The Osteoporosis Breakthrough – by Dr. Doug Lucas

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“Osteoporosis” and “break” often don’t go well together, but here they do. So, what’s the breakthrough here?

There isn’t one, honestly. But if we overlook the marketing choices and focus on the book itself, the content here is genuinely good:

The book offers a comprehensive multivector approach to combatting osteoporosis, e.g:

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Other lifestyle considerations
  • Supplements
  • Hormones
  • Drugs

The author considers drugs a good and important tool for some people with osteoporosis, but not most. The majority of people, he considers, will do better without drugs—by tackling things more holistically.

The advice here is sound and covers all reasonable angles without getting hung up on the idea of there being a single magical solution for all.

Bottom line: if you’re looking for a book that’s a one-stop-shop for strategies against osteoporosis, this is a good option.

Click here to check out The Osteoporosis Breakthrough, and keep your bones strong!

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  • What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast – by Laura Vanderkram
  • Exercise with Type 1 Diabetes – by Ginger Vieira
    Exercise with Type 1 Diabetes: Practical tips, real numbers, and expert advice to help you manage your diabetes while staying active. Order now on Amazon!

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  • Top 10 Early Warning Signs Of Dementia

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    What’s a harmless momentary mind-blank, and what’s a potential warning sign of dementia? Dementia Careblazers, a dementia care organization, has input:

    The signs

    With the caveat that this is a list of potential warning signs, not a diagnostic tool, the 10 signs are:

    • Memory loss: e.g. forgetting important or well-learned information, such as one’s home address
    • Challenges in planning or solving problems: e.g. difficulty with tasks such as paying bills (for organizational rather than financial reasons), following recipes, or managing medications
    • Difficulty completing familiar tasks: e.g. trouble remembering rules of a familiar game, or directions to a familiar place
    • Confusion with place or time: e.g. forgetting where one is, or making mistakes with the date, season, or other time-related details. Note that anyone can be momentarily unsure of today’s date, but if someone thinks it’s 1995, probably something wrong is not quite right. Similarly, being wrong about who is the current national leader is often used as a test, too—assuming countries with enough political stability to not have five different national leaders in the past four years, including one who did not outlast a lettuce *side-eyeing the UK*
    • Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships: e.g. increased clumsiness, difficulty parking, or bumping into objects
    • New problems with speaking or writing: e.g. losing track in conversations, or struggling to find the right words
    • Misplacing things: e.g. losing items and being unable to retrace one’s steps to find them
    • Decreased or poor judgment: e.g. falling for scams, giving out too much information or money without investigating appropriately first
    • Withdrawal from social activities or hobbies: e.g. losing interest in activities one used to enjoy or avoiding social interactions
    • Changes in mood and personality: e.g. increased irritability, anxiety, or other noticeable changes in behavior and personality

    For more information on each of these, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    Dementia: Spot The Signs (Because None Of Us Are Immune)

    Take care!

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  • Spelt vs Bulgur – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing spelt to bulgur, we picked the spelt.


    An argument could be made for bulgur, but we say spelt comes out on top. Speaking of “sorting the wheat from the chaff”, be aware: spelt is a hulled wheat product and bulgur is a cracked wheat product.

    Looking at macros first, it’s not surprising therefore that spelt has proportionally more carbs and bulgur has proportionally more fiber, resulting in a slightly lower glycemic index. That said, for the exact same reason, spelt is proportionally higher in protein. Still, fiber is usually the most health-relevant aspect in the macros category, so we’re going to call this a moderate win for bulgur.

    When it comes to micronutrients, however, spelt is doing a lot better:

    In the category of vitamins, spelt is higher in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and E (with the difference in E being 26x more!), while bulgur is higher only in vitamin B9 (and that, only slightly). A clear win for spelt here.

    Nor are the mineral contents less polarized; spelt has more copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc, while bulgur is not higher in any minerals. Another easy win for spelt.

    Adding these up makes a win for spelt, but again we’d urge to not underestimate the importance of fiber. Enjoy both in moderation, unless you are avoiding wheat/gluten in which case don’t, and for almost everyone, mixed whole grains are always going to be best.

    Want to learn more?

    You might like to read:

    Take care!

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  • Water-based Lubricant vs Silicon-based Lubricant – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing water-based lubricant to silicon-based lubricant, we picked the silicon-based.


    First, some real talk about vaginas, because this is something not everyone knows, so let’s briefly cover this before moving onto the differences:

    Yes, vaginas are self-lubricating, but a) not always and b) not always sufficiently, especially as we get older. Much like with penile hardness (or lack thereof), there’s a lot of stigma associated with vaginal dryness, and there really needn’t be, because the simple reality is that we don’t live in the fictitious world of porn, and here in the real world, anatomy and physiology can be quite arbitrary at times.

    It is this writer’s firm opinion that everyone (or: everyone who is sexual, anyway) should have good quality lube at home—regardless of one’s gender, relationship status, or anything else.

    Ok, with that in mind, onwards:

    The water-based lube has nine ingredients: water, glycerin, cytopentasioxane, propylene glycol, xantham gum, phenoxyethanol, dimethiconol, triethanolamine, and ethylhexylglycerine.

    All of these ingredients are considered body-safe in the doses present, and/but most of them will be absorbed into the skin, especially via the relatively permeable membrane that is the inside of the vagina (or anus—while the microbiome is very different, tissue-wise these are very similar).

