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How Useful Is Hydrotherapy?

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Hyyyyyyydromatic… 🎶

Hydrotherapy is a very broad term, and refers to any (external) use of water as part of a physical therapy. Today we’re going to look at some of the top ways this can be beneficial—maybe you’ll know them all already, but maybe there’s something you hadn’t thought about or done decently; let’s find out!

Notwithstanding the vague nature of the umbrella term, some brave researchers have done a lot of work to bring us lots of information about what works and what doesn’t, so we’ll be using this to guide us today. For example:

Scientific Evidence-Based Effects of Hydrotherapy on Various Systems of the Body

Swimming (and similar)

An obvious one, this can for most people be a very good full-body exercise, that’s exactly as strenuous (or not) as you want/need it to be.

It can be cardio, it can be resistance, it can be endurance, it can be high-intensity interval training, it can be mobility work, it can be just support for an aching body that gets to enjoy being in the closest to zero-gravity we can get without being in freefall or in space.

See also: How To Do HIIT (Without Wrecking Your Body)

Depending on what’s available for you locally (pool with a shallow area, for example), it can also be a place to do some exercises normally performed on land, but with your weight being partially supported (and as a counterpoint, a little resistance added to movement), and no meaningful risk of falling.

Tip: check out your local facilities, to see if they offer water aerobics classes; because the water necessitates slow movement, this can look a lot like tai chi to watch, but it’s great for mobility and balance.

Water circuit therapy

This isn’t circuit training! Rather, it’s a mixture of thermo- and cryotherapy, that is to say, alternating warm and cold water immersion. This can also be interspersed with the use of a sauna, of course.

See also:

👆 this last one is about thermal shock-mediated hormesis, which sounds drastic, but it’s what we’re doing here with the hot and cold, and it’s good for most people!

Pain relief

Most of the research for this has to do with childbirth pain rather than, for example, back pain, but the science is promising:

A systematic meta-thematic synthesis to examine the views and experiences of women following water immersion during labour and waterbirth

Post-exercise recovery

It can be tempting to sink into a hot bath, or at least enjoy a good hot shower, after strenuous exercise. But does it help recovery too? The answer is probably yes:

Effect of hot water immersion on acute physiological responses following resistance exercise

For more on that (and other means of improving post-exercise recovery), check out our previous main feature:

How To Speed Up Recovery After A Workout (According To Actual Science)

Take care!

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