Felt Time – by Dr. Marc Wittmann

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This book goes far beyond the obvious “time flies when you’re having fun / passes slowly when bored”, or “time seems quicker as we get older”. It does address those topics too, but even in doing so, unravels deeper intricacies within.

The author, a research psychologist, includes plenty of reference to actual hard science here, and even beyond subjective self-reports. For example, you know how time seems to slow down upon immediate apparent threat of violent death (e.g. while crashing, while falling, or other more “violent human” options)? We learn of an experiment conducted in an amusement park, where during a fear-inducing (but actually safe) plummet, subjective time slows down yes, but measures of objective perception and cognition remained the same. So much for adrenal superpowers when it comes to the brain!

We also learn about what we can change, to change our perception of time—in either direction, which is a neat collection of tricks to know.

The style is on the dryer end of pop-sci; we suspect that being translated from German didn’t help its levity. That said, it’s not scientifically dense either (i.e. not a lot of jargon), though it does have many references (which we like to see).

Bottom line: if you’ve ever wished time could go more quickly or more slowly, this book can help with that.

Click here to check out Felt Time, and make yours count!

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  • Brain Power – by Michael Gelb & Kelly Howell
  • How to Eat 30 Plants a Week – by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
    Boost your plant intake with ease! This book delivers stress-free strategies and 10 sets of recipes to hit 30+ different plants a week without the hassle.

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  • Food Fix – by Dr. Mark Hyman

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    On a simplistic level, “eat more plants, but ideally not monocrops, and definitely fewer animals” is respectable, ecologically-aware advice that is also consistent with good health. But it is a simplification, and perhaps an oversimplification.

    Is there space on a healthy, ecologically sound plate for animal products? Yes, argues Dr. Mark Hyman. It’s a small space, but it’s there.

    For example, some kinds of fish are both healthier and more sustainable as a food source than others, same goes for some kinds of dairy products. Poultry, too, can be farmed sustainably in a way that promotes a small self-contained ecosystem—and in terms of health, consumption of poultry appears to be health-neutral at worst.

    As this book explores:

    • Oftentimes, food choices look like: healthy/sustainable/cheap (choose one).
    • Dr. Hyman shows how in fact, we can have it more like: healthy/sustainable/cheap (choose two).
    • He argues that if more people “vote with their fork”, production will continue to adjust accordingly, and we’ll get: healthy/sustainable/cheap (all three).

    To this end, while some parts of the book can feel like they are purely academic (pertaining less to what we can do as individuals, and more on what governments, farming companies, etc can do), it’s good to know what issues we might also take to the ballot box, if we’re able.

    The big picture aside, the book remains very strong even just from an individual health perspective, though.

    Bottom line: if you have an interest in preserving your own health, and possibly humanity itself, this is an excellent book.

    Click here to check out Food Fix, and level-up yours!

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  • The Vitamin Solution – by Dr. Romy Block & Dr. Arielle Levitan

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    A quick note: it would be remiss of us not to mention that the authors of this book are also the founders of a vitamin company, thus presenting a potential conflict of interest.

    That said… In this reviewer’s opinion, the book does seem balanced and objective, regardless.

    We talk a lot about supplements here at 10almonds, especially in our Monday Research Review editions. And yesterday, we featured a book by a doctor who hates supplements. Today, we feature a book by two doctors who have made them their business.

    The authors cover all the most common vitamins and minerals popularly enjoyed as supplements, and examine:

    • why people take them
    • factors affecting whether they help
    • problems that can arise
    • complicating factors

    The “complicating factors” include, for example, the way many vitamins and/or minerals interplay with each other, either by requiring the presence of another, or else competing for resources for absorption, or needing to be delicately balanced on pain of diverse woes.

    This is the greatest value of the book, perhaps; it’s where most people go wrong with supplementation, if they go wrong.

    While both authors are medical doctors, Dr. Romy Block is an endocrinologist specifically, and she clearly brought a lot of extra attention to relevant metabolic/thyroid issues, and how vitamins and minerals (such as thiamin and iron) can improve or sabotage such, depending on various factors that she explains. Informative, and so far as this reviewer could see, objective and well-balanced.

