • 1 ripe avocado, stoned and cut into small chunks
    • 1 red onion, thinly sliced
    • 1 little gem lettuce, shredded
    • 12 cherry tomatoes, halved
    • 1 bulb garlic, crushed
    • 1 lemon, sliced
    • 4 tbsp plain unsweetened yogurt (your choice what kind, but something with a live culture is best)
    • 3oz pickled jalapeños, roughly chopped
    • 1oz cilantro (or substitute parsley if you have the cilantro-tastes-like-soap gene), finely chopped
    • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    • 2 tsp black pepper
    • 1 tsp smoked paprika
    • Juice of 1 lime
    • Optional: Tabasco sauce, or similar hot sauce


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Preheat your oven to a low temperature; 200℉ or just under 100℃ is fine

    2) Place the lemon slices on top of the sardines on top of foil on a baking tray; you want the foil to be twice as much as you’d expect to need, because now you’re going to fold it over and make a sort of sealed envelope. You could use a dish with a lid yes, but this way is better because there’s going to be less air inside. Upturn the edges of the envelope slightly so that juices won’t run out, and make sure the foil is imperfectly sealed so a little steam can escape but not much at a time. This will ensure it doesn’t dry out, while also ensuring your house doesn’t smell of fish. Put all this into the oven on a middle shelf.

    3) Mix the lime juice with the onion in a bowl, and add the avocado and tomatoes, mixing gently. Add half the cilantro, and set aside.

    4) Put the black beans in a sieve and pour boiling water over them to refresh and slightly warm them. Tip them into a bowl and add the olive oil, black pepper, and paprika. Mix thoroughly with a fork, and no need to be gentle this time; in fact, deliberately break the beans a little in this case.

    5) Mix the yogurt, jalapeños, garlic, and remaining cilantro in a small bowl.

    6) Get the warmed sardines from the oven; discard the lemon slices.

    7) Assemble! We recommend the order: tortilla, lettuce, fish (2 per taco), black bean mixture, salad mixture, garlic jalapeño yogurt mixture. You can also add a splash of the hot sauce per your preference, or if catering for more people, let people add their own.


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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  • Going for a bushwalk? 3 handy foods to have in your backpack (including muesli bars)

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    This time of year, many of us love to get out and spend time in nature. This may include hiking through Australia’s many beautiful national parks.

    Walking in nature is a wonderful activity, supporting both physical and mental health. But there can be risks and it’s important to be prepared.

    You may have read the news about hiker, Hadi Nazari, who was recently found alive after spending 13 days lost in Kosciuszko National Park.

    He reportedly survived for almost two weeks in the Snowy Mountains region of New South Wales by drinking fresh water from creeks, and eating foraged berries and two muesli bars.

    So next time you’re heading out for a day of hiking, what foods should you pack?

    Here are my three top foods to carry on a bushwalk that are dense in nutrients and energy, lightweight and available from the local grocery store.

    Leah-Anne Thompson/Shutterstock

    1. Muesli bars

    Nazari reportedly ate two muesli bars he found in a mountain hut. Whoever left the muesli bars there made a great choice.

    Muesli bars come individually wrapped, which helps them last longer and makes them easy to transport.

    They are also a good source of energy. Muesli bars typically contain about 1,5001,900 kilojoules per 100 grams. The average energy content for a 35g bar is about 614kJ.

    This may be a fraction of what you’d usually need in a day. However, the energy from muesli bars is released at a slow to moderate pace, which will help keep you going for longer.

    Muesli bars are also packed with nutrients. They contain all three macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein and fat) that our body needs to function. They’re a good source of carbohydrates, in particular, which are a key energy source. An average Australian muesli bar contains 14g of whole grains, which provide carbohydrates and dietary fibre for long-lasting energy.

    Muesli bars that contain nuts are typically higher in fat (19.9g per 100g) and protein (9.4g per 100g) than those without.

    Fat and protein are helpful for slowing down the release of energy from foods and the protein will help keep you feeling full for longer.

    There are many different types of muesli bars to choose from. I recommend looking for those with whole grains, higher dietary fibre and higher protein content.

    2. Nuts

    Nuts are nature’s savoury snack and are also a great source of energy. Cashews, pistachios and peanuts contain about 2,300-2,400kJ per 100g while Brazil nuts, pecans and macadamias contain about 2,700-3,000kJ per 100g. So a 30g serving of nuts will provide about 700-900kJ depending on the type of nut.

    Just like muesli bars, the energy from nuts is released slowly. So even a relatively small quantity will keep you powering on.

    Nuts are also full of nutrients, such as protein, fat and fibre, which will help to stave off hunger and keep you moving for longer.

    When choosing which nuts to pack, almost any type of nut is going to be great.

    Peanuts are often the best value for money, or go for something like walnuts that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, or a nut mix.

