Brown Rice Protein: Strengths & Weaknesses

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It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

So, no question/request too big or small

❝I had a friend mention that recent research showed Brown Rice Protein Powder can be bad for you, possibly impacting your nutrient absorption. Is this true? I’ve been using it given it’s one of the few plant-based proteins with a full essential amino acid profile!❞

Firstly: we couldn’t find anything to corroborate the “brown rice protein powder [adversely] impacts nutrient absorption” idea, but we suspect that the reason for this belief is: brown rice (not brown rice protein powder) contains phytic acid, which is something of an antinutrient, in that it indeed reduces absorption of various other nutrients.

However, two things are important to note here:

  1. the phytic acid is found in whole grains, not in protein isolates as found in brown rice protein powder. The protein isolates contain protein… Isolated. No phytates!
  2. even in the case of eating whole grain rice, the phytic acid content is greatly reduced by two things: soaking and heating (especially if those two things are combined) ← doing this the way described results in bioavailability of nutrients that’s even better than if there were just no phytic acid, albeit it requires you having the time to soak, and do so at temperature.

tl;dr = no, it’s not true, unless there truly is some groundbreaking new research we couldn’t find—it was almost certainly a case of an understandable confusion about phytic acid.

Your question does give us one other thing to mention though:

Brown rice indeed technically contains all 9 essential amino acids, but it’s very low in several of them, most notably lysine.

However, if you use our Tasty Versatile Rice Recipe, the chia seeds we added to the rice have 100x the lysine that brown rice does, and the black pepper also boosts nutrient absorption.

Because your brown rice protein powder is a rice protein powder and not simply rice, it’s possible that they’ve tweaked it to overcome rice’s amino acid deficiencies. But, if you’re looking for a plant-based protein powder that is definitely a complete protein, soy is a very good option assuming you’re not allergic to that:

Amino Acid Compositions Of Soy Protein Isolate

If you’re wondering where to get it, you can see examples of them next to each other on Amazon here:

Brown Rice Protein Powder | Soy Protein Isolate Powder


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  • Healthy Recipes When There Are A Lot Of Restrictions
  • Sunflower Seeds vs Sesame Seeds – Which is Healthier?
    Sunflower seeds edge out sesame with a better fat profile, more protein, lower glycemic index, and an impressive vitamin tally. Moderation makes both a win!

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  • South Indian-Style Chickpea & Mango Salad

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We have a double-dose of chickpeas today, but with all the other ingredients, this dish is anything but boring. Fun fact about chickpeas though: they’re rich in sitosterol, a plant sterol that, true to its name, sits on cholesterol absorption sites, reducing the amount of dietary cholesterol absorbed. If you are vegan, this will make no difference to you because your diet does not contain cholesterol, but for everyone else, this is a nice extra bonus!

    You will need

    • 1 can white chickpeas, drained and rinsed
    • 1 can black chickpeas (kala chana), drained and rinsed
    • 9 oz fresh mango, diced (or canned is fine if that’s what’s available)
    • 1½ oz ginger, peeled and grated
    • 2 green chilis, finely chopped (adjust per heat preferences)
    • 2 tbsp desiccated coconut (or 3 oz grated coconut, if you have it fresh)
    • 8 curry leaves (dried is fine if that’s what’s available)
    • 1 tsp mustard seeds
    • 1 tsp cumin seeds
    • 1 tsp black pepper, coarse ground
    • ½ tsp MSG or 1 tsp low-sodium salt
    • Juice of 1 lime
    • Extra virgin olive oil


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Heat some oil in a skillet over a medium heat. When it’s hot but not smoking, add the ginger, chilis, curry leaves, mustard seeds, and cumin seeds, stirring well to combine, keep going until the mustard seeds start popping.

    2) Add the chickpeas (both kinds), as well as the black pepper and the MSG/salt. Once they’re warm through, take it off the heat.

    3) Add the mango, coconut, and lime juice, mixing thoroughly.

    4) Serve warm, at room temperature, or cold:


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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  • The Art and Science of Connection – by Kasley Killam, MPH

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We can eat well, exercise well, and even sleep well, and we’ll still have a +53% increased all-cause mortality if we lack social connection—even if we technically have support and access to social resources, just not the real human connection itself. And as we get older, it gets increasingly easy to find ourselves isolated.

    The author is a social scientist by profession, and it shows. None of what she shares in the book is wishy-washy; it has abundant scientific references coming thick and fast, and a great deal of clarity with regard to terms, something often not found in books of this genre that lean more towards the art than the science.

    On which note, for the reader who may be thinking “I am indeed quite alone”, she also offers proven techniques for remedying that; not in the way that many books use the word “proven” to mean “we got some testimonials”, but rather, proven in the sense of “we did science to it and based on these 17 large population-based retrospective cohort studies, we can say with 99% confidence that this is an effective tool to mediate improved social bonds and social health outcomes”.

    To this end, it’s a very practical book also, and should bestow upon any isolated reader a sense of confidence that in fact, things can be better. A particular strength is that it also looks at many different scenarios, so for the “what if I…” people with clear reasons why social connection is not abundantly available, yes, she has such cases covered too.

