Knee Pain Won’t Get Better Unless You Fix This First

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Most knee pain is mechanical, caused by excessive stress or strain on specific parts of the knee joint. However, it’s weak glutes that are often the root cause of excess knee strain, because when glutes are weak, they fail to keep the pelvis level and legs aligned, leading to improper knee movement.

The seat of the problem

Weak glutes cause the pelvis to drop and the thigh bone to roll inwards (called “valgus knee”). This misalignment creates shearing forces and excessive pressure on different parts of the knee. However, it can usually be fixed, and the following exercises are recommended:

  1. Seated band abductions: use a resistance band around the thighs while seated. Push your knees apart, and hold for a few seconds.
  2. Glute bridge with resistance band: lie on your back with your feet flat and a resistance band around your thighs. Push your hips up into a bridge position, then press your knees outward against the band.
  3. Clamshell exercise: lie on your side, with your knees bent at 90°. Keep your body slightly tilted forward, then lift the top knee while keeping your heels together.
  4. Hip abductions (lateral leg raises): lie on your side, keeping your legs straight. Lift the top leg slightly backward and upward, leading with your heel.
  5. Standing hip abductions: stand upright, using a wall for support. Lift one leg sideways and slightly backward while keeping your spine straight. Unlike the other exercises, this one has the benefit of being doable almost anywhere.

For more on each of these plus visual demonstrations, enjoy:

Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

Want to learn more?

You might also like:

The Secret to Better Squats: Foot, Knee, & Ankle Mobility

Take care!

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  • Stop Trying To Lose Weight (And Do This Instead)
    Biochemist Jessie Inchauspé recommends metabolic health focus over mere weight loss, emphasizing blood glucose control and offering practical “hacks” in her books for overall well-being.

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  • Can We Do Fat Redistribution?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The famous answer: no

    The truthful answer: yes, and we are doing it all the time whether we want to or not, so we might as well know what things affect our fat distribution in various body parts.

    There’s a kernel of truth in the “no”, though, and where that comes from is that we cannot exclusively put fat on in a certain area only, and nor can we do “spot reduction”, i.e., intentionally lose fat from only one place.

    How, then, do we do fat redistribution?

    Your body is a living organism, not a statue

    It’s easy to think “I’ve been carrying this fat in this place for 20 years”, but during that time the fat has been replaced several times and moved often; in fact, the cells containing the fat have even been replaced. Because: fat can seem like a substance that’s alien to your body because it doesn’t respond like muscles, isn’t controllable like muscles, doesn’t have the same sensibility as muscles, etc. But, every bit of fat stored in your body is stored inside a fat cell; it’s not one big unit of fat; it’s lots of tiny ones.

    In reality, any given bit of fat on your body has probably been there for 18–24 months at most:

    Fat turnover in obese slower than average

    …and there are assorted factors that can modify the rate at which our body deals with fat storage:

    Human white adipose tissue: A highly dynamic metabolic organ

    So, how do I get rid of this tummy?

    There are plenty of stories of people who try to lose weight from one part of their body, and lose it from somewhere else instead. Say, a person wants to lose weight from her hips, and with careful diet and exercise, she loses weight—by dropping a couple of bra cup sizes while keeping the hips.

    So, we must figure out: why is fat stored in certain places? And the main driving factors are:

    • hormones
    • metabolic health
    • stress

    Hormones affect fat distribution insofar as estrogen and progesterone will favor the hips, thighs, butt, breasts, and testosterone will favor a more central (but still subcutaneous, not visceral) distribution. Additionally, estrogen and progesterone will favor a higher body fat percentage, while testosterone will favor a lower one.

    This is particularly relevant later in life, when suddenly the hormone(s) you’ve been relying on to keep your shape, are now declining, meaning your shape does too. This goes for everyone regardless of sex.


    Metabolic health affects fat distribution insofar as poor metabolic health will result in more fat being stored in the viscera, rather than in the usual subcutaneous places. This is a serious health risk.

    See: Visceral Belly Fat & How To Lose It

    Stress affects fat distribution insofar as chronically elevated cortisol levels see more fat sent to the stomach, face, and neck. This fat redistribution isn’t dangerous itself, but it can be indicative of the chronic stress, which does pose more of a general threat to health.

    See: Lower Your Cortisol! (Here’s Why & How)

    What this means in practical terms

    Assuming that you would like the fat distribution that says “this is a healthy woman” or “this is a healthy man”, respectively, then you might want to:

    • Check your sex hormone levels and get them adjusted if appropriate
    • Improve your overall metabolic health—without necessarily trying to lose weight, just, take care of your blood sugars for example, and they will take care of you in terms of fat storage.
    • Manage your stress (which includes any stress you are experiencing about your body not being how you’d like it to be).

