The S.T.E.P.S. To A Healthier Heart

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Stepping Into Better Heart Health

This is Dr. Jennifer H. Mieres, FACC, FAHA, MASNC. she’s an award-winning (we counted 9 major awards) professor of cardiology, and a leading advocate for women’s heart health. This latter she’s done via >70 scientific publications, >100 research presentations at national and international conferences, 3 books so far, and 4 documentaries, including the Emmy-nominated “A Woman’s Heart”.

What does she want us to know?

A lot of her work is a top-down approach, working to revolutionize the field of cardiology in its application, to result in far fewer deaths annually. Which is fascinating, but unless you’re well-placed in that industry, not something too actionable as an individual (if you are well-placed in that industry, do look her up, of course).

For the rest of us…

Dr. Mieres’ S.T.E.P.S. to good heart health

She wants us to do the following things:

1) Stock your kitchen with heart health in mind

This is tied to the third item in the list of course, but it’s a critical step not to be overlooked. It’s all very well to know “eat more fiber; eat less red meat” and so forth, but if you go to your kitchen and what’s there is not conducive to heart health, you’re just going to do the best with what’s available.

Instead, actually buy foods that are high in fiber, and preferably, foods that you like. Not a fan of beans? Don’t buy them. Love pasta? Go wholegrain. Like leafy greens in principle, but they don’t go with what you cook? Look up some recipes, and then buy them.

Love a beef steak? Well we won’t lie to you, that is not good for your heart, but make it a rare option—so to speak—and enjoy it mindfully (see also: mindful eating) once in a blue moon for a special occasion, rather than “I don’t know what to cook tonight, so sizzle sizzle I guess”.

Meal planning goes a long way for this one! And if meal-planning sounds like an overwhelming project to take on, then consider trying one of the many healthy-eating meal kit services that will deliver ingredients (and their recipes) to your door—opting for a plants-forward plan, and the rest should fall into place.

2) Take control of your activity

Choose to move! Rather than focusing on what you can’t do (let’s say, those 5am runs, or your regularly-scheduled, irregularly attended, gym sessions), focus on what you can do, and do it.

See also: No-Exercise Exercise!

3) Eat for a healthier heart

This means following through on what you did on the first step, and keeping it that way. Buying fresh fruit and veg is great, but you also have to actually eat it. Do not let the perishables perish!

For you too, dear reader, are perishable (and would presumably like to avoid perishing).

This item in the list may seem flippant, but actually this is about habit-forming, and without it, the whole plan will grind to a halt a few days after your first heart-health-focused shopping trip.

See also: Where Nutrition Meets Habits!

4) Partner with your doctor, family, and friends

Good relationships, both professional and personal, count for a lot. Draw up a plan with your doctor; don’t just guess at when to get this or that checked—or what to do about it if the numbers aren’t to your liking.

Partnership with your doctor goes both ways, incidentally. Read up, have opinions, discuss them! Doing so will ultimately result in better care than just going in blind and coming out with a recommendation you don’t understand and just trust (but soon forget, because you didn’t understand).

And as for family and friends, this is partly about social factors—we tend to influence, and be influenced by, those around us. It can be tricky to be on a health kick if your partner wants take-out every night, so some manner of getting everyone on the same page is important, be it by compromise or, in an ideal world, gradually trending towards better health. But any such changes must come from a place of genuine understanding and volition, otherwise at best they won’t stick, and at worst they’ll actively create a pushback.

Same goes for exercise as for diet—exercising together is a good way to boost commitment, especially if it’s something fun (dance classes are a fine example that many couples enjoy, for example).

5) Sleep more, stress less, savor life

These things matter a lot! Many people focus on cutting down salt or saturated fat, and that can be good if otherwise consumed to excess, but for most people they’re not the most decisive factors:

Hypertension: Factors Far More Relevant Than Salt ← sleep features here!

Stress is also a huge one, and let’s put it this way: people more often have heart attacks during a moment of excessive emotional stress—not during a moment when they had a bit too much butter on their toast.

It’s not even just that acute stress is the trigger, it’s that chronic stress is a contributory factor that erodes the body’s ability to handle the acute stress.

