Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? – by Dr. Julie Smith

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Superficially, this can be called a “self-help” book, but that undersells it rather. It’s a professionally-written (as in, by a professional psychologist) handbook full of resources. Its goal? Optimizing your mental health to help you stay resilient no matter what life throws your way.

While the marketing of this book is heavily centered around Dr. Smith’s Internet Celebrity™ status, a lot of her motivation for writing it seems to be precisely so that she can delve deeper into the ideas that her social media “bites” don’t allow room for.

Many authors of this genre pad their chapters with examples; there are no lengthy story-telling asides here, and her style doesn’t need them. She knows her field well, and knows well how to communicate the ideas that may benefit the reader.

The main “meat” of the book? Tips, tricks, guides, resources, systems, flowcharts, mental frameworks, and “if all else fails, do this” guidance. The style of the book is clear and simple, with very readable content that she keeps free from jargon without “dumbing down” or patronizing the reader.

All in all, a fine set of tools for anyone’s “getting through life” toolbox.

Get Your Personal Copy Of “Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?” on Amazon Now!

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  • Burn – by Dr. Herman Pontzer
  • 6 Signs Of A Heart Attack… A Month In Advance
    Know the early warning signs of a heart attack: unusual fatigue, breathlessness, chest discomfort, and more—and take action to protect your heart.

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  • Sunflower Corn Burger

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Burgers are rarely a health food, but in this case, everything in the patty is healthy, and it’s packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

    You will need

    • 1 can chickpeas
    • ¾ cup frozen corn
    • ½ cup chopped fresh parsley
    • ⅓ cup sunflower seeds
    • ⅓ cup cornichon pickles
    • ⅓ cup wholegrain bread crumbs (gluten-free, if desired/required)
    • ¼ bulb garlic (or more if you want a stronger flavor)
    • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus more for frying
    • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast (or 1 tsp yeast extract)
    • 2 tsp ground cumin
    • 2 tsp red pepper flakes
    • 2 tsp black pepper, coarse ground
    • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
    • To serve: 4 burger buns; these are not usually healthy, so making your own is best, but if you don’t have the means/time, then getting similarly shaped wholegrain bread buns works just fine.
    • Optional: your preferred burger toppings, e.g. greenery, red onion, tomato slices, avocado, jalapeños, whatever does it for you

    Note: there is no need to add salt; there is enough already in the pickles.


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Combine all the ingredients except the buns (and any optional toppings) in a food processor, pulsing a few times for a coarse texture (not a purée).

    2) Shape the mixture into 4 burger patties, and let them chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

    3) Heat a skillet over a medium-high heat with some olive oil, and fry the burgers on both sides until they develop a nice golden crust; this will probably take about 4 minutes per side.

    4) Assemble in the buns with any toppings you want, and serve:


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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  • Reduce Your Skin Tag Risk

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small

    ❝As I get older, I seem to be increasingly prone to skin tags, which appear, seemingly out of nowhere, on my face, chest and back. My dermatologist happily burns them off – but is there anything I can do to prevent them?!❞

    Not a lot! But, potentially something.

    The main risk factor for skin tags is genetic, and you can’t change that in any easy way.

    The other main risk factors are connected to each other:

    Skin folds, and chafing

    Skin tags mostly appear where chafing happens. This can be, for example:

    • Inside joint articulations (especially groin and armpits)
    • Between fat rolls (if you have them)

    So, if you have fat rolls, then losing weight will also reduce the risk of skin tags.

    Additionally, obesity and some often-related problems such as diabetes, hypertension, and an atherogenic lipid profile also increase the risk of skin tags (amongst other more serious things):

    See: Association of Skin Tag with Metabolic Syndrome and its Components

    As for the chafing, this can be reduced in various ways, including:

    • losing weight if (and only if) you are carrying excess weight
    • dressing against chafing (consider your underwear choices, for example)
    • keeping hair in the armpits and groin (it’s part of what it’s there for)

    See also: Simply The Pits: These Underarm Myths!

    Take care!

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  • Take This Two-Minute Executive Dysfunction Test

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Roll For Initiative

    Some of us struggle with executive dysfunction a lot; others, a little.

