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Quieting the Unwanted Orchestra of Tinnitus.

Tinnitus: Quieting The Unwanted Orchestra In Your Ears

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Tinnitus—When a “minor” symptom becomes disruptive

Tinnitus (typically: ringing in the ears) is often thought of less as a condition in and of itself, and more a symptom related to other hearing-related conditions. Paradoxically, it can be associated with hearing loss as well as with hyperacusis (hearing supersensitivity, which sounds like a superpower, but can be quite a problem too).

More than just ringing

Tinnitus can manifest not just as ringing, but also as whistling, hissing, pulsing, buzzing, hooting, and more.

For those who don’t suffer from this, it can seem very trivial; for those who do… Sometimes it can seem trivial too!

But sometimes it’s hard to carry on a conversation when at random moments it suddenly sounds like someone is playing a slide-whistle directly into your earhole, or like maybe a fly got stuck in there.

It’s distracting, to say the least.

What causes it?

First let’s note, tinnitus can be acute or chronic. So, some of these things may just cause tinnitus for a while, whereas some may give you tinnitus for life. In some cases, it depends on how long the thing in question persisted for.

A lot of things can cause it, but common causes include:

  • Noise exposure (e.g. concerts, some kinds of industrial work, war)
  • High blood pressure
  • Head/neck injuries
  • Ear infection
  • Autoimmune diseases (e.g. Type 1 Diabetes, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis)

So what can be done about it?

Different remedies will work (or not) for different people, depending on the cause and type of tinnitus.

Be warned also: some things that will work for one person’s tinnitus will make another person’s worse, so you might need to try a degree of experimentation and some of it might not be fun!

That in mind, here are some things you might want to try if you haven’t already:

  • Earplugs or noise-canceling headphones—while tinnitus is an internal sound, not external, it often has to do with some part(s) of your ears being unduly sensitive, so giving them less stimulus may ease the tinnitus that occurs in reaction to external noise.
  • White noise—if you also have hyperacusis, a lower frequency range will probably not hurt the way a higher range might. If you don’t also have hyperacusis, you have more options here and this is a popular remedy. Either way, white noise outperforms “relaxing” soundscapes.
  • Hearing aids—counterintuitively, for some people whose tinnitus has developed in response to hearing loss, hearing aids can help bring things “back to normal” and eliminate tinnitus in the process.
  • Customized sound machines—if you have the resources to get fancy, science currently finds this to be best of all. They work like white noise, but are tailored to your specific tinnitus.

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