Sleep Tracking, For Five Million Nights

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5 Sleep Phenotypes, By Actual Science

You probably know people can be broadly divided into “early birds” and “night owls”:

Early Bird Or Night Owl? Genes vs Environment

…and then the term “hummingbird” gets used for a person who flits between the two.

That’s three animals so far. If you read a book we reviewed recently, specifically this one:

The Power of When – by Dr. Michael Breus

…then you may have used the guide within to self-diagnose your circadian rhythm type (chronotype) according to Dr. Breus’s system, which divides people into bears, lions, wolves, and dolphins.

That’s another four animals. If you have a FitBit, it can “diagnose” you with being those and/or a menagerie of others, such as giraffe, hedgehog, parrot, and tortoise:

How Fitbit Developed the Sleep Profile Experience (Part 2 – Sleep Animals)

Five million nights

A team of researchers recently took a step away from this veritable zoo of 11 different animals and counting, and used a sophisticated modelling system to create a spatial-temporal map of people’s sleep habits, and this map created five main “islands” that people’s sleep habits could settle on, or sometimes move from island to island.

Those “five million nights” by the way? It was actually 5,095,798 nights! You might notice that would take from the 2020s to the 15970s to complete, so this was rather a matter of monitoring 33,152 individuals between January and October of the same year. Between them, they got those 5,095,798 nights of sleep (or in some cases, nights of little or no sleep, but still, they were there for the nights).

The five main phenotypes that the researchers found were:

  1. What we think of as “normal” sleep. In this phenotype, people get about eight hours of uninterrupted sleep for at least six days in a row.
  2. As above for half the nights, but they only sleep for short periods of time in bouts of less than three hours the other half.
  3. As per normal sleep, but with one interrupted night per week, consisting of a 5 hour sleep period and then broken sleep for a few more hours.
  4. As per normal sleep generally, but with occasional nights in which long bouts of sleep are separated by a mid-sleep waking.
  5. Sleeping for very short periods of time every night. This phenotype was the rarest the researchers found, and represents extremely disrupted sleep.

As you might suspect, phenotype 1 is healthier than phenotype 5. But that’s not hugely informational, as the correlation between getting good sleep and having good health is well-established. So, what did the study teach us?

❝We found that little changes in sleep quality helped us identify health risks. Those little changes wouldn’t show up on an average night, or on a questionnaire, so it really shows how wearables help us detect risks that would otherwise be missed.❞

~ Dr. Benjamin Smarr

More specifically,

❝We found that the little differences in how sleep disruptions occur can tell us a lot. Even if these instances are rare, their frequency is also telling. So it’s not just whether you sleep well or not – it’s the patterns of sleep over time where the key info hides❞

~ Dr. Edward Wang

…and, which gets to the absolute point,

❝If you imagine there’s a landscape of sleep types, then it’s less about where you tend to live on that landscape, and more about how often you leave that area❞

~ Dr. Varun Viswanath

In other words: if your sleep pattern is not ideal, that’s one thing and it’d probably be good to address it, by improving your sleep. However, if your sleep pattern changes phenotype without an obvious known reason why, this may be considered an alarm bell warning of something else that needs addressing, which may be an underlying illness or condition—meaning it can be worthwhile being a little extra vigilant when it comes to regular health screenings, in case something new has appeared.

Want to read more?

You can read the paper in full here:

Five million nights: temporal dynamics in human sleep phenotypes

Take care!

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  • How the stress of playing chess can be fatal
  • What’s the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest? One’s about plumbing, the other wiring
    Bronny James’ cardiac arrest ignites confusion between heart attacks and cardiac arrests; learn their differences and links.

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  • 52 Small Changes – by Brett Blumenthal

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We see a lot of books that exhort us to get a six-pack in a month, change our life in 7 days, learn Japanese in 24 hours. The reality is, things take time!

