The Rise Of The Machines

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In this week’s health science news, several pieces of technology caught our eye. Let’s hope these things roll out widely!

When it comes to UTIs, antimicrobial resistance is taking the p—

This has implications far beyond UTIs—though UTIs can be a bit of a “canary in the coal mine” for antimicrobial resistance. The more people are using antibiotics (intentionally, or because they are in the food chain), the more killer bugs are proliferating instead of dying when we give them something to kill them. And yes: they do proliferate sometimes when given antibiotics, not because the antibiotics did anything directly good for them, but because they killed their (often friendly bacteria) competition. Thus making for a double-whammy of woe.

This development tackles that, by using AI modelling to crunch the numbers of a real-time data-driven personalized approach to give much more accurate treatment options, in a way that a human couldn’t (or at least, couldn’t at anything like the same speed, and most family physicians don’t have a mathematician locked in the back room to spend the night working on a patient’s data).

Read in full: AI can help tackle urinary tract infections and antimicrobial resistance

Related: AI: The Doctor That Never Tires?

When it comes to CPR and women, people are feint of heart

When CPR is needed, time is very much of the essence. And yet, bystanders are much less likely to give CPR to a woman than to a man. Not only that, but CPR-training is part of what leads to this reluctance when it comes to women: the mannequins used are very homogenous, being male (94%) and lean (99%). They’re also usually white (88%) even in countries where the populations are not, but that is less critical. After all, a racist person is less likely to give CPR to a person of color regardless of what color the training mannequin was.

However, the mannequins being male and lean is an issue, because it means people suddenly lack confidence when faced with breasts and/or abundant body fat. Both can prompt the bystander to wonder if some different technique is needed (it isn’t), and breasts can also prompt the bystander to fear doing something potentially “improper” (the proper course of action is: save a person’s life; do not get distracted by breasts).

Read in full: Women are less likely to receive CPR than men. Training on manikins with breasts could help ← there are also CPR instructions (and a video demonstration) there, for anyone who wants a refresher, if perhaps your last first-aid course was a while ago!

Related: Heart Attack: His & Hers (Be Prepared!)

When technology is a breath of fresh air

A woman with COPD and COVID has had her very damaged lungs replaced using a da Vinci X robot to perform a minimally-invasive surgery (which is quite a statement, when it comes to replacing someone’s lungs).

Not without human oversight though—surgeon Dr. Stephanie Chang was directing the transplant. Surgery is rarely fun for the person being operated on, but advances like this make things go a lot more smoothly, so this kind of progress is good to see.

Read in full: Woman receives world’s first robotic double-lung transplant

Related: Why Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Is More Likely Than You Think

Take care!

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  • Health & Happiness From Outside & In
  • Resistance Is Useful! (Especially As We Get Older)
    Resistance training is essential for overall health. It can be weight-lifting, bodyweight exercises, or using resistance bands. Strength matters for bone health, balance, and stability. Start with an accessible exercise plan.

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  • The Ultimate Booster

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Winning The Biological Arms Race

    The human immune system (and indeed, other immune systems, but we are all humans here, after all) is in a constant state of war with pathogens, and that war is a constant biological arms race:

    • We improve our defenses and destroy the attackers; the 1% of pathogens that survived now “know” how to counter that trick.
    • The pathogens wreak havoc in our systems; the n% of us that survive now have immune systems that “know” how to counter that trick.

    Vaccines are a mighty tool in our favor here, because they’re the technology that stops our n% from also being a very low number.

    With vaccines, we can effectively pass on established defenses onto the population at large, as this cute video explains very well and very simply in 57 seconds:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    The problem with vaccines

    The problem is that this accelerates the arms race. It’s like a chess game where we are able to respond to every move quickly (which is good for us), and/but this means passing the move over to our opponent sooner.

    That problem’s hard to avoid, because the alternative has always been “let people die in much larger numbers”.

    Traditional vs mRNA vaccines

    A quick refresher before we continue to the big news of the day:

    • Traditional vaccines use a disabled version of a pathogen to trigger an immune response that will teach the body to recognize the pathogen ready for when the full version shows up
    • mRNA vaccines use a custom-made bit of genetic information to tell the body to make its own harmless fake pathogen and then respond to the harmless fake pathogen it made.

    Note: this happens independently of the host’s DNA, so no, it does not change your DNA

    See also: The Truth About Vaccines

    Here’s a more detailed explainer (with a helpful diagram) using the COVID mRNA vaccine as an example: | How does an mRNA vaccine work?

    However, this still leaves us “chasing strains”, because as the pathogen (in this case, a virus) adapts, the vaccine has to be updated too, hence all the boosters.

    This is a lot like a security update for your computer’s antivirus software. They’re annoying, but they do an important job.

    No more “chasing strains”

    The press conference soundbite on this sums it up well:

    ❝Scientists at UC Riverside have demonstrated a new, RNA-based vaccine strategy that is effective against any strain of a virus and can be used safely even by babies or the immunocompromised.❞

    ~ Jules Bernstein

    Read in full: Vaccine breakthrough means no more chasing strains

    You may be wondering: what makes this one effective against any strain?

