The End of Alzheimer’s – by Dr. Dale Bredesen

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This one didn’t use the “The New Science Of…” subtitle that many books do, and this one actually is a “new science of”!

Which is exciting, and/but comes with the caveat that the overall protocol itself is still undergoing testing, but the results so far are promising. The constituent parts of the protocol are for the most already well-established, but have not previously been put together in this way.

Dr. Bredesen argues that Alzheimer’s Disease is not one condition but three (medical consensus agrees at least that it is a collection of conditions, but different schools of thought slice them differently), and outlines 36 metabolic factors that are implicated, and the good news is, most of them are within our control.

Since there’s a lot to put together, he also offers many workarounds and “crutches”, making for very practical advice.

The style of the book is on the hard end of pop-science, that is to say while the feel and tone is very pop-sciencey, there are nevertheless a lot of words that you might know but your spellchecker probably wouldn’t. He does explain everything along the way, but this does mean that if you’re not already well-versed, you can’t just dip in to a later point without reading the earlier parts.

Bottom line: even if you only implement half the advice in this book, you’ll be doing your long-term cognitive health a huge favor.

Click here to check out The End of Alzheimer’s, and keep cognitive decline at bay!

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  • Nutrivore – by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne
  • Cherries vs Blueberries – Which is Healthier?
    Blueberries edge out cherries with more vitamin K, vitamin E, and antioxidants like quercetin, but it’s a close call. Enjoy the health benefits of both!

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  • Beat Osteoporosis with Exercise – by Dr. Karl Knopf

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    There are a lot of books about beating osteoporosis, and yet when it comes to osteoporosis exercises, it took us some work to find a good one. But, this one’s it!

    A lot of books give general principles and a few sample exercises. This one, in contrast, gives:

    • An overview of osteopenia and osteoporosis, first
    • A brief overview of non-exercise osteoporosis considerations
    • Principles for exercising a) to reduce one’s risk of osteoporosis b) if one has osteoporosis
    • Clear explanations of about 150 exercises that fit both categories

    This last item’s important, because a lot of popular advice is exercises that are only good for one or the other (given that a lot of things that strengthen a healthy person’s bones can break the bones of someone with osteoporosis), so having 150 exercises that are safe and effective in both cases, is a real boon.

    That doesn’t mean you have to do all 150! If you want to, great. But even just picking and choosing and putting together a little program is good.

    Bottom line: if you’d like a comprehensive guide to exercise to keep you strong in the face of osteoporosis, this is a great one.

    Click here to check out Beat Osteoporosis With Exercise, and stay strong!

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  • The Emperor’s New Klotho, Or Something More?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Unzipping The Genes Of Aging?

    Klotho is an enzyme encoded in humans’ genes—specifically, in the KL gene.

    It’s found throughout all living parts of the human body (and can even circulate about in its hormonal form, or come to rest in its membranaceous form), and its subgroups are especially found:

    • α-klotho: in the brain
    • β-klotho: in the liver
    • γ-klotho: in the kidneys

    Great! Why do we care?

    Klotho, its varieties and variants, its presence or absence, are very important in aging.

    Almost every biological manifestation of aging in humans has some klotho-related indicator; usually the decrease or mutation of some kind of klotho.

    Which way around the cause and effect go has been the subject of much debate and research: do we get old because we don’t have enough klotho, or do we make less klotho because we’re getting old?

    Of course, everything has to be tested per variant and per system, so that can take a while (punctuated by research scientists begging for more grants to do the next one). Given that it’s about aging, testing in humans would take an incredibly long while, so most studies so far have been rodent studies.

    The general gist of the results of rodent studies is “reduced klotho hastens aging; increased klotho slows it”.

