As The Summer Gets Hotter Still…

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It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

So, no question/request too big or small

❝I would love to see an article about heat dehydrated illness….so much of the US is under hot conditions. I had an fainting sweating episode and now trying to recoup from it. What should we do? Drink water,rest…???❞

We have done some of this, but it’s always a good one to revisit! Last summer (N. Hemisphere summer), we wrote this:

Stay Safe From Heat Exhaustion & Heatstroke!

…and this year, it’s getting hotter still (and is already the hottest summer on record), with certainly much of the US seriously affected, as you say. Next year, it will probably be worse again; climate change is getting predictable like that, and likely will continue until fixed. We are but a health science publication, so we can’t fix the world’s climate, but we can reiterate the above advice, and urge everyone to take it seriously.

Note: heat exhaustion and heatstroke kill. Yes, we’re including heat exhaustion in that, because by the time you get heat exhaustion, you’re often not in the best state of mind to take the correct steps to avoid the heatstroke that follows.

To think otherwise would be akin to thinking “falling never killed anyone; it’s only when you stop falling that it’s dangerous”.

This summer, we did also write this more niche article:

Surviving Summer While Fat

…whose advice won’t apply to everyone, but will be helpful to some, and honestly, some of that advice does go for everyone.

One thing we didn’t write about in those articles that we’ll add here:

Humidity is dangerous:

  • Dry heat: you sweat, the sweat evaporates, cooling you. As well as losing heat, you’ve also now lost water and salts, which you’ll need to replenish, but your body is operating correctly.
  • Humid heat: you sweat, and now you are just sweaty until further notice. It doesn’t evaporate because the surrounding humidity doesn’t provide the physics for that. Not only are you not losing heat through evaporating sweat, but also, if you’re wearing clothes, that’s now an insulating layer you’re wearing.

…so that means, watch the humidity as carefully as you watch the temperature, and when it’s high, get extra serious about finding ways to keep yourself cool (e.g. shade, rest, cooling showers etc if you can, that kind of thing).

Take care!

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  • Heart Rate Zones, Oxalates, & More
  • The Blue Zones, Second Edition – by Dan Buettner
    This book goes beyond the typical advice from Blue Zones, delving into the details of community and stress reduction for a more applicable approach to a healthier life.

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  • Eat to Live – by Dr. Joel Fuhrman

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It sure would be great if we could eat all that we wanted, and remain healthy without putting on weight.

    That’s the main intent of Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s book, with some caveats:

    • His diet plan gives unlimited amounts of some foods, while restricting others
    • With a focus on nutrient density, he puts beans and legumes into the “eat as much as you want” category, and grains (including whole grains) into the “restrict” category

    This latter is understandable for a weight-loss diet (as the book’s subtitle promises). The question then is: will it be sustainable?

    Current scientific consensus holds for “whole grains are good and an important part of diet”. It does seem fair that beans and legumes should be able to replace grains, for grains’ carbohydrates and fiber.

    However, now comes the double-edged aspect: beans and legumes contain more protein than grains. So, we’ll feel fuller sooner, and stay fuller for longer. This means we’ll probably lose weight, and keep losing weight. Or at least: losing fat. Muscle mass will stay or go depending on what you’re doing with your muscles.

    If you want to keep your body fat percentage at a certain level and not go below it, you may well need to reintroduce grains to your diet, which isn’t something that Dr. Fuhrman covers in this book.

    Bottom line: this is a good, science-based approach for healthily losing weight (specifically, fat) and keeping it off. It might be a little too good at this for some people though.

    Click here to check out Eat To Live and decide what point you want to stop losing weight at!

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  • Puritans Pride Resveratrol vs Life Extension Resveratrol – Which is Healthier

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing Puritan’s Pride Resveratrol to Life Extension Resveratrol, we picked the Life Extension Resveratrol.


    It contains not only more resveratrol per serving (250mg compared to Puritan’s Pride’s 100mg), but also contains other goodies too. Specifically, each capsule also contains:

    Whereas the Puritan’s Pride softgels? The other top ingredients are soybean oil and gelatin.