Changing this may seem “easier said than done” because often the stressors are external (e.g. work pressure, financial worries, caring for a sick relative, relationship troubles, major life change, etc), but it is possible to find peace even in the chaos of life:

How To Manage Chronic Stress

Want to know more from Dr. Mieres?

You might like this book of hers, which goes into each of the above items in much more depth than we have room to here:

Heart Smarter for Women: Six Weeks to a Healthier Heart – by Dr. Jennifer Mieres


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  • What are heart rate zones, and how can you incorporate them into your exercise routine?
    Maximize workouts using heart rate zones! Learn to optimize training intensity with the three-zone model and balance aerobic and anaerobic exercises for peak performance.

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  • What Do The Different Kinds Of Fiber Do? 30 Foods That Rank Highest

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We’ve talked before about how important fiber is:

    Why You’re Probably Not Getting Enough Fiber (And How To Fix It)

    And even how it’s arguably the most important dietary factor when it comes to avoiding heart disease:

    What Matters Most For Your Heart? Eat More (Of This) For Lower Blood Pressure ← Spoiler: it’s fiber

    And yes, that’s even when considered alongside other (also laudable) dietary interventions such as lowering intake of sodium, various kinds of saturated fat, and red meat.

    So, what should we know about fiber, aside from “aim to get nearer 40g/day instead of the US average 16g/day”?

    Soluble vs Insoluble

    The first main way that dietary fibers can be categorized is soluble vs insoluble. Part of the difference is obvious, but bear with us, because there’s more to know about each:

    • Soluble fiber dissolves (what a surprise) in water and, which part is important, forms a gel. This slows down things going through your intestines, which is important for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients (as well as avoiding diarrhea). Yes, you heard right: getting enough of the right kind of fiber helps you avoid diarrhea.
    • Insoluble fiber does not dissolve (how shocking) in water and thus mostly passes through undigested by us (some will actually be digested by gut microbes who subsist on this, and in return for us feeding them daily, they make useful chemicals for us). This kind of fiber is also critical for healthy bowel movements, because without it, constipation can ensue.

    Both kinds of fiber improve just about every metric related to blood, including improving triglycerides and improving insulin sensitivity and blood glucose levels. Thus, they help guard against various kinds of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and metabolic disease in general. Do note that because whatever’s good for your heart/blood is good for your brain (which requires a healthy heart and bloodstream to nourish it and take away waste), likely this also has a knock-on effect against cognitive decline, but we don’t have hard science for that claim so we’re going to leave that last item as a “likely”.

    However, one thing’s for sure: if you want a healthy gut, heart, and brain, you need a good balance of soluble and insoluble fibers.

    10 of the best for soluble fiber

    FoodSoluble Fiber Type(s)Soluble Fiber (g per serving)Insoluble Fiber Type(s)Insoluble Fiber (g per serving)Total Fiber (g per serving)
    Kidney beans (1 cup cooked)Pectin, Resistant Starch1.5–2Hemicellulose, Cellulose68
    Lentils (1 cup cooked)Pectin, Resistant Starch1.5–2Cellulose67.5
    Barley (1 cup cooked)Beta-glucan3–4Hemicellulose26
    Brussels sprouts (1 cup cooked)Pectin1–1.5Cellulose, Hemicellulose23.5
    Oats (1 cup cooked)Beta-glucan2–3Cellulose13
    Apples (1 medium)Pectin1–2Cellulose, Hemicellulose23
    Carrots (1 cup raw)Pectin1–1.5Cellulose, Hemicellulose23
    Citrus fruits (orange, 1 medium)Pectin1–1.5Cellulose12.5
    Flaxseeds (2 tbsp)Mucilage, Lignin1–1.5Cellulose12.5
    Psyllium husk (1 tbsp)Mucilage3–4Trace amounts03–4