    Bottom line: supplementation is a vast and complex topic, but this book does a fine job of demystifying and simplifying it in a clear and objective fashion, without resorting to either scaremongering or hype.

    Click here to check out The Vitamin Solution, and upgrade your knowledge!

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  • Capsaicin For Weight Loss And Against Inflammation

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    Capsaicin’s Hot Benefits

    Capsaicin, the compound in hot peppers that makes them spicy, is a chemical irritant and a neurotoxin. However, humans being humans, we decided to eat them for fun.

    In contrast to many other ways in which humans recreationally enjoy things that are objectively poisonous, consuming capsaicin (in moderation) is considered to have health benefits, such as aiding weight loss (by boosting metabolism) and reducing inflammation.

    Let’s see what the science says…

    First: is it safe?

    Capsaicin is classified as “Generally Recognized As Safe”. That said, the same mechanism that causes them to boost metabolism, does increase blood pressure:

    Mechanisms underlying the hypertensive response induced by capsaicin

    If you are in good cardiovascular health, this increase should be slight and not pose any threat, unless for example you enter a chili-eating contest when not acclimated to such:

    Capsaicin and arterial hypertensive crisis

    As ever, if unsure, do check with your doctor first, especially if you are taking any blood pressure medications, or otherwise have known blood pressure issues.

    Does it really boost metabolism?

    It certainly does; it works by increasing oxygen consumption and raising body temperature, both of which mean more calories will be burned for the same amount of work:

    Dietary capsaicin and its anti-obesity potency: from mechanism to clinical implications

    This means, of course, that chili peppers enjoy the status of being functionally a “negative calorie” food, and a top-tier one at that:

    Chili pepper as a body weight-loss food

    Here’s a good quality study that showed a statistically significant* fat loss improvement over placebo:

    Capsaicinoids supplementation decreases percent body fat and fat mass: adjustment using covariates in a post hoc analysis

    *To put it in numbers, the benefit was:

    • 5.91 percentage points lower body fat percentage than placebo
    • 6.68 percentage points greater change in body fat mass than placebo

    See also: Difference between percentages and percentage points

    For those who prefer big reviews than single studies, we’ve got you covered:

    The Effects of Capsaicin and Capsiate on Energy Balance: Critical Review and Meta-analyses of Studies in Humans

    Does it really reduce inflammation?

    Counterintuitive as it may seem, yes. By means of reducing oxidative stress. Given that things that reduce oxidative stress tend to reduce inflammation, and in turn tend to reduce assorted disease risks (from diabetes to cancer to Alzheimer’s), this probably has more knock-on benefits too, but we don’t have room to explore all of those today.

    Fresh peppers are best for this, but dried peppers (such as when purchased as a ground spice in the supermarket, or when purchased as a capsule-based supplement) still have a very respectable anti-inflammatory effect:

    How much should we take?

    It’s recommended to start at a low dose and gradually increase it, but 2–6mg of capsaicin per day is the standard range used in studies.

    If you’re getting this from peppers, then for example cayenne pepper (a good source of capsaicin) contains around 2.5mg of capsaicin per 1 gram of cayenne.

    In the case of capsules, if for example you don’t like eating hot pepper, this will usually mean taking 2–6 capsules per day, depending on dosage.

    Make sure to take it with plenty of water!

    Where can we get it?

    Fresh peppers or ground spice from your local grocery store is fine. Your local health food store probably sells the supplements, too.

    If you’d like to buy it online, here is an example product on Amazon.

    Note: options on Amazon were more limited than usual, so this product is not vegan, and probably not halal or kosher, as the capsule contains an unspecified gelatin.

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  • Brain Power – by Michael Gelb & Kelly Howell
  • What Mattress Is Best, By Science?