    Whichever nut you choose, go for the unsalted natural or roasted varieties. Salted nuts will make you thirsty.

    Nut bars are also a great option and have the added benefit of coming in pre-packed serves (although nuts can also be easily packed into re-usable containers).

    If you’re allergic to nuts, roasted chickpeas are another option. Just try to avoid those with added salt.

    Handful of natural nuts with other nuts on a dark background
    Nuts are nature’s savoury snack and are also a great source of energy. Eakrat/Shutterstock

    3. Dried fruit

    If nuts are nature’s savoury snack, fruit is nature’s candy. Fresh fruits (such as grapes, frozen in advance) are wonderfully refreshing and perfect as an everyday snack, although can add a bit of weight to your hiking pack.

    So if you’re looking to reduce the weight you’re carrying, go for dried fruit. It’s lighter and will withstand various conditions better than fresh fruit, so is less likely to spoil or bruise on the journey.

    There are lots of varieties of dried fruits, such as sultanas, dried mango, dried apricots and dried apple slices.

    These are good sources of sugar for energy, fibre for fullness and healthy digestion, and contain lots of vitamins and minerals. So choose one (or a combination) that works for you.

    Don’t forget water

    Next time you head out hiking for the day, you’re all set with these easily available, lightweight, energy- and nutrient-dense snacks.

    This is not the time to be overly concerned about limiting your sugar or fat intake. Hiking, particularly in rough terrain, places demands on your body and energy needs. For instance, an adult hiking in rough terrain can burn upwards of about 2,000kJ per hour.

    And of course, don’t forget to take plenty of water.

    Having access to even limited food, and plenty of fresh water, will not only make your hike more pleasurable, it can save your life.

    Margaret Murray, Senior Lecturer, Nutrition, Swinburne University of Technology

    This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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  • What To Do If Having A Stroke Alone?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small 😎

    ❝Thank you for the video about what to do if you have a heart attack alone, what about what to do if you have a stroke alone?❞

    (for anyone who missed that video, here it is)

    That’s a good question, especially as stroke risk is rising in the industrialized world in general, and the US in particular.

    However, let’s start with the caveat that if you are having a stroke, there’s a good chance you will forget what we are about to say, what with the immediate effects it has on the brain. That said…

    The general advice when it comes to looking after someone else who is experiencing a stroke, is, “don’t”.

    In other words, call emergency services, and don’t do anything else, e.g:

    • don’t give them anything to eat or drink
    • don’t give them any medications
    • don’t let them go to sleep
    • don’t let them talk you out of calling emergency services
    • don’t let them drive themselves to hospital
    • don’t drive them to hospital yourself either*

    *This is for two reasons:

    1. an ambulance crew has skills and resources that you don’t, and can begin treatment en-route, and also,
    2. not all hospitals have appropriate resources to treat stroke, so the ambulance crew will know to drive to one that does, instead of driving to a random hospital and hoping for the best

    So, flipping this for if it’s you having the stroke, and you’re cognizant enough to remember this:

    • do call an ambulance; stay on the line and don’t do anything else unless instructed by the emergency services.

    In order to do that, of course it’s important to recognize the symptoms; you probably know these but just in case, the mnemonic is “FAST”:

    • Face: is there weakness on one side of their face?
    • Arms: if they raise both arms, does one drift downwards?
    • Speech: if they speak, is their speech slurred or otherwise unusual?
    • Time: to call emergency services

    It’s great to not get caught out by surprise, so you might also want to check out:

    6 Signs Of Stroke (One Month In Advance)

    Take care!

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  • The Cluttered Mind – by Deborah McKenna

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Coming from an eclectic psychotherapy background, Deborah McKenna outlines a wide array of techniques to “do what it says on the tin”, that is:

    Organizing the junk drawer of your mind.

    McKenna argues that it’s natural for something so gargantuan as our mind to get cluttered… but that it’s perfectly possible, with a good system, to tidy up considerably.

    The benefit of this is much like the benefit of tidying a room:

    Imagine a kitchen in which half the things have not been put away; there are dishes in the sink, something is growing behind the trash can… and you have a vague suspicion that if you open a certain cupboard, its contents are going to come falling out on your head. How are you going to cook a meal here?

    Imagine a mind when many thoughts have been left untended; there are things you needed to process, and there’s a steady resentment of something growing in some dark part of your mind… and there’s some part of your memory that you’re afraid to even look at it, because of all it’ll cause to come surging back at you. How are you going to strategize your life here?

    Fortunately, McKenna is here to guide you through doing for your mind what Marie Kondo would do for your home. And, even better, McKenna does it with a simple and clear writing style, assorted diagrams, and a step-by-step approach to getting everything in order.

    Give Your Mind A Spring-Cleaning With This Book From Amazon Today

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