Walk Yourself Happy – by Dr. Julia Bradbury

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Notwithstanding her (honorary) doctorate, Dr. Bradbury is not, in fact, a scientist. But…

  • She has a lot of experience walking all around the world, and her walking habit has seen her through all manner of things, from stress and anxiety to cancer and grief and more.
  • She does, throughout this book, consult many scientists and other experts (indeed, some we’ve featured here before at 10almonds), so we still get quite a dose of science too.

The writing style of this book is… Compelling. Honestly, the biggest initial barrier to you getting out of the door will be putting this book down first.If you have good self-discipline, you might make it last longer by treating yourself to a chapter per day

Bottom line: you probably don’t need this book to know how to go for a walk, but it will motivate, inspire, and even inform you of how to get the most out of it. Treat yourself!

Click here to check out Walk Yourself Happy, and prepare for a new healthy habit!

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  • Young Forever – by Dr. Mark Hyman
  • What’s the difference between miscarriage and stillbirth?
    “Demystifying Miscarriage vs. Stillbirth: Similarities, Differences, and Why It Matters for Health.”

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  • How To Not Have A Stress-Free 2024!

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    What’s The Worst That Could Happen?

    When we talk about the five lifestyle factors that make the biggest difference to health, stress management would be a worthy addition as number six. We haven’t focused explicitly on that for a while, so let’s get ready to start the New Year on a good footing…

    You’re not going to have a stress-free 2024

    What a tender world that would be! Hopefully your stressors will be small and manageable, but rest assured, things will stress you.

    And that’s key: “rest assured”. Know it now, prepare for it, and build resilience.

    Sounds grim, doesn’t it? It doesn’t have to be, though.

    When the forecast weather is cold and wet, you’re not afraid of it when you have a warm dry house. When the heating bill comes for that warm dry house, you’re not afraid of it when you have money to pay it. If you didn’t have the money and the warm dry house, the cold wet weather could be devastating to you.

    The lesson here is: we can generally handle what we’re prepared for.

    Negative visualization and the PNS

    This is the opposite of what a lot of “think and grow rich”-style gurus would advise. And indeed, it’s not helpful to slide into anxious worrying.

    If you do find yourself spiralling, here’s a tool for getting out of that spiral:

    RAIN: an intervention for dealing with difficult emotions

    For now, however, we’re going to practice Radical Acceptance.

    First, some biology: you may be aware that your Central Nervous System (CNS) branches into the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS).

    The PNS is the part that cues our body to relax, and suppresses our fight/flight response. We’re going to activate it.

    Activating the PNS is easy for most people in comfortable circumstances (e.g., you are not currently exposed to stressful stimuli). It may well be activated already, and if it’s not, a few deep breaths is usually all it takes.

    If you’d like a quick and easy Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) technique, here you go:

    No-Frills, Evidence-Based Mindfulness

    Activating the PNS is hard for most people in difficult circumstances (e.g., you either are currently exposed to stressful stimuli, or you are in one of the emotional spirals we discussed earlier).

    However, we can trick our bodies and brains by—when we are safe and unstressed—practicing imagining those stressful stimuli. Taking a moment to not just imagine it experientially, but immersively. This, in CBT and DBT, is the modern equivalent to the old samurai who simply accepted, before battle, that they were already dead—and thus went into battle with zero fear of death.

    A less drastic example is the zen master who had a favorite teacup, and feared it would get broken. So he would tell himself “the cup is already broken”. One day, it actually broke, and he simply smiled ruefully and said “Of course”.

    How this ties together: practice the mindfulness-based stress reduction we linked above, while imagining the things that do/would stress you the most.

    Since it’s just imagination, this is a little easier than when the thing is actually happening. Practicing this way means that when and if the thing actually happens (an unfortunate diagnosis, a financial reversal, whatever it may be), our CNS is already well-trained to respond to stress with a dose of PNS-induced calm.