    10 of the best for insoluble fiber

    FoodSoluble Fiber Type(s)Soluble Fiber (g per serving)Insoluble Fiber Type(s)Insoluble Fiber (g per serving)Total Fiber (g per serving)
    Wheat bran (1 cup)Trace amounts0Cellulose, Lignin6–86–8
    Black beans (1 cup cooked)Pectin, Resistant Starch1.5Cellulose67.5
    Brown rice (1 cup cooked)Trace amounts0.5Hemicellulose, Lignin2–32.5–3.5
    Popcorn (3 cups popped)Trace amounts0.5Hemicellulose33.5
    Broccoli (1 cup cooked)Pectin1Cellulose, Hemicellulose45
    Green beans (1 cup cooked)Trace amounts0.5Cellulose, Hemicellulose33.5
    Sweet potatoes (1 cup cooked)Pectin1–1.5Cellulose34.5
    Whole wheat bread (1 slice)Trace amounts0.5Cellulose, Hemicellulose11.5
    Pears (1 medium)Pectin1Cellulose, Hemicellulose45
    Almonds (1 oz)Trace amounts0.5Cellulose, Hemicellulose22.5

    10 of the best for a balance of both

    FoodSoluble Fiber Type(s)Soluble Fiber (g per serving)Insoluble Fiber Type(s)Insoluble Fiber (g per serving)Total Fiber (g per serving)
    Raspberries (1 cup)Pectin1Cellulose56
    Edamame (1 cup cooked)Pectin1Cellulose56
    Chia seeds (2 tbsp)Mucilage, Pectin2–3Lignin, Cellulose35.5
    Artichokes (1 medium)Inulin1Cellulose, Hemicellulose56
    Avocado (1 medium)Pectin~2Cellulose46
    Black beans (1 cup cooked)Pectin, Resistant Starch1.5Cellulose67.5
    Quinoa (1 cup cooked)Pectin, Saponins1Cellulose, Hemicellulose34
    Spinach (1 cup cooked)Pectin0.5Cellulose, Lignin33.5
    Prunes (1/2 cup)Pectin, Sorbitol2Cellulose46
    Figs (3 medium)Pectin1Cellulose23

    You’ll notice that the above “balance” is not equal; that’s ok; we need greater quantities of insoluble than soluble anyway, so it is as well that nature provides such.

    This is the same kind of balance when we talk about “balanced hormones” (does not mean all hormones are in equal amounts; means they are in the right proportions) or “balanced microbiome” (does not mean that pathogens and friendly bacteria are in equal numbers), etc.

    Some notes on the above:

    About those fiber types, some of the most important soluble ones to aim for are:

    • Beta-glucan: found in oats and barley, it supports heart health.
    • Pectin: found in fruits like apples, citrus, and pears, it helps with cholesterol control.
    • Inulin: a type of prebiotic fiber found in artichokes.
    • Lignin: found in seeds and wheat bran, it has antioxidant properties.
    • Resistant starch: found in beans and lentils, it acts as a prebiotic for gut health.

    See also: When Is A Fiber Not A Fiber? The Food Additive You Do Want

    One fiber to rule them all

    Well, not entirely (we still need the others) but there is a best all-rounder:

    The Best Kind Of Fiber For Overall Health?


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  • What Matters Most For Your Heart?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Eat More (Of This) For Lower Blood Pressure

    Heart disease remains the world’s #1 killer. We’d say “and in the US, it’s no different”, but in fact, the US is #1 country for heart disease. So, it’s worse and perhaps some extra care is in order.

    But how?

    What matters the most

    Is it salt? Salt plays a part, but it’s not even close to the top problem:

    Hypertension: Factors Far More Relevant Than Salt

    Is it saturated fat? Saturated fat from certain sources plays more of a role than salt, but other sources may not be so much of an issue:

    Can Saturated Fats Be Heart-Healthy?

    Is it red meat? Red meat is not great for the heart (or for almost anything else, except perhaps anemia):

    The Whys and Hows of Cutting Meats Out Of Your Diet

    …but it’s still not the top dietary factor.

    The thing many don’t eat

    All the above are foodstuffs that a person wanting a healthier heart and cardiovascular system in general might (reasonably and usually correctly) want to cut down, but there’s one thing that most people need more of:

    Why You’re Probably Not Getting Enough Fiber (And How To Fix It)

    And this is especially true for heart health:

    ❝Dietary fiber has emerged as a crucial yet underappreciated part of hypertension management.

