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7 Ways To Boost Mitochondrial Health To Fight Disease

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Fatigue and a general lack of energy can be symptoms of many things, and for most of them, looking after our mitochondrial health can at least help, if not outright fix the issue.

The Seven Ways

Dr. Jonas Kuene suggests that we…

  • Enjoy a good diet: especially, limiting simple sugars, reducing overall carbohydrate intake, and swapping seed oils for healthier oils like avocado oil and olive oil.
  • Take supplements: including coenzyme Q10, alpha-lipoic acid, and vitamins
  • Decrease exposure to toxins: limit alcohol consumption (10almonds tip: limit it to zero if you can), avoid foods that are likely high in heavy metals or pesticides, and check you’re not being overmedicated (there can be a bit of a “meds creep” over time if left unchecked, so it’s good to periodically do a meds review in case something is no longer needed)
  • Practice intermittent fasting: Dr. Kuene suggests a modest 16–18 hours fast per week; doing so daily is generally considered good advice, for those for whom this is a reasonable option
  • Build muscle: exercise in general is good for mitochondria, but body composition itself counts for a lot too
  • Sleep: aiming for 7–9 hours, and if that’s not possible at night, add a nap during the day to make up the lost time
  • Get near-infrared radiation: from the sun, and/or made-for-purpose IR health devices.

For more info on these (including the referenced science), enjoy:

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