    (this can be known by artificially increasing or decreasing the level of klotho expression, again something easier in mice as it is harder to arrange transgenic humans for the studies)

    Here’s one example of many, of that vast set of rodent studies:

    Suppression of Aging in Mice by the Hormone Klotho

    Relevance for Alzheimer’s, and a science-based advice

    A few years ago (2020), an Alzheimer’s study was undertaken; they noted that the famous apolipoprotein E4 (apoE4) allele is the strongest genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s, and that klotho may be another. FGF21 (secreted by the liver, mostly during fasting) binds to its own receptor (FGFR1) and its co-receptor β-klotho. Since this is a known neuroprotective factor, they wondered whether klotho itself may interact with β-amyloid (Aβ), and found:

    ❝Aβ can enhance the ability of klotho to draw FGF21 to regions of incipient neurodegeneration in AD❞

    ~ Dr. Lehrer & Dr. Rheinstein

    In other words: β-amyloid, the substance whose accumulation is associated with neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease, is a mediator in klotho bringing a known neuroprotective factor, FGF21, to the areas of neurodegeneration

    In fewer words: klotho calls the firefighters to the scene of the fire

    Read more: Alignment of Alzheimer’s disease amyloid β-peptide and klotho

    The advice based on this? Consider practicing intermittent fasting, if that is viable for you, as it will give your liver more FGF21-secreting time, and the more FGF21, the more firefighters arrive when klotho sounds the alarm.

    See also: Intermittent Fasting: What’s the truth?

    …and while you’re at it:

    Does intermittent fasting have benefits for our brain?

    A more recent (2023) study with a slightly different (but connected) purpose, found results consistent with this:

    Longevity factor klotho enhances cognition in aged nonhuman primates

    …and, for that matter this (2023) study that found:

    Associations between klotho and telomere biology in high stress caregivers

    …which looks promising, but we’d like to see it repeated with a sounder method (they sorted caregiving into “high-stress” and “low-stress” depending on whether a child was diagnosed with ASD or not, which is by no means a reliable way of sorting this). They did ask for reported subjective stress levels, but to be more objective, we’d like to see clinical markers of stress (e.g. cortisol levels, blood pressure, heart rate changes, etc).

    A very recent (April 2024) study found that it has implications for more aspects of aging—and this time, in humans (but using a population-based cohort study, rather than lab conditions):

    The prognostic value of serum α-klotho in age-related diseases among the US population: A prospective population-based cohort study

    Can I get it as a supplement?

    Not with today’s technology and today’s paucity of clinical trials, you can’t. Maybe in the future!

    However… The presence of senescent (old, badly copied, stumbling and staggering onwards when they should have been killed and eaten and recycled already) cells actively reduces klotho levels, which means that taking supplements that are senolytic (i.e., that kill those senescent cells) can increase serum klotho levels:

    Orally-active, clinically-translatable senolytics restore α-Klotho in mice and humans

    Ok, what can I take for that?

    We wrote about a senolytic supplement that you might enjoy, recently:

    Fisetin: The Anti-Aging Assassin

    Want to know more?

    If you have the time, Dr. Peter Attia interviews Dr. Dena Dubal (researcher in several of the above studies) here:

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  • PCOS Repair Protocol – by Tamika Woods

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) affects about 1 in 5 women, and the general position of the medical establishment is “Oh dear, how sad; never mind”.

    …which leaves a lot of people suffering with symptoms with little to no help.

    This book looks to address that, and while it doesn’t claim to cure PCOS, it offers a system for managing (including: reducing) the symptoms. The author, a clinical nutritionist by academic background, tackles this in large part via being mindful about what one eats, in the context of the gut and endocrine system specifically.

    It’s not just “have a gut healthy diet and eat foods with these nutrients”, though (although yes: also that). Rather, the author walks us through in-depth quizzes and lab testing advice, to advise the reader on how to understand the root cause of your PCOS symptoms, and then address each of those with an individualized management plan.

    The style is on the low-end of pop-science, notwithstanding the clinically-informed content. For those who like a very chatty informal approach, you’ll find this one perfect. For those who don’t, well, you won’t find this one perfect, but you will most likely find it informative all the same.

    Bottom line: if you or someone you care about (do you know 5 women?) has PCOS, the information in here could make a difference.

    Click here to check out PCOS Repair Protocol, and suffer less!

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  • Foot Drop!

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    It’s Q&A Day at 10almonds!

    Have a question or a request? We love to hear from you!

    In cases where we’ve already covered something, we might link to what we wrote before, but will always be happy to revisit any of our topics again in the future too—there’s always more to say!

    As ever: if the question/request can be answered briefly, we’ll do it here in our Q&A Thursday edition. If not, we’ll make a main feature of it shortly afterwards!