    ❝What I want to emphasize about this vaccine strategy is that it is broad.

    It is broadly applicable to any number of viruses, broadly effective against any variant of a virus, and safe for a broad spectrum of people. This could be the universal vaccine that we have been looking for.

    Viruses may mutate in regions not targeted by traditional vaccines. However, we are targeting their whole genome with thousands of small RNAs. They cannot escape this.❞

    ~ Dr. Rong Hai

    Importantly, this means it can be applied not just to one disease, let alone just one strain of COVID. Rather, it can be used for a wide variety of viruses that have similar viral functions—COVID / SARS in general, including influenza, and even viruses such as dengue.

    How it does this: the above article explains in more detail, but in few words: it targets tiny strings of the genome that are present in all strains of the virus.

    Illustrative example: if you wanted to block 10almonds (please don’t), you could block our email address.

    But if we were malicious (we’re not) we could be sneaky and change it, so you’d have to block the new one, and the cycle repeats.

    But if you were block all emails containing the tiny string of characters “10almonds”, changing our email address would no longer penetrate your defenses.

    Now imagine also blocking strings such as “One-Minute Book Review” and “Today’s almonds have been activated by” and other strings we use in every email.

    Now multiply this by thousands of strings (because genomes are much larger than our little newsletter), and you see its effectiveness!

    Great! How can I get this?

    It’s still in the testing stages for now; this is “breaking news” science, after all.

    The study itself

    …is paywalled for now, sadly, but if you happen to have institutional access, here it is:

    Live-attenuated virus vaccine defective in RNAi suppression induces rapid protection in neonatal and adult mice lacking mature B and T cells

    Take care!

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  • The Art Of Letting Go – by Nick Trenton

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    You may be wondering: is this a basic CBT book? And, for the most part, no, it’s not.

    It does touch on some of the time-tested CBT techniques, but a large part of the book is about reframing things in a different way, that’s a little more DBT-ish, and even straying into BA. But enough of the initialisms, let’s give an example:

    It can be scary to let go of the past, or of present or future possibilities (bad ones as well as good!). However, it’s hard to consciously do something negative (same principle as “don’t think of a pink elephant”), so instead, look at it as taking hold of the present/future—and thus finding comfort and security in a new reality rather than an old memory or a never-actual imagining.

    So, this book has a lot of ideas like that, and if even one of them helps, then it was worth reading.

    The writing style is comprehensive, and goes for the “tell them what you’re gonna tell them; tell them; then tell them what you told them” approach, which a) is considered good for learning b) can feel a little like padding nonetheless.

    Bottom line: this reviewer didn’t personally love the style, but the content made up for it.

    Click here to check out The Art Of Letting Go, and let go!

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  • The Modern Art and Science of Mobility – by Aurélien Broussal-Derval

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    We’ve reviewed mobility books before, so what makes this one stand out?

    We’ll be honest: the illustrations are lovely.

    The science, the information, the exercises, the routines, the programsAll these things are excellent too, but these can be found in many a book.

    What can’t usually be found is very beautiful (yet no less clear) watercolor paintings and charcoal sketches as anatomical illustrations.

    There are photos too (also of high quality), but the artistry of the paintings and sketches is what makes the reader want to spend time perusing the books.

    At least, that’s what this reviewer found! Because it’s all very well having access to a lot of information (and indeed, I read so much), but making it enjoyable increases the chances of rereading it much more often.

    As for the rest of the content, the book’s information is divided in categories:

    1. Pain (what causes it, what it means, and how to manage it)
    2. Breathing (yes, a whole section devoted to this, and it is aligned heavily to posture also, as well as psychological state and the effect of stress on tension, inflammation, and more)
    3. Movement (this is mostly about kinds of movement and ranges of movement)
    4. Mobility (this is about aggregating movements as a fully mobile human)

    So, each builds on from the previous because any pain needs addressing before anything else, breathing (and with it, posture) comes next, then we learn about movement, then we bring it all together for mobility.

    Bottom line: this is a beautiful and comprehensive book that will make learning a joy

    Click here to check out The Modern Art and Science of Mobility, and learn and thrive!

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  • How Exercise Rewires Your Brain for Better Mental Wellbeing

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Dr. Tracey Marks, psychiatrist, explains what happens immediately, and what happens over the long term:

    For now and for later

    First of all, a single workout can already alter brain chemistry and protect against stress. In the longer term, exercise promotes neurogenesis, primarily in the hippocampus, improving memory and reversing brain aging. It also strengthens the prefrontal cortex, which is critical for decision-making, focus, and emotional regulation.

    In more general terms, exercise boosts brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels, which in turn boost neuron growth and connectivity.

    Exercise also promotes angiogenesis (blood vessel construction), improving oxygen and nutrient delivery to the brain.