    Our comprehensive analysis emphasizes the evidence supporting the effectiveness of dietary fiber in lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular events.❞

    ~ Dr. Francine Marques

    Specifically, she and her team found:

    • Each additional 5g of fiber per day reduces blood pressure by 2.8/2.1 (systolic/diastolic, in mmHG)
    • Dietary fiber works in several ways to improve cardiovascular health, including via gut bacteria, improved lipids profiles, and anti-inflammatory effects
    • Most people are still only getting a small fraction (¼ to ⅓) of the recommended daily amount of fiber. To realize how bad that is, imagine if you consumed only ¼ of the recommended daily amount of calories every day!

    You can read more about it here:

    Dietary fiber critical in managing hypertension, international study finds

    That’s a pop-science article, but it’s still very informative. If you prefer to read the scientific paper itself (or perhaps as well), you can find it below

    Recommendations for the Use of Dietary Fiber to Improve Blood Pressure Control

    Want more from your fiber?

    Here’s yet another way fiber improves cardiometabolic health, hot off the academic press (the study was published just a couple of weeks ago):

    How might fiber lower diabetes risk? Your gut could hold the clues

    this pop-science article was based on this scientific paper

    Gut Microbiota and Blood Metabolites Related to Fiber Intake and Type 2 Diabetes

    Take care!

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  • Brussels Sprouts vs Broccoli – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing sprouts to broccoli, we picked the sprouts.


    First let’s note that we have an interesting comparison today, because these two plants are the exact same species (and indeed, also the exact same species as cabbage, cauliflower. and kale)—just a different cultivar. All of these plants and more are simply cultivars of Brassica oleracea.

    Them being the same species notwithstanding, there are nutritional differences:

    In terms of macros, sprouts have slightly more protein, carbohydrates, and fiber, whereas broccoli has slightly more water weight. An easy win for sprouts here.

    In the category of vitamins, sprouts have more of vitamins A, B1, B3, B6, C, E, and K, while broccoli has more of vitamins B2 and B5. Another easy win for sprouts.

    When it comes to minerals, sprouts again lead with more copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and potassium, while broccoli has more calcium and selenium.

    A note on oxalates: while oxalates are not a problem for most people, it is important to be mindful of them if one has kidney problems. You may know that spinach (a fellow green vegetable high in vitamins and minerals, as well as being a fellow oleracea, albeit of a different genus, so not the same species for once) is high in oxalates, but these two Brassica oleracea we compared today are amongst the lowest in oxalates (source 1 | source 2), making them an ideal way to get vitamins, minerals, and fiber on an oxalate-controlled diet.

    Since both are also high in polyphenols, especially kaempferol and quercetin, we’ll mention that sprouts have more lignans while broccoli has more flavonoids. In short: they’re both very good, just different.

    As ever, enjoy both! But if you’re going to pick one for total best nutritional density, it’s sprouts.

    Want to learn more?

    You might like to read:

    Sprout Your Seeds, Grains, Beans, Etc ← sprout your Brassica oleracea, too!

    Take care!

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  • Hanging Exercises For Complete Beginners & Older Adults

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Hanging (not the kind with a gallows) is great for the heath, improving not just strength and mobility, but also—critically—looking after spinal health too. Amanda Raynor explains in this video how this exercise is accessible to anyone (unless you have no arms, in which case, sorry, this one is just not for you—though hanging by your legs will also give similar spinal benefits!).

    Hanging out

    Hanging can be done at home or at a park, with minimal equipment (a bar, a sturdy tree branch, etc).

    Note: the greater the diameter of the bar, the more it will work your grip strength, and/but the harder it will be. So, it’s recommend to start with a narrow-diameter bar first.

    Getting started:

    • Start with a “dead hang”: grip the bar with hands shoulder-width apart, thumb wrapped around.
    • Aim to hang without pulling up; build endurance gradually (10–30 seconds is fine at first).
    • Work up to holding for 60 seconds in three sets as a fitness goal.


    • If unable to hang at all initially, use a chair or stool to support some body weight.
    • Gradually reduce foot support to increase duration of free hanging.
    • Start with 10 seconds, progressing by small increments (e.g: 15, 20, 25 seconds) until reaching 60 seconds.

