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Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol – by Holly Whitaker

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We’ve reviewed “quit drinking” books before, so what makes this one different?

While others focus on the science of addiction and the tips and tricks of habit breaking/forming, this one is more about environmental factors, and that because of society being as it is, we as women often face different challenges when it comes to drinking (or not). Not necessarily easier or harder than men’s in this case, but different. And that sometimes calls for different methods to deal with them. This book explores those.

She also looks at such matters as how to quit alcohol when you’ve never stuck to a diet, and other such very down-to-earth topics, in a well-researched and non-preachy fashion.

Bottom line: if you’ve sometimes tried to quit drinking or even just to cut back, but found the deck stacked against you and things conspire to undermine your efforts, this book will give you a clearer path forward.

Click here to check out Quite Like A Woman, And Take Care Of Yourself!

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