    Timeline of benefits:

    • Immediate: increased blood flow and temporary BDNF spike.
    • Weeks: new neurons, connections, and blood vessel growth.
    • Months: visible brain volume changes and better brain connectivity.

    Dr. Marks’ Timing Tips

    • Morning: boosts energy and helps regulate the circadian rhythm.
    • Midday: resets stress levels (specifically: to low)
    • Evening: helps process emotions (but it’s still recommended to avoid high-intensity exercise close to bedtime)

    For more on all of this, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Wondering what kind of exercise is best?

    You might also like to read:

    The Neuroscientist In The Gym: Dr. Wendy Suzuki Explains The Exercise That Protects Your Brain

    Take care!

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  • Eat To Beat Hyperthyroidism!

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small

    ❝Would love to see more on eating vegan. I am allergic to soy in any form which seems to be in everything❞

    There is a lot of it about, isn’t there? Happily, these days, a lot of meat and dairy alternatives are also made from other sources, for example pea protein is getting used a lot more nowadays in meat substitutes, and there are many kinds of alternatives to dairy (e.g. nut milks, oat milk, hemp milk, and—which is a branding nightmare but very healthy—pea milk).

    You might like these previous main features of ours:

    Also, if doing a whole foods plant-based diet, lentils (especially brown lentils) can be used as a great substitute for minced beef/lamb in recipes that call for such.

    Boil the lentils (a liter of water to a cup of lentils is great; use a rice cooker if you have one!) along with the seasonings you will use (herbs appropriate to your dish, and then: black pepper is always good; you shouldn’t need to add salt; a teaspoon of low-sodium yeast extract is great though, or to really get the best nutritional benefits, nooch).

    When it is done, you shouldn’t have excess water now, so just use as is, or if you want a slightly fatty kick, fry briefly in a little extra virgin olive oil, before using it however you were planning to use it.


    ❝What foods should I eat for hyperthyroidism? My doctor tells me what foods to avoid, but not what to eat❞

    Great question! We’ll have to do a main feature on hyperthyroidism one of these days, as so far we’ve only done features on hypothyroidism:

    As for hyperthyroidism…

    Depending on your medications, your doctor might recommend a low iodine diet. If so, then you might want to check out:

    American Thyroid Association | Low Iodine Diet Plan

    …for recommendations.

    But in a way, that’s still a manner of “what to avoid” (iodine) and then the foods to eat to avoid that.

    You may be wondering: is there any food that actively helps against hyperthyroidism, as opposed to merely does not cause problems?

    And the answer is: yes!

    Cruciferous vegetables (e.g. cabbage, sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, etc) contain goitrin, which in immoderate quantities can cause problems for people with hypothyroidism because it can reduce thyroid hormone synthesis. If you have hyperthyroidism, however, this can work in your favor.

    Read more: The role of micronutrients in thyroid dysfunction

    The above paper focuses on children, but it was the paper we found that explains it most clearly while showing good science. However, the same holds true for adults:

    Read more: Concentrations of thiocyanate and goitrin in human plasma, their precursor concentrations in brassica vegetables, and associated potential risk for hypothyroidism

    Notwithstanding that the title comes from the angle of examining hypothyroidism, the mechanism of action makes clear its beneficence in the case of hyperthyroidism.

    Selenium is also a great nutrient in the case of autoimmune hyperthyroidism, because it is needed to metabolize thyroid hormone (if you don’t metabolize it, it’ll just build up):

    Selenium and Thyroid Disease: From Pathophysiology to Treatment

    The absolute top best dietary source of selenium is Brazil nuts, to the point that people without hyperthyroidism have to take care to not eat more than a few per day (because too much selenium could then cause problems):

    NIH | Selenium Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

    (this contains information on the recommended amount, the upper limit amount, how much is in Brazil nuts and other foods, and what happens if you get too much or too little)

    Note: after Brazil nuts (which are about 5 times more rich in selenium than the next highest source), the other “good” sources of selenium—mostly various kinds of fish—are also “good” source of iodine, so you might want to skip those.

    Want more ideas?

    You might like this from LivHealth:

    Hyperthyroidism Diet: 9 Foods To Ease Symptoms


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  • The Comfort Book – by Matt Haig

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    This book “is what it says on the tin”. Matt Haig, bestselling author of “Reasons to Stay Alive” (amongst other works) is here with “a hug in a book”.

    The format of the book is an “open it at any page and you’ll find something of value” book. Its small chapters are sometimes a few pages long, but often just a page. Sometimes just a line. Always deep.

    All of us, who live long enough, will ponder our mortality sometimes. The feelings we may have might vary on a range from “afraid of dying” to “despairing of living”… but Haig’s single biggest message is that life is full of wonder; each moment precious.

    • That hope is an incredible (and renewable!) resource.
    • That we are more than a bad week, or month, or year, or decade.
    • That when things are taken from us, the things that remain have more value.

    Bottom line: you might cry (this reviewer did!), but it’ll make your life the richer for it, and remind you—if ever you need it—the value of your amazing life.

    Get your copy of “The Comfort Book” from Amazon today

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