    While this is not meaningfully toxic, there’s a delicate balance going on in there, and this can upset that balance a little.

    Also, because the lube is absorbed into the skin, you’ll then need more, which means either a moment’s inconvenience to add more, or else the risk of chafing, which isn’t fun.

    The silicon lube has four ingredients: dimethicone, dimethiconol, cyclomethicone, and tocopheryl acetate.

    Note: “tocopheryl acetate” is vitamin E

    …which reminds us: just because something is hard to spell, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily bad for us.

    What are the other three ingredients, though? They are all silicon compounds, all inert, and all with molecules too big to be absorbed into our skin. Basically they all slide right off, which is entirely the point of lube, after all.

    It not being absorbed into our skin is good for our health; it’s also convenient as it means a tiny bit of lube goes a long way.

    Any downsides to silicon-based lube?

    There are two, and neither are health-related:

    • It can damage silicon toys if not cleaned quickly and thoroughly, the silicon of the lube may bond with the silicon of the toy after a while.
    • Because it doesn’t just disappear like water-based lube, you might want to put a towel down if you don’t want your bed to be slippy afterwards! The towel can then be put in the laundry as normal.

    Want to try it out? Here it is on Amazon

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  • Red-dy For Anything Polyphenol Salad

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    So, you’ve enjoyed your Supergreen Superfood Salad Slaw, and now you’re ready for another slice of the rainbow. Pigments in food aren’t just for decoration—they each contain unique benefits! Today’s focus is on some red foods that, combined, make a deliciously refreshing salad that’s great for the gut, heart, and brain.

    You will need

    • 1 cup crème fraîche or sour cream (if vegan, use our Plant-Based Healthy Cream Cheese recipe, and add the juice of 1 lime)
    • ½ small red cabbage, thinly sliced
    • 1 red apple, cored and finely chopped
    • 1 red onion, thinly sliced
    • 10 oz red seedless grapes, halved
    • 10 oz red pomegranate seeds
    • 1 tsp red chili flakes


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Combine all the red ingredients in a big bowl.

    2) Add the crème fraîche and mix gently but thoroughly.

    3) If you have time, let it sit in the fridge for 48 hours before enjoying, as its colors will intensify and its polyphenols will become more bioavailable. But if you want/need, you can serve immediately; that’s fine too.


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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  • Sugar Blues – by William Dufty

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    This is a “read it cover to cover” book. It charts the rise of sugar’s place in world diets in general and the American diet in particular, and draws many conclusions about the effect this has had on us.

    This book will challenge you. Sometimes, it will change your mind. Sometimes, you’ll go “no, I’m sure that’s not right”, and you’ll go Googling. Either way, you’ll learn something.

    And that, for us, is the most important measure of any informational book: did we gain something from it? In Sugar Blues, perhaps the single biggest “gain” for the reader is that it’s an eye-opener and a call-to-arms—the extent to which you heed that is up to you, but it sure is good to at least be familiar with the battlefield.

    Check Out Sugar Blues on Amazon Today!

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  • Tis To Season To Be SAD-Savvy

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Seasonal Affective Disorder & SAD Lamps

    For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s that time of the year; especially after the clocks recently went back and the nights themselves are getting longer. So, what to do in the season of 3pm darkness?

    First: the problem

    The problem is twofold:

    1. Our circadian rhythm gets confused
    2. We don’t make enough serotonin

    The latter is because serotonin production is largely regulated by sunlight.

    People tend to focus on item 2, but item 1 is important too—both as problem, and as means of remedy.

    Circadian rhythm is about more than just light

    We did a main feature on this a little while back, talking about:

    • What light/dark does for us, and how it’s important, but not completely necessary
    • How our body knows what time it is even in perpetual darkness
    • The many peaks and troughs of many physiological functions over the course of a day/night
    • What that means for us in terms of such things as diet and exercise
    • Practical take-aways from the above

    Read: The Circadian Rhythm: Far More Than Most People Know

    With that in mind, the same methodology can be applied as part of treating Seasonal Affective Disorder.

    Serotonin is also about more than just light

    Our brain is a) an unbelievably powerful organ, and the greatest of any animal on the planet b) a wobbly wet mass that gets easily confused.

    In the case of serotonin, we can have problems:

    • knowing when to synthesize it or not
    • synthesizing it
    • using it
    • knowing when to scrub it or not
    • scrubbing it
    • etc

    Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are a class of antidepressants that, as the name suggests, inhibit the re-uptake (scrubbing) of serotonin. So, they won’t add more serotonin to your brain, but they’ll cause your brain to get more mileage out of the serotonin that’s there, using it for longer.

    So, whether or not they help will depend on you and your brain:

    Read: Antidepressants: Personalization Is Key!

    How useful are artificial sunlight lamps?

    Artificial sunlight lamps (also called SAD lamps), or blue light lamps, are used in an effort to “replace” daylight.

    Does it work? According to the science, generally yes, though everyone would like more and better studies:

    Interestingly, it does still work in cases of visual impairment and blindness:

    How much artificial sunlight is needed?

    According to Wirz-Justice and Terman (2022), the best parameters are:

    • 10,000 lux
    • full spectrum (white light)
    • 30–60 minutes exposure
    • in the morning

    Source: Light Therapy: Why, What, for Whom, How, and When (And a Postscript about Darkness)

    That one’s a fascinating read, by the way, if you have time.

    Can you recommend one?

    For your convenience, here’s an example product on Amazon that meets the above specifications, and is also very similar to the one this writer has


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