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    The Foundations of Good Sleep

    You probably know the importance of good sleep for good health. If not, here’s a quick refresher:

    You should also definitely check out this quite famous book on the topic:

    Why We Sleep – by Dr Matthew Walker

    What helps, to get that good sleep

    We’ve covered this a little before too, for example:

    How to level-up from there

    One of the biggest barriers to good sleep for many people is obstructive sleep apea:

    Healthier, Natural Sleep Without Obstruction!

    We covered (in the above article) a whole lot of ways of mitigating/managing obstructive sleep apnea. One of the things we mentioned as beneficial was avoiding sleeping on one’s back, and this is something Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Somers agreed with:

    Back Sleeping, And Sleeping Differently After 50

    “But side-sleeping is uncomfortable”

    If this is you, then chances are you have the wrong mattress.

    If your mattress is too firm, you can get around it by using this “five pillow” method:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically

    If your mattress is too soft, then sorry, you really just have to throw that thing out and start again.

    The Goldilocks mattress

    While different people will have different subjective preferences, the science is quite clear on what is actually best for people’s spines. As this review of 39 qualified scholarly articles concluded:

    ❝Results of this systematic review show that a medium-firm mattress promotes comfort, sleep quality and rachis alignment❞

    ~ Dr. Gianfilippo Caggiari et al.

    Read in full: What type of mattress should be chosen to avoid back pain and improve sleep quality? Review of the literature

    Note: to achieve “medium-firm” that remains “medium firm” has generally been assumed to require a memory-foam mattress.

    How memory-foam works: memory-foam is a moderately thermosoftening material, designed to slightly soften at the touch of human body temperature, and be firmer at room temperature. This will result in it molding itself to the form of a human body, providing what amounts to personalized support for your personal shape and size, meaning your spine can stay exactly as it’s supposed to when you’re sleeping on your side, instead of (for example) your hips being wider meaning that your lumbar vertebrae are raised higher than your thoracic vertebrae, giving you the equivalent of a special nocturnal scoliosis.

    It will, therefore, stop working if

    • the ambient temperature is comparable to human body temperature (as happens in some places sometimes, and increasingly often these days)
    • you die, and thus lose your body temperature (but in that case, your spinal alignment will be the least of your concerns)

    Here’s a good explanation of the mechanics of memory foam from the Sleep Foundation:

    Sleep Foundation | What is Memory Foam?

    An alternative to memory foam?

    If you don’t like memory foam (one criticism is that it doesn’t allow good ventilation underneath the body), there is an alterative, the grid mattress.

    It’s very much “the new kid on the block” and the science is young for this, but for example this recent (April 2024) study that concluded:

    ❝The grid mattress is a simple, noninvasive, and nonpharmacological intervention that improved adults sleep quality and health. Controlled trials are encouraged to examine the effects of this mattress in a variety of populations and environments.❞

    ~ Dr. Heather Hausenblas et al.

    Read in full: Effectiveness of a grid mattress on adults’ sleep quality and health: A quasi-experimental intervention study

    However, that was a small (n=39) uncontrolled (i.e. there was no control group) study, and the conflict of interest statement is, well, interesting:

    ❝Heather A. Hausenblas, Stephanie L. Hooper, Martin Barragan, and Tarah Lynch declare no conflict of interest. Michael Breus served as a former consultant for Purple, LLC.❞

    ~ Ibid.

    …which is a fabulous way of distracting from the mention in the “Acknowledgements” section to follow, that…

    ❝Purple, LLC, provided financial support for the study❞

    ~ Ibid.

    Purple is the company that invented the mattress being tested. So while this doesn’t mean the study is necessarily dishonest and/or corrupt, it does at the very least raise a red flag for a potential instance of publication bias (because Purple may have funded multiple studies and then pulled funding of the ones that weren’t going their way).

    If you are interested in Purple’s mattress and how it works, you can check it out herethis is a link for your interest and information; not an advertisement or an endorsement. We look forward to seeing more science for this though, and echo their own call for randomized controlled trials!


    Sleep is important, and while it’s a popular myth that we need less as we get older, the truth is that we merely get less on average, while still needing the same amount.

    A medium-firm memory-foam mattress is a very good, well-evidenced way to support that (both figuratively and literally!).