    You can also leverage hormesis, a beneficial aspect of (in this case, optional and chosen by you) acute stress:

    Dr. Elissa Epel | The Stress Prescription

    Psychological resilience training

    This (learned!) ability to respond to stress in an adaptive fashion (without maladaptive coping strategies such as unhelpful behavioral reactivity and/or substance use) is a key part of what in psychology is called resilience:

    Psychological resilience: an update on definitions, a critical appraisal, and research recommendations

    And yes, the CBT/DBT/MBSR methods we’ve been giving you are the evidence-based gold standard.

    Only the best for 10almonds subscribers! 😎

    Road to resilience: a systematic review and meta-analysis of resilience training programmes and interventions

    ❝That was helpful, but not cheery; can we finish the year on a cheerier note?❞

    We can indeed:

    How To Get Your Brain On A More Positive Track (Without Toxic Positivity)

    Take care!

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  • When And Why Do We Pick Up Our Phones?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The School of Life’s Alain de Botton makes the argument that—if we pay attention, if we keep track—there’s an understory to why we pick up our phones:

    It’s not about information

    Yes, our phones (or rather, the apps therein) are designed to addict us, to draw us back, to keep us scrolling and never let us go. We indeed seek out information like our ancestors once sought out berries; searching, encouraged by a small discovery, looking for more. The neurochemistry is similar.

    But when we look at the “when” of picking up our phones, de Botton says, it tells a different story:

    We pick them up not to find out what’s going on with the world, but rather specifically to not find out what’s going with ourselves. We pick them up to white out some anxiety we don’t want to examine, a line of thought we don’t want to go down, memories we don’t want to consider, futures we do not want to have to worry about.

    And of course, phones do have a great educational potential, are an immensely powerful tool for accessing knowledge of many kinds—if only we can remain truly conscious while using them, and not take them as the new “opiate of the masses”.

    De Botton bids us, when next we pick up our phone. ask a brave question:

    “If I weren’t allowed to consult my phone right now, what might I need to think about?”

    As for where from there? There’s more in the video:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Further reading

    Making Social Media Work For Your Mental Health

    Take care!

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  • Hearty Healthy Ukrainian Borscht

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    In the West, borscht is often thought of as Russian, but it is Ukrainian in origin and popular throughout much of Eastern Europe, with many local variations. Today’s borscht is a vegetarian (and vegan, depending on your choice of cooking fat) borscht from Kyiv, and it’s especially good for the gut, heart, and blood sugars.

    You will need

    • 1 quart vegetable stock; ideally you made this yourself from vegetable offcuts you kept in the freezer, but failing that, your supermarket should have low-sodium stock cubes
    • 4 large beets, peeled and cut into matchsticks
    • 1 can white beans (cannellini beans are ideal), drained and rinsed
    • 1 cup sauerkraut
    • 1 large onion, finely chopped
    • 1 green bell pepper, roughly chopped
    • 1 large russet potato, peeled and cut into large chunks
    • 3 small carrots, tops removed and cut into large chunks
    • 1 tbsp tomato paste
    • ½ bulb garlic, finely chopped
    • 2 tsp black pepper, coarse ground
    • 1 bunch fresh dill, chopped. If you cannot get fresh, substitute with parsley (1 bunch fresh, chopped, or 1 tbsp dried). Do not use dried dill; it won’t work.
    • A little fat for cooking; this one’s a tricky and personal decision. Butter is traditional, but would make this recipe impossible to cook without going over the recommended limit for saturated fat. Avocado oil is healthy, relatively neutral in taste, and has a high smoke point, though that latter shouldn’t be necessary here if you are attentive with the stirring. Extra virgin olive oil is also a healthy choice, but not as neutral in flavor and does have a lower smoke point. Coconut oil has arguably too strong a taste and a low smoke point. Seed oils are very heart-unhealthy. All in all, avocado oil is a respectable choice from all angles except tradition.
    • On standby: a little vinegar (your preference what kind)

    Salt is conspicuous by its absence, but there should be enough already from the other ingredients, especially the sauerkraut.