    Brett Blumenthal is more realistic while being just as motivational:

    The idea is simple… Make one small change per week for 52 weeks, and at the end of the year, you’ll be healthier and happier.

    At 10almonds, we’re big fans of small changes that add up (or rather: compound!) to make big differences, so this one’s absolutely our style!

    Best of all, she offers us not just “do this” advice, but also “and here’s the information and resources you’ll need to make this change work the best it can for you”

    The advices range in topic from nutrition to exercise to sleep to mental wellness to interpersonal stuff and more. The biggest focus is on personal health, though, with small changes to exercise and nutrition making up the lion’s share of the changes.

    Bottom line: this is a book you’ll want to grab once a week. Consider setting a reminder on your phone to check in with it each Sunday, for example!

    Take the first step and order “52 Small Changes” from Amazon today!

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  • Regular Nail Polish vs Gel Nail Polish – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing regular nail polish to gel nail polish, we picked the regular.


    This one’s less about what’s in the bottle, and more about what gets done to your hands:

    • Regular nail polish application involves carefully brushing it on.
    • Regular nail polish removal involves wiping with acetone.


    • Gel nail polish application involves deliberately damaging (roughing up) the nail to allow the color coat to adhere, then when the top coat is applied, holding the nails (and thus, the attached fingers) under a UV light to set it. That UV lamp exposure is very bad for the skin.
    • Gel nail polish removal involves soaking in acetone, which is definitely worse than wiping with acetone. Failure to adequately soak it will result in further damage to the nail while trying to get the base coat off the nail that you already deliberately damaged when first applying it.

    All in all, regular nail polish isn’t amazing for nail health (healthiest is for nails to be free and naked), but for those of us who like a little bit of color there, regular is a lot better than gel.

    Gel nail polish damages the nail itself by necessity, and presents a cumulative skin cancer risk and accelerated aging of the skin, by way of the UV lamp use.

    For your interest, here are the specific products that we compared, but the above goes for any of this kind:

    Regular nail polish | Gel nail polish

    If you’d like to read more about nail health, you might enjoy reading:

    The Counterintuitive Dos and Don’ts of Nail Health

    Take care!

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  • Watermelon vs Cucumber – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing watermelon to cucumber, we picked the cucumber.


    Both are good! But in the battle of the “this is mostly water” salad items, cucumber wins out.

    In terms of macros they both are, as we say, mostly water. However, watermelon contains more sugar for the same amount of fiber, contributing to cucumber having the lower glycemic index.

    When it comes to vitamins, watermelon does a little better; watermelon has more of vitamins A, B1, B3, B6, C, and E, while cucumber has more of vitamins B2, B5, B9, K, and choline. So, a modest 6:5 win for watermelon.

    In the category of minerals, it’s a different story; watermelon has more selenium, while cucumber has more calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

    Both contain an array of polyphenols; mostly different ones from each other.

    As ever, enjoy both. However, adding up the sections, we say cucumber enjoys a marginal win here.

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    Take care!

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  • PFAS Exposure & Cancer: The Numbers Are High

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    PFAS & Cancer Risk: The Numbers Are High

    Dr Maaike Van Gerwen studies the effects of exposure to PFAS on cancer development.
    Image Credits Mount Sinai

    This is Dr. Maaike van Gerwen. Is that an MD or a PhD, you wonder? It’s both.

    She’s also Director of Research in the Department of Otolaryngology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, Scientific Director of the Program of Personalized Management of Thyroid Disease, and Member of the Institute for Translational Epidemiology and the Transdisciplinary Center on Early Environmental Exposures.

    What does she want us to know?

    She’d love for us to know about her latest research published literally today, about the risks associated with PFAS, such as the kind widely found in non-stick cookware:

    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) exposure and thyroid cancer risk

    Dr. van Gerwen and her team tested this several ways, and the very short and simple version of the findings is that per doubling of exposure, there was a 56% increased rate of thyroid cancer diagnosis.