    If you are doing these things, and you don’t have any major untreated medical abnormalities that affect these things, then your fat will go to the places generally considered healthiest.

    Can we speed it up?

    Yes, we can! Firstly, we can speed up our overall metabolism:

    Let’s Burn! Metabolic Tweaks And Hacks

    Secondly, we can encourage our body to “move” fat by intentionally “yo-yoing”, something usually considered bad in dieting when people just want to lose weight and instead are going up and down, but: if you lose weight healthily, it comes off everywhere evenly, and if you gain weight healthily, it goes mostly to the places where it should be.

    So, a sequence of lose-gain-lose-gain might look like “lose a bit from everywhere, put it back in the good place, lose a bit more from everywhere, put it back in the good place”, etc.

    So, you might want to gently cycle these a few months apart, for example:

    How To Lose Fat (Healthily!) | How To Gain Fat (Healthily!)

    You can also cheat a little, if it suits your purpose! By this we mean: if you’d like a little extra where you already have a little fat, then you can put muscle on underneath it, it will pad it up, and (because of the layer of actual fat on top) nobody will know the difference unless you flex it with their hand on it.

    Let’s put it this way: people doing squats for a bubble-butt aren’t doing it to put on fat; they’re putting muscle on under the fat they have.

    So, check out: How To Gain Muscle (Healthily!)

    And finally, for all your body-sculpting needs, we present these excellent books:

    Women’s Strength Training Anatomy Workouts – by Frédéric Delavier

    Strength Training Anatomy (For Men) – by Frédéric Delavier


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  • Breathe; Don’t Vent (At Least In The Moment)

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Zen And The Art Of Breaking Things

    We’ve talked before about identifying emotions and the importance of being able to express them:

    Answering The Most Difficult Question: How Are You?

    However, there can be a difference between “expressing how we feel” and “being possessed by how we feel and bulldozing everything in our path”

    …which is, of course, primarily a problem in the case of anger—and by extension, emotions that are often contemporaneous with anger, such as jealousy, shame, fear, etc.

    How much feeling is too much?

    While this is in large part a subjective matter, clinically speaking the key question is generally: is it adversely affecting daily life to the point of being a problem?

    For example, if you have to spend half an hour every day actively managing a certain emotion, that’s probably indicative of something unusual, but “unusual” is not inherently bad. If you’re managing it safely and in a way that doesn’t negatively affect the rest of your life, then that is generally considered fine, unless you feel otherwise about it.

    A good example of this is complicated grief and/or prolonged grief.

    But what about when it comes to anger? How much is ok?

    When it comes to those around you, any amount of anger can seem like too much. Anger often makes us short-tempered even with people who are not the object of our anger, and it rarely brings out the best in us.

    We can express our feelings in non-aggressive ways, for example:

    When You “Can’t Complain”


    Seriously Useful Communication Skills!

    Sometimes, there’s another way though…

    Breathe; don’t vent

    That’s a great headline, but we can’t take the credit for it, because it came from:

    Breathe, don’t vent: turning down the heat is key to managing anger

    …in which it was found that, by all available metrics, the popular wisdom of “getting it off your chest” doesn’t necessarily stand up to scrutiny, at least in the short term:

    ❝The work was inspired in part by the rising popularity of rage rooms that promote smashing things (such as glass, plates and electronics) to work through angry feelings.

    I wanted to debunk the whole theory of expressing anger as a way of coping with it,” she said. “We wanted to show that reducing arousal, and actually the physiological aspect of it, is really important.❞

    ~ Dr. Brad Bushman

    And indeed, he and his team did find that various arousal-increasing activities (such as hitting a punchbag, breaking things, doing vigorous exercise) did not help as much as arousal-decreasing activities, such as mindfulness-based relaxation techniques.

    If you’d like to read the full paper, then so would we, but we couldn’t get full access to this one yet. However, the abstract includes representative statistics, so that’s worth a once-over:

    A meta-analytic review of anger management activities that increase or decrease arousal: What fuels or douses rage?


    Did you notice the small gap between their results and their conclusion?

    In a lab or similar short-term observational setting, their recommendation is clearly correct.

    However, if the source of your anger is something chronic and persistent, it could well be that calming down without addressing the actual cause is just “kicking the can down the road”, and will still have to actually be dealt with eventually.

    So, while “here be science”, it’s not a mandate for necessarily suffering in silence. It’s more about being mindful about how we go about tackling our anger.