    So, no question/request too big or small

    ❝Interesting about DVT after surgery. A friend recently got diagnosed with foot drop. Could you explain that? Thank you.❞

    First, for reference, the article about DVT after surgery was:

    DVT Risk Management Beyond The Socks

    As for foot drop…

    Foot drop is descriptive of the main symptom: the inability to raise the front part of the foot due to localized weakness/paralysis. Hence, if a person with foot drop dangles their feet over the edge of the bed, for example, the affected foot will simply flop down, while the other (if unaffected) can remain in place under its own power. The condition is usually neurological in origin, though there are various more specific causes:

    NIH | StatPearls | Foot Drop

    When walking unassisted, this will typically result in a distinctive “steppage gait”, as it’s necessary to lift the foot higher to compensate, or else the toes will scuff along the ground.

    There are mobility aids that can return one’s walking to more or less normal, like this example product on Amazon.

    Incidentally, the above product will slightly shorten the lifespan of shoes, as it will necessarily pull a little at the front.

    There are alternatives that won’t like this example product on Amazon, but this comes with the different problem that it limits the user to stepping flat-footedly, which is not only also not an ideal gait, but also, will serve to allow any muscles down there that were still (partially or fully) functional to atrophy. For this reason, we’d recommend the first product we mentioned over the second one, unless your personal physiotherapist or similar advises otherwise (because they know your situation and we don’t).

    Both have their merits, though:

    Trends and Technologies in Rehabilitation of Foot Drop: A Systematic Review

    Of course, prevention is better than cure, so while some things are unavoidable (especially when it comes to neurological conditions), we can all look after our nerve health as well as possible along the way:

    Peripheral Neuropathy: How To Avoid It, Manage It, Treat It

    …as well as the very useful:

    What Does Lion’s Mane Actually Do, Anyway?

    …which this writer personally takes daily and swears by (went from frequent pins-and-needles to no symptoms and have stayed that way, and that’s after many injuries over the years).

    If you’d like a more general and less supplements-based approach though, check out:

    Steps For Keeping Your Feet A Healthy Foundation

    Take care!

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  • The Great Cholesterol Myth, Revised and Expanded – by Dr. Jonny Bowden and Dr. Stephen Sinatra

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The topic of cholesterol, and saturated fat for that matter, is a complex and often controversial one. How does this book treat it?

    With strong opinions, is how—but backed by good science. The authors, a nutritionist and a cardiologist, pull no punches about outdated and/or cherry-picked science, and instead make the case for looking at what, statistically speaking, appear to be the real strongest risk factors.

    So, are they advocating for Dave Asprey-style butter-guzzling, or “the carnivore diet”? No, no they are not. Those things remain unhealthy, even if they give some short-term gains (of energy levels, weight loss, etc).

    They do advocate, however, for enjoying saturated fats in moderation, and instead of certain polyunsaturated seed oils that do far worse. They also advocate strongly for avoiding sugar, stress, and (for different reasons) statins (in most people’s cases).

    They also demystify in clear terms, and often with diagrams and infographics, the various kinds of fats and their components, broken down in far more detail than any other pop-science source this reviewer has seen.

    Bottom line: if you want to take a scientific approach to heart health, this book can help you to focus on what will actually make the biggest difference.

    Click here to check out The Great Cholesterol Myth, and learn about the greater dangers that it hides!

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  • 10,000 Steps, 30 Days, 4 Changes

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Ariel wasn’t the most active person, and took on a “30 day challenge” to do the commonly-prescribed 10,000 steps per day—without adjusting her diet or doing any other exercise. How much of a difference does it make, really?

    Stepping onwards

    The 4 main things that she found changed for her weren’t all what she expected:

    • Weight loss yes, but only marginally: she lost 3 lbs in a month, which did nevertheless make a visible difference. We might hypothesize that part of the reason for the small weight loss and yet visible difference is that she gained a little muscle, and the weight loss was specifically shifting away from a cortisol-based fat distribution, to a more healthy fat distribution.
    • Different eating habits: she felt less hungry and craved less sugar. This likely has less to do with calorie consumption, and more to do with better insulin signalling.
    • Increased energy and improved mood: these are going together in one item, because she said “4 things”, but really they are two related things. So, consider one of them a bonus item! In any case, she felt more energized and productive, and less reliant on caffeine.
    • Improved sleep: or rather, at first, disrupted sleep, and then slept better and stayed better. A good reminder that changes for the better don’t always feel better in the first instance!

    To hear about it in her own words, and see the before and after pictures, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

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