    Want to check out the products for yourself? Here they are:

    Puritan’s Pride Resveratrol | Life Extension Resveratrol

    Want to know more about these supplements? Check out:
    Resveratrol & Healthy Aging
    Fight Inflammation & Protect Your Brain, With Quercetin
    Berries & Other Polyphenol-rich Foods
    Fisetin: The Anti-Aging Assassin


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  • Black Olives vs Green Olives – Which is Healthier

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing black olives to green olives, we picked the black olives.


    First know this: they are the same plant, just at different stages of ripening (green olives are, as you might expect, less ripe).

    Next: the nutritional values of both, from macros down to the phytochemicals, are mostly very similar, but there are a few things that stand out:
    • Black olives usually have more calories per serving, average about 25% more. But these are from healthy fats, so unless you’re on a calorie-restricted diet, this is probably not a consideration.
    • Green olives are almost always “cured” for longer, which results in a much higher sodium content often around 200% that of black olives. Black olives are often not “cured” at all.

    Hence, we chose the black olives!

    You may be wondering: do green olives have anything going for them that black olives don’t?

    And the answer has a clue in the taste: green olives generally have a stronger, more bitter/pungent taste. And remember what we said about things that have a stronger, more bitter/pungent taste:

    Tasty Polyphenols: Enjoy Bitter Foods For Your Heart & Brain

    That’s right, green olives are a little higher in polyphenols than black olives.

    But! If you want to enjoy the polyphenol content of green olives without the sodium content, the best way to do that is not olives, but olive oil—which is usually made from green olives.

    For more about olive oil, check out:

    All About Olive Oils: Is “Extra Virgin” Worth It?

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  • Dry Needling for Meralgia Paresthetica?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small

    ❝Could you address dry needling, who should administer it, and could it be a remedy for meralgia paresthetica? If not, could you speak to home-based remedies for meralgia paresthetica? Thank you?❞

    We’ll need to take a main feature some time to answer this one fully, but we will say some quick things here:

    • Dry needling, much like acupuncture, has been found to help with pain relief.
    • Meralgia paresthetica, being a neuropathy, may benefit from some things that benefit people with peripheral neuropathy, such as lion’s mane mushroom. There is definitely not research to support this hypothesis yet though (so far as we could find anyway; there is plenty to support lion’s mane helping with nerve regeneration in general, but nothing specific for meralgia paresthetica).

    Some previous articles you might enjoy meanwhile:

    Take care!

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  • 10 Ways To Balance Blood Sugars

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    “Let Them Eat Cake”, She Said…

    This is Jessie Inchauspé, a French biochemist and author. She’s most known for her best-selling “Glucose Revolution: The Life-Changing Power Of Balancing Your Blood Sugar”.

    It’s a great book (which we reviewed recently) and you absolutely should read it, but meanwhile, we’re going to distill at least the most critical core ideas, 10almonds style. In this case, her “ten hacks”:

    Eat foods in the right order

    The order is:

    1. Fiber first
    2. Protein and fat second
    3. Starches and sugars last

    What happens here is… the fiber perks up the gut bacteria, the protein and fat will then be better-digested next, and the starches and sugars will try to jump the line, but they can’t because the fiber is a physical speedbump and the proteins and fats are taking the prime place for being digested. So instead, the starches and sugars—usually responsible for blood sugar spikes—get processed much more gradually, resulting in a nice even curve.

    Add a green starter to all your meals

    We know what you’re thinking: “that’s just the first one again”, but no. This is an extra starter, before you get to that. If you’re the cook of the household, this can absolutely simply mean snacking on green ingredients while cooking.

    Stop counting calories

    Especially, she advises: stop worrying about extra calories from fats, such as if doing an oil-and-vinegar dressing for salad—which she also recommends, because all three components (the oil, the vinegar, and the salad) help even out blood sugar levels.

    Flatten your breakfast curve

    For many, breakfast is the starchiest meal of the day, if not the sugariest. Inchauspé recommends flipping this (ideally) or softening it (if you really must have a carb-based breakfast):

    • Top choices include: a warm vegetable salad, fish, or eggs (or tofu if you don’t do animal products).
    • Next-best include: if you must have toast, make sure to have butter (and/or the aforementioned egg/tofu, for example) to give your digestion an extra thing to do.
    • Also: she recommends skipping the juice in favour of home-made breakfast smoothies. That way, instead of basically just sugar with some vitamins, you’re getting a range of nutrients that, if you stack it right, can constitute a balanced meal itself, with fiber + protein + fat + carbs.