    As for a primer on mindfulness, feel free to check out:

    No-Frills, Evidence-Based Mindfulness

    Take care!

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  • Mango vs Papaya – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing mango to papaya, we picked the mango.


    Both are great! But there are some things to set them apart:

    In terms of macros, this one’s not so big of a difference. They are equal in fiber, while mango has more protein and slightly more carbs. They are both low glycemic index, so we’ll call this one a tie, or the slenderest nominal win for papaya.

    When it comes to vitamins, mango has more of vitamins A, B1, B3, B5, B7, B9, E, K, and choline, while papaya has more vitamin C. However, a cup of mango already gives the RDA of vitamin C, so at this point, it’s not even really much of a bonus that papaya has more. In any case, a clear and overwhelming win in the vitamins category for mango.

    As for minerals, this one’s closer; mango has more copper, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc, while papaya has more calcium, iron, and magnesium. Still, a 4:3 win for mango.

    Adding these up makes for a clear win for mango. However, one extra thing to bear in mind about both:

    Both of these fruits interact with warfarin and many other anticoagulants. So if you’re taking those, you might want to skip these, or at least consult with your doctor/pharmacist for input on your personal situation.

    Aside from that; enjoy both; diversity is good! But mango is the more nutritionally dense, and thus the winner here.

    Want to learn more?

    You might like to read:

    5 Ways To Make Your Smoothie Blood Sugar Friendly (Avoid the Spike!)

    Take care!

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  • Natto vs Tempeh – Which is Healthier?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Our Verdict

    When comparing nattō to tempeh, we picked the nattō.


    Both are great, but in the battle of fermented soybeans vs fermented soybeans with extra steps, it turns out that the simplest option is the best, even if tempeh was a close runner-up:

    In terms of macros, nattō has more carbs and fiber for the same protein and fat; we’ll call this category a tie or a marginal win for nattō.

    In the category of vitamins, nattō has more of vitamins B1, C, E, K, and choline, while tempeh has more of vitamins B2, B3, B6, and B9. A clearer, yet still modest, win for nattō.

    Minerals, however, are what really set them apart: nattō has more calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, and zinc, while tempeh has more phosphorus. An overwhelming win for nattō this time.

    In short: enjoy either or both, but nattō is the more nutritionally dense option!

    Want to learn more?

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  • Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology – by Dr. Izabella Wentz

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The author is a doctor of pharmacology, and we’ve featured her before as an expert on Hashimoto’s, which she has. She has recommendations about specific blood tests and medications, but in this book she’s mainly focussing on what she calls the “three Rs” of managing hypothyroidism:

    1. Remove the causes and triggers of your hypothyroidism, so far as possible
    2. Repair the damage caused to your body, especially your gut
    3. Replace the thyroid hormones and related things in which your body has become deficient

    To this end, she provides recipes that avoid processed meats and unfermented dairy, and include plenty of nutrient-dense whole foods specifically tailored to meet the nutritional needs of someone with hypothyroidism.

    A nice bonus of the presentation of recipes (of which there are 125, if we include things like “mint tea” and “tomato sauce” and “hot lemon water” as recipes) is explaining the thyroid-supporting elements of each recipe.

    A downside for some will be that if you are vegetarian/vegan, this book is very much not, and since many recipes are paleo-style meat dishes, substitutions will change the nutritional profile completely.

    Bottom line: if you have hypothyroidism (especially if: Hashimoto’s) and like meat, this will be a great recipe book for you.

    Click here to check out Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology, and get cooking!

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  • Unwell Women – by Dr. Elinor Cleghorn

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    For a demographic that makes up a little over half of the world’s population, women are paradoxically marginalized in healthcare. And in other ways too, but this book is about health.

    Dr. Cleghorn had to fight for seven (!) years to get her own lupus condition recognized as such, and continues to have to fight for it to be taken seriously on an ongoing basis. And yet, 95% of the book is not about her and her experiences, but rather, the bigger picture.

    The book is divided into sections, by period in history. From Hippocrates to the modern day, Dr. Cleghorn gives us a well-researched, incredibly well-referenced overview of the marginalization of women’s health. Far from being a dry history book in the early parts though, it’s fascinating and engaging throughout.

    The modern day sections are part shining a light into dark areas, part practical information-and-advice “did you know this happens, and you can do this about it”, and part emphatic call-to-action to demand better.

    Bottom line: this book is in this reviewer’s “top 5 books read this year”, and we highly recommend it to you.

    Click here to check out Unwell Women, and don’t settle!

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