    (The rate of exposure was not just guessed based on self-reports; it was measured directly from PFAS levels in the blood of participants)

    • PFAS exposure can come from many sources, not just non-stick cookware, but that’s a “biggie” since it transfers directly into food that we consume.
    • Same goes for widely-available microwaveable plastic food containers.
    • Relatively less dangerous exposures include waterproofed clothing.

    To keep it simple and look at the non-stick pans and microwavable plastic containers, doubling exposure might mean using such things every day vs every second day.

    Practical take-away: PFAS may be impossible to avoid completely, but even just cutting down on the use of such products is already reducing your cancer risk.

    Isn’t it too late, by this point in life? Aren’t they “forever chemicals”?

    They’re not truly “forever”, but they do have long half-lives, yes.

    See: Can we take the “forever” out of forever chemicals?

    The half-lives of PFOS and PFOA in water are 41 years and 92 years, respectively.

    In the body, however, because our body is constantly trying to repair itself and eliminate toxins, it’s more like 3–7 years.

    That might seem like a long time, and perhaps it is, but the time will pass anyway, so might as well get started now, rather than in 3–7 years time!

    Read more: National Academies Report Calls for Testing People With High Exposure to “Forever Chemicals”

    What should we use instead?

    In place of non-stick cookware, cast iron is fantastic. It’s not everyone’s preference, though, so you might also like to know that ceramic cookware is a fine option that’s functionally non-stick but without needing a non-stick coating. Check for PFAS-free status; they should advertise this.

    In place of plastic microwaveable containers, Pyrex (or equivalent) glass dishes (you can get them with lids) are a top-tier option. Ceramic containers (without metallic bits!) are also safely microwaveable.

    See also:

    Here’s a List of Products with PFAS (& How to Avoid Them)

    Take care!

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  • Ginkgo Biloba, For Memory And, Uh, What Else Again?

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    Ginkgo biloba, for memory and, uh, what else again?

    Ginkgo biloba extract has enjoyed use for thousands of years for an assortment of uses, and has made its way from Traditional Chinese Medicine, to the world supplement market at large. See:

    Ginkgo biloba: A Treasure of Functional Phytochemicals with Multimedicinal Applications

    But what does the science say about the specific claims?

    Antioxidant & anti-inflammatory

    We’re going to lump these two qualities together for examination, since one invariably leads to the other.

    A quick note: things that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, often also help guard against cancer and aging. However, in this case, there are few good studies pertaining to anti-aging, and none that we could find pertaining to anti-cancer potential.

    So, does it have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, first?

    Yes, it has potent antioxidants that do fight inflammation; this is clear, from an abundance of in vitro and in vivo studies, including with human patients:

    In short: it helps, and there’s plenty of science for it.

    What about anti-aging effects?

    For this, there is science, but a lot of the science is not great. As one team of researchers concluded while doing a research review of their own:

    ❝Based on the reviewed information regarding EGb’s effects in vitro and in vivo, most have reported very positive outcomes with strong statistical analyses, indicating that EGb must have some sort of beneficial effect.

    However, information from the reported clinical trials involving EGb are hardly conclusive since many do not include information such as the participant’s age and physical condition, drug doses administered, duration of drug administered as well as suitable control groups for comparison.

    We therefore call on clinicians and clinician-scientists to establish a set of standard and reliable standard operating procedure for future clinical studies to properly evaluate EGb’s effects in the healthy and diseased person since it is highly possible it possesses beneficial effects.❞

    Translation from sciencese: “These results are great, but come on, please, we are begging you to use more robust methodology”

    ~ Zuo et al

    If you’d like to read the review in question, here it is:

    Advances in the Studies of Ginkgo Biloba Leaves Extract on Aging-Related Diseases

    Does it have cognitive enhancement effects?

    The claims here are generally that it helps:

    • improve memory
    • improve focus
    • reduce cognitive decline
    • reduce anxiety and depression

    Let’s break these down:

    Does it improve memory and cognition?