    As an extra note from the 10almonds team: come to think of it, today’s sponsor’s product would be a great choice for this “mixed nutrient breakfast” idea! But more on that later

    Have any type of sugar—they’re all the same

    They’re technically not, but the point is that your body will immediately take them apart and then they will be just the same. Whether it’s the cheapest white sugar or the most expensive organic lovingly hand-reared free-range agave nectar, your body is going to immediately give it the chop-shop treatment (a process so quick as to be practically instantaneous) and say “this is now glucose”.

    Pick a dessert over a sweet snack

    Remember that about the right order for foods? A dessert, when your body is already digesting dinner, is going to make much less of a glucose spike than, say, a blueberry muffin when all you’ve had this morning is coffee and juice.

    Reach for the vinegar before you eat

    We recently did a whole main feature about this, so we’ll not double up today!

    After you eat, move

    The glucose you eat will be used to replace lost muscle glycogen, before any left over is stored as fat… and, while it’s waiting to be stored as fat, just sitting in your bloodstream being high blood sugars. So, this whole thing will go a lot better if you are actively using muscle glycogen (by moving your body).

    Inchauspé gives a metaphor: imagine a steam train worker, shoveling coal into the furnace. Meanwhile, other workers are bringing more coal. If the train is moving quickly, the coal can be shoveled into the furnace and burned and won’t build up so quickly. But if the train is moving slowly or not at all, that coal is just going to build up and build up, until the worker can shovel no more because of being neck-deep in coal.

    Same with your blood sugars!

    If you want to snack, go low-sugar

    In the category of advice that will shock nobody: sugary snacks aren’t good for avoiding blood sugar spikes! This one probably didn’t need a chapter devoted to it, but anyway: low sugar is indeed the way to go for snacks.

    Put some clothes on your carbs

    This is about olive oil on pasta, butter on potatoes, and so forth. Basically, anything starchy is going to be broken down quickly to sugar and sent straight into the bloodstream, if there’s nothing to slow it down. If you’re wondering what to do with rice: adding a tablespoon of chia seeds to the rice while cooking (so they’re cooked together) will add very healthy fats to your rice, and (because they’ve been cooked) will not seem like eating seeds, by the way. In terms of texture and appearance, it’ll be as though you threw some black pepper in*

    *which you should also do for many reasons, but that’s beyond the scope of this “about blood sugars” feature!

    Wanting to know more about the science of this?

    We’ve done all we have room for here today, but Inchauspé is, as ever, happy to explain it herself:

    Prefer text? Check out:

    The Science Behind Glucose Goddess

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  • Fast Burn – by Dr. Ian K. Smith

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Intermittent fasting seems simple enough: how complicated can “stop eating for a bit” be? Well, there are nuances and tweaks and hacks and “if you do this bit wrong it will sabotage your benefits” things to know about, too.

    Dr. Smith takes us through the basic essentials first, and covers each of the main kinds of intermittent fasting, for example:

    • Time-restricted eating; 12:12, 16:8, etc, with those being hours fasting vs hours eating
    • Caloric restriction models; for example 5:2, where one eats “normally” for 5 days a week, and on two non-consecutive days, eats only 500 calories
    • Day off models and more; for example, “no eating on Sundays” that can, depending on your schedule, be anything from a 24-hour fast to 36 hours or more.

    …and, most notably, what they each do metabolically.

    Then, the real meat of the book is his program. Taking into account the benefits of each form of fasting, he weaves together a 9-week program to first ease us gently into intermittent fasting, and then enjoy the maximum benefits with minimum self-sabotage.

    Which is the biggest stumbling-block for many trying intermittent fasting for the first time, so it’s a huge help that he takes care of this here.

    He also includes meal plans and recipes; readers can use those or not; the fasting plan stands on its own two feet without them too.

    Bottom line: if you’ve been thinking of trying intermittent fasting but have been put off by all the kinds or have had trouble sticking to it, this book may be just what you need.

    Click here to check out Fast Burn on Amazon and see what you can achieve!

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