    (we suggest you read everything at least once before doing anything)

    1) Heat some oil in a large sauté pan (cast iron is perfect if you have it), add the onion and pepper, and stir until the onion is becoming soft.

    2) Add the carrots and beets and stir until they are becoming soft. If you need to add a little more oil, that’s fine.

    3) Add the tomato paste, and stir in well.

    4) Add a little (about ½ cup) of the vegetable stock and stir in well until you get a consistent texture with the tomato paste.

    5) Add the sauerkraut and the rest of the broth, and cook for about 20 minutes.

    6) Add the potatoes and cook for another 10 minutes.

    7) Add the beans and cook for another 5 minutes.

    8) Add the garlic, black pepper, and herbs. Check that everything is cooked (poke a chunk of potato with a fork) and that the seasoning is to your liking. The taste should be moderately sour from the sauerkraut; if it is sweet, you can stir in a little vinegar now to correct that.

    9) Serve! Ukrainian borscht is most often served hot (unlike Lithuanian borscht, which is almost always served cold), but if the weather’s warm, it can certainly be enjoyed cold too:


    Want to learn more?

    For those interested in some of the science of what we have going on today:

    Take care!

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    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? You can always hit “reply” to any of our emails, or use the feedback widget at the bottom!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small

    ❝Great newsletter. Am taking turmeric for inflammation of hips and feet. Works like magic. Would like to know how it works, and what tumeric is best combined with – also whether there any risks in longterm use.❞

    Glad you’re enjoying! As for turmeric, it sure is great, isn’t it? To answer your questions in a brief fashion:

    • How it works: it does a lot of things, but perhaps its most key feature is its autoxidative metabolites that mediate its anti-inflammatory effect. This, it slows or inhibits oxidative stress that would otherwise cause inflammation, increase cancer risk, and advance aging.
    • Best combined with: black pepper
    • Any risks in long-term use: there are no known risks in long-term use ← that’s just one study, but there are lots. Some studies were prompted by reported hepatotoxicity of curcumin supplements, but a) the reports themselves seem to be without evidence b) the reported hepatoxicity was in relation to contaminants in the supplements, not the curcumin itself c) clinical trials were unable to find any hepatotoxicity (or other) risks anyway. Here’s an example of such a study.

    You might also like our previous main feature: Why Curcumin (Turmeric) Is Worth Its Weight In Gold

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  • Gravitas – by Caroline Goyder

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    A no-nonsense guide to (more than!) public speaking that isn’t just “tell jokes in your speech and imagine the audience naked”.

    Because this isn’t just about speech-writing or speech delivery, so much as giving you important life skills. The kind that weren’t taught in school, but that nevertheless make a huge impact on success… whether you’re giving a presentation or hosting a party or negotiating a deal or just attending a social event. Or making a phonecall, even.

    Whereas a lot of books of this kind treat “the audience” as a nebulous and purely responsive passive crowd of extras, Goyder does better. People are individuals, even if they’re all facing the same way for a moment. She works with that! She also teaches how to deal with not just hecklers, but also simply those people who sap your confidence and find fault with you and anything you do or say.b

    Bottom line is: if you for whatever reason communicate with people, and would like them to think better of you, this is the book for you.

    Order your copy of Gravitas from Amazon today!

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  • Awakening Your Ikigai – by Dr. Ken Mogi

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s been well-established in supercentenarian studies that one of the key factors beyond diet or exercise or suchlike (important as those things definitely are), is having a purpose to one’s life.

    Neuroscientist Dr. Ken Mogi explains in this very easy-to-read book, how we can bring ikigai into our lives.

    From noticing the details of the small things in life, to reorienting one’s life around what’s most truly most important to us, Dr. Mogi gives us not just a “this is ikigai” exposé, but rather, a practical and readily applicable how-to guide.

    Bottom line: if you’ve so far been putting off ikigai as “I’ll get to that”, the time to start is today.

    Click here to check out Awakening Your Ikigai, and actually awaken yours!

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