    Bottom line: if you’d like to live more healthily for longer, social health is an underrated and oft-forgotten way of greatly increasing those things, by science.

    Click here to check out The Art And Science Of Social Connection, and get connected!

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  • The Lifestyle Factors That Matter >8 Times More Than Genes

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We’ve said before that “genes predispose; they don’t predetermine”. It can be good to know one’s genes, of course, and we’ve written about this here:

    Genetic Testing: Health Benefits & Methods

    …which can include some quite contemporary risks, such as:

    Genetic Risk Factors For Long COVID

    And yet…

    Nurture Over Nature

    A very large (n=492,567) study looked into the impact of 25 lifestyle/environmental factors, of which 23 are considered modifiable, and found that lifestyle/environmental factors accounted for 17% of the variation in mortality risk, while genetic predisposition accounted for less than 2%.

    Which is good news, because it means we can improve our lot.

    But how?

    The strongest negative factors (that increased mortality the most) were:

    • Smoking
    • Not owning your home (interestingly, “live in accommodation rent-free vs own” performed just as badly as various kinds of “renting home vs own”, while “own house with mortgage, vs own outright” had only a marginal negative effect)
    • Sleeping more than 9 hours per day (performed even worse than sleeping under 7 hours per day, which also increased mortality risk, but not by as much as oversleeping)
    • Financial difficulties in the past two years
    • Homosexuality
    • Unemployment
    • Being an evening person
    • Lonely lifestyle
    • Frequent napping

    We may hypothesize that homosexuality probably makes the list because of how it makes one more likely to have other items on the list, especially unemployment, and the various poverty-related indicators that come from unemployment.

    Being an evening person, whatever its pathology, is a well-established risk factor that we’ve talked about before:

    Early Bird Or Night Owl? Genes vs Environment ← this is also, by the way, an excellent example of how “genes predispose; they don’t predetermine”, because there is a genetic factor involved, and/but we absolutely can switch it up, if we go about it correctly, and become a morning person without trying to force it.

    The strongest positive factors (that decreased mortality the most) were:

    • The inverse of all of the various above things, e.g. never having smoked, owning your own home, etc
    • Household income, specifically
    • Living with a partner
    • Having oil central heating
    • Gym use
    • Sun protection use
    • Physical activity, especially if in leisure time rather than as part of one’s work
    • Glucosamine supplements
    • Family visit frequency
    • Cereal fiber intake (i.e. whole grains)

    We may hypothesize that having oil central heating is simply a more expensive option to install than many, and therefore likely one enjoyed by homeowners more often than renters.

    We may hypothesize that glucosamine supplementation is an indication of the type of person who takes care of a specific condition (inflammation of the joints) without an existential threat; notably, multivitamin supplements don’t get the same benefit, probably because of their ubiquity.

    We may hypothesize that “family visit frequency” is highly correlated to having a support network, being social (and thus not lonely), and likely is associated with household income too.

    You can see the full list of factors and their impacts, here:

    Environmental architecture of mortality in the UKB ← that’s the UK Biobank

    You can read the paper in full, here:

    Integrating the environmental and genetic architectures of aging and mortality

    Practical takeaways

    The priorities seem to be as follows:

    Don’t smoke. Ideally you will never have smoked, but short of a time machine, you can’t change that now, so: what you can do is quit now if you haven’t already.

    See also: Which Addiction-Quitting Methods Work Best?

    Note that other factors often lumped in with such, for example daily alcohol consumption, red meat intake, processed meat intake, and salt intake, all significantly increased mortality risk, but none of them in the same league of badness as smoking.

    See also: Is Sugar The New Smoking? ← simply put: no, it is not. Don’t get us wrong; added sugar is woeful for the health, but smoking is pretty much the worst thing you can do for your health, short of intentionally (and successfully) committing suicide.

    Be financially secure, ideally owning your own home. For many (indeed, for most people in the world) this may be an “easier said than done” thing, but if you can make decisions that will improve your financial security, the mortality numbers are very clear on this matter.

    Be social, as loneliness indeed kills, in numerous ways. Loneliness means a lack of a support network, and it means a lack of social contact (thus increased risk of cognitive decline), and likely decreased ikigai, unless your life’s purpose is something inherently linked to solitude (e.g. the “meditating on top of a mountain” archetype).

    See also: What Loneliness Does To Your Brain And Body

    And to fix it: How To Beat Loneliness & Isolation

    Be active: especially in your leisure time; being active because you have to does convey benefits, but on the same level as physical activity because you want to.

    See also: No-Exercise Exercises (That Won’t Feel Like “Having To Do” Exercise)

    Use sunscreen: we’re surprised this one made the list; it’s important to avoid skin cancer of course, but we didn’t think it’d be quite such a driver of mortality risk mitigation as the numbers show it is, and we can’t think of a clear alternative explanation, as we could with some of the other “why did this make the list?” items. At worst, it could be a similar case to that of glucosamine use, and thus is a marker of a conscientious person making a regular sustained effort for their health. Either way, it seems like a good idea based on the numbers.