    Ginkgo biloba was quite popular for memory 20+ years ago, and perhaps had an uptick in popularity in the wake of the 1999 movie “Analyze This” in which the protagonist psychiatrist mentions taking ginkgo biloba, because “it helps my memory, and I forget what else”.

    Here are a couple of studies from not long after that:

    In short:

    • in the first study, it helped in standardized tests of memory and cognition (quite convincing)
    • In the second study, it helped in subjective self-reports of mental wellness (also placebo-controlled)

    On the other hand, here’s a more recent research review ten years later, that provides measures of memory, executive function and attention in 1132, 534 and 910 participants, respectively. That’s quite a few times more than the individual studies we cited above, by the way. They concluded:

    ❝We report that G. biloba had no ascertainable positive effects on a range of targeted cognitive functions in healthy individuals❞

    ~ Laws et al

    Read: Is Ginkgo biloba a cognitive enhancer in healthy individuals? A meta-analysis

    Our (10almonds) conclusion: we can’t say either way, on this one.

    Does it have neuroprotective effects (i.e., against cognitive decline)?

    Yes—probably by the same mechanism will discuss shortly.

    Can it help against depression and anxiety?

    Yes—but probably indirectly by the mechanism we’ll get to in a moment:

    Likely this helps by improving blood flow, as illustrated better per:

    Efficacy of ginkgo biloba extract as augmentation of venlafaxine in treating post-stroke depression

    Which means…

    Bonus: improved blood flow

    This mechanism may support the other beneficial effects.

    See: Ginkgo biloba extract improves coronary blood flow in healthy elderly adults

    Is it safe?

    Ginkgo biloba extract* is generally recognized as safe.

    • However, as it improves blood flow, please don’t take it if you have a bleeding disorder.
    • Additionally, it may interact badly with SSRIs, so you might want to avoid it if you’re taking such (despite it having been tested and found beneficial as an adjuvant to citalopram, an SSRI, in one of the studies above).
    • No list of possible contraindications can be exhaustive, so please consult your own doctor/pharmacist before taking something new.

    *Extract, specifically. The seeds and leaves of this plant are poisonous. Sometimes “all natural” is not better.

    Where can I get it?

    As ever, we don’t sell it (or anything else), but here’s an example product on Amazon


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  • Ridged Nails: What Are They Telling You?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Dr. Yaseen Arsalan, a Doctor of Pharmacy, has advice on the “nutraceutical” side of things:


    Sounds like the name of a dinosaur, but it’s actually the condition that creates the vertical ridges that sometimes appear on nails. It’s especially likely in the case of thinner nails, and/or certain nutritional deficiencies. Overuse of certain chemicals (including nail polish remover, hair products that get on your hands a lot, and cleaning fluids) can also cause it. It can also be worsened by various conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, hypothyroidism, anemia, and amyloidosis, but it won’t usually be outright caused by those alone.

    There are two main kinds of ridges on nails:

    • Vertical ridges: associated with hypothyroidism, anemia, and aging. Often an indicator of low iron.
    • Horizontal ridges (Beau’s lines): caused by interrupted nail growth, brute force trauma, chemotherapy, acrylic nails, and gel nail polishes. Can also be an indicator of low zinc.

    There are an assortment of medical treatments available, which Dr. Arsalan discusses in the video, but for home remedy treatment, he recommends:

    • Nail-strengthening creams (look for coconut oil, shea butter, beeswax, vitamin E)
    • Hydration (this is about overall hydration e.g. water intake)
    • Careful nail trimming (fingernails with a curved shape and toenails straight across)
    • Nail ridge filler (he recommends the brand Barrielle, for not containing formaldehyde or formalin)
    • Moisturization (with cuticle oil or hand creams, because that hydration we talked about earlier is important, and we want it to stay inside the nail)

    For more on those things, plus the medical treatments plus other “how to avoid this” measures, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

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