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An illustrated comparison of two objects with a "This or That?" heading. On the left, vibrant green pistachios in their shells beckon. On the right, smooth shelled cashews stand ready. The word "VS" is placed between them, sparking the debate— which is the healthier choice? The background is light green.

Pistachios vs Cashews – Which is Healthier?

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Our Verdict

When comparing pistachios to cashews, we picked the pistachios.


In terms of macros, both are great sources of protein and healthy fats, and considered head-to-head:

  • pistachios have slightly more protein, but it’s close
  • pistachios have slightly more (health) fat, but it’s close
  • cashews have slightly more carbs, but it’s close
  • pistachios have a lot more fiber (more than 3x more!)

All in all, both have a good macro balance, but pistachios win easily on account of the fiber, as well as the slight edge for protein and fats.

When it comes to vitamins, pistachios have more of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, & E.

Cashews do have more vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid, pantothenic literally meaning “from everywhere”. Guess what’s not a common deficiency to have!

So pistachios win easily on vitamins, too.

In the category of minerals, things are more balanced, though cashews have a slight edge. Pistachios have more notably more calcium and potassium, while cashews have notably more selenium, zinc, and magnesium.

Both of these nuts have anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer benefits, often from different phytochemicals, but with similar levels of usefulness.

Taking everything into account, however, one nut comes out in the clear lead, mostly due to its much higher fiber content and better vitamin profile, and that’s the pistachios.

Want to learn more?

Check out:

Why You Should Diversify Your Nuts


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