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Dan Harris, the author of the renowned book "10% Happier: How to Meditate for Fidgety Skeptics," provides an insightful and concise review of his 1-minute meditation method

Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-to Book – by Dan Harris

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If you already meditate regularly, this book isn’t aimed at you (though you may learn a thing or two anyway—this reviewer, who has practiced meditation for the past 30 years, learned a thing!).

However, if you’re—as the title suggests—someone who hasn’t so far been inclined towards meditation, you could get the most out of this one. We’ll say more on this (obviously), but first, there’s one other group that may benefit from this book:

If you have already practiced meditation, and/or already understand and want its benefits, but never really made it stick as a habit.

Now, onto what you’ll get:

  • A fair scientific overview of meditation as an increasingly evidence-based way to reduce stress and increase both happiness and productivity
  • A good grounding in what meditation is and isn’t
  • A how-to guide for building up a consistent meditation habit that won’t get kiboshed when you have a particularly hectic day—or a cold.
  • An assortment of very common (and some less common) meditative practices to try
  • Some great auxiliary tools to build cognitive restructuring into your meditation

We don’t usually cite other people’s reviews, but we love that one Amazon reviewer wrote:

❝I am 3 weeks into daily meditation practice, and I already notice that I am no longer constantly wishing for undercarriage rocket launchers while driving. I will always think your driving sucks, but I no longer wish you a violent death because of it. Yes, I live in Boston❞

~ J. Flaherty

Bottom line: if you’re not already meditating daily, this is definitely a book for you. And if you are, you may learn a thing or two anyway!

Click here to get your copy of Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics from Amazon today!

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