    What Is Executive Dysfunction?

    Executive function is a broad group of mental skills that enable people to complete tasks and interact with others.

    • Executive dysfunction can impair a person’s ability to organize and manage behavior

    • Executive dysfunction is not a specific stand-alone diagnosis or condition.

    • Instead, conditions such as depression and ADHD (amongst others) can affect a person’s executive function.

    Medical News Today

    Take This Two-Minute Executive Dysfunction Test

    How did you score? (8/16 here!)

    Did you do it? (it honestly is really two minutes and is quite informative)

    If not, here’s your cue to go back up and do it

    For almost all of us, we sometimes find ourselves torn between several competing tasks, and end up doing… none of them.

    For such times, compile yourself a “productivity buffet”, print it, and pin it above your desk or similar space.

    What’s a productivity buffet?

    It’s a numbered list of 6, 8, 10, 12 or 20 common tasks that pretty much always need doing (to at least some extent!). Doesn’t matter how important they are, just that they are frequently recurring tasks. For example:

    1. Tidy desk (including that drawer!)
    2. Reply to emails/messages
    3. Drink water
    4. Collect stray one-off to-dos into a list
    5. Stretch (or at least correct your posture!)
    6. Extend that Duolingo streak
    7. Read one chapter of a book
    8. Etc

    Why 6, 8, 10, 12, or 20?

    Because those are common denominations of polyhedral dice that are very cheap to buy!

    Keep the relevant die to hand (perhaps in your pocket or on your desk), and when you know you should be doing something but can’t decide what exactly, roll the die and do the item corresponding to the number you roll.

    And if you find yourself thinking “damn, I got 12, I wanted 7!” then go ahead and do item 7—the dice aren’t the boss of you, they’re just there to break the ice between you and your to-do list!

    The Housekeeper In Your Pocket?

    If you found the tidying tips (up top) helpful, but don’t like cleaning schedules because you just can’t stick to them, this one’s for you.

    It’s easy to slip into just doing the same few easy tasks while neglecting others for far too long.

    The answer? Outsource!

    Not “get a cleaner” (though if you want to and can, great, go for it, this one won’t be for you after all), but rather, try this nifty little app that helps you keep on top of daily cleaning—which we all know is better than binge-cleaning every few months.

    Sweepy keeps track of:

    • What jobs there are that might need doing in each room (or type of room) in the house
    • How often those jobs generally need doing
    • How much of your energy (a finite resource, which it also takes into account!) those jobs will take
    • How much energy you are prepared to spend per day (you can “lighter/heavier” days, or even “off-days”, too)

    …and then it populates a small daily task list according to what needs cleaning and how much energy it’ll take.

    For example, today Sweepy gives me (your trusty writer, hi! ) the tasks:

    • Bathroom: clean sink (every 3 days, 1pt of energy)
    • Dining room: clean and tidy table (every day, 1pt of energy)
    • Bedroom: vacuum floor (every 7 days, 2pts of energy)
    • Kitchen: clean coffee machine (every 30 days, 2pts of energy)

    And that’s my 6pts of energy I’ve told Sweepy I’m happy to spend per day cleaning. There are “3 pts” tasks too—cleaning the oven, for example—but none came up today.

    Importantly: it does not bother me about any other tasks today (even if something’s overdue), and I don’t have to worry my pretty head about it.

    I don’t have to feel guilty for not doing other cleaning tasks; if they need doing, Sweepy will tell me tomorrow, and it will make sure I don’t get behind or leave anything neglected for too long.

    Check it out (available for both iOS and Android)

    PS: to premium or not to premium? We think the premium is worth it (unlocks some extra customization features) but the free version is sufficient to get your house in order, so don’t be afraid to give it a try first.

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  • Burn – by Dr. Herman Pontzer
  • The Wim Hof Method – by Wim Hof

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    In Wednesday’s main feature, we wrote about the Wim Hof Method, and/but only scratched the surface. Such is the downside of being a super-condensed newsletter! However, it does give us the opportunity to feature the book:

    The Wim Hof Method is definitely loudly trumpeted as “up there” with Atomic Habits or How Not To Die in the category of “life-changing” books. Why?