    A grid mattress is an interesting innovation, and/but we’d like to see more science for it.

    Take care!

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  • How To Actually Start A Healthy Lifestyle In The New Year

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Dr. Faye Bate cuts through the trends to give advice that’ll last past January the 2nd:

    What actually works

    …and is actually easy to implement:

    Avoid an All-or-Nothing Mindset

    • Strict, perfectionist approaches often lead to failure and guilt.
    • Small, balanced efforts can be imperfect without being failures!
    • Sustainable habits should integrate seamlessly into daily life..

    Focus on Unprocessed vs. Processed Foods

    • Don’t worry overly about calorie counts unless you have a very specific medical reason to do so.
    • Prioritize minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods over highly processed, empty-calorie-dense options.
    • Moderation is key—processed foods don’t need to be eliminated entirely; taking things down by just one tier of processing is already an improvement.

    Choose Enjoyable Exercise

    • The best exercise is one you enjoy and can maintain long-term. If something’s not enjoyable, you’ll soon give it up.
    • Trends in fitness shouldn’t dictate your routine—do what works for you.
    • Same goes for “body goals”—fashions come and go, while you’re still going to have more or less the same basic body, so work with it rather than against it.

    Prioritize Convenience

    • Convenience plays a critical role in maintaining healthy habits, for similar reasons to the enjoyment (very few people enjoy inconvenience)
    • Example from Dr. Bate: switching to a closer gym led to consistent workouts despite a busy schedule.
    • Apply the same principle to food: plan ahead and stock convenient, healthy options (e.g. frozen vegetables etc).

    Keep It Simple

    • Do follow basic health advice: drink water, eat fruits and vegetables, move your body, and see a doctor if needed.
    • Avoid being swayed by sensationalized health trends and headlines designed to sell products—if you want it for a good while first, then maybe you’ll actually use it more than twice.
    • Stick to evidence-based, straightforward habits for long-term health. And check the evidence for yourself! Do not just believe claims!

    In short: you will more likely tend to do things that are enjoyable and not too difficult. Start there and work up, keeping things simple along the way. It doesn’t matter if it’s not how everyone else does it; if it works for you, it works for you!

    For more on all of these, enjoy:

    Click Here If The Embedded Video Doesn’t Load Automatically!

    Want to learn more?

    You might also like to read:

    The Science Of New Year’s Pre-Resolutions

    Take care!

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  • Night School – by Dr. Richard Wiseman

    10almonds is reader-supported. We may, at no cost to you, receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

    Sleep is a largely neglected part of health for most people. Compared to factors like food and exercise, it’s something that experientially we’re mostly not present for! Little wonder then that we also often feel like it’s outside of our control.

    While Dr. Wiseman does cover the usual advices with regard to getting good sleep, this book has a lot more than that.

    Assuming that they go beyond the above, resources about sleep can usually be divided into one of two categories:

    • Hard science: lots about brainwaves, sleep phases, circadian rhythms, melatonin production, etc… But nothing very inspiring!
    • Fantastical whimsy: lots about dreams, spiritualism, and not a scientific source to be found… Nothing very concrete!

    This book does better.

    We get the science and the wonder. When it comes to lucid dreaming, sleep-learning, sleep hypnosis, or a miraculously reduced need for sleep, everything comes with copious scientific sources or not at all. Dr. Wiseman is well-known in his field for brining scientific skepticism to paranormal claims, by the way—so it’s nice to read how he can do this without losing his sense of wonder. Think of him as the Carl Sagan of sleep, perhaps.

    Style-wise, the book is pop-science and easy-reading. Unsurprising, for a professional public educator and science-popularizer.

    Structurally, the main part of the book is divided into lessons. Each of these come with background science and principles first, then a problem that we might want to solve, then exercises to do, to get the thing we want. It’s at once a textbook and an instruction manual.

    Bottom line: this is a very inspiring book with a lot of science. Whether you’re looking to measurably boost your working memory or heal trauma through dreams, this book has everything.

    Click here to check out Night School and learn what your brain can do!

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