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Just One Thing: How Simple Changes Can Transform Your Life – by Dr. Michael Mosley

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This is a collection of easy-to-implement changes that have good science behind them to show how they can benefit us. Some things are obvious (e.g: drink water); others, less so (e.g: sing, to reduce inflammation).

The book is divided thematically into times of the day, though in many cases it’s not a hard rule that a thing needs to be done at a certain time. Others are, like a cold shower in the morning and hot bath before bed—you might not want to switch those around!

The style is very pop-science, and does not have in-line citations for claims, but it does have a bibliography in the back organized by each “one thing”, e.g. it might say “get some houseplants” and then list a number of references supporting that, with links to the studies showing how that helps. For those with the paper version, don’t worry, you can copy the URL from the book into your browser and see it that way. In any case, there are 2–6 scientific references for each claim, which is very respectable for a pop-sci book.

Bottom line: if you’re looking for evidence-based “one little thing” changes that can make a big difference, this book has lots!

Click here to check out Just One Thing, and improve your life!

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