    Firstly, it’s a very motivational book. Hof is a big proponent of the notion “if you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right” idea, practises what he preaches, and makes clear he’s not special.

    Secondly, it’s backed up with science. While it’s not a science-heavy book and that’s not the main focus, there are references to studies. Where physiological explanations are given for how certain things work, those explanations are sound. There’s no pseudoscience here, which is especially important for a book of this genre!

    What does the book have that our article didn’t? A good few things:

    • More about Hof’s own background and where it’s taken him. This is generally not a reason people buy books (unless they are biographies), but it’s interesting nonetheless.
    • A lot more advice, data, and information about Cold Therapy and how it can (and, he argues convincingly, should) be built into your life.
    • A lot about breathing exercises that we just didn’t cover at all in our article, but is actually an important part of the Wim Hof Method.
    • More about stepping through the psychological barriers that can hold us back.

    Bottom line: this book offers benefits that stretch into many areas of life, from some simple habits that can be built.

    Pick up your copy of The Wim Hof Method from Amazon today!

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    Learn to Age Gracefully

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  • Younger – by Dr. Sara Gottfried

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Does this do the things it says in the subtitle? In honestly, not really, no, but what it does do (if implemented) is modify your gene expression, slow aging, and extend healthspan. Which is all good stuff, even if it’s not the snappy SEO-oriented keywords in the subtitle.

    A lot of the book pertains to turning certain genes (e.g. SIRT1, mTOR, VDR, APOE4, etc) on or off per what is sensible in each case, noting that while genes are relatively fixed (technically they can be changed, but the science is young and we can’t do much yet), gene expression is something we can control quite a bit. And while it may be unsettling to have the loaded gun that is the APOE4 gene being held against your head, at the end of the day there are things we can do that influence whether the trigger gets pulled, and when. Same goes for other undesirable genes, and also for the desirable ones that are useless if they never actually get expressed.

    She offers (contained within the book, not as an upsell) a 7-week program that aims to set the reader up with good healthy habits to do just that and thus help keep age-related maladies at bay, and if we slip up, perhaps later in the year or so, we can always recommence the program.

    The advice is also just good health advice, even without taking gene expression into account, because there are a stack of benefits to each of the things in her protocol.

    The style is personable without being padded with fluff, accessible without dumbing down, and information-dense without being a challenging read. The formatting helps a lot also; a clear instructional layout is a lot better than a wall of text.

    Bottom line: if you’d like to tweak your genes for healthy longevity, this book can help you do just that!

    Click here to check out Younger, and enjoy the difference!

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    Learn to Age Gracefully

    Join the 98k+ American women taking control of their health & aging with our 100% free (and fun!) daily emails:

  • White Potato vs Sweet Potato – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing white potatoes to sweet potatoes, we picked the sweet potatoes.


    In terms of macros, sweet potatoes are a little lighter on carbs and calories, though in the case of sugar and fiber, sweet potato has a few grams more of each, per potato. However, when an average sweet potato’s 7g of sugar are held against its 4g of fiber, this (much like with fruit!) not a sugar you need to avoid.

    See also: Which Sugars Are Healthier, And Which Are Just The Same?

    The glycemic index of a sweet potato is also lower than that of a white potato, so the sugars it does have are slower-release.

    Sweet potatoes famously are good sources of vitamin A and beta-carotene, which important nutrients white potatoes cannot boast.

    Both plants are equally good sources of potassium and vitamin C.


    Both are good sources of many nutrients, and any nutritional health-hazards associated with them come with the preparation (for example, frying introduces unhealthy fats, and mashing makes the glycemic index skyrocket, and cooking with salt increases the salt content).

    Baking either is great (consider stuffing them with delicious well-seasoned beans and/or tomatoes; if you make it yourself, pesto can be a great option too, as can cheese if you’re so-inclined and judicious with choice and quantity) and preserves almost all of their nutrients. Remember that nearly 100% of the fiber is in the skin, so you do want to eat that.

    The deciding factor is: sweet potatoes are good sources of a couple more valuable nutrients that white potatoes aren’t, and come out as the overall healthiest for that reason.


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