    Advanced variations:

    • Move the body while hanging (e.g., circles, knee lifts).
    • Experiment with different grips (overhand, underhand) for varied muscle engagement.
    • Try scapular pulls or one-arm hangs for additional challenge and strength-building.

    For more on all of this plus visual demonstrations, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

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    Take care!

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  • How To Reduce Or Quit Alcohol

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Rethinking Drinking

    When we’re looking at certain health risks, there are often five key lifestyle factors that have a big impact; they are:

    • Have a good diet
    • Get good exercise
    • Get good sleep
    • Reduce (or eliminate) alcohol
    • Don’t smoke

    Today, we’re focussing the alcohol bit. Maybe you’d like to quit, maybe just cut down, maybe the topic just interests you… So, here’s a quick rundown of some things that will help make that a lot easier:

    With a big enough “why”, you can overcome any “how”

    Research and understand the harm done by drinking, including:

    And especially as we get older, memory problems:

    Alcohol-related dementia: an update of the evidence

    And as for fear of missing out, or perhaps even of no longer being relaxed/fun… Did you ever, while sober, have a very drunk person try to converse with you, and you thought “I wish that were me”?

    Probably not

    Know your triggers

    Why do you drink? If your knee-jerk response is “because I like it”, dig deeper. What events prompt you to have a drink?

    • Some will be pure habit born of convention—perhaps with a meal, for example
    • Others may be stress-management—after work, perhaps
    • Others may be pseudo-medicinal—a nightcap for better* sleep, for instance

    *this will not work. Alcohol may make us sleepy but it will then proceed to disrupt that very sleep and make it less restorative

    Become mindful

    Now that you know why you’d like to drink less (or quit entirely), and you know what triggers you to drink, you can circumvent that a little, by making deals with yourself, for example

    • “I can drink alcohol, if and only if I have consumed a large glass of water first” (cuts out being thirsty as a trigger to drink)
    • “I can drink alcohol, if and only if I meditate for at least 5 minutes first” (reduces likelihood of stress-drinking)
    • “I can drink alcohol, if and only if it is with the largest meal of the day” (minimizes total alcohol consumption)

    Note that these things also work around any FOMO, “Fear Of Missing Out”. It’s easier to say “no” when you know you can have it later if you still want it.

    Get a good replacement drink

    There are a lot of alcohol-free alcohol-like drinks around these days, and many of them are very good. Experiment and see. But!

    It doesn’t even have to be that. Sometimes what we need is not even an alcohol-like drink, but rather, drinkable culinary entertainment.

    If you like “punch-in-the-face” flavors (as this writer does), maybe strong black coffee is the answer. If you like “crisp and clear refreshment” (again, same), maybe your favorite herbal tea will do it for you. Or maybe for you it’ll be lemon-water. Or homemade ginger ale.

    Whatever it is… make it fun, and make it yours!

    Bonus item: find replacement coping strategies

    This one goes if you’ve been using alcohol to cope with something. Stress, depression, anxiety, whatever it may be for you.

    The thing is, it feels like it helps briefly in the moment, but it makes each of those things progressively worse in the long-run, so it’s not sustainable.

    Consider instead things like therapy, exercise, and/or a new hobby to get immersed in; whatever works for you!

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    Learn to Age Gracefully

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  • Longans vs Lychees – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing longans to lychees, we picked the lychees.


    These two fruits are more closely related than they look from the outside, both being members of the soapberry family. However, there are some differences:

    In terms of macros, longans have more protein while lychees have more carbs, and they are equal on fiber, giving longans the lower glycemic index. They’re both good, but longans nominally take the win on this one.

    When it comes to vitamins, longans have more of vitamins B1, B2, and C, while lychees have more of vitamins B3, B6, B9, E, K, and choline, making for a respectable win for lychees in this category.

    In the category of minerals, longans have more copper and potassium, while lychees have more calcium, iron, manganese phosphorus, and zinc. Thus, a win for lychees here too.

    It’s worth looking at polyphenols too—lychees have around 10x more, which is notable.

    Adding up the categories makes for an overall win for lychees, but by all means enjoy either or both! Diversity is good.

    Want to learn more?

    You might like to read:

    Replacing Sugar: Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Sweet Foods ← longans and lychees both make the list

    Take care!

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