    See also: Do We Need Sunscreen In Winter, Really?

    Enjoy whole grains: fiber is super-important, and that mustn’t be underestimated!

    See also: What Matters Most For Your Heart? ← hint: it isn’t about salt intake or fat

    And, for that matter: The Best Kind Of Fiber For Overall Health?

    Take care!

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    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Flossing Without Flossing?

    You almost certainly brush your teeth. You might use mouthwash. A lot of people floss for three weeks at a time, often in January.

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    How important is flossing?

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    And! Most certainly it can help avoid a stack of other diseases:

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    …so in short, if you’d like to have happy healthy teeth and gums, flossing is an important adjunct, and/but not a one-stop panacea.

    Is it better to floss before or after brushing?

    As you prefer. A team of scientists led by Dr. Claudia Silva studied this, and found that there was “no statistical difference between brush-floss and floss-brush”:

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    Flossing is tedious. How do we floss without flossing?

    This is (mostly) about water-flossing! Which does for old-style floss what sonic toothbrushes to for old-style manual toothbrushes.

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    Do they work? Yes:

    Effects of interdental cleaning devices in preventing dental caries and periodontal diseases: a scoping review

    As for how it stacks up against traditional flossing, Liang et al. found:

    ❝In our previous single-outcome analysis, we concluded that interdental brushes and water jet devices rank highest for reducing gingival inflammation while toothpick and flossing rank last.

    In this multioutcome Bayesian network meta-analysis with equal weight on gingival inflammation and bleeding-on-probing, the surface under the cumulative ranking curve was 0.87 for water jet devices and 0.85 for interdental brushes.

    Water jet devices and interdental brushes remained the two best devices across different sets of weightings for the gingival inflammation and bleeding-on-probing.

    ~ Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice

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    Want to try water-flossing?

    Here are some examples on Amazon:

    Bonus: if you haven’t tried interdental brushes, here’s an example for that


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    Learn to Age Gracefully

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  • Hoisin Sauce vs Teriyaki Sauce – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing hoisin sauce to teriyaki sauce, we picked the teriyaki sauce.


    Neither are great! But spoonful for spoonful, the hoisin sauce has about 5x as much sugar.

    Of course, exact amounts will vary by brand, but the hoisin will invariably be much more sugary than the teriyaki.

    On the flipside, the teriyaki sauce may sometimes have slightly more salt, but they are usually in approximately the same ballpark of saltiness, so this is not a big deciding factor.

    As a general rule of thumb, the first few ingredients will look like this for each, respectively:


    • Sugar
    • Water
    • Soybeans


    • Soy sauce (water, soybeans, salt)
    • Rice wine
    • Sugar

    In essence: hoisin is a soy-flavored syrup, while teriyaki is a sweetened soy sauce

    Wondering about that rice wine? The alcohol content is negligible, sufficiently so that teriyaki sauce is not considered alcoholic. For health purposes, it is well under the 0.05% required to be considered alcohol-free.

    For religious purposes, we are not your rabbi or imam, but to our best understanding, teriyaki sauce is generally considered kosher* (the rice wine being made from rice) and halal (the rice wine being de-alcoholized by the processing, making the sauce non-intoxicating).

    *Except during passover

    Want to try some?

    You can compare these examples side-by-side yourself:

    Hoisin sauce | Teriyaki sauce


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    Learn to Age Gracefully

    Join the 98k+ American women taking control of their health & aging with our 100% free (and fun!) daily emails:

  • The Checklist Manifesto – by Dr. Atul Gawande

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Dr. Gawande, himself a general surgeon, uses checklists a lot. He is, unequivocally, an expert in his field. He “shouldn’t” need a checklist to tell him to do such things as “Check you have the correct patient”. But checklists are there as a safety net. And, famously, “safety regulations are written in blood”, after all.

    And, who amongst us has never made such a “silly” error? From forgetting to turn the oven on, to forgetting to take the handbrake off, it takes only a momentary distraction to think we’ve done something we haven’t.

    You may be wondering: why a whole book on this? Is it just many examples of the usefulness of checklists? Because I’m already sold on that, so, what else am I going to get out of it?

    Dr. Gawande also explains in clear terms:

    • How to optimize “all necessary steps” with “as few steps as possible”
    • The important difference between read-do checklists and do-confirm checklists
    • To what extent we should try to account for the unexpected
    • How to improve compliance (i.e., making sure you actually use it, no matter how tempting it will be to go “yeah this is automatic for me now” and gloss over it)
    • The role of checklists in teams, and in passing on knowledge

    …and more.

    Bottom line: if you’ve ever tried to make tea without putting the tea-leaves in the pot, this is the book that will help you avoid making more costly mistakes—whatever your area of activity or interest.

    Click here to check out the Checklist Manifesto, and make fewer mistakes!

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    Learn to Age Gracefully

    Join the 98k+ American women taking control of their health & aging with our 100% free (and fun!) daily emails: